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1、1OE 1.1 INFORMATION COLLECTION货物跟踪货物跟踪OE 1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION收费确认(第五页)收费确认(第五页)OE 1.3 SPACE BOOKING订舱(第九页)订舱(第九页)OE 1.4 CARGO OPERATION货物操作(第十一页)货物操作(第十一页)OE 1.5 CARGO TRACING货物跟踪(第十三页)货物跟踪(第十三页)OE 1.6 JOB CLOSING完成工作(第十六页)完成工作(第十六页)XMN OCEAN EXPORT WORKING PROCEDURES2相关词汇Shipping Letter of Inst

2、ruction(Shipping Order)Shipping Order是接受了托运人提出装运申请的船公司,签发给托运人,凭以命令船长将承运的货物装船的单据。装货单既可作为装船依据,又是货主凭以向海关办理出口申报手续的主要单据之一。-见18页packing declaration 是指包装声明,凡是出口到澳大利亚和新西兰的货物都需要此证书 见18页Fumigation Certification熏蒸证明-一般出口到美国,澳洲的柜,若含木制品,或木制包装都要做熏蒸,要提供熏蒸证书.实际中的做法有分真熏和假熏,顾名思义,假熏当然便宜啦,一份证书嘛.真熏就太麻烦,有专门的公司负责做,柜子打入药水后

3、,要放24小时,所产生的药费,操作费,压车费一大堆的 registration number with customs HS number:Harmonized System(HS)numbers are classification numbers assigned to individual products.The HS number is used by Customs authorities around the world to identify products for the application of duties and taxes.These numbers are t

4、ypically 6 to 10 digits long.The first 6 digits are standardized worldwide,while additional numbers are used by some governments to further distinguish products in certain categories.shipping schedule船期表(line schedule)?shipping documents有箱单,发票,明细,合同,提单.(Shipping GazetteCollect ApprovalUndertaking Pa

5、ymentQuotation confirmation3rd Party Billing Form(sample)又稱為Neutral party B/L,乃以L/C受益人以外的第三者,為託運人(shipper)的提單。UTPguarantee letterhouse bill of ladingCollect Approval requestSelling rate(confirmation)SLI3P Request for ApprovalBill-to Country Finance Mgrco-loadersFMCETBManifest dataShipping markFAMSMB

6、L,HBL,FREIGHT,INVOICE,Customers INV,etcBill to PartyBill-to Country Finance Mgrco-loadersFMCETBManifest dataShipping markFAMSMBL,HBL,FREIGHT,INVOICE,Customers INV,etcBill to PartyCustoms House Return sheetcost receiptsCharge screenA-meta sheetCredit Notecustoms declaration documentsShippers Letter o

7、f Instruction托运人说明书装运说明 shipping instructions3相关词汇4 PROCESS OE1.1 INFORMATION COLLECTION EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS OE1.1 INFORMATION COLLECTION EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS PURPOSE:工作目的工作目的To ensure that all the necessary information is collected before cargo operation.确定操作前,所有必要的信息已经收集。To ensure tha

8、t the shipment is handled in accordance with workingprocedures and customers requirements.确定操作符合流程和客户的要求PROCESS OWNERSHIP:Sea Freight CS and SupervisorRESPONSIBILITY:Sea Freight ManagerREVISION DATE:Feb.,2019ISSUES问题问题Regulations and destination import requirements are not properly checked没有正确的检查规则和

9、目的地进口要求Shipping Letter of Instruction(Shipping Order)received late迟收到S/OFORMS AND TOOLS:Forms:1.Packing declaration or Fumigation Certification.提货证明或?2.Related SOPs for specific customers特殊客户的相关SOP3.Shipping Letter of Instruction(Shipper order)Invoice,Packing List.发票,出货单和S/OTools:Lotus Notes,Telepho

