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1、LOGO UNIT Five UNIT Five Dumping and Antidumping Dumping and AObjectivesTo get familiar with business reportTo know something about dumping and anti-dumpingTo learn new words and expressions To master how to analyze difficult and long sentences1.Background Information2.Introduction to the Text3.Busi

2、ness Terms 4.Words and Expressions5.Notes to the TextText A Anti-dumping ActionsThe use of anti-dumping and countervailing duties has increased around the globe,born from protectionist tendencies most countries have toward their home industries.In free-trade shorthand,dumping occurs when an imported

3、 good is sold at less than the goods domestic fair market value.Anti-dumping is the legal framework countries use to place duties,or import surcharges,on products determined to be dumped.Anti-dumpings twin brother-countervailing duties is slapped on imports whose prices are deemed artificially low b

4、ecause of government subsidies.1.Background Information1.Background Information Theme of the TextTheme of the Text:Text A mainly explains how countries should take anti-dumping actions according to WTO agreement.Anti-dumping measures can only be applied if the dumping is hurting the importing countr

5、y.So,the purpose of anti-dumping actions is to defend its domestic industries.Some other regulations in the Anti-Dumping Agreement are also specified at the same time.2.Introduction to the Text2.Introduction to the Text本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务报道本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务报道 。文中涉及的国际法语言准确、确凿、严谨,趋于高度的专业文中涉及的国际法语言准确、确凿、严


7、争议、诉讼的语义。这样的词语带有明显的导致误解、争议、诉讼的语义。这样的词语带有明显的法律、法规英语的特征。如法律、法规英语的特征。如“can only be”、“must”、“can”、“allows”等,这些词语表达了协议约束成等,这些词语表达了协议约束成员国依照国际贸易法履行法律义务的无条件性和必须性员国依照国际贸易法履行法律义务的无条件性和必须性。文体文体特征特征分析分析2.Introduction to the Text2.Introduction to the TextThe World Trade Organization(WTO)is the only global inter

8、national organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.At its heart are the WTO agreements,negotiated and signed by the bulk of the worlds trading nations and ratified in their parliaments.The goal is to help producers of goods and services,exporters,and importers conduct their busine

9、ss.World Trade Organization is an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade.WTO WTO 世界贸易组织世界贸易组织3.Business Terms 3.Business Terms This agreement does two things:it disciplines the use of subsidies,and it regulates the actions countries can tak

10、e to counter the effects of subsidies.It says a country can use the WTOs dispute settlement procedure to seek the withdrawal of the subsidy or the removal of its adverse effects.Or the country can launch its own investigation and ultimately charge extra duty(known as“countervailing duty”)on subsidiz

11、ed imports that are found to be hurting domestic producers.Subsidies and Countervailing Measures AgreementSubsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement补贴以及反补贴措施协议补贴以及反补贴措施协议 3.Business Terms3.Business Terms GATTGATT 关税与贸易总协定关税与贸易总协定 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)is treaty organiz

12、ation affiliated with the United Nations whose purpose was to facilitate international trade.The primary actions of the organization were to freeze and reduce tariff levels on various commodities.3.Business Terms3.Business Terms ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 可以给我们促销活动一些补助金吗?ere4.

13、Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 世贸组织的补贴与反补贴措施协议旨在有效地规范成员国的各种补贴政策,从而营造一个公平的贸易环境。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同、无固定期限劳动 合同和以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and

14、Expressions4.Words and Expressions她力劝政府采取行动来纠正那种现象,以防止对大陆市场的过分依赖。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions据估计中国央行将于近期降息,从而缩小银行、保险等行业的盈利空间。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions据业内专家称,此举措将使烟叶生产大大降低,对烟草公司的收入产生影响。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions许可证持有人及任何从事工程项目的人士必须完全

15、遵从本许可证阐明的全部条件。释义释义 解析解析 是定语从句修饰其中意为索价,要价5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是一个连接的并列句。在第二个分句中作状语从句是一个极为常见的介词,与一些特定的动词或表示动作的名词搭配使用具有引申的含义,如:抵制反抗违背校规等5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 句中引导的定语从句修饰其前的破折号后的内容进一步解释说明前面act的方式。意为“不公平地对待某人”,例如:你对待同一公司的人不可厚此薄彼。5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to

