
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3419053 上传时间:2022-08-29 格式:PPT 页数:26 大小:159.59KB
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1、Lesson 88Trapped in a mine单词学习单词学习 trap surface explosive vibration collapse drill capsule layer beneath lower progress smoothly v.陷入,使陷于困境陷入,使陷于困境 n.地面,表面地面,表面 n.炸药炸药 n.震动震动 v.坍塌坍塌 v.钻孔钻孔 n.容器容器 n.层层 prep.在在.之下之下 v.放下,降低放下,降低 v.进展,进行进展,进行 adv.顺利地顺利地 trap (1)v.陷入,使陷于困境陷入,使陷于困境 他被困在禁獵區。他被困在禁獵區。He was

2、 trapped in the game preserve.(2)v.將(某人)誘入圈套、誘騙將(某人)誘入圈套、誘騙(某人)(某人)trap sb into doing 誘使某人做誘使某人做某某事事 他們騙她嫁給了他。他們騙她嫁給了他。They trapped her into marring him.(3)n.(捕鳥、獸等用的)圈套、陷阱(捕鳥、獸等用的)圈套、陷阱 有有熊陷入熊陷入了了陷阱陷阱 There is a bear caught in a trap.(4)n.詭計、圈套、策略詭計、圈套、策略 他掉進了陷阱他掉進了陷阱 He fell into a trap.vibration

3、n.震动震动 我们能够感觉到外面卡车路过的震动。我们能够感觉到外面卡车路过的震动。We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.vibrate (1)v.振動、搖動振動、搖動 他氣到雙肩顫動。他氣到雙肩顫動。His shoulders vibrated with anger.(2)v.受受而感動,而感動,(心)顫動、驚動(心)顫動、驚動 那張充滿感情的畫感動了我的心靈。那張充滿感情的畫感動了我的心靈。My heart vibrated to the soulful painting.collapse (1)v.坍塌坍塌

4、、瓦解、崩潰、瓦解、崩潰 大洪水大洪水使使橋樑倒塌橋樑倒塌了。了。The heavy flood collapsed the bridge.雪把房頂壓塌了雪把房頂壓塌了.The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.(2)v.(計劃、事業等)垮掉、挫敗(計劃、事業等)垮掉、挫敗 因為資金短缺因為資金短缺,我們的我們的計畫挫敗。計畫挫敗。Our project collapsed because of shortage of funds.(3)v.摺疊、可摺疊摺疊、可摺疊 這種桌子可以折疊這種桌子可以折疊,不用時很容易收藏。不用時很容易收藏。This t

5、able collapses,so I can store it easily.drill (1)v.钻孔钻孔 我要在牆上鑽個洞我要在牆上鑽個洞 I will drill a hole in the wall(2)v.訓練訓練(某人),反覆練習、接受訓練(某人),反覆練習、接受訓練 練習英語發音練習英語發音 drill in English pronunciation(3)n.錐子錐子、鑽孔機、鑽孔機 用鑽打洞用鑽打洞 make a hole with a drill(4)n.訓練、演練、演習訓練、演練、演習 a fire drill 消防演習消防演習 capsule n.容器容器、膠囊、膠囊

6、 他一下吃了兩粒膠囊。他一下吃了兩粒膠囊。He swallowed two capsules at a time.medicine :pill 藥丸藥丸 powder 藥粉藥粉 tablet 藥片藥片 capsule 膠囊膠囊 layer (1)n.层层、一層、一層 兩層蛋糕兩層蛋糕 a cake with two layers Depending on the desired layer thickness,the coating is applied in one or several brushing operations.根据所需要的层的厚度,可以进行一次或多根据所需要的层的厚度,可以

7、进行一次或多次涂刷来形成此涂层。次涂刷来形成此涂层。(2)下蛋的雞下蛋的雞 a good layer 常下蛋的雞常下蛋的雞 a bad layer 不常下蛋的雞不常下蛋的雞 beneath (1)prep.在在.之下之下 讓我們在樹下休息讓我們在樹下休息。Lets take a rest beneath the tree.我腳下的我腳下的土土地地鬆鬆軟軟。The ground beneath my feet was soft.(2)(地位、價值)(地位、價值)較較.差的,較差的,較不值不值的的 說這些話有些失你身份。說這些話有些失你身份。Such words are beneath you.l

8、ower (1)v.放放低(高度、位置)低(高度、位置),降低,降低 他垂下眼睛。他垂下眼睛。She lowered her eyes.(2)v.降低降低(價格、數量、程度、聲音等)(價格、數量、程度、聲音等)降低房租降低房租 lower the rent of a house (3)a.更低的更低的;较低的较低的;下层的下层的 下蒙皮下蒙皮 Lower skin progress (1)v.进展,进行进展,进行 我們現在工作進展順利。我們現在工作進展順利。We are now progressing steadily with our work (2)v.進步、上進進步、上進 你在數學上進你

9、在數學上進步步迅速迅速。You have progressed quickly in mathematics.(3)n.前進、進行前進、進行 朝目的地緩慢前進。朝目的地緩慢前進。make slow progress toward the destination(4)n.進步進步 醫藥的進步醫藥的進步 the progress of medicine smoothly adv.顺利地顺利地、平滑地、平滑地 我们的工作我们的工作進展順利進展順利 Our work goes smoothly.自動扶梯沒有順利運作自動扶梯沒有順利運作 The escalator didnt operate smoot

