
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3407917 上传时间:2022-08-28 格式:PPT 页数:26 大小:1.06MB
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1、The nervous pathway神 经 传传 导导 路路 一、一、Sensory Pathways 感觉传导通路感觉传导通路 1.proprioceptive and fine touch pathway of trunk and limbs 躯干四肢本体觉和精细触觉传导路躯干四肢本体觉和精细触觉传导路 Primary Neuronl Cell bodies are located in the ganglion of spinal n.l transmit sensory input from joint,muscle,tendon to the posterior funiculus

2、 of the spinal cord l form the Fasciculus cuneatus and Fasciculus gracilis1.proprioceptive and fine touch pathway of trunk and limbs Secondary Neuron Cell bodies are located in Nucleus gracilis and Nucleus cuneatusSend out fibers Cross to the opposite by decussation of medial lemniscusAscends as med

3、ial lemniscus Third Neuron cell bodis are located in the thalamus send out fibers to form central thalamic radiation project to the somatic sensory cortex1.proprioceptive and fine touch pathway of trunk and limbs I IIVPL nucleusFasciculus gracilisFasciculus cuneatusMedial lemniscus IIINucleus gracil

4、isNucleus cuneatusSpinal ganglionDecussation of medial lemniscuscentral thalamic radiations1.proprioceptive and fine touch pathway of trunk and limbsmuscles,tendons,joints and periosteumPeripheral processes Iipsilateral posterior funiculus of spinal cord II Gracile nucleus cuneate nucleus III supeio

5、r 2/3 of postcentral gyrus and posterior part of the paracentral lobule,Precentral gyrus central thalamic radiationsPosterior limb of internal capsuleSpinal ganglionCentral processes Decussation of medial lemniscusmedial lemniscus ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL)Fasciculus cuneatus (above T4)Fasc

6、iculus gracilis (below T5)Receptor for fine touch in skin Pain,temperature and simple touch pathway of trunk and limbs 躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路spinal ganglia、of posterior horn spinothalamic tract Spinal lemniscusventral posterolateral nucleuscentral thalamic radiations I II III Primary Neu

7、ron Cell bodies are located in the ganglion of spinal n.Relay sensory input from the periphery to the posterior horn of the spinal cord Synapses with the secondary neurons in the posterior horn of spinal cordPain,temperature and simple touch pathway of trunk and limbs 躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传

8、导通路 Secondary Neuron located in the、of posterior horn of spinal cordSend out fibers cross to the opposite side through the anterior white commissures and form the spinothalamic tract Third Neuronthe third neurons located in the thalamus send out fibers to form central thalamic radiation project to t

9、he somatic sensory cortexPain,temperature and simple touch pathway of trunk and limbs躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路Peripheral processes I II III supeior 2/3 of posterior gyrus and posterior part of the paracentral lobulecentral thalamic radiationsPosterior limb of internal capsuleSpinal ganglion

10、Central processes Posterior root ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL)Skin exteroceptorPain,temperature and simple touch pathway of trunk and limbs 躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路躯干四肢的痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路、of posterior hornlateral spinothalamic tract(pain and temperature)anterior spinothalamic tract(simple touch)Ascending 1

11、-2 segments Pain,temperature and simple touch pathway of head and face 头面部痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路头面部痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路trigeminal ganglionpontine nucleus of trigeminal nspinal nucleus of trigeminal n.Spinal tract of trigeminal n.trigeminal lemniscusventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM)central thalamic radiations I II I

12、IIPeripheral processes inferior 1/3 of posterior gyruscentral thalamic radiationsPosterior limb of internal capsuleCentral processes ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM)Skin and mucosa of head and facePain,temperature and simple touch pathway of head and face 头面部痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路头面部痛温觉和粗略触觉传导通路trigeminal g

13、anglionTrigeminal n.Root of trigeminal n.pontine nucleus of trigeminal n.spinal nucleus of trigeminal n.IItrigeminal lemniscusIIII2.2.非意识性本体感觉传导路非意识性本体感觉传导路感受器receptor肌腱骨膜关节脊神经(周围突)脊神经节 第1级神经元后根中枢突胸核(C8-L2)、腰骶膨大(躯干和下肢),颈膨大层(上肢.颈部)第2级神经元脊髓小脑后束、前束经小脑下、上脚cortex of paleocerebellum旧小脑皮质Spinal ganglion(三)

14、(三)visual pathway 视觉传导路:视觉传导路:receptorcone cellrod cellbipolar cellLateral geniculate bodyOptic RadiationBoth banks of calcarine sulcus Optic n.Optic chiasmaganglion cellDecussation of fibers from nasal halves of retinaFibers from temporal halves of retina uncrossedOptic tract(三)(三)visual pathway 视觉

15、传导路视觉传导路 损伤及表现:视神经损伤:同侧盲 视交叉中部损伤:双颞侧偏盲视交叉外侧部损伤:同侧眼鼻侧半偏盲 视束、外侧膝状体、视辐射、视中枢损伤:双眼对侧同向性偏盲Blindness of eye of corresponding sidebitemporal hemianopia of visual fieldBlindness in nasal half of visual field of corresponding sideHomonymous hemianopia of visual field in both eyePretectal region2.2.pupillary r

16、eflexes瞳孔对光反射瞳孔对光反射retinaOptic n.n.Optic chiasmaOptic tractBrachium of superior colliculusPretectal regionaccessory nuclei of IIIIIIOculumotot n.Ciliary ganglion 睫状神经节Postganglionic fibers节后纤维Sphincter pupillaeContraction of pupilE-W nucleusCiliary ganglionOculumotot n.2.2.pupillary reflexes瞳孔瞳孔对光反射

17、:对光反射:损伤及表现:视神经损伤:患侧瞳孔直接对光反射消失患侧瞳孔间接对光反射存在动眼神经损伤:患侧瞳孔直接对光反射消失患侧瞳孔间接对光反射消失The acoustic(auditory)pathway 听觉传导路听觉传导路cochlear ganglionSpiral organ cochlear nucleimedial geniculate bodyinferior colliculusacoustic radiationThe acoustic(auditory)pathway 听觉传导路听觉传导路Spiral organ cochlear ganglionCochlear nerv

18、ecochlear nucleiTrapezoid bodyinferior colliculus medial geniculate bodyacoustic radiationtransverse temporal gyriPosterior limb of internal capsuleLateral lemniscusBrachium of inferior colliculus I IIVPL nucleusFasciculus gracilisFasciculus cuneatusMedial lemniscus IIINucleus gracilisNucleus cuneatusSpinal ganglionDecussation of medial lemniscuscentral thalamic radiationsspinal ganglia、of posterior horn spinothalamic tract Spinal lemniscusventral posterolateral nucleuscentral thalamic radiations I II III


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