
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3358019 上传时间:2022-08-23 格式:PPT 页数:20 大小:183.01KB
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1、The Popular BalladsMain form of Medieval Folk LiteratureIn this part,well focus onnDefinition and Origin of Popular BalladsnStylistic Features of the BalladsnSubjects of the BalladsDefinition of Popular BalladsnA ballad is a form of verse,often a narrative set to music.Ballads were particularly char

2、acteristic of British and Irish popular poetry and song from the later medieval period until the 19th century and used extensively across Europe and later North America,Australia and North Africa.百科名片百科名片n民间流行的、富于民族色彩的歌曲,称为民谣或民歌。民谣的历史悠远,故其作者多不知名。民谣的内容丰富,有宗教的、爱情的、战争的、工作的,也有饮酒、舞蹈作乐、祭典等等。民谣既是表现一个民族的感情与

3、习尚,因此各有其独特的音阶与情调风格。如法国民谣的蓬勃、意大利民谣的热情、英国民谣的淳朴、西班牙民谣的狂放不羁、中国民谣的缠绵悱恻,都表现了强烈的民族气质与色彩。英国民谣(English Ballad),起源于中世纪末期,即12、13世纪,兴盛于14、15世纪,复兴于18、19世纪,是英国最古老的诗歌形式之一。它主要包括两大部分,英格兰民谣和苏格兰民谣。Origin of Popular BalladsnDuring the long period of Middle Ages,popular ballads were preserved and passed down through ora

4、l transmission.Women were the most prominent carriers of oral balladry;they were also capable of creating individual variants.世界上唯一的女性文字:女书就有用来记录歌谣的。Origin of Popular BalladsnThe standard modern collection for ballads remains Francis James Childs The English and Scottish Popular Ballads that he edit

5、ed between 1882 and 1898.When official collected and printed they are reshaped and rewritten with a number of variations.Ballads also have a considerable effect on contemporary poets,with Wordsworth,Keats,Coleridge producing literary ballads.百科名片百科名片n诗经The Book of Songs是我国第一部诗歌总集,收入自西周初年至春秋中叶五百多年的诗歌

6、311篇,又称诗三百。先秦称为诗,或取其整数称诗三百。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称诗经,并沿用至今。诗经共有风(ballad)、雅(dynastic hymns)、颂(song,ode,eulogy)三个部分。其中“风”包括了十五个地方的民歌,叫“十五国风”,有160篇,是诗经中的核心内容。“风”的意思是土风、风谣。“雅”是正声雅乐,分“大雅”、“小雅”,有诗105篇,其中大雅31篇,小雅74篇。“颂”是祭祀乐歌,分“周颂”、“鲁颂”、“商颂”,有诗40篇。是“五经”之一。诗经距今已有2500年的历史。汉代的乐府以及后来唐代的新乐府 也收集和改编了不少古代民歌。Stylistic Feature

7、 of the BalladsnOral NaturenThe popular ballad has an oral currency which makes it easier to remember and easier to memorize.Therefore all the stylistic features of it have derived from their oral nature.The first feature is its simple language;the simplicity is reflected both in the verse form and

8、the colloquial expressions.So far as the verse form is concerned,ballads are composed either in couplets(usually heroic)or,more commonly,in quatrains,which are known as the ballad stanza,rhyming abcb,with the first and third lines carrying 4 accented syllables and the second and fourth carrying 3.St

9、ylistic Feature of the BalladsnOral NaturenThere are great variations in the number of unstressed syllables;and the rhyme is often approximate with assonance and consonance frequently appearing.By making use of simple,plain language or dialect of the common people with colloquial,vivid and,sometimes

10、,idiomatic expressions in its narration as well as in its dialogues,the ballad leaves a strong dramatic effect to the reader.Subjects of the BalladsnAccording to the subjects,popular ballads can be divided into different groups.A number of ballads narrating incidents on the English-Scottish border a

11、nd known as“Border Ballads”nAnother important group of ballads is the series of 37 ballads of different lengths in Childs collection,which tell of the wonderful deeds of Robin Hood,the famous outlaw,and his men.n罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的英雄人物,相传他活跃在1160年至1247年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵(Earl)。从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传

12、说就开始在民间流传。14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世。此后,不断有作家以此为素材,写出了许多脍炙人口的作品。n也有说是大约公元1190年,英国狮心王理查率领英国军队参加十字军东征,罗宾汉也随军前行。可是当战争结束,罗宾汉从战场返回家乡的时候,发现自己的庄园和财产已经被诺丁汉郡治安官以莫须有的罪名没收。此时,英国正在被借着狮心王东征而趁机弄权的约翰王子所统治,他的横征暴敛让人民苦不堪言。为此,罗宾汉聚集了一帮绿林好汉,凭借着自己的机智和勇敢,带领大家劫富济贫,对抗昏君的暴政。同名电影Robin Hood(2010)Subjects of the BalladsnSir Patric

13、 SpensnOf all the sea ballads,the best known is“Sir Patric Spens”.It is one of the most popular of the Child Ballads(No.58),and is primarily of Scottish origin.The events of the ballad are similar to,and may chronicle,an actual event:the bringing home of the Scottish queen Margaret,Maid of Norway ac

14、ross the North Sea in 1290.The seven-year-old princess died on the crossing,though not in the manner of Sir Patrick in this song.However,many of the ships sent to fetch her are said to have perished.The name Patrick Spens has no historical record,and,like many of the heroes of such ballads,is probab

15、ly an invention.Although some historians believe that he was actually Sir Patrick Vans.The opening lines however,do refer to the king who is specifically located in Dunfermline where historically there was a royal residence,Malcolms Tower.百科名片百科名片n民谣摇滚n英语民谣在当代的发展表现之一是民谣摇(Folk Rock),在1965年鲍勃迪伦在新港(New

16、port)音乐节用电声吉他弹唱之前,很少有人能想到严谨理性的民谣会与摇滚乐相互结合。民谣摇滚借鉴了民谣音乐简单直接的旋律以及摇滚乐强烈的节拍,以较通俗的手段表达哲理性的歌曲主题。民谣歌手对音乐传统的美学价值有很高的要求,鲍勃迪伦Bob Dylan就是以诗化的语言来吟唱时事和政治。民谣摇滚的鼎盛期十分短暂,1965年之后由于商业味道渐浓而令大众失去了兴趣。百科名片百科名片n80年代 台湾校园民谣兴起 n从1974年到1980年的顶峰期,台湾共产生了300多首校园民谣,其中最有名的莫过于罗大佑的童年。大陆校园民谣的产生,最为直接、深远的影响来自台湾的校园民谣。1994年4月,一盒名叫校园民谣(1983-1993)的盒带由大地唱片公司发行,从此校园民谣有了自己的名字。以下是目前流行的一些校园民谣:同桌的你、睡在上铺的兄弟、让我们荡起双桨、乡间的小路、一生有你、朋友等等。这些歌曲可以理解为是民谣在当代中国的发展。


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