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1、LOGO对外经济贸易大学出版社对外经济贸易大学出版社Contents1Training Steps23Answers and Translation4Knowledge Objectives You will be able to know:The importance of The importance of t e l e p h o n e t e l e p h o n e communicationcommunicationHow to communicate How to communicate by telephoneby telephoneSkill Objectives Yo

2、u will be able to master:The skills of short-term memoryQuality ObjectivesYou will be able to cope with:T h e i n-f i e l d t e l e p h o n e c o m m u n i c a t i o n interpretation1.Training Objectives2.Training Steps.Performing.Preparing.PackagingInterpretation Skill:Short-term Memory(短期记忆)(短期记忆)

3、(1)The Importance of Memory in Interpretation.Preparing(2)How to Improve STM in the Encoding Stage of Memory.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Short-term Memory(短期记忆)(短期记忆)1.Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.Performingscheduletele

4、phone conferencegeneral managerput throughbe engagedThe line is freefavorbest seller音效一年一度的做准备明星产品展示新产品发布会感谢展位 1.短语口译短语口译参考译文参考译文 预定电话会议总经理接通线路接通忙青睐最畅销的商品sound effectannualin preparation forstar productsdisplaynew product presentationappreciatebooth.Performing2.Sentence Interpreting .Performing1)I a

5、m calling on behalf of Mr./Mrs./Ms.(name).2)Can I have extension 629,please?3)Can you hold the line,please?4)The line is free now.Ill put you through.5)The line is very bad.Could you speak up,please?6)Im afraid we dont have a Mr./Mrs./Miss(name)here.7)Im sorry.There is nobody by that name.8)Im afrai

6、d(name)is not available at the moment.9)Im afraid the line is engaged.Could you call back later?10)(company name)(your name)speaking.2.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文1)我代表先生/女士打电话来的。2)可以帮我转接分机号629吗?3)您可以别挂线吗?4)线路现在通了,我帮你转接。5)电话线路不好,你能说大点声吗?6)恐怕我们这儿没有先生/太太/小姐。7)对不起,这里没有叫的人。8)恐怕现在不方便接听。9)恐怕现在占线。您可以迟点再打过来吗?10)(你的公司名)

7、(你的名字)在听,我可以帮你吗?.Performing Role Play(1)Situation lead-inMr.Zhang,the general manager of ABC company is communicating with an old customer William.And Mr.Chen has to do two-way interpretation this time.3.Field InterpretingGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3CompetitionEvaluationEvaluation.Performing Question 1If

8、 you are Mr.Chen,how will you improve your short-term memory to encode the information?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussionDid you meet any trouble when you were recalling the information?And what are they?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussion Question 2 OPENQuestion 3

9、Can you memorize the information such as name,title and telephone No.by STM?And how?OPEN Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter,Mr.Chen;and the other students as the other roles of the scene.While interpreting,the interpreter shouldnt look at the material.After six-minute preparatio

10、n for it,you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom.Your performance will be evaluated by yourself,your teacher and other groups and recorded as your regular grade.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (3)Role play&interpreting秘书:秘书:张先生,您同William先生进行电话会议电话会议的预定

11、预定房间已经准备好了。Zhang:Good.There is still twenty minutes left.Make sure the sound effect is perfect.秘书:秘书:好的,张先生。我会的。(20分钟后。会议就要开始了。秘书正在电话连线William)秘书:秘书:这是ABC公司,请William先生接电话。接线员:接线员:恐怕你拨错号码了吧.我们这里没有William先生。秘书:秘书:这难道不是Dola公司吗?你们的电话号码是00121212345678吗?接线员:接线员:没错,是啊。秘书:秘书:William先生不是你们的总经理吗?参考译文参考译文.Perf

12、orming3.口译实战口译实战接线员:接线员:是William先生,我听成是威尔逊先生了。对不起,我马上接通接通他。秘书:秘书:谢谢!接线员:接线员:现在线路较忙忙,请不要挂断。(几秒钟后)接线员:线路接通接线员:线路接通了。Zhang:William,how are you doing?威廉:威廉:我很好,谢谢您。您呢,还在忙生意吗?Zhang:Yes,the annual trade show will be held soon.We are in preparation for our exhibition.In addition to our star products,we wil

13、l have new products to display this year.In fact,we will hold a new product presentation on April 16th during the fair.Performing参考译文参考译文3.口译实战口译实战威廉:威廉:真不错。贵公司的产品总能得到客户的青睐青睐。实际上,您的明星产品是过去两年间我们最畅销的商品最畅销的商品。我想我们对您的新产品也会感兴趣。Zhang:Glad to hear that.We also appreciate our cooperation in years.Why not co

