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1、LOGO对外经济贸易大学出版社对外经济贸易大学出版社Contents1Training Steps23Answers and Translation4Knowledge Objectives You will be able to know:What is investmentWhat is investmentTypes of investmentTypes of investmentReasons for direct Reasons for direct foreign investment foreign investment(FDI)(FDI)Items included in th

2、e Items included in the establishment of joint establishment of joint venture negotiationsventure negotiationsSkill Objectives You will be able to master:Coping skillsQuality ObjectivesYou will be able to cope with:T h e b u s i n e s s i n v e s t m e n t interpretation1.Training Objectives2.Traini

3、ng Steps.Performing.Preparing.Packaging.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Long Sentences Translation(长句翻译长句翻译)(2)错译)错译两不要:两不要:不要惊慌不要说“对不起,我译错了”,“Sorry,I made a mistake”,因为这样不仅会让听众产生理解混乱,还会损坏你个人和译文的信度。学会改口学会改口(Modification):重译:对正确的译文采取重音重复或者以解释的语气和方式,用诸如“I mean”,“or rather”,“就是说”,“更确切地说”、“不如说”来引出正确译文,注意不

4、要用namely/that is。.PreparingInterpretation Skill:Long Sentences Translation(长句翻译长句翻译).PreparingInterpretation Skill:Long Sentences Translation(长句翻译长句翻译)1.Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.Performinginvestment onmanufacturing li

5、nelabor costcompetitive abilitythe existing lineproduction capacitya win-win situationdisassemble打包海关报关重装调试投入正常工作额外费用日常保养费订金 1.短语口译短语口译参考译文参考译文 投资生产线劳动力成本竞争力现存的生产线产量一举两得拆装packcustoms declarationreassembleadjustput into useadditional chargedaily maintenancedown payment.Performing2.Sentence Interpreti

6、ng .Performing1)China takes a positive stand with regard to introducing foreign investment and business cooperation.2)We are interested in advanced technology and the transfer of technology.3)If we participate in the joint venture,do we have the right to supervise the packing of the products?4)Shall

7、 we each invest 50%capitals and share the profits equally?5)Generally speaking,in a joint venture the proportion of investment by foreign investors will not be less than 25%.2.Sentence Interpreting .Performing6)The Economic Technical Development Area has issued a series of regulations favoring forei

8、gn investors and offering rewards to those that introduce foreign investment projects.7)The profits,risks and losses of a joint venture shall be shared by all parties of the venture in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.8)The price of the products should be set according to

9、the price in the international market.9)Id like to know in what line of business you would like to participate with us.10)What is your estimation of trade volume we can achieve in a joint venture?2.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文1)中国采取积极的态度引进外国投资和商务合作。2)我们对先进技术和技术引进很感兴趣。3)如果我们参与合资企业,我们有权监督产品的包装吗?4)我们各投资50%的资本,平分利润

10、可以吗?5)一般来说,在一个合资企业中,外国投资者的投资比例不得低于25%。6)经济技术开发区出台了一系列有利于外国投资者和奖励引进外资项目的单位的条例。7)合资企业的利润,风险和损失应由合资各方根据其对注册资本贡献的比例分摊。8)产品的价格应该根据国际市场的价格来设定。9)我想知道你方想与我们在什么业务上合作。10)你估计我们在合资企业中能取得的贸易额是多少?.Performing Role Play(1)Situation lead-inMr.William,who has a long-term cooperative relationship with ABC Company,is p

11、roposing an investment plan on production line after visiting the factory.Mr.Zhang,the general manager,is inquiring in detail to have a better understanding of the plan.3.Field InterpretingGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3CompetitionEvaluationEvaluation.Performing Question 1If you are Mr.Chen,what will you do

12、 if you dont know how to interpret a sentence because of a certain technical term or proper noun?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussion如该专业术语和专业名词是关键内容必须认真对待,如果方便询问,最好立刻有针对性有针对性的询问讲话人以免造成误译。如果不方便询问,只能先采用比较中性或模糊的话过渡。然后集中注意力,伺机调整补救。如果确实拿不准,在译文后最好重复原文,这样听众中专业人士很可能立刻就清楚了。If you are Mr.Chen

13、,what will you do if you find you have made a mistake in interpreting?.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussion Question 2 两不要:两不要:不要惊慌;不要说“对不起,我译错了”,“Sorry,I made a mistake”,因为这样不仅会让听众产生理解混乱,还会损坏你个人和译文的信度;学会改口:学会改口:重译:对正确的译文采取重音重复;或者以解释的语气和方式,用诸如“I mean”,“or rather”,“就是说”,“更确切地说”、“不如说”来引

