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1、期末总复习,Unit 1,表达人物相貌,tall - short  long - short   round     young - old fat thin,句型,What does she/he look like?,She/He,is .,has.,描述人物长相时用be 动词(高矮胖瘦等); 描述人物拥有的特征时用have/has,look like,看起来像,拓展:,Chinese 中文,中国的        but   但是 English  英语, 英语的 maths  

2、数学       photo 照片 year     年        Mr. 先生 student   学生      study 学习,-What do you like? (你喜欢什么?) -I like . -What does she/he like? - She/He likes.,区 分,practice,(   )1. Nice _ see you again. A. to     B. for    

3、;C. in (   )2. She _ long hair. A. is     B. have   C. has (   )3. Bob is _ London. A. to     B. at     C. in (   )4. What does he look _? - Hes tall. A. like     B. likes     C. liking (   )5. My Chinese teacher is _ Yang. A

4、. teacher    B. Mr.     C. Teacher,A,C,C,A,B,Unit 2,食物,Coke  food   hamburger  beef  chicken   fish   sandwich  lunch  breakfast   dinner,句型,What would you like? 你想来点什么? Id like a / some . 我想要一个/一些 ,some可修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可修饰不可数名词。,What abo

5、ut you? 你想来点什么? Can I help you? 你们想吃点什么? How much is it?   多少钱? Its fifteen yuan.   十五块。,日常口语,拓展,delicious 美味的    about 关于,对于 drink 饮料        order 次序,顺序 a cup of  一杯     in order 按顺序 for + 三餐名  吃餐, 作为餐,practice,感觉饿了   feel _   &n

6、bsp;   喝一杯茶  drink _ 吃些鸡肉  eat _ chicken  吃一个苹果     _ an apple Id like = _ ( 完全形式),hungry,some,eat,I would like,a cup of tea,连词成句,would    what    like   you  ? _ 2. your    here    food    is   . _ 3. can

7、     you     help    I   ? _ 4. any    do     have     you    drinks   ? _ 5. am    I    too   hungry   . _,What would you like?,Here is your food.,Can I help you?,Do you have any drinks?,I

8、am too hungry.,(   )1. Id like _ hamburgers, please. A. a     B. any    C. some (   )2. Look _ those pictures. A. in     B. to   C. at (   )3. Id like some food _ lunch. A. to     B. of     C. for (   )4. - _ is it? - Its fif

9、teen yuan. A. What   B. How much   C. How many (   )5. Id like _ fish for dinner. A. a    B. an     C. some,C,C,C,B,C,Unit 3,单词,句型,soup  vegetable  potato  tomato give (给)   pepper (胡椒粉),询问他人是否想要 -Do you want some ? - Yes, please. /No, thank you

10、. (是的,请来一些。/不,谢谢。),对很重要,英汉互译,在桌子底下,吃饭,Here you are.,be important for,under the table,have/eat a meal,给你。,(   )1. I often have _ at 7 oclock in the morning. A. lunch     B. breakfast    C. dinner (   )2. Sam _ dinner with his father and mother. A. have     B. i

11、s   C. has (   )3. People often have_ at school or at work. A. dinner     B. lunch     C. breakfast (   )4. - _ you want some noodles? - Yes, please. A. Would    B. Do    C. Can (   )5. - Do you want some soup? - No, _. A. thank you  

12、  B. please     C. OK,B,C,B,B,A,is   us   breakfast    important   for   . _ 2. some   I    rice   want   . _ 3. soup    some   do    want   you    ? _ 4. meal    dinner   is

13、   the   evening   . _ 5. some   vegetables    I    more   want    . _,Breakfast is important for us.,I want some rice.,Do you want some soup?,Dinner is the evening meal .,I want some more vegetables.,Unit 4,单词,use    borrow  

14、; thing    eraser dictionary   glue   marker  picture,词组,excuse me    your things    English book    Chinese book clean the blackboard   make a kite draw a line     look at,句型,询问对方能否用某物 -Can I use , please? - Yes. Here you are.,肯定

