
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3419105 上传时间:2022-08-29 格式:PPT 页数:67 大小:8.61MB
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1、 do your own thing 做你自己的事 leave li:v vi.离去vt.离开 about bat adv.大约 stadium stedjm n.体育馆 team ti:m n.队,组 zone zn n.地区,区域 leave leave在表示“离开”时,强调的是“从原来的地方离开”,用作不及物动词时,常与介词for连用,表示“出发去(某地)”,只表示方向,而不涉及到达与否 用作及物动词时,其后常接“地名”“国家”“组织”“工作”之类的名词作宾语,宾语后也常接介词for引起的短语,表示“去某地”。leave for 是出发至某处 He left for Beijing ye

2、sterday.leave sth for sb 是把什么留给什么人 She left these flowers for you.leave sb for sb 是离开什么人去和什么人在一起 He left his wife for a young lady.leave sth to do sth 是指为做某事离开某处 He left her house to catch the last bus.leave sb doing sth 是让某人单独做某事 Dont leave your children playing with fire Leave n.休假,假期,许可,同意I had a

3、 two week leave.leave a address 留下地址 leave a message 留个话 leave a note 留个字条 leave by train 乘火车离开 leave for 离开赴,把留给(某人)leave for England 动身去英国 leave from station 离开车站 leave on 使处于境地,把放在上 about be about to do sth.We are about to start.我们即将动身。what/how about.?怎么样?(用于询问信息或征求意见)How about going to Canada fo

4、r our holidays?咱们去加拿大度假,好吗?speak about 提及,说到 talk about 谈论,讨论 look about 环顾四周 think about 思考,考虑 bring about带来,导致 walk around 四处游逛 bored adj.厌倦的 get bored of doing 厌倦、厌烦做某事 Im bored of doing family chores。我对做家务感到厌烦。boring与bored的区别:boring 是形容词,bored也是形容词,不同之处是bored是指使人感到厌烦的,boring是指事情本身无趣的,当形容人时用bored

5、,形容事物时用boring。其实就像interested和interesting的用法一样,It was so boring.(这件事情真没趣)I am bored!(我感到很无聊)obvious adj.bvis+名词 obvious lies 明显的假话 副词+perfectly obvious 十分明显的+介词 obvious in his distrust 明显的不信任 obvious to 对是明显的 dream vt.&vi.1.做梦,向往 vt.2.想到,料到 dream a dream 做梦 dream money 梦见了钱 dream forward 渴望 dream abo

6、ut/of梦见,梦想 dream away/out 虚度 dream on 痴心妄想 dream up 设想出,虚构,梦到,梦想n.drim(dreams)1.梦2.梦一般美好的人或事物 3.抱负,理想,梦想break a dream 使梦想破灭了dream/have a dream 做梦realize ones dream 实现梦想awful dream 可怕的梦 bad dream 噩梦sweet dream 甜蜜的梦 in dream 梦中awake from a dream 从梦中醒来the land of dream 梦乡photograph n.ftgrf(photographs)

7、照片,相片 1.photograph的基本意思是“照片,相片”,是可数名词。2.“给自己或别人照相给自己或别人照相”用用take a photograph of sb;而have a photograph taken只表示“请别人给自己照相”。family photograph 全家福(照片)group photograph 集体照 tomorrow n.明天,将来,未来 1.tomorrow用作名词是“明天”的意思,可用在句首作主语,也可用其名词所有格作定语 2.on the tomorrow的意思是“明天,翌日”,指从过去某一天的角度来说的“明天,翌日”,句中的谓语动词常用过去时。3.to

8、morrow修饰morning,afternoon,evening等在句中作状语时前面不可加介词。4.tomorrow常用在谚语中。betterbright tomorrow 更美好光明的未来 the worlds tomorrow 世界的未来 the day after tomorrow 后天 on the tomorrow 明天,翌日 tomorrow is another day(对失望的安慰)明天还来得及tomorrow adv.(在)明天 tomorrow用作副词时表示将来的时间,与一般将来时连用,指从现在算起的往后的第一天,在句中主要修饰动词,多位于句末。tomorrow无比较级和