14、出正确译文,注意不要用namely/that isQuestion 3.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (2)Group discussionHow do you usually cope when you are interpreting an idiom,a poem or a joke?遇到习语、典故、诗词、幽默笑话遇到习语、典故、诗词、幽默笑话力争译出原文大意,传达讲话人主旨。Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter,Mr.Chen;and the other students as

15、Leon.While interpreting,the interpreter shouldnt look at the material.After six-minute preparation for it,you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom.Your performance will be evaluated by yourself,your teacher and other groups and recorded as your regular

16、grade.Performing 3.Field Interpreting (3)Role play&interpretingZhang:How is your impression on our factory after yesterdays visit?威廉威廉:贵厂给我留下了深刻的印象,因此我今天想跟您谈谈合作投资投资建立一条新生产线生产线的问题,不知道张经理有没有兴趣?Zhang:Sure.Id like to hear it.But as far as I know,to build up a new production line takes a long time and a

17、lot of money.How do you plan with it?威廉威廉:我们之前在韩国有一条生产线。但是这些年随着当地劳动力成本劳动力成本的价格越来越高,运用该生产线产出的商品不再具备原来的竞争力竞争力了。因此我们想,如果把现存的生产线现存的生产线运到这里,那么在时间和经济上都不会花费太多。而贵厂也可以扩大生产线,提高产量产量,一举两得一举两得。参考译文参考译文.Performing3.口译实战口译实战Zhang:It sounds a good proposal,but can you give us a more detailed description on your pla

18、n?威廉威廉:当然可以。我们用2个星期左右时间可以结束当地生产线的拆装拆装和打包打包工作。然后再花2-3个星期在运输和海关报关海关报关方面。假如一切顺利,那么可以在下个月在这里进行重装和调试调试工作。那么在年底之前,该生产线就可以投人正常工作投人正常工作。Zhang:Are you sure that you can do all of these in such a short period of time?威廉威廉:当然。我们对此非常有把握,因为我们会把原来的工程师和工人请来,他们对这条生产线非常熟悉。参考译文参考译文.Performing3.口译实战口译实战Zhang:Then what

19、s your requirement for the investment?How are you going to charge for the line?威廉威廉:所有关于生产线的问题你们不需要付任何额外费额外费用用。但我们的条件是该生产线应首先服务于我们公司的订单,而且其日常保养日常保养费用由你们负责,同时,这次我们的订单将不支付定金定金。Zhang:It sounds quite reasonable.I shall give you a final reply after the board meeting tomorrow.But in my personal opinion,I

20、am quite certain that this proposal will be approved.威廉:威廉:那我就等着听您的好消息了。参考译文参考译文.Performing3.口译实战口译实战口译重难点解析口译重难点解析1.investment on 投资投资2.manufacturing line生产线生产线3.labor cost劳动劳动力成本力成本讲解投资例句:Hongkong has been a major source of the mainlands overseas investment.Chinas WTO entry will create better cond

21、itions for Hong Kong to further expand its investment on the mainland.香港一直是内地外来投资的主要来源地,中国入世将为香港进一步扩大内地投资开创更好的环境。讲解生产线例句:As automation technology is widely used in manufacturing industry,automation production line has emerged as a landmark outcome and brought unprecedented productivity to the indust

22、ry.自动化生产线是自动化技术在制造业中广泛应用的标志性产物,为制造业带来了空前的生产力。讲解劳动力成本例句:Enforcing the policy implies a significant increase in labor cost,which has direct implications for local economic growth.强制执行这项政策意味着劳动力成本会明显增加,这对当地经济增长有直接影响。.Performing3.口译实战口译实战口译重难点解析口译重难点解析petitive ability竞争力竞争力5.the existing line现存的生产线现存的生产

23、线6.production capacity产量产量讲解竞争力例句:As an important part of state-owned enterprise reform,the reform of salary system will strengthen the talent competitive ability effectively of state-owned enterprise.作为国有企业改革的一个重要环节,薪酬制度的改革将有效增强国有企业的人才竞争力。讲解现存的线,本文中指“现存的生产线”例句:At some point in the next 20 years the

24、 existing west-coast main line will face a capacity crunch.在今后20年的某个时间,现存的西海岸主线将面临运力困难。讲解生产量,产量例句:It is now being expanded to increase annual production capacity to 200,000 units.这家工厂现在年产量增加到20万台。.Performing3.口译实战口译实战口译重难点解析口译重难点解析7.w i n-w i n situation一举两一举两得得8.disassemble and pack拆装和拆装和打包打包9.c u