15、回答: Yes, you can. / Yes, please. /Yes, of course. 否定回答: Sorry, you cant. / Sorry.,读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。,Can I use _ (you) scarf, please? Tom _ (want) to make a cake. Can we _ (look) at your picture? Can I use these _ (marker), please? My book is at home. Can I _ (borrow) our book?,your,wants,look,markers

16、,borrow,(   )1. Can I use _ eraser, please? A. a     B. /     C. an (   )2. - Thank you.  - _.  A. OK     B. No thanks.   C. Youre welcome. (   )3. Can we look _ your new book? A. /      B. at     C. to (   )4.

17、 - Can I use a pencil, please? - Yes, here _ are. A. you     B. your     C. they (   )5. - _ are your things? - In my schoolbag.  A. What    B. When     C. Where (   )6. - What are you doing?  - _. A. Im making a kite.   B. You are mak

18、ing a kite. C. She is making a kite. (   )7. Can I borrow a ruler, please? 回答不能用_. A. Yes, here you are.   B. Yes, of course.  C. Thanks.,C,C,B,A,C,A,C,Unit 5,单词,basket    pet   hold    cage   but lovely    rabbit    sure    

19、talk,拓展,choose 选择    every 每个  parrot 鹦鹉     every day 每天 with 和一起,句型,询问能否买某物 -Can I have a ? - Yes, you can./ No, you cant.,(   )1. Jane _ the parrot. A. likes     B. like    C. is liking (   )2. Tom goes home _ his brother. A. to    

20、 B. with   C. of (   )3. The rabbit is very _. A. loved     B. love     C. lovely (   )4. - Can I have a pet? - Yes, you _. A. can     B. cant     C. are (   )5. Can I have a cage _ my rabbit? A. to    B. with     C. for

21、,A,B,C,A,C,读句子,找出错误并改正。,Can I has a pet dog?   _ My sister dont like parrots. _ - You cant have a pet.               - Thank you, Mum.    _ - Can I have a duck?                 -No, you can.      

22、;   _ - Can I have a dog?                 - Yes, I can.         _,has,have,dont,doesnt,cant,can,can,cant,I,you,1. can   you  have   a   for   cage  it  . _ 2. but    can    you &nb

23、sp; a    have   rabbit   . _ 3. I    a    have   can   parrot   ? _ 4. wants    Jane   to  a    have   pet  . _ 5. is    it    lovely   . _,You can have a cage for it.,But you can

24、have a rabbit.,Can I have a parrot?,Jane wants to have a pet.,It is lovely.,Unit 6,单词,raincoat   which   clothes   jacket   umbrella   or 或者   these 这些   pretty / nice /beautiful 漂亮的,好看的 thick- thin      young - old expensive - cheap    hot

25、 - cold dirty - clean     big - small tall - short      white - black short - long     new - old,句型,购物时,询问他人选择哪件物品 -Which one do you want, the one or the one? 你想要哪一个, 还是?,拓展,-Which one does she/he want, the one or the one? - She/He wants the one.,你用do, does用于他、她、它,

26、(   )1. Its cold in winter. So Amy wants a _ coat. A. thin     B. thick    C. old (   )2. Which shirt do you want, the red one _ the        yellow one? A. and     B. so   C. or (   )3. - _ I have a new umbrella?  - Yes, dear.

27、 A. Do     B. Can     C. Which (   )4. - _ is the book? - Its 25 yuan. A. How much      B. How many     C. How (   )5. My shoes are too _. I want to buy new ones. A. long    B. short     C. old,B,C,B,A,C,1. one   want &n

28、bsp; do    which   you   ? _ 2. these     nice     are      clothes   . _ 3. want    one    I    big    the    . _ 4. much    this     is   how   raincoat  

29、; ? _ 5. I   have   hat   can   this   ? _,Which one do you want?,These clothes are nice.,I want the big one.,How much is this raincoat?,Can I have this hat?,读句子,找出错误并改正。,The girl is hold a rabbit now.  _ Can I use you ruler, Amy? _ People often has lunch at school or a

30、t work.  _ The children are have lunch at school. _ She have big eyes and a nice nose. _,hold,you,has,have,have,have,having,your,holding,has,(   )1. What _ Mingming like? A. do     B. are    C. does (   )2. -What does he _?      - He is tall. A. look

31、    B. like    C. look like (   )3. -Can I use your ruler?       - Yes, here you are.   - _ A. Thank you.   B. No, thank you.  C. Youre welcome. (   )4. - Where are all your things?      - _ A. Theyre in my bags.    

