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1、西宁第四高级中学 苏生鸿Introduction to a person必修一必修一Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero1.Lets think about how many words when you describe a person!How to write about a great person 有毅力的 有能力的 热心肠的 随和的 精力充沛 慷慨的 智能的 雄心的 有吸引力的 determined perseverant capable warm hearted easy going energetic generous intelligent a

2、mbitious attractive/charming 健忘的健忘的 诚实的诚实的 幽默的幽默的 勤奋的勤奋的 独立的独立的 谨慎的谨慎的 多话的多话的 健康的健康的 耐心的耐心的 宽容的宽容的 forgetful honest humorous diligent independent cautious talkative healthy patient tolerant 严格的 谦虚的 考虑周到的 杰出的 乐观的 悲观的 热情的 心不在焉的 脾气不好的 举止得体的 有天赋的有天赋的 strict modest considerate outstanding optimistic pess

3、imistic enthusiastic absent minded bad tempered behave well gifted/talented 2.Make the following sentences with the words above.温家宝总是举止得体温家宝总是举止得体。李泳不但很有天赋而且很勤奋。李泳不但很有天赋而且很勤奋。XXXXXX是个很有能力的班长。是个很有能力的班长。王海军有一颗宽容的心。王海军有一颗宽容的心。吴尊很受年轻人的欢迎。吴尊很受年轻人的欢迎。林乔禹正在中山大学主修音乐。林乔禹正在中山大学主修音乐。Wen Jiabao always behaves h

4、imself/well.Li Yong is not only gifted but also diligent.XXX is a very capable monitor.Wang Haijun has got a forgiving heart/is tolerant.Wu Zun is very popular with the young.Lin Qiaoyu is majoring in music at Zhongshan University.Collect information Sort them in proper order Make an outline Examine

5、 your composition to perfect it3.Give some tips when you write about a great person?4.人物简介的一般步骤:人物简介的一般步骤:Give the right order()教教育育:education()外外貌貌性格性格appearance,character()生生平平big events in his or her life (in order of time)()评评估估evaluation()概概况况age,sex,birth-place,background概概,貌貌,育育,平平,评评 5.Usefu

6、l expressions and sentences in writing a person.1).Birthday and birth place:Sb was/were born in on 她与她与1867年年12月月7日出生与波兰。日出生与波兰。eg.She was born in Poland on Nov.7,1867.2).Family background a)Sb was/were born in/into a poor/rich family b)his/her family was so poor that c)his/her father was very stric

7、t with him d)the son of a poor family e)when he was a small boy/young f)as a child/as a boy of 15 g)during his/her childhood h)spend his childhood in i)live a happy/hard life 亚伯拉罕亚伯拉罕.林肯,一个贫穷家庭的孩子,与林肯,一个贫穷家庭的孩子,与1809年年2月月12日出生与日出生与Kentucky。eg.Abraham Lincoln,the son of a poor family,was born in Kent

8、ucky on February 12,1809.查理查理.狄更斯出生贫穷,只受很少的教育。狄更斯出生贫穷,只受很少的教育。Born of a poor clerks family,Charles Dickens had little schooling.3)Education background be admitted to collegegraduate fromdepartment of universitywhen at college,he majored inreceive a doctors degreego abroad for further studies 4)Big e

9、vents in ones life be interested in/be fond ofwork hard atserve asdevote his lifetime/himself toconcentrate himself todo research about/intomake up ones mind to do sth.do sth with great determination and perseverancebe strict in sth.have a way of doing sth try ones best to do sth.encourage sb to do

10、fight for,give up ones life for sb/sth win a prize/the first prize in competition receive/obtain/win the Nobel Prize for be good at do well in be crazy about enjoy make rapid progress in set a new world record of equal the world recordwin(won)a gold/silver/bronze medalbe selected to/become a member

11、ofstudy hard train hardgo through hardshipovercome many difficultieshave a gift/talent for language,etcone of the best/most important set a good example fora model teacher/workerbe respected by everyonespeak/think highly ofbe honored as(an excellent athlete)His hard work brought him great success.He

12、 is the pride of China.His heroic story spread all over the city.5)Evaluation 6)描写人物外貌和性格特征描写人物外貌和性格特征good-looking funny-looking ugly-looking ordinary-looking white-haired warm-hearted kind-hearted absent-minded bad-tempered near-sighted far-sighted a strong will tall short pretty naughty smart wise