25、s t o m s declaration海关海关报关报关10.adjust调试调试讲解一举两得,双赢例句:We commit ourselves to a long-term win-win situation with our customers.我们愿与每一位客户建立长期的双赢合作关系。讲解:拆卸与包装,拆装和打包assemble组装,disassemble 拆卸,reassemble 重新组装例句:The leg disassembles easily and will be flat-packed for transportation and storing.桌腿可以轻松地拆下,然后

26、方便地打包运输或储存。讲解海关申报表,海关报关例句:Heres your passport and your customs declaration.这是你的护照和海关申报表。讲解调整,调试例句:Adjust the setting of the camera for the landscape.根据风景调整相机的位置。.Performing3.口译实战口译实战口译重难点解析口译重难点解析11.put into use投投入正常工作入正常工作12.additional charge额外费用额外费用1 3.d a i l y maintenance日常日常保养保养1 4.d o w n paym

27、ent订金订金讲解开始使用,投入正常工作例句:The new factorys new logo will be put into use next year.新的厂标将于明年开始使用。讲解附加费,额外费用例句:We reserve the right for additional charge in case the delivery address is in very remote area.如果收货点偏远,我们会保留收取附加费的权利。讲解日常维护,日常保养例句:Carry out the daily maintenance for leasehold autos and guarant

28、ee the leaseholder safety of driving.实行租赁汽车日常维护,保证租车人驾车安全。讲解订金例句:We ask for a five percent down payment.我们要求百分之五的定金。.Performing3.口译实战口译实战4.Situational Interpreting3 students in a group(refer to P280)3 students in a group(refer to P280)Situation 1Mr.Brett is proposing an investment plan to set up a c

29、hocolate factory in China.Mr.Li is giving his frank suggestions on the plan.Please do two-way interpretation for them.Situation 2Jon is expressing his investment intention on the products exhibited by Mr.Wang,an exhibitor in one of the latest exhibition.Please do two-way interpretation for them.Perf

30、orming4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文布雷特布雷特:我们想在中国建一个巧克力工厂。Li:What inspired your idea?布雷特布雷特:我们发现中国巧克力市场的潜力很大。你认为呢?Li:Thats correct.The statistics indicate that the consumption of chocolate in China is two kilograms each person.布雷特布雷特:所以,我们可以在中国投放产品的市场空间非常大。Li:But on the other hand,youd better evaluate Chinese b

31、uying power in an objective way.布雷特布雷特:能说得具体些吗?Li:Your chocolate is oriented at the top range of the market while Chinese market is still a preliminary market in which low range of the products are the mainstream.布雷特布雷特:你的意思是我们不一定能实现预期销售目标。Li:Yes.Youd better be cautious while investing in the new en

32、vironment.布雷特布雷特:谢谢你的建议。Li:Its my pleasure.情景情景 1.Performing4.情景口译参考译文情景口译参考译文Wang:Our company is a state-owned enterprise with more than 30 years medicine product experience,and owns high reputation in this market.We are also in the leading position in this field.乔恩乔恩:很好,我这次主要是代表我们公司来中国进行投资的。众所周知,中

33、国具有广阔的市场,通过这次展会,我不得不承认,中国的快速发展令我们感到震惊。Wang:Oh,now we are engaged in raising funds for this new product,and once it launches into the market,the benefit will be shared by the percentage of investment.And according to our research of the future market,it can bring us a very fair profit.乔恩乔恩:从刚才的发布会上,我

34、已经对贵公司的实力有了一定的了解。我相信我们将会达成合作。Wang:Absolutely.Im sure our product will never disappoint you,and detailed information we can negotiate after the exhibit.乔恩乔恩:好的!期待我们的合作。情景情景 2.PerformingSelf&Peer assessmenton coping skills1.Know how to cope when making a mistake in interpreting 2.Know how to cope when

35、 interpreting an unfamiliar technical term or proper noun 3.Know how to cope when the speaker keeps on talking without a pause 4.Know how to cope when interpreting idioms,poems or jokes 5.Know how to cope when havent heard clearly6.Other aspects _ 1.Faithfulness 2.Smoothness 3.Timeliness Assessments

36、.PackagingSelf&Peer assessment on interpreting qualitySelf&Peer assessment whole groups performance Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.Phrase InterpretingM&A(mergers and acquisition)net assetsforeign direct investment(FDI)consumption potentialreso

