1、2021/7/261(最新整理)科技文体的特点和摘要写作2021/7/262科技英语特点和摘要写作科技英语特点和摘要写作The features of Scientific English Meiyu Zhang2021/7/263 第一讲、第一讲、概论概论 第二讲、第二讲、科技英语中的专业术语科技英语中的专业术语 第三讲、第三讲、常见符号的读法常见符号的读法 第四讲、第四讲、常用句型常用句型 第五讲、第五讲、科技论文摘要写作科技论文摘要写作2021/7/264第一讲第一讲 概论概论1.1 科技英语的概念科技英语的概念English for Science and Technology(EST
2、)用英语阐述科技中的理论、技术、实验和现用英语阐述科技中的理论、技术、实验和现象等的英语体系。象等的英语体系。词汇、语法和文体等方面有特点。词汇、语法和文体等方面有特点。2021/7/265科技英语文体总貌科技英语文体总貌 着重叙事逻辑上的联贯(Coherence)及表达上的明晰(Clarity)与畅达(Fluency);避免行文晦涩,作者避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技英语总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。科技英语结构力求平易(Plainness)和精确(Preciseness),因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格
3、,忌用夸张、借喻、讥讽、反诘、双关及押韵等修辞手段,以免使读者产生行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。2021/7/266科技文体的一般特征(1)无人称(Impersonal)(2)语气正式(Formal in Mode of Speech)(3)陈述客观、准确(Objective and Accurate in Statement)(4)语言规范(Standard in Language)(5)文体质朴(Unadorned in stylistics)(6)逻辑性强(Strict in Logic)(7)专业术语性强(Concentrated in Technical Terms)2021/7/267(
4、1)无人称绝大多数科技文章很少使用有人称的句子。这主要是由于科技文章所描述和所讨论的是科学发现或科技实事。尽管科技活动系人类所为,但由于科技文章所报告的主要是这种科技的结果或自然规律,而不是报告这些结果或自然规律是由谁发现或完成的,因此,科技文章往往没有人称。无人称不是绝对的;总的来说,人称句在科技文章中的比例很小。2021/7/268The general layout of the illumination system and lenses of the microscope corresponds to the layout of the light microscope.The el
5、ectron“gun”which produces the electrons is equivalent to the light source of the optical microscope.The electrons are accelerated by a high-voltage potential(usually 40,000 to 100 000 volts),and pass through a condenser lens system usually composed of two magnetic lenses.The system concentrates the
6、beam on to the specimen,and the objective lens provides the primary magnification.The final images in the electron microscope must be projected on to a phosphor-coated screen so that it can be seen.For this reason,the lenses that are equivalent of the eyepiece in an optical microscope are called“pro
7、jector”lenses.(From Thornley G C,Further Scientific English Practice)2021/7/269(2)语气正式A Talk about Corrosion Dr.Brown:Good Morning,Mr.Smith.Can I take your coat?Awful weather,isnt it?Sit down.Cigarette?Mr.Smith:No,I dont smoke,thanks very much.Dr.Brown:Well,Ive been looking into your enquiry about t
8、he corrosion trouble youve been getting in the control valve.Im sorry youve had trouble-quite unexpected-but I think we have the answer.The most probable cause of corrosion at a metal-to-metal junction immersed in an ionized fluid is electrolytic.(From BBC,Scientifically Speaking)2021/7/2610(3)陈述客观、
9、准确科技文章是反映客观事实的,文章中不能参杂作者个人的主观意识,不能带个人感情色彩,对客观事实的陈述必须客观、准确。这既是科技文章的特征,也是对科技文章作者的基本要求。这就要求表义明确单一,排斥使用感情色彩浓郁、文化内涵丰富和词义可此可彼、模棱两可、隐晦不明等词语。如:maybe,perhaps,would like to,guess.2021/7/2611(4)语言规范科技文章的语言一般比较规范,主要表现为语法的规范性。这与文学作品有很大不同。科技文章的语法之所以规范,是因为其描述的客观事物必须准确无误这一要求决定的。2021/7/2612(5)文体质朴在修辞手段上,科技文章以交际修辞为主(
10、Dominated in communicative rhetoric),文风质朴、描述准确,不像文学文体那样富于美学修辞(Aesthetic rhetoric)手段和艺术色彩。主要表现在语言的统一性(Unity)和连贯性(Coherence)强,语句平衡匀密,简洁而不单调,语句长而不累赘、迂回。2021/7/2613(6)逻辑性强概念准确,判断合理、恰当,推理严密。2021/7/26141.2 1.2 科技英语的主要特点科技英语的主要特点1.语法特点语法特点 四多(1)词类转换多e.g.:The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of i
11、ts performance.T:操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。2021/7/2615(2)被动语态多被动语态多 根据英国利兹大学John Swales统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态。e.g.:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine.科技
12、文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部分。这也是广泛使用被动态度主要原因。2021/7/2616(3)后置定语多后置定语多大量使用后置定语也是科技文章的特点之一。常见的有以下五种:1、介词短语e.g.:The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.由于摩擦而产生的力称为摩擦力。A call for paper is now being issued.征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。2、形容词及形容词短语e.g.:In radiation,thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy,si