16、 the Text 解析解析 句中两个引导的从句和并列作介词on的宾语;作的后置定语;此外,引导的从句作动名词的宾语从句。5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 从句中相当于引导条件状语从句。例如:除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉;除非你多加小心,否则你会出事的。5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 释义释义 解析解析 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text1.Background Information2.Introduction to the Text3.Business

17、 Terms 4.Words and Expressions5.Notes to the TextText B Technical Information on Anti-dumping in the UR AgreementOn 1 January 1995,the most fundamental change occurred during the Uruguay Round,which regulated the rules of the new dispute settlement mechanism,named the Understanding on the Rules and

18、Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(“Dispute Settlement Understanding”or“DSU”)。According to the regulation,associative parties of world trade organization can not only settle the dispute by negotiation among themselves,but also by dispute settlement body of world trade organization,if di

19、spute arises among members of world trade organization.1.Background Information1.Background Information Theme of the TextTheme of the Text:Text B introduces a summary of the Final Act of the 1986-1994 Uruguay Round of trade negotiations on anti-dumping:basic principles,Committee on Anti-Dumping Prac

20、tices,dispute settlement as well as notifications.2.Introduction to the Text2.Introduction to the Text本商务语篇是以说明文体为主的商务报道本商务语篇是以说明文体为主的商务报道 。文中涉及的国际法语言清晰准确,行文简洁,用文中涉及的国际法语言清晰准确,行文简洁,用语礼貌正式的特点。其中外来词的运用意义比较语礼貌正式的特点。其中外来词的运用意义比较稳定,有利于精确地表达概念,如文中源于拉丁稳定,有利于精确地表达概念,如文中源于拉丁语的术语语的术语“ad hoc”(”(特别的,专门的特别的,专门的)

21、。文体文体特征特征分析分析2.Introduction to the Text2.Introduction to the Text文章在语气方面分别使用了低值和高值情态动文章在语气方面分别使用了低值和高值情态动词,表达了在履行协议和解决争端时行文措辞词,表达了在履行协议和解决争端时行文措辞的委婉礼貌的特征,以及要求成员国必须履行的委婉礼貌的特征,以及要求成员国必须履行协议中所规定的各项义务的强硬态度。协议中所规定的各项义务的强硬态度。On 1 January 1995,the most fundamental change occurred during the Uruguay Round,w

22、hich regulated the rules of the new dispute settlement mechanism,named the Understanding on the Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(“Dispute Settlement Understanding”or“DSU”)。According to the regulation,associative parties of world trade organization can not only settle the dis

23、pute by negotiation among themselves,but also by dispute settlement body of world trade organization,if dispute arises among members of world trade organization.DSU 争端解决谅解争端解决谅解3.Business Terms 3.Business Terms ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions这些行之有效的措施,为项目的实施提供了强有力的组织保证,项目建设取得了可喜的成绩

24、。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions

25、 ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 且其各项性能优于市场上同类产品。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words

26、 and Expressions 解析解析 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text1.Background Information2.Introduction to the Text3.Business Terms 4.Words and Expressions5.Notes to the Tex

27、tText C New strategy needed in antidumping casesWhy the China-U.S.Trade Dispute Is Heating UpThe relationship between China and the U.S.may be the worlds most complicated.While the two economies desperately need each other China relies on exports to the U.S.to drive growth while the U.S.requires inv

28、estments from China to finance its giant deficits Beijing and Washington nevertheless routinely spar over a wide range of sensitive issues.The U.S.has accused China of manipulating its currency to unfairly promote exports,while China has openly called for the replacement of the U.S.dollar as the wor

29、lds premier currency.But with so much at stake,the two nations have tried to keep their rapport cordial.In July,U.S.President Barack Obama called for cooperation,not confrontation with China.1.Background Information1.Background Information Theme of the TextTheme of the Text:Text C discusses China ne

