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1、Unit 4Serving Customers英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersContents英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersUnit GoalsLearners should be able to give and take customers orders give suggestions to customers understand the duties and communicative skills of an attendant write abou

2、t working experience英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersLead-inPeople need service at(in)_.an airporta hospitala travel agencya banka hotela shopa post officea restaurant英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersListening&Speaking英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersP

3、art I英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersListening 1Tick in the boxes the food and drinks you hear.ScriptCustomer1 chicken soup sandwich fried rice teaCustomer2 orange juice salad hamburger milkCustomer pizza coffee noodles French fries3英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersS

4、cript1.A:What would you like to order?B:Id like a bowl of chicken soup and a sandwich.2.A:What would you like to order?B:Id like a hamburger and a cup of milk.3.A:What would you like to order?B:Id like a pizza and some French fries.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersDialogue 1Are You R

5、eady to Order,Madam?(A waiter is taking orders in a restaurant.)Waiter:Are you ready to order,Madam?Guest:Yes,I am.Waiter:What would you like?Guest:Id like a hamburger.Waiter:Would you like something to drink?We have orange,mango and apple juice.Guest:Id like a glass of orange juice,please.英语(服务类)(职

6、业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersRole PlayPractice the dialogue by using the pictures below and see if you can say more.apple pie/a cup of teafried chicken/a cup of coffeea pizza/a can of orange soda英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart II英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Servin

7、g CustomersListening 2Listen and number the pictures.ScriptABCD4213英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersScript1.If you go to America,dont forget to visit the White House.2.If you go to China,I recommend you go and visit the Great Wall.3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy is different fro

8、m other towers in the world.Its a must to see.4.When you go to London,you must visit Tower Bridge.It is one of the most famous bridges in the world.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersDialogue 2Can You Recommend Somewhere for Me?(Amy is going on a holiday trip.She is at a travel agency,

9、talking with a travel agent.)Amy:Id like to book a short holiday somewhere in Britain.Agent:Do you have any place in mind?Amy:Well,I havent made up my mind.Can you recommend somewhere for me?Agent:There is London,of course.Amy:Sounds great.What are the places of interest in London?Agent:Well,theres

10、Tower Bridge.Its one of the most famous bridges in the world.Its a must to see.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersRole PlayA:I d like to book a short holiday somewhere in _.B:Do you have any place in mind?A:Well,I havent made up my mind.Can you recommend somewhere for me?B:There is _,o

11、f course.Rome,Italy12London,England3Paris,FrancePractice the dialogue by using the pictures below and see if you can say more.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 1sandwich/5sAnwIdV,5sAndwItF/n.三明治fried/fraId/adj.油炸的hamburger/5hAmb:E/n.汉堡包pizza/5pi:tsE/n.比萨饼mango/5m

12、ANEu/n.芒果recommend/rekE5mend/v.推荐;推介tower/5tauE/n.塔Italy/5ItElI/n.意大利Words and Expressions英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 2Words and Expressionsbridge/brIdV/n.桥somewhere/5sQmweE/n.某处holiday/5hlEdI,95hlEdeI/n.假日,假期trip/trIp/n.旅行agency/5eIdVEnsI/n.代理处agent/5eIdVn

13、t/n.代理人book/bUk/v.预订Britain/5brItn/n.英国英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 3Words and Expressionssound /saUnd/v.听起来must /mQst,mEst/n.口必须做的事;必需的东西a bowl of 一碗a can of 一听;一罐travel agency 旅行社travel agent 旅行社代理人have.in mind 有 想法;心存place of interest 名胜英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务

14、类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersReading&Writing英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersReading英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPre-reading ActivityHave a discussion with your partner and tick the right choices about a bartender.A bartender()should have some special training.(

15、)mixes different kinds of drinks.()doesnt need to work at night.()should be kind and friendly to guests.()can often drink alcohol during his work time.()can get some tips if he does a good job.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersTextA Bartendereing a bartender has been my dream,so I att

16、ended a training school and studied there for 2 years after graduating from my middle school.Now I am skillful at mixing different kinds of drinks.I work four nights a week and earn a lot of money.I meet different people,young and old,men and women.I keep smiling and try to satisfy them.Because of m