13、milar in nature to light.热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。2021/7/26173、副词e.g.:The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level.向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度球就保持在这一高度。A4、单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义e.g.:The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted.产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。2021/7
14、/26185、定语从句e.g.:The molecules exert forces upon each other,which depend upon the distance between them.分子相互间都存在分子相互间都存在着力的作用,该力度大小取决于它们之间的距着力的作用,该力度大小取决于它们之间的距离。离。e.g.:Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention.(定语从句to which we pay little a
15、ttention修饰的是changes,这是一种分隔定语从句)我们几乎没有注意的很奇异的物质变化每天都在眼前发生2021/7/2619(4)复杂长句多)复杂长句多为了表述一个复杂概念使之逻辑严密,结构紧凑,科技文章中往往出现许多长句。有的长句多达七八个词 e.g.The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led,in t
16、he first instance,to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations,and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与
17、弹性固体相同点物理性质的介质。这种尝试的结果,性固体相同点物理性质的介质。这种尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的具有上最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的具有上述假定所以认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。述假定所以认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。2021/7/26202.词汇特点词汇特点 新词、缩略词不断出现;前缀、后缀。3.文章特点文章特点 结构严谨、逻辑严密、文体多样 论文、综述、实验报告、教材、专利、说明书等2021/7/26211.4 1.4 专业英语与科技英语的区别专业英语与科技英语的区别与联系与联系 区别:某个具体的领域、学科方向,专业词汇较多;联系:科技英语包含在专业
18、英语里;2021/7/2622第二讲第二讲 科技英语中的专业术语科技英语中的专业术语众所周知,科技文章(科普文章除外)均有一个专业范围。一般来说,其读者均是“本专业”的科技人员,至少说是文章是为“本专业”的读者而写的。专业术语是构成科技理论的语言基础,其余一具有严谨性和单一性。采用术语写作能使文章更加准确而简洁。2021/7/2623 借用动物名称的专业术语借用动物名称的专业术语 英语 日常用语意义 机械专业术语意义 pig 猪 金属锭块 dog 狗 挡块,止动爪 cat 猫 吊锚,履带拖拉机 cock 公鸡 旋塞,吊车 horse 马 支架,铁杆 fish 鱼 接合板,夹板 snake 蛇
19、斑点 monkey 猴子 活动板手,起重机小车 fox 狐狸 绳索 bird 鸟 飞机,火箭 2021/7/2624 英语英语 日常用语意义日常用语意义 机械专业术语机械专业术语意义意义coat 外衣 镀层 cap 帽子 轴承盖,罩壳 shoe 鞋子 闸瓦,履带片 cup 杯子 皮碗,轴套 bed 床 底座,机床身 bench 长凳 拉床,钳工台 house 房子 箱体,罩 disk 唱片 硬磨盘 desk 书桌 控制屏 table 桌子 放料盘 2021/7/2625英语英语 日常用语意义日常用语意义 机械专业术语意义机械专业术语意义eye 眼 孔环 ear 耳 吊钩 mouth 口 开度
20、nose 鼻 喷嘴 hand 手 手柄,指针 finger 手指 厚薄规 foot 脚 支座 head 头 冒口,刀架 neck 颈 座 body 身体 机身 hair 头发 游丝 tooth 牙齿 粗糙面 2021/7/2626第三讲第三讲 常见符号的读法常见符号的读法+plus positive-minus negative plus or minus2021/7/2627一、常见符号的读法一、常见符号的读法(续)(续)*be multiplied by times/be divided by over=equals(be equal to)is2021/7/2628 greater th
21、an larger than less than smaller than greater than or equal to2021/7/2629 less than or equal to does not equal per2021/7/2630 be approximately equal to be equivalent to be proportional to2021/7/2631 yields produces results in reacts inversely(reversibly)2021/7/2632 lognX log X to the base n log10X l
22、og X to the base 10 common logarithm logeX log X to the base e natural logarithm2021/7/2633 b1 b sub 1 F(x)function F of x b b prime b double prime;b second prime b triple prime2021/7/2634 dx differential x;dee x dee of x dy/dx the first derivative of y with respect to x the n-th derivative of y wit
23、h respect to x2021/7/2635 y/u the partial derivative of y with respect to u Xn the n-th power of x x to the n-th power X2 x square(d)the square of x X3 x cube(d)the cube of x 2021/7/2636 y-10 y to the minus tenth(power)degree Centigrade 100 degrees Centigrade 30 degrees below zero Centigrade degree
24、Fahrenheit 100 degrees Fahrenheit2021/7/2637数字:a half,one half 1/3:a third,one thirdtwo and seven eighths,0.001O point O O one,nought point nought nought onetwo and seven over eight7282021/7/2638第四讲、常用句型第四讲、常用句型科技文章中经常使用若干特定的句型,从而形成科技文体区别于其他文体的标志。例如It-that-结构句型;被动态结构句型;结构句型,分词短语结构句型,省略句结构句型等。例如:显然,I