10、hly.smooth (1)adj.平滑的平滑的、順利的、順利的 The water was as smooth as glass.水面光滑如玻璃一样。水面光滑如玻璃一样。(2)adj.溫和的溫和的 He is smooth in his manners.他舉止彬彬有禮。他舉止彬彬有禮。(4)v.使平滑使平滑(坦)(坦)在刷油漆之前別忘了在刷油漆之前別忘了把木料打磨光滑把木料打磨光滑。Dont forget to smooth the board before you paint it.if 條件句條件句 真實條件句真實條件句:主將從現:主將從現 非真實條件件句非真實條件件句:與現在事時相反或

11、不可能的情況假設與現在事時相反或不可能的情況假設 主句:主句:would do 從句從句:一般過去式:一般過去式 與過去事實相反的假設與過去事實相反的假設 主句:主句:would have done 從句:從句:had done.如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了 If it rains tomorrow,we will not go to the park.如果他系了安全带,他就不会受伤了。如果他系了安全带,他就不会受伤了。If he had fitted safety belts,he would not have been injured.如果他给了我正确的地址

12、,那我会更容易的如果他给了我正确的地址,那我会更容易的找到那个房子。找到那个房子。I would have found the house easily if he had given me the correct address.课文讲解课文讲解 Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours.If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives.However,rescue operations are proving difficult.I

13、f explosives are used,vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse.Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule.If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil,they would have completed the job i

14、n a few hours.As it is,they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go.Meanwhile,a microphone,which was lowered into the mine two hours ago,has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives.Though they are running out of food and drink,the men are cheer

15、ful and confident that they will get out soon.They have been told that rescue operations are progressing smoothly.If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock,they would lose heart.Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours.金礦金礦 a gold mine 在礦場工作在礦場工作 work in a mine

16、If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives.lose ones life 喪生喪生 However,rescue operations are proving difficult.rescue v.(從危險等)(從危險等)救出救出 rescuefrom 他们他们救了那個落水男孩。救了那個落水男孩。They rescued a boy from drowning.消防隊員從著火的房屋裏救出消防隊員從著火的房屋裏救出一名嬰兒。一名嬰兒。The firemen rescued a baby from th

17、e burning house.prove vt.证明是,结果是证明是,结果是 他告诉我们的事情被证明是假的。他告诉我们的事情被证明是假的。What he had told us proved false.If explosives are used,vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse.Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.therefore adv.因此,所以因此,所以 可独立使用,也可位于动词前可独立使用,

18、也可位于动词前 新公寓更大,因此也更贵。新公寓更大,因此也更贵。The new flat is larger and therefore more expensive.so conj.所以,因此(不能放在动词前)所以,因此(不能放在动词前)我们到的早,因此座位很不错。我们到的早,因此座位很不错。We arrived early,so we got good seats.在在街道兩邊街道兩邊 on both sides of the street 在廣場的另一側在廣場的另一側 on the other side of the square They intend to bring the men

19、 up in a special capsule.intend to do 打算做某事打算做某事 他打算明年到國外留學。他打算明年到國外留學。He intends to study abroad next year.intend sb to do 打算讓某人做某事打算讓某人做某事 他打算讓他兒子經營該公司。他打算讓他兒子經營該公司。He intends his son to manage the company.bring up (1)養育、培育、教育養育、培育、教育 她一個人養大了三個孩子。她一個人養大了三個孩子。Shes brought up three children.(2)提出話題提

20、出話題 他在會議上提出新他在會議上提出新的的建議建議。His new suggestion was brought up at the meeting.If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil,they would have completed the job in a few hours.As it is,they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go.as it is 實際上實際上 我以为他们会帮助我们的

21、。实际上,他们就我以为他们会帮助我们的。实际上,他们就是坐在那看着。是坐在那看着。I thought they would help us.As it was,they just sat there and looked on.Meanwhile,a microphone,which was lowered into the mine two hours ago,has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives.enable sb to do 使某人做使某人做 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活他那丰厚的收入使他

22、可以过舒服的生活 His large income enabled him to live in comfort.keep in touch with 與與保持聯系保持聯系 他依然與他的老朋友他依然與他的老朋友保持聯系。保持聯系。He still keeps in touch with his old friends.out of touch失去聯系失去聯系 我不了解現階段的經濟狀況。我不了解現階段的經濟狀況。Im out of touch with economic conditions now.closest relatives 直系親屬直系親屬 Though they are runni

23、ng out of food and drink,the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.run out of 耗盡耗盡(use up)run after 追赶追赶 一一群群男孩追男孩追趕著趕著乞丐乞丐。A crowed of boys ran after the beggar.run over 撞倒撞倒 小男孩差一點兒被汽車軋了。小男孩差一點兒被汽車軋了。That boy was nearly run over by a car.run into 偶遇偶遇 我在瑞典時偶遇我在瑞典時偶遇了了Helen。I r

24、an into Helga while I was in Sweden.They have been told that rescue operations are progressing smoothly.If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock,they would lose heart.drill through 鑽透鑽透 lose heart 失望失望,失去勇气,失去勇气 看到敌人比他们强壮的多,战士们立刻就失看到敌人比他们强壮的多,战士们立刻就失去勇气了。去勇气了。Seeing that the enemy was much stronger than themselves,the soldiers lost heart at once.THANK YOU!


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