30、eds new strategy in anti-dumping cases in order to reduce trade disputes between the US and China.2.Introduction to the Text2.Introduction to the Text本文为一则商业评论本文为一则商业评论 。全文语气强硬适中,态度鲜明,结构逻辑合理,意全文语气强硬适中,态度鲜明,结构逻辑合理,意义连贯,而且遵循了先综合后分析的思维模式。义连贯,而且遵循了先综合后分析的思维模式。文体文体特征特征分析分析2.Introduction to the Text2.Intr

31、oduction to the Text在以过去时为主阐述了中国遭受来自美国反倾在以过去时为主阐述了中国遭受来自美国反倾销案例的基础上,作者又使用了高值情态动词销案例的基础上,作者又使用了高值情态动词“needs to”(needs to”(第九段第九段)来表达中国必须履行对这来表达中国必须履行对这些反倾销行动做出回应的义务。在随后提出自些反倾销行动做出回应的义务。在随后提出自己观点的句子中,又连续多次使用了中值情态己观点的句子中,又连续多次使用了中值情态动词动词“should”should”(第十四段、第十七段和第十(第十四段、第十七段和第十八段)来抒发自己坚持认为中国有义务采取新八段)来抒

32、发自己坚持认为中国有义务采取新的策略来应对反倾销案例的观点。的策略来应对反倾销案例的观点。The United States International Trade Commission is an independent,quasi-judicial Federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade.The agency investigates the effects of dumped and subsidized imports on domestic industries and

33、conducts global safeguard investigations.The Commission also adjudicates cases involving imports that allegedly infringe intellectual property rights.Through such proceedings,the agency facilitates a rules-based international trading system.US International Trade CommissionUS International Trade Com

34、mission美国国际贸易委员会美国国际贸易委员会3.Business Terms3.Business Terms US Department of Commerce US Department of Commerce 美国商务部美国商务部The United States Department of Commerce is the Cabinet department of the United States government concerned with promoting economic growth.It was originally created as the United

35、States Department of Commerce and Labor on February 14,1903.It was subsequently renamed to the Department of Commerce on March 4,1913,and its bureaus and agencies specializing in labor were transferred to the new Department of Labor.3.Business Terms3.Business Terms The Cato Institute is a public pol

36、icy research organization a think tank dedicated to the principles of individual liberty,limited government,free markets and peace.Its scholars and analysts conduct independent,nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.Cato Institute 卡托研究所卡托研究所3.Business Terms3.Business Terms A think tan

37、k(or policy institute)is an organization or individual that conducts research and engages in advocacy in areas such as social policy,political strategy,economy,science or technology issues,industrial or business policies,or military advice.Many think tanks are non-profit organizations,which some cou

38、ntries such as the United States and Canada provide with tax exempt status.Other think tanks are funded by governments,advocacy groups,or businesses,or derive revenue from consulting or research work related to their projects.think tank think tank 智库智库3.Business Terms3.Business Terms ere4.Words and

39、Expressions4.Words and Expressions他们向总督递交了一份请愿书。4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions这一税收制度一旦施行,必定会危害国民经济。4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 世界卫生组织强烈要求各国政府立法来确保人民能够使用到氟化物。4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions准司法性的 民事诉讼是一种司法制度,而仲裁是一种准司法制度,具有民间性.4.Words and Expressions4.W

40、ords and Expressions 助理教授有五到七年的时间获得终身职位。4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 我的律师给了我一些法律建议。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 作家们说,我们要用好的书籍教育培养年轻人。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 我们必须大力提倡并实施有效教学。ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 这笔交易是在幕后进行的。

41、ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions ere4.Words and Expressions4.Words and Expressions 他们也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。释义释义 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 解析解析 本句是一个由but连接的并列句。意为有道理”,例如:即便如此,她的话也还是有些道理。意全部真相”,例如:诺思先生不了解事情的全部真相。5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 本句是简单句。作的同位语;其后的介词短语作的后置定语;介词短语作的后置定语。前缀意为类似,半,准”,例如:准民事法律行为;半官方的;准立法性的。5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 释义释义 5.Notes to the Text5.Notes to the Text 解析解析 LOGO


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