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1、CET-4讲解(上)主讲人:袁冰 余嘉宇第1页,共59页。Page 2CET-4的分值分布:n 满分:710n 听力:35%249n 阅读:35%249n 综合:10%71n 写作和翻译20%142第2页,共59页。Page 3CET-4流程n8:509:00试音时间n9:009:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷n9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试n9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)n9:409:55做快速阅读n9:5510:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读)n9:5510:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试n10:00开始听力考试,广播开始放音n听力结束后完成剩余考项

2、。n11:20全部考试结束。第3页,共59页。Page 4江西大学四级考试流程n 第一类型:n 作文和快速阅读一起发下来n 45分钟后收上作文和快速阅读的答题卡,发下剩余的部分n 第二类型:n 作文先发下来n 在25分钟左右发下剩余部分n 在45分钟时收上作文和快速阅读的答题卡n 剩余部分考试结束收第4页,共59页。Page 5在CET-4应试中,作为一道占分比例不小的主观题,作文和翻译是历年来四级考生最为深恶痛绝忌讳不已的题型(近年来四级考试有所改观),也是备考阶段能短时间内最快提高的题型。往往考生会忽视这一部分,而将大量时间放到阅读理解和选词填空等客观题上,其导致的直接结果要么是缺少时间阅

3、读题干,草草作答;要么是心理紧张,思维混乱其分数都不高。那么在CET-4考试中,到底如何应对这一部分的主观题呢?第5页,共59页。Page 6自我定位:你的问题到底是什么?CET-4考试最后一部分,我有什么问题:n提笔就忘单词n单词一个个往外蹦n不能形成句子n中国式英语n语法错误一大堆n涂涂改改n.第6页,共59页。Page 71作文SECTION第7页,共59页。Page 8知己知彼,百战不殆孙子兵法谋攻篇知己知彼,百战不殆孙子兵法谋攻篇第8页,共59页。Page 9作文n CET-4作文评分方式:写作占四级试题总分的15%,百分制满分为15分,阅卷标准分5个等级:2分、5分、8分、11分、

4、14分。710分制作文最低分为43.5分,满分为106.5分。各分段具体评分标准如下:2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分基本切题。表达不清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。8分基本切题。有些地方表达不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。11分切题。表达清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。14分切题。表达清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语法错误,仅有个别小错。第9页,共59页。Page 10问:CET-4考试作文到底考什么?四级作文可能会出现的题目 1)考试的命题作文大都是议论文结构,一般来说题目内容应该是我们所熟悉的,能够有

5、话可说的,如那些社会热点问题就是经常出的题目。2)但不是所有的热点问题都会成为考试题目。考试题目还要和考试对象的文化背景,年龄特点相一致,所有有关大学生生活,学习,理想等的题目经常出现。3)作文题目会考虑到考生的语言水平,也就是说我们要求掌握的词汇和结构能否足够表达所考的题目。以14年12月四级考试为例,作文考察与大学生息息相关的课程、同学、校园活动,可谓不算“怪题,偏题”。第10页,共59页。Page 11作文大体类型:n 现象分析解决题型(12年6月)n 应用文题型(11年12月、14年12月)n 对比题型(11年6月)n 问题解决题型(10年12月)n 图标图画题型(13年12月全套)n

6、 支持观点题型n。n。n 2015年6月?第11页,共59页。Page 12各类作文的应试策略一、一、现象阐释型现象阐释型 20 201212年年6 6月四级作文考题月四级作文考题 nDirections:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Excessive Packaging following the write a short essay entitled Excess

7、ive Packaging following the outline given below.You should write at least 120 words but outline given below.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.no more than 180 words.n1.1.目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象n2.2.出现这一现象的原因出现这一现象的原因 n3.3.我对这一现象的看法和建议我对这一现象的看法和建议 n结构:提现象结构:提现象 说原因

8、说原因 解决措施解决措施第12页,共59页。Page 13二、应用文二、应用文型型 20 201414年年1212月四级作文考题月四级作文考题 n 1 1、A course that has impressed you most in college.(A course that has impressed you most in college.(大大学中给你印象最深的一门课学中给你印象最深的一门课)n 2 2、A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in A classmate of yours who has influenced

