高中英语复习PPT课件:M4-Unit-2 Working-the-land-学习培训模板课件.ppt

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1、Unit 2Working the land 为迎接6月5日“世界环境日”,学校学生会准备举行一次以环保为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知,欢迎大家积极参与。【写作内容写作内容】目的:增长环保知识;提高英语口语内容:“保护环境,节约能源”地点:教学楼五楼演讲大厅报名时间:5月25日前报名方式:比赛时间:6月5日星期五下午4:005:30评奖:一等奖3名,二等奖6名,三等奖 12名【写作要求写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。Notice_The Students Union Notice World Environment Day is approaching,so th

2、e Students Union is going to organize an English Speaking Contest,the theme of which is:“Protect our environment and save our energy”to increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English.The contest will be held in the Lecture Hall on the 5th floor in the classroom building

3、from 4:00 pm.to 5:30 pm.on June 5th.Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to sign up at before May 25th.Lots of prizes will be delivered for the contest,including three first prizes,six second and twelve third ones.Dear fellow schoolmates,you are warmly welcome to be there and than

4、ks for your participation.The Students Union1.n.&vi.斗争;拼搏;努力2.adj.超级的;特级的3.n.饥饿;欲望 v.(使)饥饿4.adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的5.v.使变大;伸展6.v.循环;流传7.n.战斗;斗争 v.搏斗;奋斗_ _ _ _ _ _ _ struggle super hunger disturbing expand circulate battle 8.vt.摆脱;除去9.n.自由;自主10.adv.因此;所以;因而11.v.装备;配备12.v.输出;出口13.vt.使迷惑;使为难14.n.遗憾;懊悔 vt.遗憾;惋惜

5、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ rid freedom therefore equip export confuse regret 15.n.发现;发觉16.n.焦点 vt.集中;聚焦17.vt.减少;减缩18.vt.浏览;略读19.vt.画底线标出;强调20.n.评论;议论 v.发表意见_ _ _ _ _ _ discovery focus reduce skim underline comment1.幸亏;由于2.摆脱;除去3.对感到满意4.宁愿;宁可5.集中(精力等)于6.没有的;不受拘束的_ _ _ _ _ _ _ thanks to ridof be satisfied with wou

6、ld rather focus on free from search for_ _ _search for build up lead to keepfree from/of7.寻找8.逐渐增强;建立;开发9.导致;造成(后果)10.使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)1._ he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.2.In 1974,he became the first agr

7、icultural pioneer in the world _(grow)rice that has a high output.Althoughto grow 3.This special strain of rice makes _ possible to produce onethird more of the crop in the same fields.4._(spend)money on himself or _(lead)a comfortable life also means very little to him.itSpendingleading 1.struggle

8、n.&vi.斗争,拼搏;努力We should struggle for our freedom.我们必须为自由而斗争。struggle for 为争取而斗争struggle with/against 为反对而斗争struggle through 熬过来a life and death struggle 生死搏斗 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 struggle to do sth.艰难地做某事用适当的介词填空(1)那个国家的人们仍然在为和平奋斗。People in that country are still struggling _ peace.(2)事情很紧急,

9、但只要团结一致我们会熬过去的。The things are urgent,but we could struggle _ if we united as one.forthrough 2.hunger n.&v.饥饿;渴望 When she was young she experienced both hunger and cold.她小时候过着饥寒交迫的生活。hungry adj.饥饿的 go hungry 挨饿 hunger for/after 渴望,渴求 have a hunger for 渴望,渴求 die of hunger 死于饥饿根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)饥不择食。_ is

10、 the best sauce.(2)处于战乱中国家的人们渴望和平。People in the warring countries are_peace.Hungerhungering for(3)他渴望知识。He has _ knowledge.a hunger for 3.expand vt.扩展,(使)增加 vi.张开,展开,增长 We should constantly broaden our views and expand our knowledge.我们要不断地开拓自己的眼界、增长见识。expansion n.扩充,膨胀expandinto把扩展成(发展,膨胀)expand on

11、细说,阐述用所给词的正确形式填空(1)这些情况不利于公司的进一步发展。The circumstances were not propitious for further _(expand)of the company.(2)他正考虑扩展他的生意。He is thinking of _(expand)his business.expansionexpanding 4.circulate v.循环,流通;传播,使流传 Information is circulated annually to all overseas students.每年向所有海外学生传递信息。circulation n.循环,

12、流通;(报纸、杂志的)发行量circulate about 在附近流传circulatethrough使在中循环根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)血液在体内循环。Blood _ the body.(2)钱通过一个人向另一个人流通。Money _ as it goes from person to person.(3)谣言传播得很快。Rumours _ rapidly.circulates throughcirculatescirculate 5.equip vt.&vi.配备,装备 The laboratory is equipped with the most advanced volume

13、control devices.这间实验室装备了最先进的音控设施。equipment n.装备,设备(不可数名词)equipwith用装备equipfor/to do sth.准备根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)良好的教育能受用终生。A good education should _.(2)我们的教室装有一台电视机和一台投影仪。Our classroom _ a TV set and a projector.equip you for your whole life is equipped with(3)我们需要新的办公设备。We need new _.office equipment 6.c