32、;  B. They are my bags. C. Its in my bag. (   )5. - Can I have a pet?     - No, _. A. you can    B. I can     C. you cant,C,C,A,A,C,1. that    shirt    like    I     . _ 2. please  can  borrow  I   yo

33、ur   book  English  ?   _ 3. do  want   beef   some   you   ? _ 4. I  can    have    pet   a   ? _ 5. one   which  you   want  do  ? _,I like that shirt.,Can I borrow your English book, please?,D

34、o you want some beef?,Can I have a pet?,Which one do you want?,Unit 7,单词,timetable   art   computer   lesson get up   go to bed    go home  music go to school    have English,拓展,after 在之后   drive 驾驶  hard 努力 minute 分钟   office 办公室  til

35、l 直到 whole 全部的   usually 通常  dinning hall 餐厅   have a rest 休息 ask questions 问问题,询问和回答表示作息时间 -What time do you do ? 你什么时间做? - I do at + 时间.   我在点做,拓展,-What time does he/she do ? - He/She+ 动词三单 at + 时间.,(   )1. This timetable is _ your day. A. on      B. at &nbs

36、p;   C. about (   )2. - _ I ask you some questions? - Yes, you can. A. Do      B. Can        C. Am (   )3. - What time do you get up?    - I _ at 7:00. A. get up       B. get on       C. go to bed (   )4.

37、We have Chinese _ 9:30 a.m. A. on        B. in       C. at (   )5. My father _ his breakfast in his office. A. eat       B. have       C. eats,C,B,A,C,C,1. your , do, time, computer, have, what, you, lesson  (?) _ 2. timetabl

38、e, is, your, this, about, day  (.) _ 3. for, reads, minutes, he, about, twenty  (.) _ 4. begins, on, work, at, 9:00, to, he, his, computer  (.) _ 5. have, at, I , breakfast, at, 7 oclock, home   (.) _,What time do you have your computer lesson?,This timetable is about your day.,H

39、e begins to work on his computer at 9:00.,I have breakfast at home at 7 oclock.,He reads for about twenty minutes.,Unit 8,单词,iron   meal   parent   plant   often make the bed      iron the clothes  clean the windows    cook a meal  wash the vege

40、tables   water the plant,拓展,usually 通常,经常 sweep the floor 扫地   wash the dishes 洗碗碟 help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事,某人用人称代词的宾格,句型,询问对方在家做什么 What do you do at home? 你在家做? I  + 动词词组原形,拓展,What does he/she do at home? He/She + 动词词组的三单形式,读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. My mum often _ (iron) clothes. 2. My fat

41、her likes _ (water) the flowers. 3. Im _ (clean) the window. 4. He can _ (cook) meals. 5. _ (wash) the vegetables, please.,irons,watering,cleaning,cook,Wash,(   )1. Mary _ her mother every day. A. help      B. helps     C. does housework (   )2. - _ your father go

42、to work on Sundays? - No, he doesnt. A. Do      B. Is        C. Does (   )3. What do you do _ home? A. at       B. on       C. in (   )4. My sister washes clothes. My mother helps _ . A. him        B. it &

43、nbsp;     C. her (   )5. Lets _ a meal for our mother. A. cooks       B. cook      C. make,B,C,A,C,B,读句子,找出错误并改正。,My sister cook dinner every day. _ Do you help you mother at home? _ 3. They washes the fruit for their parents. _ 4. My father plays compute