17、y good service and thoughtfulness,I always get some tips.You see,I get along well with my customers.B英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 4Words and Expressionsbartender/5bB:tendE/n.酒吧招待;酒吧侍者special/5speFEl/adj.特别的;特殊的mix/mIks/v.调制;配制during/5djuErIN/prep.在 期间dream/d

18、ri:m/n.梦想attend/E5tend/v.参加graduate/5rAdVueIt/v.毕业英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 5skillful/5skIlfl/adj.熟练的;有技巧的earn/:n/v.赚得;获得satisfy/5sAtIsfaI/v.使满足;使满意thoughtfulness/5WC:tfl9nIs/n.体贴;细心customer/5kQstEmE/n.顾客always/5C:lweIz/adv.总是;一直tip/tIp/n.小费Words and Expr

19、essions英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWords and Expressions 6training school 培训学校middle school 中学be skillful at 精于earn money 挣钱get along with 与 相处Words and Expressions英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersRead and MatchMatch the words with their meanings.1._ dream A.gain

20、 in return for work2._ skillful B.having ability to do well3._ mix C.picture of future4._ earn D.meet the needs of5._ satisfy E.put together6._ tip F.extra payment given for serviceCBEADF英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersShort-answer QuestionsAfter reading the text,give short answers

21、to the following questions.1.How many years did the bartender study at a training school?_2.Is he good at his job?_3.How long does he work every week?_4.What kind of people does he meet at work?_5.Is he satisfied with his job?_2 years.Yes,he is.He works four nights a week.He meets different kinds of

22、 people.Yes,he is.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWritingWrite out a passage according to the following pictures.You can refer to the text.1234I am working as a bartender now!I attended _ in 2006.I learned how to _.My _ is on Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Sunday nights.I _.I get along

23、 very well with my customers.a training schoolmix drinksworking timekeep smiling and work hard英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersLanguage in UsePart I.Spell英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart I.SpellSpell out the missing words.The first letter of the words is already

24、given.1Tom works as atravel a_ _ _ _.2Albert often s_ _ _swarmly.3A b_ _ _ _ _ _is standing behind the table.4James is o_ _ _ _ingsome dishes in arestaurant.gen tmileartenderr d e r英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart I.SpellSpell out the missing words.The first letter of the words

25、is already given.5I get some t_ _s formy good service.6My friend r_ _ _ _ _ _ _s a plan to me.7Philip serves c_ _ _ _ _ _ _s every day.8Did you b_ _ _ a hotel room yesterday?i pecommendu s t o m e ro o k英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart II.ListenListen and choose what you hear.po

26、sterafternoonadvertisinglightlargethinkScript英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersScriptSalesman:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you today?Customer:Id like to have a bike.Not too big,and not too small.Salesman:Let me check.What do you think of this one?Customer:Hmm Where is the light?

27、I remember there was one on the poster.Salesman:Well,sir.Thats been sold out.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart III.SpeakSpeak out.In pairs,practice the dialogue by using the pictures below.See if you can say more.A:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you today?B:Id like to have a

28、_.A:Let me check.What do you think of this one?B:Hmm,its nice.And it has a lovely _,too.camerabagcomputermouse1234camerabag英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart IV.ReadRead the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.ABCD1)The Bicycle Store sells many kinds of bicycl

29、es.2)There is also a pretty girl in the poster,but we dont sell pretty girls.3)A customer came in and wanted to buy a bike.4)There was a light on the bike in the poster.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart V.WriteWrite out the missing words to complete a story.The bicycle store sell

30、s many kinds of bikes.One day,a _ came in and wanted to buy a bike that was advertised in the poster.The _ showed him a bike.The customer had a look at the bike and complained that there was not a light on the bike,but there was one on the bike in the poster.The salesman then said _,“Sir,there is al

31、so a pretty girl in the poster,but we dont _ pretty girls.”customersalesmanpolitelysell英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersProblem Solving英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart 1The couple needs help!Check the menu below and recommend some dishes to them.American DishesFr

32、ied Chicken&PotatoesFried Fish&PotatoesRoast Fish&Tomato SoupBacon&Eggs,PotatoesChinese DishesFried RiceFried NoodlesSteamed FishDessertsCoffeeIce CreamApple Pie英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart 1The couple needs help!Waiter:Are you ready to order,sir?Husband:Hmm.,Id like an Amer