9、 you most in college.(college.(大学中对你影响最深的一位同学大学中对你影响最深的一位同学)n 3 3、A campus activity that has benefited most.(A campus activity that has benefited most.(使你受益最使你受益最深的一项校园活动深的一项校园活动)n 此类作文结构和现象阐释型结构相类似,无非提出主体是此类作文结构和现象阐释型结构相类似,无非提出主体是什么,并阐释提出该主体的原因,以及总结提出意见,在什么,并阐释提出该主体的原因,以及总结提出意见,在此不做赘述。此不做赘述。第13页,共5

10、9页。Page 14三、对比文三、对比文型型 20 2011 11年年6 6月四级作文考题月四级作文考题 n Online Shopping Online Shopping n 1 1、现在网上购物已成为一种时尚现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 n 2 2、网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 n 3 3、我的建议我的建议n 此类作文不同于前两类作文,其重心在于分析利弊和建议此类作文不同于前两类作文,其重心在于分析利弊和建议措施,现象一笔带过即可,而分析利弊务必对比,句式多措施,现象一笔带过即可,而分析利弊务必对比,句式多变在这一类作文中可以得到最好展现。在所占比例中

11、,现变在这一类作文中可以得到最好展现。在所占比例中,现象描述占据约象描述占据约1/101/10,利弊分析占据,利弊分析占据1/21/2,解决措施约占,解决措施约占2/5.2/5.第14页,共59页。Page 15四、解决问题四、解决问题型型 20 201010年年1212月四级作文考题月四级作文考题 n 1 1,目前不少父母为孩子包办一切,目前不少父母为孩子包办一切n 2 2,为了让孩子独立,父母应该。,为了让孩子独立,父母应该。n 这一类作文的重心在于后两段解决措施之上,第一段一笔这一类作文的重心在于后两段解决措施之上,第一段一笔带过某种现象后,立即转入第二段分列解决问题的办法。带过某种现象


13、父母应该让孩子自由,后便可描述孩子在父母的帮助下该如何如何。在父母的帮助下该如何如何。第15页,共59页。Page 16五、五、图表作文图表作文20132013年年1212月四级考试作文题月四级考试作文题 For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay based on the picture

14、 below.You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-fa

15、ce electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.You should write at least 120 words but no more contact.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.than 180 words.第16页,共59页。Page 17第17页,共59页。Page 18 此类作文难度高于其他几类作文题,也是难度最大的作文此类作文难度高于其他几类作文题,也是难度最大的作文类型。首先你必须搞清楚漫画或者图表的意思


17、的原因,得现象。第二段,分析当今互联网普遍使用现象的原因,得出人们往往在网上和家人、朋友交流;互联网加大了人们出人们往往在网上和家人、朋友交流;互联网加大了人们之间的距离。第三段,总结,图文作文不可忘记之间的距离。第三段,总结,图文作文不可忘记“文文”题题中还有提示中还有提示“网上聊天能否取代面对面交流网上聊天能否取代面对面交流”,表明态,表明态度度NO!NO!第18页,共59页。Page 19附:支持观点型作文(近五年来都没出现过的题型,不排除今年没有)结.构.第19页,共59页。Page 20我专为一,敌分为十,是以十攻其一也,则我众而敌寡孙子兵法虚实篇我专为一,敌分为十,是以十攻其一也,

18、则我众而敌寡孙子兵法虚实篇应试策略2第20页,共59页。Page 21典例分析:Women in the morden worldn互动:下面给出几篇高分作文,请你当一回阅卷老师,你觉得该给多少分呢?n记住以下评分原则:2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分基本切题。表达不清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语法错误。8分基本切题。有些地方表达不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。11分切题。表达清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。14分切题。表达清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语法错误,仅有个别小错。第21页,共59页。Page 22神

19、来之作n Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today.In today,many women have a work.They worked as well as men playing an important part in factories.There are many women in govener also.They lead other people comtral,and make out plants.There are many women scientist also.They ev

20、ent new things to improve our life.n With the changes in their social role,womens position in the family has been improved as well.In ancient,womens positions in family is pity.They had to looks after their children,did every how husband ordered her to do.But now it is changed.They are equal to her