14、me to our booth this year?Id love to keep you some tickets.How many would you like?How about three?威廉威廉:太好了。谢谢,我们很乐意去。那么到时见。Zhang:See you.Performing参考译文参考译文3.口译实战口译实战口译重难点解析口译重难点解析1.schedule 排定,安排排定,安排2.telephone conference 电话电话会议会议讲解“schedule”在此作动词用,其过去式和过去分词按规则动词变型。例句:A presidential election was s

15、cheduled for last December.总统选举原计划在去年 12 月举行。No new talks are scheduled.没有安排新的会谈。“schedule”在文中是以过去分词的形式修饰前面的名词。类似的用法还包括现在分词后置修饰名词,例如The man walking across the road is the new manager of our project team.过马路的那个人是我们项目新来的经理。讲解“conference”是会议的意思,一般是指正式的讨论会。“telephone conference”也可以省略为“teleconference”,是每

16、个成员通过电话的方式来参与讨论。“telephone conference”在大型企业很常见。有些企业甚至有“video conference”,做到声情并茂。例句:We know she was on a teleconference call at that time.那个时候她不是正在开电话会议吗?Karen wants to know how long before the teleconference starts?凯伦想知道电话会议何时能开始?.Performing3.口译实战口译实战3.音效音效 sound effect4.general manager 总总经理经理5.put.

17、through接通接通电话;为电话;为接通电接通电话话讲解“effect”是名词,意思是效果,影响。前面加个“sound”,就成了“声音效果”,即“音效”。例句:The sound effect is very realistic.音响效果十分逼真。讲解“general manager”也就是俗话“GM”的全称。在企业里,还有其他职务也常常用缩写词表示,注意意思。例如“AM”表示“assistant manager”即“助理经理”或“副经理”,“PM”表示“project manager”即“项目经理”。例句:The general manager has planned a reorgani

18、zation of the sales department.总经理已经计划改组销售部。He was given a post as general manager.他被任命为总经理。讲解该词组为固定搭配,常见的句型是“A put B through”意思是“A为B接线/接通电话”,其中A为接线生“operator”,B是得到帮助的对象。例句:The operator will put you through.接线员会为你接通电话。He asked to be put through to Charley Lunn.他要求跟查利伦恩通话。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口

19、译实战口译实战6.engaged(指(指电话)占线的;电话)占线的;忙碌的忙碌的7.hold on 别挂别挂电话;稍等;等电话;稍等;等一下一下8.The line is free.线路接通了。线路接通了。讲解该词是多义词,是由动词“engage”变化而来的形容词。当“engaged”要表示“占线的”意思时,主语往往是“the line”或者其他和电话有关的词汇。例句:The line is engaged.电话占线。We tried to call you back but you were engaged.我们试着给你回电,但是你正在通话中。讲解“hold on”是固定搭配,在多种场合中都

20、可以用到。作为电话用语,意思是“别挂断”;在困境或危险中如果使用到这个短语,则表示“坚持住”,“停住”。例句:He asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.他让我别挂电话,他去找一支铅笔。They determined to hold on to the last.他们决定坚持到最后。讲解“line”在这里表示线路,指的是电话的线路。“free”这里的意思是空闲的。整句话直译就是“电话线路空闲了”,引申为“电话线路接通了”。这个句子的意思受上下文的影响很大。同样一个句子,如果上下文变化,则意思也大不同。例

21、句:If the customer has any inquiry,please dial 800-398-23.The line is free.如果客户有任何疑问,请拨打800-398-23。这个电话是免费的。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战9.一年一度的一年一度的 annual10.做准备做准备 in preparation for11.明 星 产 品明 星 产 品 star products12.展示展示 display讲解“annual”表示一年一度的、每年的,往往放在名词前做修饰语,极少单独使用。其副词是“annually”。例句:The el

22、ectronic and printing unit has annual sales of about$80 million.电子印刷部门每年销售额约为8 000万美元。讲解“in preparation for”是固定词组,后面常常接“something”。偶尔也可见该词组顺序出现调整。见以下例句。The town has been all painted up in preparation for the event.为准备这项活动,镇上已装饰一新。Plans for selling the new product are now in preparation.销售新产品的计划现在正在准

23、备之中。讲解“star products”直译为明星产品,指的是卖的最好或最受欢迎的产品。例句:What is the star product of this new line?新生产线的明星产品是什么?讲解“display”既可以做动词,也可以做名词。做动词时是及物动词,后面直接接名词。做名词是可数名词。例句:The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。She was leaning against a display case of print

24、s of Paris.她正倚靠在一个展示巴黎照片的陈列柜上。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战13.新产品发布新产品发布会会new product presentation14.favor青睐,青睐,偏爱偏爱15.best seller畅畅销产品销产品讲解“new product presentation”是一种介绍新产品的正式途径,期间会通过各种手段,包括图片、录像、实物展示、操作演练等来介绍新产品的特点和性能。成功的“new product presentation”就是市场营销的一则最好的广告。例句:The new product presentati

