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1、LOGO对外经济贸易大学出版社对外经济贸易大学出版社Contents1Training Steps23Answers and Translation4Knowledge Objectives You will be able to know:The importance of The importance of hosting foreign clientshosting foreign clientsHow to host foreign How to host foreign clients?clients?What are the common What are the common e

2、tiquette of the reception etiquette of the reception of foreign clients?of foreign clients?Skill Objectives You will be able to master:Note taking(1)-principlesQuality ObjectivesYou will be able to cope with:T h e f o r e i g n c l i e n t s h o s t i n g interpretation1.Training Objectives2.Trainin

3、g Steps.Performing.Preparing.PackagingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)(1)2W1H Questions on How to Note.Preparing(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)1 Noting the idea and not the wordWhat is the idea?E.g

4、.:In the areas for which I have some responsibility,there were also,as the Prime M i n i s t e r h a s mentioned,some i m p o r t a n t developments at Feira.Its the basic unit for communicating an idea in language,which is the Subject,Verb,(Complement,often but not always,an Object).The first unit

5、of Subject Verb(Complement)is.SVCThere.were.developments(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)1 Noting the idea and not the wordE.g.:We took stock of the European Unions relations with Russia and the situation there,i n c l u d i n g i

6、 n Chechnya,in the light of the recent EU-Russia Summit,which I think was regarded as fairly successful.SVCWe.took stock of.relations(with)+the situation there(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)1 Noting the idea and not the wordE.g.

7、:We should try to live up to parents expectation.we sd live prts exp we sd=prts exp(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)2 Abbreviation2.1 Abbreviation of wordsE.g.:H o w t o abbreviate these words?production;producer;product;productiv

8、ity2.2 Indicating tenseE.g.:I will come back to this a little later.Unless a word is short(4-5 letters),the interpreter should note it in an abbreviated form.If a word must be abbreviated,then write some of the first and last letters rather than trying to write as many letters as possible from the s

9、tart onwards.Prod To indicate tense we add ll for the future and d for the past.I Pron,Prer,Prct,Prvity I ll(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)2 Abbreviation2.3 Abbreviating registerE.g.1:which have contributed toE.g.2:which are wor

10、th looking atE.g.3:In order to arrive at some conclusionsE.g.4:taking into account the situation at the present timeWherever possible we must abbreviate by using a word which conveys the same meaning but is shorter.helpintg(interesting)to endas siton(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpreta

11、tion Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)3.LinksNoting links becomes very simple if we use the key words that follow.and that is because,this is the reason why,since,given the fact that,in some instances,given that;to convey explanation.tho although,despite the fact that;to convey opposi

12、tion.b on the other hand,but,nevertheless,however;to convey limitations.if it is possible that,assuming that;to convey supposition.as far as.is concerned,on the matter of;to convey reference.therefore,one can then conclude;to convey conclusion.(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation S

13、kill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)3.LinksNoting links becomes very simple if we use the key words that follow.=the same goes for,one might say the same of;to convey the idea of equality or correspondence.on the other hand,contrary to;to convey the idea of difference or lack of correspon

14、dence.+In addition,furthermore,if we also take account of;to convey the idea of additional precision.Using the recall arrow to note quickly and without repetition the group of words.(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)4.Negation(2)7

15、Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)5.Adding emphasisTo positive emphasize a word we can underline it(twice if we are dealing with a superlative or absolute).E.g.1:interesting.very interesting.extremely interestingNegative emphasis can be

16、 noted with a dotted line.E.g.2:This report might be usefulE.g.3:(1)important question(2)we should look at this very carefully(3)I would like to say in the strongest possible terms(4)an imperfect solutionintgintgintguseful?look atI saysoltn(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill

17、:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)6.VerticalityVerticality means taking notes from top to bottom rather than from left to right.This method makes it possible to:a)group ideas logically,allowing a complete and immediate synthesis when we come to read back our notes,b)do away with many links

18、which would otherwise be essential to the clarity of the text.(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)6.Verticality6.1 StackingStacking consists of placing different elements of the text above or below one another.E.g.1:the report on wes

19、tern Europethe report on western Europe is an interesting documentE.g.2:Since the French,US and delegations.Since the French,US and delegations have suggested.E.g.3:The chapters of the report which deal with economic situation in Europe offer additional information and new statistics.Rort.RortintgW

20、Eur.FreAs USFreAs suggestdUKChrs info_+Ec.Eur statics(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Note Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)6.Verticality6.2 Using bracketsElements mentioned to clarify an idea or to highlight a particular point should be noted in brackets,below the ma

21、in element to which they refer.E.g.1:new investment,particularly in the transport sectorE.g.2:(We hear that our exports will suffer as a result of increases in factor costs),which will make them less competitive.+invts(Tort)(so-compive)(2)7 Principles on How to Note.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Not

22、e Taking I-Principles(口译笔译(口译笔译I-原则)原则)7.ShiftShift means writing notes in the place on a lower line where they would have appeared had the text on the line above been repeated.E.g.:Over the course of 1954,prices rose,although not to the same extent as income,thus the populations net income increase

