1、Lecture 1Different ways of greeting people A kissA bowA bowA firm handshake A loving hugDo you know the raised dots below?BrailleBrailleHave you ever been shocked by the magnificent performance?Other means of communicationEmoticonsEye contact GesturesFacial expressionsEmotion+icon=emoticonCommunicat
2、ion with peoples eyesa movement of the hands,arms or head,etc.to express an idea or feelingFeelings are reflected on the facesGuess the meaning of the each following emoticons:-)=sadness=surprise=great joy=making a face:-(=crying8-)=A man who is wearing glasses is smiling.Gestures by hand Thumbs up!
3、Thumbs down!Ok!Victory/winApplauseCall me!n (In American Sign Language)I love you.Guess the mood from the facial expressionsconfusedsadangryhappytiredExamples of IQ Test ItemsIQ IssuesnIQ scores are influenced by:qSocioeconomic status:middle class kids tend to do better than lower class kidsqLanguag
4、e status:children from the dominant culture tend to do betterqAge:IQ scores on timed tests tend to decline with ageqHeredity:IQ scores of identical twins raised apart are quite similarStatistical Norms for IQMental RetardationnMental retardation usually reflects below average intellectual functionin
5、g(IQ is less than 70)nPeople can be retarded in most areas yet average or gifted in othersUse these supplies to mount the candle on a wallSolution to Candle ProblemCommunication between animalsAnimal languagenLike human beings,animals need to communicate with each other to survive.They do not speak
6、to each other in the same way as we do;instead they use many different sounds and actions to express themselves.For example,bees make a buzzing noise,lions and bears growls,cats miaow,and dogs bark.If you see a cat standing with its back arched,head lowered or legs bent,it could be scared.If a dog g
7、rowls at you,it probably is angry and you should be careful.Animal language is simpler than human language,but it shows how intelligent animals are.Bees dance for their honey nWhen bees find a new food source they go back to the hive and do a dance that tells the other bees the direction and distanc
8、e of the food.Every movement has meaning nTo indicate a food source that is too distant from the hive to be smelled or seen,the scout bee dances on the honeycomb in the hive.nIf the food source is within about 50 meters(160 feet)of the hive,the bee does a circular dance on the honeycomb.nThe directi
9、on and angle the dancing bee cuts across the diameter of the circle reveal the direction of the food.If she wiggles across the circle straight up,the watching bees know they can find the food by flying towards the sun.If the dancing bee cuts across the circle at an angle,the others know they must fl
10、y to the right or left of the sun at the same angle the dancer moved to the right or left of an imagined vertical line.Dolphin n很久以前,渔民和海员们就发现,海豚会发出“的答”声、“咪咪”声、“啸啸”声等多种声音。n据说海豚能发出7000赫兹至12万赫兹的多种波长的高频超声波。Dolopins use sound to help them find their way,look for their food and talk with each other.Sound
11、 is just like their eyes and mouths.nHow many languages?n5000-7000n5651(德语言学家1979)n2796(法科学院)n2500-3500(国际辅助语协会)n6809(人类学家)I.What is language?Definition from Wikipedia,the free encyclopedianLanguage is a term most commonly used to refer to so-called“natural languages”the spoken forms of communicatio
12、n ubiquitous among humankind.nA language is a system of signs(symbols,indices,icons)for encoding and decoding information.nWebsters New World Dictionaryn1).A.human speechn B.the ability to communicate by this meansn C.a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attri
13、buted,used for the expression or communication of thoughts and feelingsn D.the written representation of such a systemn2).A.any means of expressing or communicating,as gestures,signs,or animal soundsn B.a special set of symbols,letters,numeral,rules etc.used for the transmission of information,as in
14、 a computernLanguage is system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.nSystemnArbitrarynVocalnSymbolsnHumanncommunicationII.Distinctive Features of Human Languagen1.Arbitrarinessn By arbitrariness,we mean there is no natural relationship between sounds and meaning.nHowever there see
15、ms to be different levels of arbitrariness.n 1)morphemic(word)leveln n n语音理据n拟声词(onomatopoeia)nSplash;cuckoo;mewn语音象征(sound symbolism)nglide;glisten;glimmer;glitternglbright “吧吧吧吧”(bb),),“吧嗒吧嗒”(bd),“吧唧吧唧”(bj),“哔哔”(bbi),“嚓嚓嚓嚓”(cc),),“嘀嗒嘀嗒”(dd),“叮咚叮咚”(dngdng)“叮当叮当”(dngdng),“咕哝咕哝”(gnng),“咕咚咕咚”(gdng),“轰
16、隆轰隆”(hnglng),”呼呼呼呼”(hhu),“呼拉呼拉”(hl),咔吧(咔吧(kb),),”咔嚓咔嚓”(kch),),“噼啪噼啪”(pp),“扑哧扑哧”(pch),“扑嗤扑嗤”(pch),“扑扑扑扑”(pp),“扑通扑通”(ptng),“飒飒飒飒”(ss),“瑟瑟瑟瑟”(ss),“沙沙拉拉”(shl),“刷拉刷拉”(shul),“唰唰唰唰/刷刷刷刷”(shushu),“咝咝咝咝”(ss),),“飕飕飕飕”(susu),“簌簌簌簌”(ss),“索落索落”(sulu)“籔籔籔籔”(su su),,索索,索索(susu),等等。,等等。n以以ang结尾的音韵更多地表示强壮,主要,结尾的音韵更多
18、之首,往往具有负声母处于字的音节之首,往往具有负面的或不存在的意义,如无面的或不存在的意义,如无(w),勿勿(w),毋毋(w),完完(wn),亡亡(wng),忘忘(wng),罔罔(wng),伪伪(wi),未未(wi).n以以“f”起首的字表示否定,如反起首的字表示否定,如反(fn),犯犯(fn),非非(fi),匪匪(fi),诽诽(fi),菲菲(f),费费(fi),废废(fi),坟坟(fn),焚焚(fn),否否(fu),弗弗(f)语形nMountainnSnake nStraight?nbreakfastnbreak+fastnholidaynholy+day Icelandn休罢罢 休休“境境