33、ican dish,but I hate potatoes.Waiter:Well,what about _?Husband:Sounds nice.Waiter:And you,Madam?Wife:Well,I want a Chinese dish.What would you recommend?Waiter:How about _?Wife:Thats fine.Waiter:What would you like to have for dessert?Husband:Hmm.,I want an apple pie and my wife wants something cold

34、 and sweet.Waiter:Well,what about _?Wife:Sounds great.roast fish&tomato soupsteamed fishice cream英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart 2Can you help Mary out?Rose wants to visit your city,but she knows nothing about the hotels there.Can you help her out by telling her some useful inf

35、ormation?1.Is there a better quality hotel in your city?2.How far is it from the supermarket/shopping center/places of interest?3.Is it easy to take a bus/subway/taxi from the hotel?4.Write down the hotels name for Rose._There are many good hotels in our city offering first-rate facilities and high-

36、quality service.Flying Hotel is one of them.It is close to the TV Tower where you can overlook the whole city.And it takes only a 15-minute ride to the shopping center in downtown.And you can easily reach the hotel both by bus and by taxi.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersCulture Tips

37、伦敦(London),英格兰首府,全国政治、经济和文化中心,第一大城及第一大港,全球三大金融中心之一。英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersCulture Tips,在两个巨大的桥墩上建有5层楼高的高塔,连接双塔顶层的是一条高出水面140米的行人桥,站在塔顶可观赏附近的绮丽风光。伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)小费(tip),是服务行业中顾客感谢服务人员的一种报酬形式,通常占到消费额的10%20%。英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersUnit TaskWhat can

38、I do for you?Some American friends are sightseeing in your city,but they do not know very much about the city.As a tour guide,work with your group members to introduce the city to them.1.Brainstorm with your group members some places of interest in your city.Then write down three popular places.(1)_

39、 (2)_ (3)_英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersUnit Task2.Write down the reasons for your choices to a certain place.3.Interview your classmates about their favorite places of interest.scenefoodpeople英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersExtended ActivitiesPart A英语(服务类)(职业模块)英

40、语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersPart AListen and number the pictures.ScriptABCD()()()()3142英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersScriptRules for Serving Customers1.We should always keep smiling and be patient.2.Never argue with customers even if they are wrong.3.We should always listen

41、 to customers.4.We try to be nice and friendly people.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersRead and decide the good ways to serve customers.Tick()in the brackets.1.()Never argue with customers.It will only make the problem more serious.2.()Keep smiling and patient even when you know what

42、 they are going to say.3.()Try to enjoy listening to people even when it is difficult to get along with them.4.()Try to be the nice and friendly person that you are.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersWrite down the missing information to sum up the customer service rules.To serve custo

43、mers better,one needs to keep _ and _.Learn to enjoy _ to people who are not easy to communicate with and try not to _ with them.In a word,always be nice and _ to everyone.Question:What should we do to make customers happy?smilingpatientlisteningargue1.Listen to their complaint patiently.2.Explain t

44、he information they need clearly.friendly英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving CustomersFun TimeCheap HotelsThe hotel promised running water in each room,but I did not expect it to come from the ceiling.It only served three meals.Breakfast on Monday,Lunch on Tuesday and Dinner on Saturday.I could

45、not complain about the room service.There was not any.They changed beds twice a day from one room to the next.Everything was cold except the ice water.If you ask for a 7 a.m.wake up call,they wake you up at 6 just to tell you that you have an hour left to sleep.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Servin

46、g CustomersFun TimeQuestions:Do you think cheap hotels should offer bad service to guests?What should they offer?Hotels,whether cheap or not,should always try to offer as good services as possible to guests,such as clean beds,free breakfast,hot and cold running water,24-hour room service,etc.英语(服务类)(职业模块)英语(服务类)(职业模块)UNIT 4Serving Customers项目负责:黄卫祖 赵 雯 梁 玫 吕艳萍软件制作:吴 磊 薛清霞 许 静英语制作:刘丽欣 韩宏丽 姜 雪 王勃然 林海燕 丁 昕 张 俊


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