23、d.54 Over the course of 1954 prices prices rosetho although not to the same extent as income income thus the populations net income increasedPopon1.Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.Performing亲自take the trouble toturbulencejet

24、 lag预订房间停车场设宴向某人表示敬意饮食鼎力相助 1.短语口译短语口译参考译文参考译文 in person不辞辛苦湍流时差book a roomparking lothost a reception dinnerin ones honorcuisinetry ones best.Performing2.Sentence Interpreting .Performing1)I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the party.2)Im delighted/pleased to make your acquaintan

25、ce.3)How was the journey?4)Thank you much for coming all the way to meet me.5)Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.6)Id like to take this opportunity to thank.for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements.7)We feel reluctant to leave you at this moment of parting.8)Wish you a bon vo

26、yage!9)Wish your visit a complete success.10)Excuse me,but I havent had the honor of meeting you.2.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文1)我想介绍出席派对的贵宾。2)很高兴认识您。3)旅途如何?4)谢谢您专程来见我。5)十分欢迎您提出意见和建议。6)我想借此机会感谢盛情款待和周到安排。7)在这临别之际,我们有一种依依不舍之情。8)祝您一路顺风!9)祝愿您的访问圆满成功。10)打扰一下,我还没请教阁下尊姓大名。.Performing Role Play(1)Situation lead-inMr.Ch

27、en will accompany Mr.Zhang,General Manager to meet Mr.Smith from America at airport today.And you may take some note if you need during the whole reception process to facilitate the interpreting.3.Field InterpretingGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3CompetitionEvaluationEvaluation.Performing Question 1If you ar

28、e Mr.Chen,what is necessary to note down when interpreting in your opinion?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussionWhat is the suitable proportion of STM and note-taking when interpreting?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussion Question 2The proper proportion of STM and note

29、-taking when interpreting should be 7:3.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussionQuestion 3How to take note?Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter,Mr.Chen;and the other students as the other roles of the scene.While interpreting,the interpreter shouldnt look at the materia

30、l.After six-minute preparation for it,you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom.Your performance will be evaluated by yourself,your teacher and other groups and recorded as your regular grade.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (3)Role play&interpretingZhang

31、:Excuse me;are you Mr.Smith from America?史密斯:史密斯:是的,我是。你一定是张先生吧!Zhang:Yes.I am General Manager Zhang Yi from ABC Company.Nice to meet you.(Handshaking)史密斯史密斯:我也很高兴见到您。你们到机场来接我真是太客气了。Zhang:Our CEO Vivian asked me to say hello to you as she cant come to meet you in person.史密斯史密斯:没关系,再次感谢你们不辞辛苦不辞辛苦来机场接

32、我。Zhang:My pleasure.Allow me to introduce Xiao Chen,interpreter of our company,参考译文参考译文.Performing3.口译实战口译实战陈:陈:你好,史密斯先生。(握手)史密斯:史密斯:您好,陈先生。(握手)Zhang:How was the flight?史密斯史密斯:除了有点湍流湍流,一切良好。旅途长了点,还有时时差差。Smith:You must be very tired after such a long flight.How about going straight to the hotel?We ha

33、ve booked a double room with a shower for you at Yuexiu Hotel,just at No.198,Xiaobei Road,Yuexiu District.史密斯史密斯:好极了,您考虑得真周到。我是要好好休息一下。Zhang:May I help you with your luggage?史密斯史密斯:好的。这一件。谢谢!.Performing参考译文参考译文3.口译实战口译实战Zhang:This way please.Our car is in the parking lot across the street.Shall we g

34、o there now?史密斯:史密斯:好的。Zhang:This evening at 7:00 at the hotel,our CEO will host a reception dinner in your honor to let you try the Cantonese cuisine.史密斯:史密斯:太好了,我喜欢中国菜。我早就听说了“食在广东”这一说法。Zhang:You are welcome.If you have any personal problems and business problems,please let me know.My mobile phone

35、is 13385461910.And I will try my best to have you enjoy your stay here.Performing参考译文参考译文3.口译实战口译实战1.亲自亲自in person2.take the trouble to do sth.不怕麻不怕麻烦去做某事烦去做某事 讲解in person 的意思是“亲自”。例句:It is highly regrettable that the minister cannot be here in person.很遗憾,部长不能亲自出席。It gave me a big thrill to meet my

36、favorite author in person.能见到我最喜欢的作者本人使我感到兴奋不已。讲解take the trouble to do sth.的意思是“不怕麻烦去做某事”,所以这个句子的意思是“感谢您不嫌麻烦来见我”。例句:We must thank him for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.我们必须感谢他不辞辛苦地为我们做顿饭。在这一结构中,其中的冠词用与不用均可,但含义稍有不同。用冠词,表示不怕费事或不怕麻烦而去做某事;不用冠词,表示尽心尽力或费尽心血而去做某事。例句:He took the trouble to show me t

