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1、Compound DictationYou will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these b

2、lanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Now listen to the passage.Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视频讨论视频讨论 For more随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EAmerican health officials are advising people with HIV to take their medicine every day and not to

3、stop.They warn that breaks in treatment could sharply increase theS1 _ of AIDS or death.S2 _ at the National Institutes of Health say their warning is S3 _ on findings from a large study.It S4 _ the effects of controlled suspensions in drug treatment.The study S5 _ more than five thousand people.Med

4、icines can S6 _ HIV,the S7 _ that develops into AIDS.Compound DictationriskExpertsbasedexaminedBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视频讨论视频讨论随随 笔笔 involvedsuppressN H C EN H C EvirusResearchers at the National Institutes of Health began the study in January of 2002.They called it SMARTS8 _ for Management of

5、Anti-Retroviral Therapy.S9 _.The scientists reached more than ninety percent of the target before they halted new enrollments last month.They did so earlier than planned.The researchers tested all the people for the level of CD-four cells in their blood.These cells are a measure of the strength of t

6、he bodys defense system.Compound Dictation Strategies They wanted to study six thousand people around the worldBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视频讨论视频讨论随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C ES10 _.One group stayed on continuous anti-retroviral therapy.They took their medicines every day.The others took them periodically.T

7、hey took the drugs only when their CD-four count fell below two hundred fifty cells per cubic millimeter of blood.S11 _ _.The study found that these patients were two times as likely to develop AIDS or to die as the group on continuous treatment.Compound Dictation The researchers divided the patient

8、s into two groups The patients would go off the drugs again once their cell count climbed above three hundred fiftyBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视频讨论视频讨论随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E课文分析课文分析 New Words&Expressions课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Eacquirevt.取得取得;学得学得immunea.免疫的免疫的deficiencyn.C,U

9、缺乏缺乏,不足不足syndromen.C 综合病症综合病症diagnosevt.诊断诊断infectvt.传染传染;影响影响HIVn.U 艾滋病病毒艾滋病病毒rurala.乡村的乡村的constitutevt.组成组成;设立设立;制定制定n.virusn.C 病毒病毒AIDS艾滋病艾滋病New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Ealarmvt./n.使惊恐使惊恐;C闹钟闹钟;U 惊慌惊慌 alarminga.令人惊恐的令人惊恐的federala.联邦的联邦的,联邦制的联邦制的 i

10、mplementvt.实施实施,执行执行organizationn.C 组织组织,机构机构;U安排安排 emergevi.浮现浮现,出现出现networkn.C 人际关系网人际关系网;网络网络 combatn./vt.U 斗争斗争resourcen.C(usu.pl.)资源资源creative 创造性的,有创造力的创造性的,有创造力的segmentn.C部分部分;碎片碎片a.New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C E教育的教育的C客户客户,顾客顾客C 出版物出版物;U 发表发表C

11、 约会约会,约定约定,预约预约C 发型师发型师U 有文化有文化,识字识字U 文学文学;文献文献解决解决;解答解答 educationala.clientn.publicationn.appointmentn.stylistn.literacyn.literaturen.solvevt.educatevt.教育教育;训练训练 creatively ad.创造性地,有创造力地创造性地,有创造力地New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Eillustratevt.说明说明establi

12、shvt.建立建立;创办创办bustern.U克星克星riskn./vt.C,U 危险性危险性;使遭受使遭受pressuren.C,U 压力压力definevt.下定义下定义,描述描述 redefinevt.重新说明重新说明maritala.婚姻的婚姻的plague n./vt.C 瘟疫瘟疫;使苦恼使苦恼establishmentn.C 机构机构;单位单位New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Eemphasizevt.强调强调regardlessad.不论如何不论如何;不管怎样

13、不管怎样crisisn.C,U 危机危机;紧急关头紧急关头cure representn./vt.C 治疗治疗(愈愈);措施措施;改善改善vt.表示表示,代表代表;应视为应视为epidemicn.C 流行病流行病,传染病传染病threatenvt.威胁威胁,威胁到威胁到,恐吓恐吓raciala.种族的种族的distract vt.使分心使分心;转移注意力转移注意力efficiencyn.U 功率功率;功效功效solutionn.C 解决办法解决办法;解答解答New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H