21、husband.They have right of speaking of idea,discussion things with her husband,do what she wants to do.n In spite of these changes,the liberation of woman has not been completely realized.We also should realize,womens likerty are limited.For example,many factories want men become its workers but the

22、 chance of women is less than man.Everyone should do their best to change this condition.Im sure,the liberation of women would be increased.第22页,共59页。Page 23看完这个之后,我很艰难地给出了分数nWomen are playing an increasingly important part in society today.In today,many women have a work.They worked as well as men

23、playing an important part in factories.There are many women in govener also.They lead other people comtral,and make out plants.There are many women scientist also.They event new things to improve our life.n With the changes in their social role,womens position in the family has been improved as well

24、.In ancient,womens positions in family is pity.They had to looks after their children,did every how husband ordered her to do.But now it is changed.They are equal to her husband.They have right of speaking of idea,discussion things with her husband,do what she wants to do.n In spite of these changes

25、,the liberation of woman has not been completely realized.We also should realize,womens likerty are limited.For example,many factories want men become its workers but the chance of women is less than men.Everyone should do their best to change this condition.Im sure,the liberation of women would be

26、increased.第23页,共59页。Page 24评分样卷(1)5分n 基本切题n 表达不够清晰n 连贯性差n 有较多严重语法错误。第24页,共59页。Page 25妙笔生花n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoiety today.Many women today are playing in important part at works that was thought only could be done by man before.For exampel,some women are not secretar

27、y in the office,instead,they become manager of a company.n With the changes in their social role,womans position in the family has been improved as well.In the world today,more and more women have their own jobs.They get their own salary,and become more independent from their husband.With the econom

28、ic situtation improved,their family position is improving.n In spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.Many husbands only want his wife to stay at home,and do some works or do some shopping.They only want their wife to be a housewife but not a manager of a com

29、pany.第25页,共59页。Page 26开始挑错n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoiety today.Many women today are playing in important part at works that was thought only could be done by man before.For exampel,some women are not secretary in the office,instead,they become manager of a company.n With

30、 the changes in their social role,womans position in the family has been improved as well.In the world today,more and more women have their own jobs.They get their own salary,and become more independent from their husband.With the economic situtation improved,their family position is improving.n In

31、spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.Many husbands only want his wife to stay at home,and do some works or do some shopping.They only want their wife to be a housewife but not a manager of a company.第26页,共59页。Page 27评分样卷2 8分n 基本切题n 思想表达尚清楚n 基本连贯n 有个别严重的语言错误

32、但可以理解第27页,共59页。Page 28笔底烟花n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoiety today.More and more women go to work to eran money instead of keeping the house or looking after the children.Women have entered many fields of society including scientific field.As we know,many women sports teams

33、have won the world champion such as Chinese Womens Volleyball Team.n With the changes in their social role,womans position in the family has been improved as well.Husbands are not the masters of wives in many places.Husbands and wife are equal now.They join together to overcome diffculties and share

34、 happiness.n In spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.Also in some places,women are considered being things belong to men.They have little chance to find jobs.They dont get equal pay for equal job.This is a problem must be solved not only by society but also

35、 by women theirselves.第28页,共59页。Page 29火眼金睛n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoiety today.More and more woman go to work to eran money instead of keeping the house or looking after the children.Women have entered many fields of society including scientific field.As we know,many wo

36、men sports teams have won the world champion such as Chinese Womens Volleyball Team.n With the changes in their social role,womans position in the family has been improved as well.Husbands are not the masters of wives in many places.Husbands and wife are equal now.They join together to overcome diff

37、culties and share happiness.n In spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.Also in some places,women are considered being things belong to men.They have little chance to find jobs.They dont get equal pay for equal job.This is a problem must be solved not only by

38、 society but also by women theirselves.第29页,共59页。Page 30评分样卷3 11分n 切题n 思想表达清楚,连贯n 有个别句子结构错误及少量其他语言方面的错误第30页,共59页。Page 31波澜老成n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoiety today.In many countries,more and more women are acting as workers,farmers,scienctists and even leaders.We can say th

