中考英语语法专项复习讲解及训练 数词(含答案).doc

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1、中考英语语法专项复习 数词 中考对数词的考查主要围绕基数词和序数词的用法、时刻表达法、年、月、日表达法、电话号码及编号、分数的表达法、百分数的表达法、加减乘除表示法、hundred、thousand、million、billion的用法。卷面中数词所占分值约为 2-3分左右,一般分布在单选、完形填空、语法填空,翻译中。主要掌握1-13及20、21等的序数词的形式,其它序数词都是在基数词末尾加-th,是有规律可循的。onefirstsixsixtheleveneleventhtwosecondsevenseventhtwelvetwelfththreethirdeighteighththirte

2、enthirteenthfourfourthnineninthtwentytwentiethfivefifthtententhtwenty-onetwenty-firstthirtythirtieth另外,序数词的缩略形式是由阿拉伯数字加序数词的最后两个字母构成。例如:1st, 25th。基数词记忆口诀:基数词很容易,0至12词各异,单独记。13至19,以teen结尾不要丢;20至90,整十后面有个ty;几十几,也容易:先说几十,再说几,中间短杠“-”加上去。hundred是一百,百内数字记心怀。几百几,挺容易:先说几百,再说几,中间and加上去。thousand是一千,千内数字记心间。序数词

3、记忆口诀:基变序,很容易,基后th跟上去,第一、二、三要牢记,因为它们是特殊的(first、second、third)。8去t,9去e;ve要用f替,5 和12记心里;y尾单词变ie,此类词都是整十的;上述变化要牢记,th后面跟上去。要变几十几,也是很容易:只变个位就可以。二、时刻表达法。思维导图记知识点时刻表达法先说分钟,后说钟点先说钟点,后说分钟表示时刻有两种说法: 1) 先说分钟,后说钟点。几点过几分,分钟不超过三十分钟时用past。例如:Its five past eight now. 现在是八点(过)五分。几点差几分或差几分几点,差的分钟数不超过二十九分钟时,用to。例如:Its t

4、wenty-nine to eight. 八点差二十九分。Its a quarter to eight. 差一刻八点。2)先说钟点,后说分钟。在日常生活中,为了简便,常用这种说法。例如:Its eight thirty. 八点三十分。三、年、月、日表达法年、月、日表达法年份用基数词表示,一般写为阿拉伯数字读时可以以hundred为单位也可以以世纪、年代为单位分别来读在哪个月用介词in加月份词表示日期用定冠词the加序数词表示。在哪一天要用介词on 思维导图记知识点1) 年份用基数词表示,一般写为阿拉伯数字,读时可以以hundred为单位,也可以以世纪、年代为单位分别来读。如:1949 读作 n

5、ineteen hundred and forty-nine 或 nineteen forty-nine;2000读作twenty hundred,或two thousand。表示在哪一年,一般在年份前加介词in,使用year时,year放在数词之前。如:in the year two fifty-three B.C. 在公元前253年。但是,通常采用in加表示年份的阿拉伯数字。2)在哪个月用介词in加月份词表示。例如:in May在五月。3)日期用定冠词the加序数词表示。在哪一天要用介词on。例如:National Day is on Oct. 1. (=National Day is o

6、n the 1st of October) 国庆节是十月一日。 4)美国英语的月份在日期前面, 如:2008年8月3日表达为August 3, 2008;英国英语的习惯是日在月前, 如:3 August 2008或3rd August 2008.四、电话号码及编号。编号既可以用序数词,也可用基数词。例如: the first lesson - Lesson One 第一课the fiftieth page- page 50第五十页 有的编号习惯上常用基数词。例如: Room 829 (读作eight two nine) 829号房间 Tel. No. 2793586 (读作Telephone

7、number two seven nine three five eight six) 五、分数的表达法分数由基数词和序数词合成。分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是1 时,分母用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式。例如:1/3 one third;2/3 two thirds六、加减乘除表示法。思维导图记知识点加减乘除表示法“加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal等词表示。“减”用 minus表示“乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示“除”用divide的过去分词形式表示1)“加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal

8、等词表示。1+2=? 可表示为:How much is one plus two?If we add one to/and two, we get three一加二等于三。2)“减”用 minus表示。106? How much is ten minus six?Take six from ten and the remainder is four. 十减去六等于四。3) “乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示。3X7? How much is three times seven?Three multiplied by seven makes twenty-one三乘以七等于二十一。4

9、) “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示。12 4=? How much is twelve divided by four?Twelve divided by four equals/gives/makes three十二除以四等于三。考点一:基数词和序数词的用法典例1: (2017山东滨州23)My grandparents live in an old apartment with _ floors and they are on the _ floor.A. fifth;three B. fifth;third C. five;three D. five;third【解析】句意:我的