25、on is very well-received.新产品发布会收效很好。讲解“favor”是美式英语的写法,又可以写成“favour”,可以作名词,也可以作动词。在上文中是作动词。当“favor”做名词时,常以短语“in favor of”出现,表示“支持”,“赞成”。做动词时,是一个及物动词,表示“支持;赞成;偏爱;促成”。例句:Every family has one child whom the others think is favored.每一个家庭都有一个别人认为是受到偏爱的孩子。We hoped to be favored with your early answer.我们希望得

26、到你尽早的回答。讲解“best seller”字面上看是“卖的最好的东西”,即是“畅销产品”。“best seller”常用于表示畅销书,其形容词是“best-selling”,要放在名词前面做定语才能使用。例句:I hope for this book to become a best seller.我希望这本书会成为一本畅销书。This Model is our best-selling product.这个型号是我们产品的畅销型号。.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战1 6.感 谢感 谢 appreciate17.展位展位 booth18.门票门票 ti

27、ckets讲解“appreciate”一词内涵丰富,可以表示欣赏;领会,了解;增值;感激,感谢。名词是“appreciation”。表示“感谢”的例句如下:Peter stood by me when I most needed it.Ill always appreciate that.当我最需要的时候,彼得在我身边支持我。我将永存感激。讲解“booth”是个可数名词,复数规则变化。表示“展位”时主要是指用屏风或薄墙分隔出来的一个小空间搭上一个桌子而成,目的是临时展示商品等。Where can I find the booth for the information leaflets?我在哪

28、儿可以找到存放信息小册子的展台?讲解“ticket”在这里就是门票的意思。例句:Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?有可能弄到今晚的票吗?.Performing口译重难点解析口译重难点解析3.口译实战口译实战4.Situational Interpreting3 students in a group(refer to P273)3 students in a group(refer to P273)Situation 1After the exhibition,sales manager Zhang is trying to

29、contact the potential customer Mr.Smith of New Idea Company in USA by telephone.Try to do two-way interpretation for them.Situation 2Sales manager Zhang and Mr.Smith of New Idea Company are talking on line about the potential business cooperation.Try to do two-way interpretation for them.Performing4

30、.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Zhang:Good Morning!This is sales manager Mr.Zhang calling from ABC Company.May I speak to Mr.Smith?秘书秘书:非常抱歉,我恐怕电话出毛病了,我现在不能清晰地听到您讲话。Zhang:There may be something wrong.Wait a minute,please.Let me check my phone.(A few minutes later.)Hello,can you hear me now?秘书秘书:还是不清楚。也许您可以换一部电话成者换

31、一下位置。Zhang:OK,I will try that.(Five minutes later.)How about this time?I am calling you from another room.Is it better?秘书秘书:是的,好多了。能麻烦你再说一遍好吗?请问贵姓?Zhang:Sales manager Mr.Zhang calling from ABC Company,and I would like to speak to Mr.Smith?情景情景 1.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文秘书秘书:请稍等,我将电话转给Smith先生。(几分

32、钟之后)不好意思让你久等了。他现在正在主持一个很重要的会议,接不了电话。您愿意晚点打过来或者留下口信吗?我会第一时间告知他的。Zhang:Then what time is convenient for Mr.Smith?秘书秘书:我先看一下日程安排。今天下午四点怎么样?Smith先生那个时候有空。Zhang:OK.Ill call him later.Please notify Mr.Smith Im calling to get more information about his view on our latest products since we have got acquaint

33、ed with each other at the Guangzhou Fair last week.Thank you very much.秘书秘书:好的,没有问题。不用谢!情景情景 1.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Zhang:Hello,Mr.Smith.Nice to talk to you again.Since our last meeting I have been waiting for this opportunity.I hope we can exchange ideas and improve mutual understanding this

34、 time.史密斯史密斯:是的。这对两家公司来说是个不错的机会。上次见面也使我们获益匪浅。不幸的是这次不能同您面对面交谈。不过多亏现代科技,这不是什么大事。Zhang:Yes.But I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused by my calling.I know youre really busy these days.史密斯史密斯:没关系。在这种情况下,我可以更深入的了解你们公司和品牌。我已经收到了有关你们公司发布的最新款数码相机的价目单。不过,我对你们产品推介会上简要提到的所获奖项更感兴趣。所以我想更深入地了解这些数码相机及其所获奖项

35、。情景情景 2.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Zhang:Oh,actually I was just about to give you a follow-up call to check if the information I gave you is of interest for coverage.In fact our latest series have won the Best Design Award and the Annual Technology Innovation Award for their customer-oriented desig