10、ne&Fax5 PROCESS OE1.1 INFORMATION COLLECTION WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS OE1.1 INFORMATION COLLECTION WRITTEN PROCEDURE OE 1.1.1:Collect the following information from sales,network or shipper:从销售,网络和货主处收集以下信息:from sales:shipping order for ocean export and SOP销售:海运出口S/O和SOPfrom network:Shipper and cons

11、ignee contact information,payment terms,cargo information(weight,volume,product description,shipping date)网络:货主和收货人的联系信息,付款方,货物信息(质量、体积、货物描述和运输日期)from shipper:registration number with customs and HS number for goods to be exported 货主:出口货物的?Check whether there is a SOP for the shipper or consignee.检查

12、是否有货主或收检查是否有货主或收货人的货人的SOP Existing SOP in our library 公司资料库里现有的SOP related SOP from network 网络上的相关SOP Customer Requirements in our Library 公司资料库里的客户要求 Customer Files for existing business 现有业务的客户档案All the customers Files are kept by OE.If there are no existing information,OE will follow the S/O requ

13、irements and revert any special RQST to our network in case of necessary.OE所有客户档案由OE保存。如无现存信息,OE按照S/O的要求操作,并在必要时把客户的特殊要求回复到公司网络上OE 1.1.2:If yes,read carefully the SOP before starting any operations.If no,OE will contact with shipper and the related parties for any shipping request and revert the nec

14、essary information to our network.如有,在操作前,仔细阅读SOP。如无,向货主和相关方面了解运输要求,并回复必要信息到公司网络上 OE 1.1.3:OE will require shipping order from shipper.向货主索要S/OOE 1.1.4:Upon receiving shipping order,OE will inform the shipper on the shipping schedule and documents.The information sources can be:Local carrier office

15、Shipping Gazette一旦收到S/O,通知货主航期和?相关信息:承运人本地办事处,运输公告。If needed by the customer,OE will orally provide an estimation of ETD Origin&ETA Destination.如果客户需要,口头通知本地ETD和目的地ETACollect information收集信息Is there any SOP,freight payment term for the SHPR or CNEE?是否有SOP,货主或收货人付费Read the SOP valid or enquiry our ov

16、erseas branches.有效的阅读SOP或咨询公司海外分支Get the S/O fm shipper从货主处取得S/OInform shipper of destination import requirements&estimation of ETD&ETA通知货主目的地进口要求和ETD和ETAOE 1.1.1OE 1.2OE 1.1.2OE1.1.3OE1.1.4YesNo6 PROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION PROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETEXTERNAL CHECK

17、SHEETPROCESS PURPOSE:To ensure that shipper,consignee or 3rd party legally pays all the transportation-related fees to us.确认货主,收货人或第三方合法的付给公司所有相关费用To ensure that the payments are made within the authorized credit term of each customer.确定付款在对应客户的审定的信用条款PROCESS OWNERSHIP:Sea Freight CS and SupervisorR

18、ESPONSIBILITY:Sea Freight ManagerREVISION DATE:Feb.,2019ISSUES:问题问题Collect Approval or Undertaking Payment not received 未收费认可/付款承诺Credit terms not authorized未审定的信用条款FORMS AND TOOLS:Forms:Quotation confirmation报价确认Undertaking Payment(sample),付款承诺3rd Party Billing Form(sample)第三方单证(担保)Tools:Lotus Note

19、s,Telephone&Fax7 PROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREOE checks the payment terms before the operation of each shipment.操作操作前,检查付款条款前,检查付款条款 There are 3 different payment terms:共有三种付款条款 PP-Prepaid预付CC-Collect收集3P-3rd part

20、y billing第三方单证(担保)If the payment term is PP,如果是预付如果是预付 OE customer maintained by OE,OE will release the house bill of lading against payment.如果OE维持客户,在收费的基础上发布HBL OE shall ensure Quotation and Undertaking Payment is available to OE.Accounting shall provide the Credit Terms o