19、”“婚婚”卡n词法理据nspeakernmovementn椅n语义理据n山头;山腰n原义衍生义隐喻词义的理据性semantic motivationn晦暗词(opaque words)nThe meaning of opaque words cannot be derived from their constituents.nbutterfly;blackmail;jailbirdn透明词(transparent words)nThe meaning of transparent words can be inferred by their constituents.nbutter milk(
20、酪乳);airmail,hummingbird(蜂鸟)2)Arbitrariness at the syntactic levelnSyntax:how words are organized to form into a sentence.nThere is less arbitrariness at the sentence level.nEg.(pay attention to the sequence of actions)nHe came in and sat down.nHe sat down and came in.nJohn put on his cap and went ou
21、t.nJohn went out and put on his cap.nWhat then is the link between a linguistic sign(sound)and its meaning?nIt is a matter of convention(F.de Saussure)n战国末期荀况(公元前335255年)曾在其正名篇中指出:“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。名无固实,约之以命,约定俗成谓之实名。”由此可见,早在春秋战国时期,我国学者就持有与“约定俗成派”相类似的观点。nHow about animals system?(cocks,bee
22、s,for instance)3)Arbitrariness and Convention2.Dualityn“By Duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures,such that units of the primary level are composed of element of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization”(Lyons,1982:20)nSounds vs
23、words (sound vs meaning)nAdvantage of duality:great productive power of human languagen48 sounds tens of thousands of words unlimited sentencesnWhereas,many animals communicate with special calls,which have corresponding meanings.The primary units cannot be further divided into elements.3.Creativity
24、nBy creativity we mean we can utter a sentence that has never been spoken or heard before.Eg.nA red-eyed elephant is dancing on my hand.nAnother sense of creativity of language lies in its potential to create endless(embedded)sentences.Eg.nThe boys father lives in a small village which was near a ra
25、ilway station which was built in a valley.nCommunication system of animals,as we know,birds,bees,crabs,is severely limited and confined to a small set of messages.nEvery farmer who owns a donkey,beats it.4.DisplacementnDisplacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects,e
26、vents and concepts which are not present(in time and space)at the moment of communication.nIn other words,we can break down the barriers of time and space in communication with language.nAnimal communication systems are under immediate stimulus control,while human languages are stimulus free.Eg.Tige
27、r,beenThree turtles rested on a floating log and a fish swam beneath them.III.Functions of LanguagenPhatic FunctionnInformative FunctionnPerformative FunctionnEvocative FunctionnDirective FunctionnInterrogative FunctionIV.Language,society and thoughtn1.Language and societynLanguage is a mirror refle
28、cting the culture of a society.nVehicle;Kinship termsn囧 n雷n山寨n人肉搜索Lexicalizationn英语的词汇化程度远大于汉语ngive a strong bad smell nstink nthe death of the/an emperorn崩n坟 冢 陵 林n体力负运:拉挑荷扛担背驳顶挎拎负等n烹调:煎炒烹蒸煨馇烀炸燔炖烧汆炮腌薰n 炙烩熘涮炝酱煮焖烙焯熬煲等n驹:两岁的马;骊:深黑色的马n骥:千里马;驽:劣马;骏:良马n驷:同时驾车的4匹马;骄:身高6尺的马n牛(18),猪(13),羊(11),犬(10),鸡(6)2.La
29、nguage and thoughtnMans thought is indispensible to language just as language is inseperable from society.V.Linguisticsn1.Definition:nLinguistics is the scientific study of language.nThe study of human speech including the units,nature,structure,and modification of language.n2.The Scope of Linguisti
30、csnUnits:phonetics,phonology,morphology,lexicology,syntax,discoursenMethodology:general linguistics,descriptive,contrastive,comparativenRegions:sociolinguistics,psycholiguistics,computational,corpus,neurolinguistics,etc.VI.Lexicologyn1.DefinitionnThe science of wordsnLexicology is the branch of ling
31、uistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language.It deals with words,their origin,development,history,structure,meaning and application.2.Aims of the Course of English LexicologynDiachronically:origin and developmentnSynchronically:word-structure;word-formation(phrases,idioms)n
32、nice ngaynkick the bucketModern EnglishLatinOld FrenchMiddle EnglishMarchMrsMrtiusMarchMarchAprilAprlisAverilAperilMayMaiusMaiMayJuneJnius(Jn)JuneJulyJlius(Caesar)JulyAugustAugustus(Caeser)AugustSeptemberseptem-SeptembreSeptembreOctoberocto-OctobreOctobreNovembernovem-NovembreNovembreDecemberdecem-D
33、ecembreDecembreThe Roman festival of purification held in this month.The month of purification feast.nRitual purification is a feature of many religions.The aim of these rituals is to remove specifically defined uncleanliness prior to a particular type of activity,and especially prior to the worship
34、 of a deity.This ritual uncleanliness is not however identical with ordinary physical impurity,such as dirt stains;nevertheless,all body fluids are generally considered ritually unclean,and some religions have special treatment of semen and menses,which are viewed as particularly unclean.3.Significance of the CoursenEnlarge vocabularynImprove the ability to analyze and use English words.