14、C EN H C E inefficiencyn.U无效无效;低效率低效率be infected with被感染被感染in place of代替代替suffer from 受受苦苦;患患hand out散发散发,分发分发set up设立设立;创建创建at risk有风险有风险,有危险有危险regardless of不顾不顾,不管不管guard against防止防止发生发生 undeclareda.未正式宣布的未正式宣布的New Words&Expressions课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Ewipe out

15、彻底摧毁彻底摧毁,消灭消灭distract sb.from sth.使分心使分心sign up for报名参加报名参加AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合获得性免疫缺陷综合征征(艾滋病艾滋病)HIVLatino拉丁美洲人拉丁美洲人【医】【医】human immunodeficiency virus艾滋病艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺陷病毒病毒,人体免疫缺陷病毒 诊断出是(患)艾滋病 感染了疾病 成为数量增长最快 的人群 实施计划 代替 防止艾滋病例数量的增加 接触到更多的人 用能接受的方式谈话 受教育比例低 散发艾滋病资料 be diagn

16、osed as/with AIDS be infected with constitute the fastest growing segment of people implement programs in place of combat the growing number of AIDS cases reach more people speak to sb.in a way they can hear have a low literacy rate pass out AIDS literature 教育类图书 设立一个项目 起重要作用 来自同龄人的压力 存在危险 婚姻状况 吸毒 困

17、扰着医疗机构 不论结婚与否 解决的唯一方法 education publications establish a program play a vital role in sth.peer pressure at risk marriage status use drugs plague the medical establishment regardless of marriage status the only solutions to the crisis 预防感染病毒 夺去一代人的生命 使分心 政府工作低效 不宣而战的战争 报名参加 guard against the virus wi

18、pe out an entire generation distract sb.from sth.political inefficiency an undeclared war sign up for Part IPreview*Task one:Turn to page 97 and read Preview.Try to find the topic of this Unit.Discuss in pairs.(5 minutes)Topic:*Task two:Do you know anything about AIDS?Write your answers on a piece o

19、f paper.(10 minutes)下一页Topic:AIDS and Its Solution Section A The Battle Against AIDSPre-reading activities:*Task one:Get familiar with the background information.*Task two:Spot dictation.*Task three:Read the text in 10 minutes and discuss the questions in groups.*Task four:Learn the new words and ex

20、pressions.1.Learn to read correctly.2.Learn to use correctly.下一页Main Idea of The passageThe passage tells readers what AIDS is and how people start the battle against AIDS.It also tells us the importance of fighting against the AIDS.Background KnowledgevAIDS AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

21、is a disease which destroys the natural method the body uses to protect against other diseases.It is a disease caused by the HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus),but AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may leads to AIDS.HIV is spread in three ways:1.Contact with

22、 infected blood2.Sex3.Mother-to-childAIDS usually develops in four stages:In the first stage:there is only infection by HIV and antibody(抗体)production.In the second stage:the lymph nodes(淋巴结)enlarge.In the third stage:an infected person may begin to have such signs as tiredness,fever,and night sweat

23、s.In the last stage:AIDS is diagnosed when a person develops certain uncommon,life-threatening illness,for example,Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia(卡氏肺囊虫肺炎)vHIV HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.This is the virus that spreads through contact with infected blood,infected sexual partners or within

24、 the womb of an infected pregnant mother.After infecting a person,HIV can remain hidden in the body for long and different periods of time until it becomes active and develops into AIDS for which no known cure exists.The virus spreads very fast once contact has been made with an infected source.vThe

25、 Spreading of AIDS in Recent YearsThe Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS)estimates that more than 40 million men,women,and children worldwide are now living with HIV/AIDS,of which 28 million are in Sub-Saharan Africa.In this region,1 in 10 adults ages 15 to 49 is living with the virus,a

26、nd in seven countries more than 20%of the population is infected.Women,especially young women,are becoming infected at alarmingly increasing rates.A great many infected people do not know they carry HIV and so may be spreading the virus to others unknowingly.vLatino Latino is the name given to Hispa