25、t is evident that.看来,It seems that 已证明,It has been proved that 直到十九世纪人们才认识到热是能量的一种形式,It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.如图所示,as shown in fig.x.2021/7/26392021/7/2640第五讲第五讲 科技论文摘要写作科技论文摘要写作什么是科研论文(Experimental Research Report)简而言之,即研究者描述其所从事研究的文章目的:对于在同一个领域
26、(相关领域)工作的同行解释研究的2021/7/26412021/7/2642Abstract(摘要)使读者对于本研究工作有一简短的大致了解(Preview)虽然置于文章开头(正文之前),但写作时通常是最后写。因为只有在全文完成后,才能进行总结提炼其主要内容(结论)意义:科学技术迅猛发展,文章数量急剧增加,文献可谓“浩如烟海”,要在其中寻找自己感兴趣的内容,极为困难。新的检索工具的出现,对此帮助极大,但文章数量实在极为庞大,根本无法直接阅读正文从而了解相关信息。2021/7/2643摘要写作要求 总体要求:简明扼要,信息量大 一般性摘要包括部分及其排列次序(Summary)(1)B=Some b
27、ackground information 一些基本背景知识(2)P=Principal activity/purpose of the study and its scope本研究主要内容/目的及其范围(3)M=Some information about the methodology used in the study 关于本研究所采用的一些(试验)方法(4)R=The most important results of the study 最重要的研究结果(5)C=A statement of conclusion or recommendation 结论/意义 以上又称为Full A
28、bstract2021/7/2644 但对于发表论文而言,由于科技文献数量剧增,对于摘要篇幅质量也加以限制(brief and concise),一般不超过150200字(words)。为此,对以上Full Abstract 必须再作删除或合并,得到所谓的(Reduced Abstract)它包括二至三个部分,重点放在研究结果上,次序如下:P+M=Purpose+method of the study 目的及研究方法 R=Results 结果 C*=conclusions and recommendations 结论 *optional(可选)首先阐述实验内容(目的)和方法(有时实验目的也不写
29、明,背景不再包括在内),然后总结重要的实验结果,最后用一、两个句子包括重要结论。2021/7/2645内容要点(1)理论研究论文:以陈述性为主,内容主要是研究的课题和目标,指导思想,论据,结论以及应用的可能性;(2)实验性研究论文:以资料性为主,内容主要包括研究项目和目标,实验方案和主要设备、实验数据、结论及理论意义或实用价值。2021/7/2646 摘要是一种语言精炼、概括原文主题内容的媒介,现已成为检索科技文献的有效手段。1.时态的用法 科技论文英文摘要通常使用一般现在时、现在完成时、一般过去时或情态动词,偶尔也使用一般将来时。(1)研究的背景、目的和范围:常用现在时;语法和句法的文体特征
30、2021/7/2647(2)研究的方法、手段或步骤:常用过去时、现在时或现在完成时;(3)研究的结果:常用过去时;(4)研究得出的主要结论:常用现在时。2.被动语态的应用 科技论文英文摘要另一显著特征是被动态的大量运用。摘要是科技工作者对所从事的科研活动客观的、浓缩的表述,强调或突出的是客观的科学事实、现象和过程而不是行为动作的执行者,因此被动语态成为追求叙述客观和规范性的一个重要手段。2021/7/2648e.g.:Location of Buried Optical Service Cables via the EM-Wave Remotely Modulated Optical Sign
31、al in the FiberAbstract This paper presents the first results and theoretical examination of a method to locate the position of buried optical cables.A traveling EM-wave(RF),generated from above ground,modulates the state of polarization of the light guided by the fiber to be located.2021/7/2649The
32、magnitude and phase of this modulation are detected at the end of the fiber route and the results relayed to the operator.By observing the amplitude of this modulation the lateral position of the buried optical cable can be determined.We have demonstrated 18dB signal/noise ratio,at a buried depth of
33、 1.5m,in wet clay soil,using a radiated RF power of 38W at 144 MHz.2021/7/2650摘要写作摘要的起首句:(1)描述目的)描述目的concernstestsinvestigatesreportsdiscussesdescribesexplainsanalyzesdeterminesdemonstrateconsidersThis paperThis studyThis projectThis researchOur projectThis survey2021/7/2651The objective of this pap
34、er is to analyze the performance of active and passive suspensions.The goal of this study is to discuss The aim of this paper is to evaluate The purpose of this project is to examine The objective of this research is to test this survey investigate/measure/demonstrate/analyze /determine2021/7/2652 a
35、.This study aims to discuss the influence of the parameters of suspension system on the smoothness and operating stability of the whole car.This research is designed to determine This study is designed to measure This project is designed to evaluate Our project aims to calculate 2021/7/2653The exper
36、imental system was composed of four parts,i.e.indirectly electrical heated furnace,pyrolysis reactor,online sample collected analyzer,and gas condenser&collector.(2)描述方法)描述方法 2021/7/2654 Results indicated We found that The results showed that Data suggested that It is shown that It can be concluded