10、祖父母居住在五层的旧公寓里,他们在三楼。第一空表示数量,故用基数词five;第二空表示次序用序数词,on the third floor意为“在三楼”。【答案】D举一反三1. (2017山东东营30)Would you like another cup of coffee,Linda?Thank you anyway. Ive already had one cup,and Im drinking _ cup.A. one B. the first C. the second D. the third2. (2017山东青岛 2)My father gave me a bike on my _

11、 birthday.A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth3、(2016广东)Please turn to page _and take a look at the picture on itAthe eightiethBeightieth CeightiesDEighty考点二:分数的表达方法 典例2(2016兰州)_ of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school ATwo fifthBOne thirds CThree fifthDThree quarters【解析】根据选项可知,本题考查的是分数的表

12、达方法,分子基分母序,分子大于1,分母加s,故选D。【答案】D举一反三4.(2016东营)-A recent survey shows that 35 out of 45students in my class will save their phones first in a fire-About _ of the students made such a choice?Life is far more important,isnt it? AhalfBone third Ctwo thirdsDthree quarters5.-Jack,_of the oranges_gone bad-W

13、ed better eat up the rest as soon as possible Aone fifth;haveBone fifth;has Cone fifths;haveDfirst five;has6.Nowadays,_ of the old people in the area _ used to dancing on the square after supper Atwo third; isBtwo thirds; is Ctwo thirds; are 7.-What do you think of the environment here?-Wonderful! _

14、of the land_covered with trees and grass ATwo fifths; isBTwo fifth; is CTwo fifths; areDTwo fifth; are考点三:hundred、thousand、million、billion的用法典例3(2017吉林32)_ birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands【解析】句意:数百万的鸟已经迁回,因为这里的环境变

15、得越来越好。thousands of数百万的,thousand 与数词连用时使用单数,与of连用时使用复数。故选A。【答案】A举一反三8. (2017湖北恩施22)England is becoming a popular tourist destination now.I think so. _people come here every summer vacation.A. Hundreds and thousands of B. Hundred and thousand of C. Hundreds and thousands9. (2017山东潍坊26)“Food Safety” ha

16、s become one of the hottest topics recently.Yeah,it receives_ Internet hits a day.A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. hundreds10、(2016丹东)-Have you heard of TFBoys?-CertainlyAbout _ teenagers love them very much in our school AhundredsBtwo hundreds of Ctwo hundredsDtwo hundred11、(2016怀化)Durin

17、g the May Day holiday,_ visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memorial Hall of Flying Tigers Athousand ofBthousands Cthousands of1.Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their child.(2016重庆)2.Rose received a letter full of love from her parents on her (sixteen)birthd

18、ay.(2015上海)3.Tonys mum looks young and beautiful.Its hard to imagine she is already in her (fifty).(2015江苏苏州)4.Alice felt happy to receive some gifts on the (twelve)birthday.(2014青岛)5.Some scientists think that it will take (hundred)of years to make robots do most work for humans.(2012四川成都)Key:secon

19、d,sixteenth,fifties,twelfth,hundreds1. people go swimming in summer in Dalian.A.Thousands B.Thousand of C.Thousands of D.Thousand2._ of the land in that area _ covered with trees and grass . A Two fifths ; is B. Two fifth; are C Two fifth ; is D. Two fifths ; are 3.In my hometown , the villagers bui

20、lt an _ bridge in order to cross the river last year . A 800 meter long B. 800 meters long C 800-meter-long D. 800-meters-long 4.Its never too old to learn . Karl Marx began to learn Russian in his _. A the fiftieth B. fiftieth C. fifty D. fifties 5. They are the students of _ . A grade 7 B. Grade 7

21、 C. 7th grade D Grade 7th 6.Unit _ is easy but _ unit is difficult . A Sixth ; seven B. Six ; seven C Sixth ; the seventh D. Six ; the seventh 7.According to a recent survey , about _ of working mothers in China plan to have a second child . A two-fifth B. two-five C. second-fifths D. two-fifths 8._

22、 of the land in that area _ covered with trees and grass . A Two fifths ; is B. Two fifth; are C Two fifth ; is D. Two fifths ; are 9.The number of the cars in the company is about eight _ , and _ of them are new cars . A hundred; two-thirds B hundreds ; two-thirds C hundred; two-third D. hundreds ; two-third 10._ Kobes fans watched his final match and _ of them were men . A Million of ; three fourths B Three millions ; third four C. Millions of ; three fourths D. Three million ; third fours Key:1-5:CACDB 6-10:DDAAC7


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