14、onfuse vt.使迷惑,使为难 These questions confuse even the experts.这些问题甚至把专家也搞糊涂了。confused adj.感到困惑的,迷惑不解的confusing adj.令人困惑的,令人迷惑的confusion n.混乱,混淆be confused in mind 心烦意乱be/become/get confused with 不知所措fall into confusion 陷入混乱状态用confuse的正确形式填空 他对这个令人困惑的问题感到不解,这个问题也困扰了其他人很长一段时间。He was really _ by the _ pro

15、blem which also _ other people for a long time.confusedconfusingconfused7.reduce vt.减少,缩减 vi.减肥 Their chief aim is to reduce the amount of pollution in the area.他们的主要目标是减少该区域的污染量。reduction n.缩减,减少,降低reduce by 减少了reduce to 减少到make a reduction 打折at a reduction of 打了的折根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)自从新年以来,这种鞋子的价格一直在下

16、降。The price of these shoes_since the New Years Day.(2)最近几个星期她一直在节食。She _ for the last few weeks.has been reducedhas been reducing(3)咱们把这一段减少到一半字数。Lets _ to half the number of words.reduce the ment v.评论,发表意见 n.评论,意见,解释 The expert made an impersonal comment on the incident.专家对那一事件作了客观的评论。comment on st

17、h.对作出评论 comment thatclause 评论 make a comment on sth.对某物作出评论 注意:注意:comment 后接介词on或upon,表示对后面所提到的人或事物作出评论,发表意见;若后接介词from,则表示听取别人的意见。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)议员拒绝评论选举的结果。The representative refused to_the election results.(2)你最好听听你的老师和同学的意见。Youd better have _ from your teachers and ment oncomments(3)他对我们的计划没有发表任

18、何意见。He did not express any_our ments on 1.thanks to 幸亏,因为 The new product quickly became popular thanks to a national advertising campaign.这种新产品靠着覆盖全国的广告迅速火了起来。表“因为,由于”的其他短语:because of,owing to,due to。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)幸亏校长的帮助,我现在才能返回学校。_ the efforts of the headmaster,I can go back to school now.(2)由于

19、管理不善,他的公司倒闭了。His company collapsed_mismanagement.Thanks toowing to(3)他因为粗心而失败。He failed _ his carelessness.(4)她因超速开车而被罚款。She was fined _ overspeed.due tobecause of 2.ridof 使摆脱,使解除 A series of new policies have been put forward to rid the region of poverty.为了使这个地区摆脱贫困而提出了一系列新的政策。get rid of 摆脱掉,除掉,处理掉

20、break away from 摆脱根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)你必须改掉你这些坏习惯。You must _ these bad habits.(2)她希望能摆脱疼痛。She hopes to _ the pain.rid yourself ofget rid of(3)他们如何用这种方法处理污水?How can they _ waste water in this way?(4)他们拥抱,然后她从他怀里挣脱开向窗子边跑去。They hugged then she _ him and ran to the window.get rid ofbroke away from 3.be sati

21、sfied withbe content with 对表示满足或满意 The customers are very satisfied with this new product.客户对这种新产品非常满意。be satisfied to do sth.满意做某事be content with 对满意或满足be content to do sth.愿意做某事根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)你在学校表现得好,我很满意。Youve done well at school.Im very _.(2)他对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。He _such a small success.satisfied

22、with youis content with(3)他安于现状。He _ remain where he is now.is content to 4.focus on centre upon/on concentrate on pay attention to 集中(注意力,精力等)于 Educating children should focus on guiding and enlightening.教育孩子应以引导、说教为主。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)她把心思都集中在学习上。She _ her mind on her lessons.(2)我们的思想集中在一个主意上。Our th

23、oughts _ one idea.focusedcentre upon(3)我饿了,上课就无法集中精力。I cant _ when Im hungry.concentrate in class 1.he has_struggled for the past five decades.过去50年来他一直在努力帮助他们。for(during/in/over)the past five decades等词组常和现在完成时态连用。另外,lately,recently,so far,up to/till now及since引导的状语或状语从句常和现在完成时态连用。I have known him si

24、nce he was a boy.我从他还是个孩子的时候就认识他了。用所给词的适当形式填空(1)到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。I _(hear)nothing from him up to now.(2)我在部队已经呆了5年多了。I _(be)in the army for more than 5 years.have heardhave been 2.Dr Yuan Longping grows what_is_called super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。what is/was called或what people call/called

25、是习惯用法,意为“所谓的;人们常说的”,相当于socalled。其中引导词what在此句中相当于“then.that”结构。本句可改为Dr Yuan Longping grows the rice that is called super hybrid rice.We should improve what is called the quality of living.我们应该改进所谓的生活品质。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)最后,他们到达了被称为新美洲大陆的地方。At last,they reached_the New America.(2)他毕业于一所所谓的重点高中。He graduated from_a key high school.what is calledwhat was called


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