21、f the customer.销售保证有效的提供报价表和付款承诺,财务提供客户的信用证条款Sales check whether the Undertaking Payment can be received.销售确认销售确认是否能收到付款承诺是否能收到付款承诺OE1.2.1.3:If no,Sales shall require Sales Manager or Ocean Manager to approve.如否,要求销售经理和海运经理批准 OE1.2.1.4:If yes,OE shall check whether the Undertaking Payment is:如是,检查付款

22、承诺是否:stamped and signed by authorized people fm shipper side and agreed by GM货主方授权人的签章和总经理的同意still valid(less than 1 year old)仍然有效(少于一年)typed in the right format(i.e.No our logo)以正确的格式打印(例如:无公司标志)OE1.2.1.5:If not acceptable,OE requests Sales to provide acceptable UTP.如果不合格,要求销售提供可接受的UTPWhich payment

23、 term?哪种付款条款哪种付款条款OE 1.4OE1.2.1.2UTP received?是是否收到否收到UTPNoOE 1.1Sales provide quotation&UTP,and Acc.provide credit terms销售提供报价表和UTP,财务提供行用条款Sales provide guarantee letter销售提供保证书Sales provide acceptable UTP销售提供适当的UTPCheck UTP 检查UTPOE1.2.1.58 PROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION

24、WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREIf the payment term is CC如果是收集如果是收集OE shall send the e-mail of Collect Approval request(sample)to the destination station for their own accounts.OE shall be responsible for the e-mail Collect Approval request of the n

25、etwork shipments.销售E-MAIL发送收费证明要求到目的地公司给他们做财务。OE负责网络运输的E-MAIL收费证明要求Minimum info.sent includes:应有的最少信息 Shipper Name&Address货主及其地址Consignee Name,Address,Telephone&Fax numbers收货人及其地址,电话,传真号Selling rate confirmation销售比例确认All relevant information所有相关信息OE check whether the destination station has provided

26、 an e-mail confirmation of collect approval by Lotus Notes.确认目的地公司是否提确认目的地公司是否提供有收费承认的供有收费承认的E-MAIL OE case of refusal,OE will advise shipper and Sales immediately and wait for further instruction.如果被拒绝,立即通知货主和销售,并等待进一步说明 OE yes,OE get ready for cargo operation.如果完成,准备货物操作OE 1.

27、2.2.1CCOE 1.4NoOE payment term?哪种付款条款哪种付款条款Send Collect Approval request to destination station发送收集认可要求到目的地公司Has the destination station provided e-mail confirmation?目的地公司是否提供目的地公司是否提供E-MAIL确认确认Advise SHPR and Sales通知货主和销售Get ready for cargo operation准备货物操作9 PROCESS OE1.2 P

28、AYMENT CONFIRMATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS OE1.2 PAYMENT CONFIRMATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREIf the payment term is 3P,如果付款方是第三方如果付款方是第三方 OE receive shipping order with the Third Party Billing.All of 3rd Party Billing must copy XMN Finance Manager.收取有第三方单证(担保)的S/O,所有第三方单证(担保)必须复印给财务部经理OE chec

29、k whether the cargo is arranged by Sales.确认是否由销售安排货确认是否由销售安排货物物 OE yes,Sales complete and submit the Third Party Billing Request for Approval to the Bill-to country Finance Manager,XMN Station Manager and copy to XMN Accounting Manager.如是,销售完成并传送第三方请求给?,厦门经理,附件给厦门财务经理批准 OE no,O

30、E complete and submit the Third Party Billing Request for Approval to the Bill-to Country Finance Manager,XMN Station Manager and copy to XMN Accounting Manager.如否,OE完成并.传递第三方请求给?,厦门经理,附件给厦门财务经理批准 OE check if the Bill-to Country Finance Mgr and XMN Station Manager have approved and returned the Requ