37、that The examination/investigations proves that This paper then concludes that From the table it can be seen/concluded that F r o m t h e f i g u r e s i t m a y b e estimated/calculated/inferred that It follows from what has been said that (3)描述结果)描述结果2021/7/2655study,investigate,examine,observe,cl
38、arify,elucidate,confirm,infer,discover,deduce,presume,suppose,propose,concern,consider;perform,carry out,realize,achieve,attain,obtain,bring(come)into effectreveal,show,demonstrate,exhibit,illustrate,manifest,indicate,suggest,imply.2.常用的动词2021/7/2656it is inferred that the channel consists of two do
39、minant components:a LOS signal and a strong reflection off of the roadway.A study was carried out to investigate the effect of information and communication Voice communication was attained with overlapping WLAN hotspots and wired or wireless VoIP phones.2021/7/2657主题句的常用句型或表达方法主题句多用于介绍论文涉及的研究课题和领域,
40、提供研究背景信息或陈述研究目的。常见的句型或表达方式:(1)Previous research has shown that ;(2)It has been shown that ;(3)The principle of is outlined;(4)The apparatus for is described;2021/7/2658(5)An account of is given;(6)The method of is addressed;(7)The mechanism of is examined;(8)The model of was established;(9)An analys
41、is of was carried out;(10)The purpose of the present study is to ;(11)The aim of our research is/was to ;(12)The objective of this investigation is to ;(13)This paper is intended to ;2021/7/2659(14)This paper is to ;(15)The author(s)made this study in order to find out/;(16)With the aim of ;(17)This
42、 paper deals with ;(18)Based on ,is described discussed/presented/analyzed/dealt with in this paper;(19)In this paper,is discussed/explored/analyzed.2021/7/2660(20)further more,moreover;(21)in addition;(22)in(dis)agreement with;(23)in accordance with;(24)In terms of;(25)with respect to,considering;(
43、26)correspond to;(27)as a result,as it turned out to be;2021/7/2661 表示原因或结果的词汇:Because because of since for due to owing to on account of Leading to resulting in so so that therefore thereby hence thus resulting from As a result of consequently In consequence accordingly,as a result,for this reason2
44、021/7/2662名词:property,behavior,feature,nature characteristics,performance,function;The Higher Education Program has several features that allow you to develop academically,intellectually,socially,and culturally your ability in many aspects.This product has the characteristics of low cost,simple tech
45、nology,excellent performance,green and environmental-protection,etc.2021/7/2663The circuit has the characteristics of modularity,low operational voltage,accuracy and simplicity.Guiding Characteristics and Radiation Characteristics of Planar WaveguidesOptical Properties of Polymer Fiber2021/7/2664b.S
46、omebody(1990)gave a theoretical overview of,but c.However,these studies were limited to 近期进展情况分析:近期进展情况分析:d.The method worked well at e.The models of has recently received considerable attention.f.In the last decade,several approaches of were independently proposed.g.The study of was in vogue for se
47、veral years until 对他人研究成果、观点的评估:对他人研究成果、观点的评估:a.By the late 1980s,researchers has started scientific work on 2021/7/2665Grateful acknowledgement is made to A special gratitude is expressed to Thanks must be given to Funding for this work was provided by the Ministry of Energy and Resources.The work
48、was supported by National Science Foundation of China Id like to acknowledge 2021/7/2666Computer Imitation System for 电脑模拟系统电脑模拟系统Investigation of the Feasibilities of 可行性调查可行性调查 Primary Study on 初次研究初次研究 Mathematical Model of 数学模型数学模型 Development of Automobile Electronics and Domestic Application.电子汽车的发展和家庭应用电子汽车的发展和家庭应用A Simulation Optimization Method for Automotive Cooling System 汽车冷却系统的模拟优化方法汽车冷却系统的模拟优化方法Current Status and Developing Trends of 使用名词短语或非限定动词短语作为论文的标题使用名词短语或非限定动词短语作为论文的标题 2021/7/2667