37、urce acquisitiondomestic and overseas merchantsdriver mutual developmentintermediary agenciesbe integrated withactual investment国内投资上市公司中外合资公司外商独资公司利用外资优惠政策经营范围建立业务关系出台投资环境3.More Practice口译以下词汇短语。口译以下词汇短语。.词汇短语口译词汇短语口译合并与收购净资产外商直接投资消费潜力获取资源中外客商促进共同发展中介机构与相结合实际投资domestic investmentlisted companySino-

38、foreign joint venturewholly foreign-funded companyutilize foreign capitalpreferential policiesscope of businessestablish business relationsunveilinvestment environment参考译文参考译文 Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.Sentence Interpreting3.More PracticeEnglish to Chinese:1)I think t

39、hat company is ripe for a takeover.They have great market share but theyre in poor financial condition.2)That company lives by mergers and acquisitions.They just keep growing and growing.3)China commits herself to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introducing foreign inv

40、estment.4)We encourage competent Chinese businesses to invest in the US,and hope the US could provide them with a favorable policy environment.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文英译中:英译中:1)我觉得是时候接管那家公司了。虽然他们仍占有很髙的市场份额,但他们的财务状况简直糟透了。2)那家公司靠合并和收购为生。他们在不断扩张。3)对外开放、引进外资是我国的一项长期国策。4)我们鼓励有实力的中国企业到美国投资兴业,希望美方为投资合作创造良好的投资环境。In

41、terpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.Sentence Interpreting3.More Practice中译英:中译英:1)我们希望以土地和厂房作为合资企业的投资。2)我们将继续鼓励外资企业在中国投资,扩大外资投资企业的进出口权。3)进一步扩大西部地区吸收外商投资的领域,鼓励外商投资农业、林业、水利、交通、能源、市政公用、环保等基础领域及基础设施建设,以及矿产、旅游等资源开发。4)我们要吸引境外资金,更要注重引进先进技术,提高引进外资的质量和水平。.句子口译句子口译参考译文参考译文Chinese to Englis

42、h:1)We hope to use the land and plant as investment in the joint venture.2)We will continue to encourage foreign investment in China and will expand joint ventures rights in export and import.3)To further expand areas for foreign investment in the west and encourage foreign investment in agriculture

43、,forestry,water conservancy,communications,energy,municipal utility,environmental protection and other basic fields as well as infrastructure construction and mineral,tourist and the like resource development.4)We need to attract foreign investment,but we also have to introduce advanced technology,s

44、o that we can upgrade the quality and level of foreign investment.Listen to the recording.Repeat promptly half or one sentence after the voice.Write down the numbers such as“99,98,97.”in inverted order to do interference exercise at the same time.Shadowing Exercise3.More Practice More and more forei

45、gners are willing to make an investment in China.A joint venture means less taxation,more profit and preferential treatment for foreign investors.For example,the period of tax reduction and exemption granted to joint ventures has been extended.Namely,the original one year tax exemption has been exte

46、nded to two years,and 50%tax reduction for the following two years has been extended to three years.Meanwhile,all lawful rights and interests for foreign investors will be guaranteed.According to the law,the net profit and other funds of foreign investors may be remitted abroad in contracted currenc

47、y and the lawful income of foreign employees may also be remitted abroad.影子跟读影子跟读参考译文 越来越多的外商乐于在中国投资,合资企业对外国投资者来说意味着少交税、多获利和优惠的待遇。如税收减免期延长。也就是说,原来的一年免税延长到两年,随后的两年税收减半延至三年。同时,中国法律保护国外投资者的合法权益。根据法律,国外投资者的纯利润和其他资金可以以合同规定的货币形式汇款到国外,国外雇员的合法收入也可以汇到国外。Listen to the recording.Do not take note while listenin

48、g.And try to retell the passages one by one using the target language.Retelling Exercise3.More Practice Chinas low taxation,low wages,large consumer market and stable political and social environment have attracted a growing number of overseas investors to this country.Your wish to establish a long-

49、term cooperative relationship with our company coincides with ours.We hope to enter a partnership with your corporation and form a joint venture to manufacture what we call“China Concept Cars”.We expect to hold a minimum of 50%of the capital equity in this joint venture,with a term of 15 years.We ho

50、pe that your corporation will provide the venture with truly advanced,integrated and reliable equipments.复述练习复述练习参考译文 我国的低税收、低工资、大市场以及稳定的政治与社会环境吸引了越来越多的海外投资者。贵公司欲与我们建立一种长期合作的想法与我们不谋而合。我们希望与贵公司建立一家合资企业,共同生产我们称作为“中国概念型轿车”。我们希望在合资企业中占有50%以上的资本份额,我们合资期可为15年。我们希望贵公司能向这家合资企业提供先进、成套和可靠的设备。Sight interpret t


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