31、est.检查经理是否批准并返还申请检查经理是否批准并返还申请 OE no,OE or Sales advise the shipper,consignee and destination station of the disapproval and wait for their further instruction.如否,OE或销售通知货主,收货人和目的地公司,并等待他们的进一步说明 OE yes,OE get ready for cargo operation.如是,准备货物操作OE 1.4NoOE 1

32、.2.3.2YesWhich payment term?哪种收哪种收费条款费条款Receive SLI with 3rd Party Billing收取有第三方单证(担保)的SLIIs the cargo arranged by Sales?是否由销售安排货物是否由销售安排货物Submit the 3P Request for Approval to the Bill-to Country Finance Mgr.,XMN Station Mgr.and copy to XMN Acct.Mgr.传递第三方请求给?,厦门经理,附件给厦门财务经理批准 Has the Finance Mgr an

33、d Station Mgr.approved and returned the Request?经理是否经理是否批准并返还申请批准并返还申请OE SHPR,CNEE and destination station and wait for further instruction通知货主,收货人和目的地公司,并等待进一步说明Get ready for cargo operation准备货物操作10 PROCESS OE1.3 SPACE BOOKING PROCESS OE1.3 SPACE BOOKING EXTERNAL CHECKS

34、HEETEXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS PURPOSE:目的目的To ensure the best routing,cost control and adequate space booking in order to meet customers requirements保证最优线路,费用控制和足够舱位达到客户的要求PROCESS OWNERSHIP:Sea Freight CS and SupervisorRESPONSIBILITY:Sea Freight ManagerREVISION DATE:Feb.,2019ISSUES:问题问题Routing not c

35、onforming to customer requirements线路不合客户的要求Cost control not conforming to our Best Buying policy费用控制不符合公司的最优购买政策Space booking without customers payment confirmation无客户付款确认订舱Shipment delay due to inadequate space booking with co-loaders and carriers or inadequate empty box provided by carriers.由于没有?和

36、承运人足够舱位或承运人足够的空柜导致推迟运输Shipment delay due to revision on the business deal between shipper and consignee or inadequate products.由于货/买主修改交易或不适当的产品导致运输推迟FORMS AND TOOLS:Forms :Shipping documents/Pick-up FormTools :FAMS,Telephone,Fax,and Lotus Notes11 PROCESS OE1.3 SPACE BOOKING WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS

37、 OE1.3 SPACE BOOKING WRITTEN PROCEDUREOE 1.3.1OE 1.3.2Min.7-14 working days before effecting cargo至少提前操作至少提前操作7-14天天For peak season and national holiday schedule of each year,OE must get shipping order Min.14days before sailing to insure space.In general situation,Min.7 days prior to ETD is necessar

38、y.在高峰和国定假日期间,至少提前航行14天拿到S/O,以保证空闲。正常,至少提前ETD7天。OE 1.3.1:OE check the shipping order,quotation and shipping information.检查S/O,报价单和运输信息OE 1.3.2:OE select the best route and carrier and book space with agent or co-leader in accordance with the following criteria:和代理或co-leader选择最优路线,承运人并订舱Customer trans

39、it time requirements客户运输时间要求Selling rate confirmation 销售价格确认Our Best Buying requirements公司最优购买要求Existing contracts with carrier和承运人的现有联系Service level of carrier:shipping schedule,loading capacity,transit capacity,service level,and communication承运人的服务水平:航运时间表,承载能力,运输能力,服务水平和沟通In the case of space boo

40、king failure as per shippers instruction,provide shipper with another option and book space for next available sailing and advise our network about the possible change,as well as asking for their confirmation in case of necessary.FMC filing is a must for USA bound shpts.如果按货主指示订舱失败,给货主提供其它选择,并订舱。通知公