44、r games in Sunday. _ 5. -How do you do at home? - I help my mum.       _,cooks,your,cook,you,wash,washes,on,What,in,How,Unit 9,单词,collecting stamps    collecting old photos collecting storybooks    playing chess playing the violin       taking photos

45、 a lot of 许多的   hobby 爱好,句型,询问对方爱好及描述自己的爱好 -Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? - My hobby is . / I like . (我的爱好是/我喜欢),1. like   I    photos    taking     . _ 2. is    eating    hobby    my   .   _ 3. does    what  

46、;  like    he    ? _ 4. like   I    swimming   . _ 5. collecting   my    likes    father    stamps  . _,I like taking photos.,My hobby is eating.,What does he like?,I like swimming.,My father likes collecting stamps

47、.,读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. _ (read) books is my hobby. 2. David _ (have) lots of cars from                     other countries. 3. Do you like _ (play) chess? 4. My friends _ (like) playing  basketball. 5. My mother collects _ (book).,Reading,has,pla

48、ying,like,books,(   )1. I can play _ football, but I cant play _violin. A. the, the      B. the, /     C. /, the (   )2. - Whats _ hobby? - He likes collecting kites. A. Tony      B. Tonys        C. her (   )3. Everyone in my

49、 family _ a hobby. A. has       B. have       C. is (   )4. Singing and dancing are my _. A. hobby        B. hobbys       C. hobbies (   )5. _ is her hobby. So she likes art lesson. A. Swimming       B. Drawing

50、       C. Reading,C,B,A,A,B,Unit 10,单词,mean   sign   smoke   spit  cinema  visitor    turn left 向左转      turn right  向右转 Do not use a mobile phone. 禁止使用手机。 Do not talk. 不准说话。   Do not spit. 不准随地吐痰。 Do not fish. 禁止垂钓。   D

51、o not park. 禁止停车。 Do not smoke. 禁止抽烟。 Do not pick flowers. 禁止摘花。 Do not eat or drink here. 禁止在此吃喝。,拓展,bicycle 自行车    cycle 骑自行车 at the cinema 在电影院    look for 寻找,句型,1. 询问及解释公共场所一些指示牌的含义 -What does that sign mean? 那个标志是什么意思? - It means. 它表示 2. 禁止做某事 (祈使句) Do not 动词原形。  不要,( &

52、nbsp; )1. The sign _ “Visitors do not go in”. A. mean      B. means     C. meaning (   )2. No _. A. park      B. parks       C. parking (   )3. He wants _ the park. A. go to       B. to go to       C. goin

53、g to (   )4. Lingling and Mingming _ at the cinema. A. do        B. is       C. are (   )5. What _ that sign mean? A. does      B. do       C. can (   )6. _ use a mobile phone. A. Not       B. Do not  

54、;    C. No (   )7. We can _ in public(公共场合). A. smoke       B. smile      C. spit (   )8. Dont _ flowers in the park. A. picking       B. pick       C. picks,B,C,B,C,A,B,B,B,Unit 11,单词,angry   loudly  noise &nb

55、sp; noisy   sorry unhappy   excited   proud  sad  shy,拓展,feel 感觉  before 在之前  go away 走开 sometimes 有时    make noise 制造噪音,表达自己的感受:  How do you feel? Im / I feel .,句型,拓展,How does he/she feel? He/She feels ,1. My mother feel happy. (改错) _ 2. have  

56、  lets    fun   .  (连词成句)   _ 3. How does she feel?  (用sorry来回答) _ 4. Its a chair. (变成否定句) _,feel- feels,Lets have fun.,She feels sorry.,It isnt a chair.,读一读,根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。,She is late for school. She says s_ to her teacher 2. His father gives him a present. He is very h_. 3. Please dont talk so l_. 4. Toms bag is lost. He feels s_. 5. The children are having a party. They m_ a lot of noise.,orry,appy,oudly,orry,ake,读一读,猜一猜,写一写。,1. Peter lost my favourite toy. How does he feel? _


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