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1、ICOM会议志愿者英语会议志愿者英语培训培训2志愿者术语志愿者术语Volunteer 志愿者Voluntary Service 志愿者服务Reception 接待处 Catering Compound 餐饮综合区Parking Area 机动车停车场 Catering Point 观众餐饮售卖点Vehicle Security Check Point 车辆安检通道 Pick-up/Drop-off Area 上下车区 Guest Rest Area 贵宾休息室 Media Office 新闻媒体办公区Press Conference Room 新闻发布厅 Venue Network Room

2、会场网络机房Media Rest Area 媒体休息区 Language Services Office 语言服务办公室Sponsor Service Office 赞助商服务办公室问候、沟通用语问候、沟通用语问候语大家好,欢迎来到苏州!Hello,welcome to Suzhou!早上好!请问有什么我们可以帮助您的?Good morning!Can I help you?下午好!请问您有什么需要我们帮助的?Good afternoon!Do you have any problems I can help you with?您好,请问您来自哪里?Nice to meet you.Where

3、 do you come from?/Where are you from?您好吗?How are you doing?我很好,谢谢。你呢?I am doing well,thank you.And you?还可以,谢谢。Not bad,thanks.好的不能再好了。Well,cant be better.一般般了。Oh,just so so.你今天看起来好极了。You look great today!你今天看起来很漂亮。You look pretty today!欢迎与告别欢迎来到苏州ICOM。Welcome to ICOM2014.真高兴您能来。Nice having you here.

4、希望您过得愉快。Hope you have a good time.Hope you have fun.再见,慢走。Good bye一路平安,多多保重。Have a safe trip.Take care.很荣幸为您提供服务。We are very honored to provide you with our services.希望以后能见到你。I hope to see you again.保持联系。Lets keep in touch.表达歉意不好意思,请您稍等片刻。Excuse me.Please wait a moment.您的要求我尽力而为,希望这样能让您满意.We will tr

5、y our best to fulfill your requests to your utmost satisfaction.对不起,让您久等了。Sorry to keep you waiting.因我们的原因给您带来不便,请见谅。We are sorry for the inconvenience.我们会不断改进我们的服务,请多包涵。We will continue to improve our services.Thank you for your patience.行为规范对不起,吸烟处在那边。Excuse me,the smoking area is over there.为了大家能

6、更好地听取我的讲解,麻烦各位保持安静。Please keep quiet in order to hear me more clearly.那里有一个垃圾箱,您可以把垃圾扔到那里,谢谢您的配合。There is a garbage can,you can discard garbage there.Thanks for your cooperation.Garbage can/Rubbish bin/recycle bin/dump/trash can我们非常理解您的心情,请您稍候,遵守秩序,我们会尽快为大家提供您需要的服务。We understand your feelings.Please

7、 kindly wait a moment,we will provide the services you required as soon as possible.女士优先,谢谢各位的配合。Ladies first.Thank you for your cooperation.很多地方会有一男一女标识,都是免费的公共厕所。The public restrooms are free of charge and are marked by male and female signs in various areas.接机用语Wang Dong:Good morning.Are you Prof

8、essor Taylor?James Taylor:Yes,and.Wang Dong:Welcome to China,Professor Taylor.Please allow me to introduce myself.Im Wang Dong,the volunteer of ICOM2014.Please call me Wang.James Taylor:Oh,nice to meet you,(how do you do?)Wang.Wang Dong:Nice to meet you,too.How was the flight?James Taylor:It was OK,

9、though I feel a bit tired.Wang Dong:Would you like me to help you with the luggage?James Taylor:Oh,thank you.Wang Dong:Please follow me to the gate.The shuttle bus is waiting for you outside.Have you been to Suzhou before?可以借机谈下苏州的景点,Tongli Town,Zhouzhuang Town,Humble Administrators Garden 也可以问他的国籍

10、Where are you from?/Whats your nationality?可以谈论下对方的国家,切记不要谈论政治,信仰,年龄收入及婚姻家庭等敏感话题。紧急事件处理用语紧急事件处理用语突发事件用语突发事件用语 (for Sudden Eventsfor Sudden Events)(停电)请大家保管好自己的随身物品,然后根据保安和工作人员的指示,循着应急指示标识有序地撤离、疏散。(Power failures)Please keep an eye on your belongings and pay attention to the security guards and staff

11、.Follow the signs and evacuate in an orderly fashion.(火灾)请大家不要惊慌,不要乘坐电梯,从安全通道有序离开。(In case of fire)Please dont panic.Dont take the elevator.Evacuate in an orderly fashion through the fire escapeway.(人群拥挤)前方非常拥挤,请大家不要惊慌,双脚站稳,或抓住身边的牢固物体。(Crowds)Its extremely crowded in the front,please do not panic.St