39、at almost all jobs which men can do are done perfectly by women.Women are no longer looked down upon by society.n With the changes in their social role,womans position in the family has been improved as well.Husband and wife are now equal in family。They cope with problems of daily life together,and

40、share happiness with each other.Also you can hardly find out todays families,women are being busy with dinners,where as men are comfortably sitting in armchairs,reading newspapers.n In spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.We also should realize that womens

41、leberty is limited.For example,many factories want men as their employees and the chance of women is slimer than them.Everyone should do their best to change this condition.Im sure the liberation of women would be reached.第31页,共59页。Page 32寻找亮点n Women are palying an increasing important part in scoie

42、ty today.In many countries,more and more women are acting as workers,farmers,scienctists and even leaders.We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done perfectly by women.Women are no longer looked down upon by society.n With the changes in their social role,womans position in the family

43、 has been improved as well.Husband and wife are now equal in family。They cope with problems of daily life together,and share happiness with each other.Also you can hardly find out todays families,women are being busy with dinners,where as men are comfortably sitting in armchairs,reading newspapers.n

44、 In spite of these changes,the liberation of women has not been completely realized.We also should realize that womens leberty is limited.For example,many factories want men as their employees and the chance of women is slimer than them.Everyone should do their best to change this condition.Im sure

45、the liberation of women would be reached.第32页,共59页。Page 33评分样卷4 14分n 切题,文章通顺,语言规范。n 句法有一定变化,用词适当。n 几乎没有错误,个别小错不影响理解第33页,共59页。Page 34夫将者,国之辅也,辅周则国必强,辅隙则国必弱孙子兵法夫将者,国之辅也,辅周则国必强,辅隙则国必弱孙子兵法第34页,共59页。Page 35细节往往决定分数1.1.考试流程与时间分配考试流程与时间分配1 1)流程)流程 8 8:45 45 验证入场(准考证、身份证、学生证)验证入场(准考证、身份证、学生证)8 8:55-955-9:00

46、 00 试音考前准备过程试音考前准备过程 9 9:00 00 考试正式开始考试正式开始 9 9:00009 9:1010播考场指令并发答题卡一、二播考场指令并发答题卡一、二 答题卡一写作与快速阅读部分答题卡一写作与快速阅读部分 答题卡二听力、阅读、完型和翻译答题卡二听力、阅读、完型和翻译 9 9:10109 9:40 40 开始答题开始答题 写作部分(写作部分(9 9:3535发试题册)发试题册)第35页,共59页。Page 362.2.写作时间分配写作时间分配i)i)审题(审题(5 5分钟)分钟)要解决的问题:分清题型确定体裁、揣摩题意紧扣主题、构要解决的问题:分清题型确定体裁、揣摩题意紧扣

47、主题、构思写作环环相扣思写作环环相扣例如:例如:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teachers Day.You should write at least 120words following the outline given below.1.1.向老师表达祝贺向老师表达祝贺2.2.从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和无私奉献从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和无私奉献3.3.我如何回报老师的关爱我如何回报老师的关爱第36页,共

48、59页。Page 37n ii)ii)写作过程(写作过程(2020分钟)分钟)n要注意的事项:要注意的事项:n A)A)选择恰当的词汇选择恰当的词汇n 注意选词的准确性:注意选词的准确性:n 例如:学习知识例如:学习知识n learn knowledge()n acquire/get knowledge()n As the only child in my family,Im not used to sleeping with so many people in the same dormitory.()n As the only child in my family,Im not used

49、to sharing a room with so many people.()第37页,共59页。Page 38n 2.注意词义注意词义n With the industrious development,there is a great need for different kinds of energy.n Industrious(勤奋的)industrial(工业的)n TV commercials have a profound influence on our every day life.n every day(adv.作状语)everyday(adj.每天的)n First w

50、e should use our natural resources in an economic way.n economic (经济的)economical(节约的)第38页,共59页。Page 39n 3.注意习惯:切勿写中国式英语注意习惯:切勿写中国式英语n Reading books can acquire knowledge.n Through reading one can acquire knowledge.n Now people go abroad is not easy.n It is not easy for people to go abroad now.第39页,共


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