27、nic American citizens in the United States who share the Spanish language in common but may be from different races or religions and different Spanish speaking countries.Latinos are the fastest growing group in the U.S.and expected to be more than double in size by 2020.vThe federal government The f

28、ederal government in the United States is a national republic whose members are selected to hold office for a limited period of time by citizens over 18 years of age.This republic has an elected president who is head of the nation as well as head of the federal or national government.vA state govern

29、ment A state government is the political structure that includes an area of land,citizens,and an elected governing body with the right to control and change all powers within the state that are not given by constitution to the federal government.Fifty stage governments exists in the United States.vA

30、 beauty shop A beauty shop is a business place where women go“to have their hair done”,i.e.washed,curled,colored,etc.,or their fingernails or skin treated.The shop sells the“thought”of beauty.A client should feel/look more beautiful after a visit to the beauty shop.Women who use such shops often hav

31、e weekly appointments.infect vt.1.感染 2.影响be infected with感染(疾病)全班学生都感染上了这种病毒。The whole class were infected with the virus.受受感染腐蚀影响感染腐蚀影响尽管到处都是诱惑,但尽管到处都是诱惑,但我什么坏毛病也没染上。我什么坏毛病也没染上。Backto be infected with短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用all around/attraction/any bad habit/be infected withAlthough attraction is all a

32、round,I am not infected with any bad habit.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C Econstitute vt.make up;form 组成Girls constitute 20 percent of the student population in the university.女生占这所大学学生总数的百分之二十。Twelve people constitute a research group.12个人组成一个研究小组。下一页implement vt.实施,执行The groups idea will be implemented i

33、mmediately.这个小组的建议将很快得到实施。The government promised to implement a new program to control pollution.政府承诺要执行新的计划以控制污染。in place ofinstead of 代替William talked at the meeting in place of the manager who was sick.威廉代替身体不适的经理在会上作了发言。Back代替代替 针对鉴于针对鉴于in place of(sb./sth.)取代枯燥校园生活的取代枯燥校园生活的是正兴起的丰富多彩是正兴起的丰富多彩的

34、文化活动。的文化活动。短短 语语 应应 用用in place of/dull campus life/emerge/rich and colorful/cultural activitiesIn place of dull campus life,rich and colorful cultural activities are emerging.短短语语逆逆译译意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C Ecombatvt.fight or struggle against 斗争The doctor spent his life combating disease.这位医生一生都在与疾病

35、作斗争。n.fight or battle 斗争The combat between good and evil will continue forever.善与恶的斗争将永远持续下去。下一页literacy n.文化;识字They were required to take part in the literacy movement.他们被要求参加识字运动。It is reported that the literacy rate is very low in the rural areas.据报道农村地区的教育普及率很低。low-literacyn.低文化水平literature n.1.

36、written works which are of artistic value文学British literature 英国文学literature courses 文学课程2.printed material giving information资料Have you any literature about the car?你有关于汽车的资料吗?He handed out the literature about AIDS to the students.他把有关艾滋病的资料发给illustrate vt.show the meaning of(sth.)by giving relate

37、d pictures or examples 说明1.His story illustrates her skill in dealing with the problem.他所讲的故事说明了她处理这个问题的技巧2.He illustrated his idea with many examples and pictures.他用许多实例和图片说明自己的观点。buster n.克星 The policeman was known as a drug buster.这位警察被称作毒贩克星。The medicine is a cold buster.这种药可以治疗感冒。risktake a ris

38、ktake the risk of pose a risk to/forat riskrisk to do sth.冒险冒着的危险对构成危险有危险冒危险做rock climbing/be believed to/ones life/take the risk of/there be/still/many people/show special love for冒冒的危险的危险降低降低的危险的危险对对构成危险构成危险置置危险境地危险境地to take the risk ofto reduce the risk ofto pose a risk to/for.to put at risk攀岩被认为