12、and firmly on your feet or grab hold of solid objects near you.(寻衅滋事)请注意您的言行,我们将联系安保人员前来处理。(Disturbances)Please watch your words and actions,or we will contact a security guard to resolve this matter.(涉及民族宗教)您好!我们非常尊重您的信仰和习惯,很抱歉有些习俗我们不是很了解。只要在我们的服务范围内,我们会尽量满足您的要求。如果我们暂时达不到您的要求,我们也会记录下您的需求和联系方式,并向上级汇

13、报,不断改进我们的服务,请多包涵。(Regarding race or religion)Hello!We respect your beliefs and habits;please forgive us if we misunderstand your customs.Within the realm of our services,we will do all we can to satisfy your needs.If we cant meet your requirements at this moment,we will take down your requests and y

14、our contact information and forward it to our supervisor.We hope to continually improve services.灾害性天气灾害性天气 (for Bad Weatherfor Bad Weather)(雷雨天气)今天是雷雨天气,请不要穿着淋湿的衣服靠近高压变电间、高压电线和孤立的高楼,不要站在空旷的高地上或大树下,不要接近金属物体;不论什么地方,都要将收音机、电视机关上,停止使用移动电话。(Thunderstorms)Theres a thunder storm today.Please do not stand

15、by the substation,high voltage pole or high-rise while wearing wet clothing.In addition,dont stand in high places or under any trees,and keep away from metal objects.Wherever you are,please turn off your radio,TV and mobile phone.应对媒体应对媒体(the Mediathe Media)对不起,为了不妨碍服务工作,记者采访有统一安排。Im sorry,we are bu

16、sy at the moment so we are not talking any questions.Overall arrangement will be made for journalists.我会记录下您的采访信息,联系负责媒体的同事,他们会尽快和您取得联系,谢谢。I will take down your information and contact my colleagues who are in charge of media relations.They will get in touch with you as soon as possible,thank you.特殊

17、服务用语特殊服务用语医疗服务医疗服务(For Medical Service)您哪里不舒服?What seems to be the problem?我们这里有温度计,可以提供给您先测一下体温。We provide thermometers here to take your temperature.我们已拨打了120急救热线,马上会有医务人员前来提供服务。We have called the emergency hotline 120.The medical staff will come to help you in a moment.不要紧张,我们这里有创口贴,可以帮你清洁一下伤口,简单

18、处理一下。Dont worry,we have band-aids here.Let me clean the wound for you.交通用语交通用语乘坐出租车(乘坐出租车(taxitaxi)On the Way 行车途中请载我到名片上写的这个地址。Please take me to address on the card.会塞车吗?Will the traffic be heavy?别担心,现在不是行车高峰期。Dont worry about it.Its not rush hour now.走高速公路怎样?How about freeway?Arriving at the Desti

19、nation 到目的地请让我在附近下车。Let me off near the corner,please.我们已经到了。Weve already arrived.100元的钞票你找得开吗?Can you make change for 100 yuan bill?乘坐地铁乘坐地铁(subway)The Time 行车时间到那里需要多长时间?How long will it take me to get there?每5分钟一班。It runs every five minutes.乘坐公交(乘坐公交(bus)The Route 行车路线您最好乘坐11路车。Youd better take B

20、us No.11.您可以在下一站下车,太湖国际会议中心就在马路对面。You can get off at the next stop and you can find Taihu International Conference Center across the road.对不起,这辆车不经过火车站。Sorry,this bus doesnt go to the railway station.我是不是得换车?Do I have to change anywhere?对不起,您坐反方向了。Im sorry.You are going in the wrong direction.这两车会经过

21、平江路。It goes past Pingjiang Road.您做过站了。You have missed your stop.the Service on the Bus 车内服务请前门上车/后门下车。Please board the bus from the front door/exit from the back door.请往车中间走。Move to the middle of the bus please.不要在车门处停留。Dont stand at the door.售票员会报站的。The conductor will call out the stop问路和指路Asking a

22、nd Giving Directions次序:首先,其次,然后,在你看见之后Sequence:first,next,and then,after you see.方向:沿着,走向,向东走 向左转/向右转,走过,走街区Directions:go along,go towards,go eastturn left/right,go past,walkblocks 询问:对不起打搅一下,请问到该怎么走?Asking:Excuse me,could you please tell me how I can get to.Sorry to bother you,but could you tell me how to/direct me to 交通运输:步行,坐公交,地铁线路,转站Transportation:on foot,on bus No.,subway line,transfer to 结结 语语


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