13、 bright diligent lazy healthy humorous charming(迷人的)(迷人的)attractive talkative confidence independent patience A.概况概况(尽量用非谓语(尽量用非谓语/同位语结构同位语结构/定语从定语从句,使文章简洁,通顺句,使文章简洁,通顺)1)Born in _ on _,_ is a _.2)_,the son of a _ family,was born in _ on _.3)XXX,_,is a beautiful girl/handsome boy.monitor of Class 5/

14、7B外貌外貌,性格性格(巧用巧用with做定语做定语)1)梁志波是个近视的男生梁志波是个近视的男生,他戴着一副眼镜他戴着一副眼镜 Liang Zhibo is a near-sighted/far-sighted boy _.2)杨扬很漂亮,有着长长的头发。杨扬很漂亮,有着长长的头发。Yang Yang is good-looking/ordinary-looking/funny-looking _.2)何泽宇高高瘦瘦何泽宇高高瘦瘦,浓浓的眉毛浓浓的眉毛,看上去挺帅的。看上去挺帅的。He Zeyu is a tall and thin guy _,looking very handsome.w

15、ith a pair of glasses on his nose.with long hair.with thick eyebrowsC生平生平(尽量用复合句尽量用复合句,倒装倒装,非限制定非限制定语从句等,润色文章语从句等,润色文章)1)侯耀文侯耀文不仅对科学感兴趣不仅对科学感兴趣,而且有音乐天赋。而且有音乐天赋。Not only_,but also _.2)祖龙涛创造了新的游泳的世界记录,为国)祖龙涛创造了新的游泳的世界记录,为国家作出了贡献。家作出了贡献。Zu Longtao set a new world record of swimming,_.is Hou Yaowen inte

16、rested in science he has a gift for music which makes a great contribution to China.D.评价(注意运用一些动词评价(注意运用一些动词,形容词等短语形容词等短语/词组)词组)1)裴继升给我们作出了榜样)裴继升给我们作出了榜样,大家都赞扬他大家都赞扬他Pei Jishen _,so all the people _him.2)鲁迅是中国最伟大的小说家之一)鲁迅是中国最伟大的小说家之一,并且将并且将会作为杰出人物为人们所永远记住会作为杰出人物为人们所永远记住.Lu Xun is one of the greatest

17、 novelists in China and will _an outstanding man forever.sets us a good example speaks highly of be remembered as 6.实战演练实战演练 Write a short passage about Nelson Mandela.Nelson Mandela was born near Transkei,on July18,1918.He completed law degree at university when he was 22 years old.He is a great bl

18、ack leader who devoted all his life to fighting for the equal rights for the black people.It was 1952 when he opened a law office to help poor black people on their problems.A few years later,Mandela encouraged people to use violence against anti-black laws to get the same rights as white people.So

19、he was put into prison.The reason for which he won the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize was he that never gave up fighting for the freedom of all the blacks.What he did was for his people,his country,not for himself.So he is a warm-hearted,brave,determined and unselfish man.As far as I am concerned ,he is a g

20、reat man.7.Conclusion:7.Conclusion:1.人物简介的写作步骤人物简介的写作步骤:概概,貌貌,育育,平平,评评2.5个句子整合语言点个句子整合语言点:1)姓名性别教育经历)姓名性别教育经历 2)个人特点爱好)个人特点爱好 3)工作表现,特点)工作表现,特点 4)业绩(荣誉)业绩(荣誉)5)评价)评价3.用非谓语用非谓语/同位语结构同位语结构;巧用巧用withwith做定语做定语;倒装倒装4.记住记住常用描写人物的形容词常用描写人物的形容词 试题1 根据下列提示,写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁根据下列提示,写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁隆平的文章。隆平的文章。1袁隆


22、内容。个句子表达全部的内容。评分标准评分标准:句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。连贯性。答案答案总结总结HOMEWORKHOMEWORK试题试题2 请根据以下提示,用英语给请根据以下提示,用英语给“中国日报中国日报”写一篇写一篇简讯介绍我国著名的跨栏运动员简讯介绍我国著名的跨栏运动员-刘翔,内容要点如刘翔,内容要点如下下:刘翔中国第一个男子奥运田径冠军刘翔中国第一个男子奥运田径冠军(track champion)籍贯:生日上海;籍贯:生日上海;1983最值得骄傲的事最值得骄傲的事1)雅典奥运会平世界纪录雅典奥运会平世界纪录2)2006年瑞士洛桑田径