36、n and top-quality.Both of the awards are recognized internationally.史密斯史密斯:很好。我很想实地参观一下你们的公司和生产线,不知贵方能否尽快安排?Zhang:OK.No problem.情景情景 2.PerformingSelf-assessment on short-term memoryPeer assessmenton short-term memory1.Able to recall the main information without note 2.Able to recall the name,title a

37、nd company name of the role 3.Able to recall the telephone No.without note 4.Other aspects _ 1.Able to visualize the information 2.Able to outline the information 3.Able to rearrange the information 4.Able to use mnemonics to enlarge the capacity of the STM 5.Other aspects _ 1.Faithfulness 2.Smoothn

38、ess 3.Timeliness Assessments.PackagingSelf&Peer assessment on interpreting qualitySelf&Peer assessment whole groups performance Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.Phrase Interpretingcountry codearea codeextensionhand uphold(hang)onmake a callanswe

39、r the phonecall back leave a message take a message 请再说一遍不在打错电话电视电话录音电话无绳电话没人叫这名市内电话国内长途电话国际长途电话3.More Practice口译以下词汇短语。口译以下词汇短语。.词汇短语口译词汇短语口译国家代码区号分机挂机请勿挂机打电话接电话回电话留口信带口信pardonnot available have the wrong number video phoneanswering machine wireless telephonenobody by this namelocal callsinland lon

40、g-distance callsinternational calls参考译文参考译文 Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.Sentence Interpreting3.More PracticeEnglish to Chinese:1)Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening!This is (Your Name)calling from (Company Name),may I speak to Mr./Ms.(Customer Name)?2)May I have th

41、e contact number of Mr./Ms.?3)Please hold on,I will check the information for you.4)Sorry,The subscriber you dialed is power off.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文英译中:英译中:1)早晨/午安/晚上好!我是代表(公司名)的(自己的名+姓)。请问(客户全名)先生/小姐在吗?2)请问有无其他电话可以联络到先生/小姐?3)请你等等,我帮你查相关资料。4)对不起,您所拨打的用户已关机。Interpret the following sentences into English

42、 or Chinese.Sentence Interpreting3.More Practice中译英:中译英:1)请留下你的电话号码或口讯,我会尽快通知机主。2)对不起,我想你打错电话了,请重新拔号。3)对不起,这里是的秘书服务,有什么能帮你的?4)您所拨打的用户现在正忙,请稍后再拨。.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文Chinese to English:1)Please leave down the telephone No.or message;I will contact the owner as soon as possible.2)Sorry,I think you have th

43、e wrong number,please redial.3)Sorry,this is paging service of,what can I help you?4)The subscriber you dialed is busy now,please dial later.Listen to the recording.Repeat promptly after the voice.Note down the key words to help understanding and then present it orally.Shadowing Exercise3.More Pract

44、iceApplication&Booth Reservation Reservation Clerk:Good morning.Can I help you?Leon:Yes,Please.Im Thomas Leon with ABC CompanyId like to register for the Consumer Electronics Exhibition.Reservation Clerk:Let me check,Mr.LeonThank you for waiting.Fortunately,there are still some booths available.If y

45、ou send us your registration form and registration fees within two weeks,it is still possible for you to get one booth.Leon:May I register for it now on the phone?Listen to the recording.Repeat promptly after the voice.Note down the key words to help understanding and then present it orally.Shadowin

46、g Exercise3.More PracticeReservation Clerk:Sure.Which credit card would you like to use?Leon:American express.Reservation Clerk:Fine.Id be glad to help you sign up on the phone.Perhaps you can answer me some questions to start with?Leon:Sure.Reservation Clerk:May I know your phone number,email and y

47、our companys name?Leon:My phone number is 867-932-294;my email is ;my companys full name is ABC Consumer Electronic Corporation.Listen to the recording.Repeat promptly after the voice.Note down the key words to help understanding and then present it orally.Shadowing Exercise3.More PracticeReservatio

48、n Clerk:Mr.Thomas Leon at 867-932-294 form ABC Consumer Electronic Corporation;and your e-mail is .Is that right?Leon:Yes!Reservation Clerk:Are you looking for a standard package booth or non-standard package booth?Leon:What is the charge for each?Reservation Clerk:The nine-square-meter booth costs

49、at least 23,000 yuan per unit while the six-square-meter booth is at least 17,000 per unit.Which one would you prefer?Leon:One nine-square-meter booth,please.Listen to the recording.Repeat promptly after the voice.Note down the key words to help understanding and then present it orally.Shadowing Exe

50、rcise3.More PracticeReservation Clerk:Where do you wish your booth to be located?Leon:Can I reserve a space in the center?Reservation Clerk:Sorry but all center booths are booked up.We have only corner booths left.Leon:Oh,thats fine.Ill take a corner booth.Reservation Clerk:There is a corner stand t


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