
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3319901 上传时间:2022-08-19 格式:PPT 页数:20 大小:307KB
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1、Unit 3 Digital campusSection ACollege life in the Internet age互联网时代的大学生活互联网时代的大学生活New words1.campusAll freshmen students live on campus.When they are in their second year at college,they may live off campus.2.fleet a fleet of ambulances救护车队He sat in the back yard in the sun,watching a fleet of white

2、 clouds overhead.他坐在后院晒太阳,看着天上的朵朵白云。3.access access to+n.大学的学生和教职员工可以免费试用那个机房。Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab.4.accessibleHe has made some attempts to make opera accessible to a wider public.他作了一些尝试,想让歌剧能有更多的受众。5.devicemedical/control/protection device医疗/控

3、制/防护设备Writing the new words on cards and reading them everyday is a useful device of English learning.6.sophisticatedHer extensive social experience is what makes her so sophisticated.正式她丰富的社会经验使她变得很老练。sophisticated equipment尖端设备,高级设备7.adoptadopt a positive attitude采取积极的态度adopt an orphan收养一名孤儿8.indi

4、spensableGood dictionaries are indispensable in English learning.对英语学习来说,好词典是必不可少的。9.outlinethe outline of the storyThe outlines of animals were cut into the rock.动物的外形被刻在岩石上。10.regulate必须采取法律和经济手段来管理食品行业。Legal and economic measures should be taken to regulate the food industry.regulate the pace of

5、this watch校对这块表11.estimate estimate the cost of this project估算项目成本estimated a.The estimated population of this small town is about 15,000.据估计,这个小镇的人口有1.5万人。12.inferiorIt is stupid to think that women are inferior in intelligence to men.认为女性的智力不如男性是愚蠢的。13.inferiority没有科学证据证明种族有优劣的说法。There is no scien

6、tific evidence to support claims of racial superiority to plexOedipus complex俄狄浦斯情结inferiority complex自卑情结;自卑感An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle to success.自卑感对你非常有害,它是成功路上最大的障碍。The stock market is an attractive and relativelycomplex part of the business world

7、.股票市场是商业领域中具有吸引力而且较为复杂的一部分。15.peerHis pleasant personality made him popular among his peers.他平和的性格使他深受同龄人的喜爱。Phrases and expressions1.account for苹果手机占据行业利润的92%。Apple iPhone has accounted for 92%of the industrys profits The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来的少的原因。How do you

8、 account for the shows success?你认为这次演出为何成功?2.at a disadvantageHis inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage in the interview.他不会说英文,所以在面试的时候处于不利地位。3.stand outAn ordinary advertisement would not stand out in a competitive advertising industry.一则平淡无奇的广告无法在竞争激烈的广告业中脱颖而出。Her long,red hair and

9、 bright yellow dress made her stand out in the crowd.她那长长的红发和鲜黄的裙子使她在人群中很显眼。4.in large partYour future success depends in large part on your current efforts.Translation Chinas space industry was launched in 1956.over the past decades,Chinas space industry has created one miracle after another.In 197

10、0 China launched its first man-made earth satellite,ranking China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch man-made earth satellites.In 1992 China began to carry out the manned spaceflight program.In 2003 China has launched Shenzhou-5,a manned spaceship.The successful launch made China the third country to launch manned spaceships.In 2007 Change-1,the first lunar-orbiting man-made satellite,was sent to space.In 2013 Shenzhou-10,the fifth manned spaceship,was launched successfully,laying the foundation for building the Chinese Space Station.再 见


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