23、超级年瑞士洛桑田径超级大奖赛冠军(大奖赛冠军(a super grand prix in Lausanne,Switzerland),打破沉睡),打破沉睡13年之久英国运动员保持年之久英国运动员保持的世界纪录下一个目标的世界纪录下一个目标2008北京奥运会夺冠,为国北京奥运会夺冠,为国争光争光注意注意:1)要有标题。)要有标题。2)介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译)介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。成英语。写作要求写作要求:只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。个句子表达全部的内容。评分标准评分标准:句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连

24、贯性。连贯性。答案答案总结总结试题3 写信向友人介绍作家鲁迅。你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习写信向友人介绍作家鲁迅。你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。你回信介绍鲁迅,内容中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。你回信介绍鲁迅,内容提要如下提要如下(1)鲁迅,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人,为了国家,弃医从文。)鲁迅,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人,为了国家,弃医从文。(2)著名的作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。)著名的作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。(3)小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如)小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如阿阿Q正传正传、祝福祝福这两部影片。这两部

25、影片。(4)一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。)一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。参考词汇:参考词汇:阿阿Q正传正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福祝福:The New Years Sacrifice 注意:注意:介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。写作要求写作要求:只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。个句子表达全部的内容。评分标准评分标准:句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。Dear Bruce,I was glad to know you began to study Chi

26、nese literature.Now let me tell you something about Luxun._ Since you are learning Chinese literatures,I think reading Lu Xuns novels will help you to know more about it.Yours,Li Ming 答案总结总结试题4 刘平从广告上得知上海某公司需要工程师。写信应聘。要求刘平从广告上得知上海某公司需要工程师。写信应聘。要求内容包含如下要点。内容包含如下要点。(1)姓名:刘平,年龄姓名:刘平,年龄27岁。岁。(2)2001年毕业于

27、中山大学,后来留学日本东京大学。年毕业于中山大学,后来留学日本东京大学。(3)2005年科研成果显著,获博士学位。年科研成果显著,获博士学位。(4)日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。(5)为了报效祖国,于为了报效祖国,于2006年毅然回国。年毅然回国。注意:介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。注意:介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。写作要求:写作要求:只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。个句子表达全部的内容。评分标准:评分标准:句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。Dear Sir,How

28、 do you do?Through the ad.I know your company needs an engineer.I would like to have this job.Now let me introduce myself to you._.I will appreciate it very much if you would give me the opportunity.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Liu Ping 答案

29、试题试题1答案答案 Liuxiang-Our Pride Born in 1983,Shanghai,Liuxiang is Chinas first male Olympic track champion.To our pride,Liuxiang set the world record of Olympics Games in Athens.Whats more,in 2006,he broke the world record and got the championship at a super grand prix in Lausanne,Switzerland.It has ca

30、used public concern of the entire world that he smashed the 13-year-old world record in mens 110-meter hurdle kept by British hurdler.Though Liuxiang is a proud world record holder now,his main goal hasnt changed that he will win another gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games for our homeland.

31、返回试题试题2答案答案Yuan Longping Born on September 7,1937 in Chongqing,Yuan Longping was from a poor farmers family.Having graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953,he was sent to work as a teacher in the Agriculture School in the west of Hunan.He began his research in rice in 1964 and got the Fi

32、rst National Special Prize for Invention in 1981.He is honored as“Father of Hybrid Rice”by the international friends.Famous as he is,he cares little for money and fame.返回试题试题3答案答案 Dear Bruce,I was glad to know you began to study Chinese literature.Now let me tell you something about Luxun.Born in Sh

33、aoxing,Zhejiang Province,Lu Xun with the real name Zhou Shuren abandoned the study of medicine and began to write.Not only was Lu Xun a well-Known Chinese writer,a thinker,but also the father of modern Chinese literature.His novels have been translated into many languages and some of novels have bee

34、n made into films,such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Years Sacrifice.Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks.Since you are learning Chinese literatures,I think reading Lu Xuns novels will benefit a lot.Yours,返回试题试题4答案答案 Dear Sir,How do you do?Through the a

35、d.I know your company needs an engineer.I would like to have this job.Now let me introduce myself to you.My name is Liu Ping,aged 27.Having graduated from Zhongshan University in 2001,I was sent to Tokyo University.Through hard work for 4 years,I achieved extraordinary result in scientific research

36、and received a doctors degree.A Japanese company tried hard to invite me with a good offer of salary,but I refused it.To devote myself to our China,I came back this year without any hesitation.I will appreciate it very much if you would give me the opportunity.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Liu Ping 返回


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