37、he way to the station.他不嫌麻烦为我去邮局指路。You might have taken trouble to tell me the meeting was put off.你本来可以费心告诉我一声会议推迟了的。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战3.turbulence 湍湍流流4.jet lag 时差时差5.总经理总经理general manager6.首 席 执 行 官首 席 执 行 官CEO讲解turbulence有两个意思,一个指的是“(空气、液体或气体的)湍流,涡流,紊流”。另一个指的是“动荡;骚乱;骚动;混乱”。例句:Hi

38、s plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour.他的飞机遭遇强气流和时速近 的强风。The 1960s and early 1970s were a time of change and turbulence.20 世纪整个60年代和70年代初期是风云变幻、动荡不安的一个时期。讲解jet lag指的是“飞行时差反应,时差感”。例句:I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night.我洗了个澡又提前睡下,免除飞行时差的反应。

39、讲解General Manager销售部经理:Sales Manager;人事部经理:HR Manager;生产部经理:Product Manager;注意:翻译各部门经理时,“部”往往在译文中省略。讲解全称为“Chief Executive Officer”chief意为首席,Executive意为执行,所以CEO的意思是“首席执行官”。常见的同类词语还有COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官,CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官,CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官CIO(Chief informat

40、ion officer)首席信息官。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战7.行李行李luggage8.为庆祝为庆祝in ones honor9.饮食饮食cuisine10.预订一间带淋预订一间带淋浴的双人房浴的双人房book a double room with a shower讲解luggage为不可数名词,可以说 a piece of luggage 或 some luggage,但不能说 a luggage 或 some luggages。英国英语一般用luggage来指旅行者携带的所有东西,而 baggage 则是一个较为专业的用语,用于有关机场或旅行

41、保险等话题中。在美国英语中,luggage 指空的包和手提箱,而baggage 则指包和手提箱及其中的物品。讲解“honor”的意思是荣耀、光荣,该短语的意思是“纪念,为庆祝,向表示敬意”。例句:We want to hold a party in your honor.为了向你表达敬意,我们想举行一个派对。讲解“cuisine”的意思是“美食,饮食”。例句:The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。This book is the definitive guide to world cui

42、sine.这本书是世界美食的权威指南。讲解book a double room with a shower预定房间:book/reserve a room单人房:single room双人房:double room.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战4.Situational Interpreting4 students in a group(refer to P275)3 students in a group(refer to P275)Situation 1After successful receiving Mr.Smith at the airpor

43、t.Mr.Zhang is accompanying Mr.Smith to hotel and arranging the check-in.Please do two-way interpretation for them.Situation 2After checking in,Mr.Smith is consulting the receptionist for some more information.Please do two-way interpretation for them.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Receptionist:Good eve

44、ning,sir.What can I do for you?Zhang:I made a reservation with you last week.Receptionist:The guest name,please?Zhang:Smith from USA.Receptionist:Oh yes,you did.(To Mr.Smith)Welcome to our hotel.Please fill in this form.史密斯:史密斯:好的。(填写完表格后)给你,女士。顺便问一下,这里有24小时的客房服务吗?Receptionist:Sure.We serve both Chi

45、nese food and western food.Youre in Room 501 on the fifth floor.This is your key card.The porter will show you to your room.Hope you will enjoy your stay here.史密斯:史密斯:非常感谢!情景情景 1.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Receptionist:Mr.Smith,lets check the information on the check-in form.You arrived at the hote

46、l today,April the 29th,and the departure date is May the 5th.Is that right?史密斯:史密斯:是的,没错。Receptionist:So please sign your name here.史密斯:史密斯:好的。Receptionist:Please keep the key card with you at all times.You will need to show it from time to time.史密斯:史密斯:好的。你能告诉我怎样使用钥匙卡吗?Receptionist:Yes.To activate

47、the lights in your room,please insert the key card into the master switch next to the entrance door.情景情景 2.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文史密斯:史密斯:我明白了。Receptionist:If you extend your stay in the hotel,please contact the Duty Manager to reactivate your key card.史密斯:史密斯:谢谢你。我可以通过出示钥匙卡在咖啡酒吧签单吗?Receptionis

48、t:Yes.Youll need it if you want to charge food and drinks to your room,change money,sign the bills after enjoying all kinds of entertainment facilities and do the shopping in the hotel and so on.史密斯史密斯:非常感谢。情景情景 2.PerformingSelf&Peer assessmenton note taking1.Take the notes in columns 2.Use abbrevia

49、tions and symbols 3.Few words,more lines 4.Be logical and legible 5.Other aspects _ 1.Faithfulness 2.Smoothness 3.Timeliness Assessments.PackagingSelf&Peer assessment on interpreting qualitySelf&Peer assessment whole groups performance Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese

50、or English respectively.Phrase Interpretingrecover from the jet lagthoughtful arrangement hospitability souvenir accommodations claim baggage proceed through the customs itinerary farewell speech adjust to the time difference为设宴洗尘向告别不远万里来到您先请久仰大名欢迎词赞美回顾过去展望未来慢走3.More Practice口译以下词汇短语。口译以下词汇短语。.词汇短语口


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