41、司网络可能的变化,如有必要,要求他们确认OE 1.3.3.OE contact the shipper for cargo pick up arrangement and shipping documents transmission.联系货主安排提货和运输文件传送OE1.3.4.For USA bound shipments,OE send document cut off deadline to shipper and confirm reception by tel.:HBL and Manifest data must be submitted to carriers at least

42、 72HRs prior to ETB XMN terminals.Any failure to accomplish it will lead to cargo offload at origin,even USA Penalty at Min.USD5000/Shpt.告知货主美线运输文件的中止时间,并电话确认。至少提前ETB78小时把HBL和承载单数据发送给承运人。任何未完成都将导致原地装载失败。一般美线罚款至少5000$/每票OE 1.3.3OE 1.3.4USA Bound ShptsUSA Bound Shipments Or Not?是否是是否是 美线运输美线运输Check Sh

43、ipping Order(S/O,SLI),quotation&shipping info.检查S/O或SLI,报价表和运输信息Select best route&carrier,FMC filing for USA Bound Shpts.选择最优线路和承运人,美线运输填写FMCContact shipper for cargo pick up&documents transmission就提货和文件传送联系货主Sending shipper Documents Cut Off Deadline for USA Bound Cargo告知货主美线运输文件的告知货主美线运输文件的中止时间中止时

44、间 per USA 24HR Rules.按照按照24小小时规则时规则12 PROCESS OE1.4 CARGO OPERATION PROCESS OE1.4 CARGO OPERATION EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETEXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS PURPOSE:To ensure that operations accomplish customers transit time,cargo integrity and information feedback requirements.确认操作符合客户运送时间要求,货物完整性和信息回馈要求To ensu

45、re cargo manifest confirmation and transmission deadline for USA bound shipments accomplishing with USA 24 HR Rules.确认美线运输的承载单信息和运送期限以满足美国的24小时规则PROCESS OWNERSHIP:Ocean CS and operatorsRESPONSIBILITY:Sea Freight ManagerREVISION DATE:Feb.,2019ISSUES:Shipping docs not conforming to customs requirement

46、s运输文件不符合海关要求Weight/volume discrepancy not confirmed with SHPR未和货主确认质量/体积差异Shipping mark discrepancy运输标志差异HBL mistakes not corrected with the SHPR 未和货主HBL改正HBL错误Attached documents not enclosed or missing附属文件未附上或丢失Cargo failed to be released by the Customs House or failed to be sent to the terminals b

47、efore cutoff time.在期限前,货物未经海关放行或送至码头MBL mistakes not corrected before vessel sailing.起航前,未改正MBL错误For USA Lane shipments,failed to accomplish USA 24 HRs Rules on cargo freight manifest confirmation and transmission.美线运输,货物舱单确认/批准和传送未达到美国24小时规则FORMS AND TOOLS:Forms:Manual Check SheetTools:FAMS,Lotus N

48、otes,Telephone&Fax13 PROCESS OE1.4 CARGO OPERATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREPROCESS OE1.4 CARGO OPERATION WRITTEN PROCEDUREThree Working Days Before on Board Date提前提前装载装载3天天OE 1.4.1:OE check the full set of shipping documents received from the shipper.The documents including:检查从货主处取得运输文件的完整性,包括Shipping orde

49、r Commercial invoice商业发票Packing list装箱单 Contract 联系方式Bao Guan Dan报关单 He Xiao Dan核销单Any other necessary其它必要的OE 1.4.2:If we are not responsible for the pick up,at least 3 days before ETD will fax to the Shipper the information regarding where and when the shipment needs to be delivered.如果公司负责提货,至少提前ET

50、D3天传真通知货主何时把货物运至何处OE 1.4.3:If we pick up the cargo,at least 3 days before ETD via agent will organize the pick up.In the cases of USA Bound shipments,OE should confirm HBL and Manifest data both with carrier and shipper at least 72HRs before vessel ETB Xiamen.如果公司负责提货,至少提前ETD(通过代理)组织提货。美线运输,至少提前轮船ET


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