39、是在拿生攀岩被认为是在拿生命冒险,但仍有许多命冒险,但仍有许多人对此情有独钟。人对此情有独钟。BackRock climbing is believed to be taking the risk of ones life,but there are still many people who show special love for it.知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 随随 笔笔 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C EN H C Eredefine vt.consider sth.in a new way重新考虑,重

40、新定位The teacher was asked to redefine the use of the new teaching methods.这位教师被要求重新考虑新教学方法的运用。The role of women in social life is being redefined.妇女在社会生活中的作用正在得到重新定位。plague vt.annoy by repeated action缠绕,烦扰They plagued the teacher with many questions.他们用许多问题来烦老师。n.瘟疫,鼠疫;灾难,祸患The question of his future

41、 has plagued him recently.最近她一直在为自己的前途问题苦恼。His home area suffered from a plague of dry weather last year.去年他的家乡遭受了旱灾。emphasize(英英emphasise)vt.lay stress on强调I must emphasize the fact that they are only children.我必须强调他们还只是孩子。He emphasized that everyone was at risk for the disease.他强调说每个人都有感染这种疾病的危险。r

42、egardless a.无论如何I must make the decision regardless.不管怎么样,我必须做出决定。regardless of 不顾,不管She married the young man regardless of her parents objection.她不顾父母的反对,嫁给了这个年轻人。Back不顾不计不顾不计regardless ofthe old/complain/the young/act/tend to/regardless of/afterwards/what will happenThe old are always complaining

43、 that the young tend to act regardless of what will happen afterwards.老年人总在抱怨年轻老年人总在抱怨年轻人做事往往不计后果。人做事往往不计后果。短短 语语 应应 用用短短语语逆逆译译意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C Ethreaten v.express or be a warning that one is going to hurt,punish,etc.扬言;威胁Traffic noise threatens our peaceful way of life车辆噪音威胁着我们宁静的生活。She thre

44、atens to kill the man.她扬言要杀死这个男人。Back身边备着备有身边备着备有to keep.around一定要随身带着手机,一定要随身带着手机,不然我们无法和你保不然我们无法和你保持联系。持联系。短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用be sure/keep around/ones mobile phone/otherwise/find no way/keep in touch with sb.Be sure to keep your mobile phone around,otherwise we find no way to keep in touch with yo

45、u.意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C Edistract.from 使分心 Please turn off the TV because the noise will distract the children from their homework.请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使孩子们分心,不能专心做作业。Back使某人不能专心于使某人不能专心于to distract sb.from她对自己专业的兴趣她对自己专业的兴趣极大,几乎没有什么极大,几乎没有什么能使她分心。能使她分心。in ones area of study/take such a great interest/dis

46、tract sb.from sth.She takes such a great interest in her area of study that almost nothing can distract her from it.短短 语语 应应 用用短短语语逆逆译译意意 群群 提提 示示N H C EN H C Eefficiency n.the quality of being able to do a task successfully,without wasting time or energy 效率1.There are many ways of increasing agricu

47、ltural efficiency.提高农业效率的方法有许多。2.The use of these machines has increased our efficiency many times.使用这些机器使我们的效率提高了许多倍。inefficiency n.the quality of being unable to do a task successfully效率低下,无效The inefficiency of the program has led to the loss of millions of tons of food.这一计划实施无效,造成了数百万吨粮食的损失。He re

48、ceived serious critical comments on his inefficiency in the work.他由于工作效率低而受到严厉批评。sign up(cause to)sign an agreement to take part in sth.报名参加;签约参加工作(或组织)I hope more people sign up at the match.我希望有更多的人报名参加这次比赛。Difficult Sentences1.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS)was diagnosed in the United S

49、tates in the late 1970s.(L1-2,Para.1)Meaning:AIDS was discovered by doctors in the last few years of the 1970s.2.Despite such alarming numbers,the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS.(L8-9.Para.3)Meaning:Although the number is surprisingly

50、 large,the federal and state governments havent taken actions to carry out the program to stop the spread of AIDS.3.Like many local organization,this organization suffers from a lack of money,forcing it to use its resources creatively.(L12-14,Para.4)Meaning:.this organization lacks money,and so it h


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