9、最高级形式。beginstart tomorrow 明天开始 comeleave,see tomorrow 明天来离开,见obviousleave athletics about bored zone stadium teamphotographchampionshipdream abouttomorrowdo your own thing stadium start明天明天离开离开区区 大约大约梦想梦想照片照片 厌倦的厌倦的 做你自做你自己的事己的事What is Claire going to do at the National Stadium?Listening and underst

10、anding Listen to the recording,and then answer this question:Paul:Its going to be a very early start on Sunday morning,Claire.Were going to leave home at about 5.30.leave /li:v/离开离开Its going to be a very early start.It:主语不提供任何信息,居首位是因为英主语不提供任何信息,居首位是因为英语句子必须有主语和动词,语句子必须有主语和动词,Its early.Its half past

11、 ten.可以表示时间,距离,可以表示时间,距离,天气,等。天气,等。at 时间最短,一般表示点时间,具体的某个时刻at six oclock习惯用语:at night at noon at this time of yearOn 在具体某一天 及具体某一天的上午/下午 和晚上On+星期(1-7)On Monday/Friday/SaturdayOn+年,月,日 /年,日 /月,日On July 1,1999 at on in 的区别的区别In 时间范围大(一天以上)1 in +四季in spring/summer/autumn/winter2 in +月份in September/May/J

12、une/Julyin +年 /年,月 /月in a year in a week in 1999/2012 Lets answer1.Its going to be_Sunday moning.2.Were going to leave home_about 5.30onatClaire:5.30!That is early!Paul:So what do you want to do?Do you want to come with us,or not?want to+V原形 想要做.wants to+V原形I want to buy some apples.He wants to lear

13、n English.Lets answer1.What do you_(想要)do?2.Do you want to come_us?want towithClaire:Im not sure,Paul.What do you want me to do?want sb to+V原形 想让某人做某事My mother wants me to do my homework.Lets answerClair isnt sure,is she?No,she isnt.Paul:I want you to do your own thing.You can come to the National S

14、tadium with team.But what are you going to do there?Lets learn national/n nl/国家的 the National Stadium 国家体育馆 Do your own thing.惯用语:独立做自己的事。Lets answer1.I want you_do your own thing.2.You can_ the National Stadium_the team.towithcome toPaul:You cant come with us intothe Red Zone.And I dont want you to

15、 get bored,on your own all day.be/get bored 感到厌倦,感到厌烦cant:表示不允许,禁止,into the Red Zone:into表示进入一个区域或空间,the red zone限制进入的其他区域。Lets answer1.Claire_come_us _the Red Zone.2.Paul dont_Claire to _.get boredwantintowithcantClaire:But its obvious,Paul!The National Athletics Championship are a photographers dr

16、eam!What am I going to do?Im going to take hundreds of photographers,of course!The National Athletics Championships:国家田径锦标赛,(复合名词)Athletic:运动的,体育的,Athletics:田径,体育运动,复合名词中第一个名词在形式上通常是单数,但是athletics 同gymnastics,Mathematics,Physics等一样,常用复数形式。1._ _ _ _ are a photographers dream.2.Im_take _photographs,of

17、 course.The National Athletics Championshipshundreds ofgoing totens of 几十几十dozens of 几十个几十个scores of 许多许多hundreds of 数百数百thousands of 数千数千millions of 成千上万成千上万Lets do the Guided Conversation on page 69 the doctors dktz n.诊所 post office pst fs n.邮局 stamp stmp n.邮票 the dentists dentsts n.牙医诊所 bookshop

18、bkp n.书店 the butchers bt n.肉店 the chemists kemst n.药店 the barbers b:b n.理发店 haircut hekt n.理发;the hairdressers hedres n.理发店 shampoo mpu:n.洗发,洗头 在职业后面加s的话有表示该职业的就职场所,例如:go to the doctors 去看医生go to the barbers 去理发店go to the teachers 去老师办公室at the chemists 在药店at the bakers 在蛋糕店 at the butchers在肉店at my m

19、others 在我妈妈家 注意注意 表示商店或工作地点。某种职业表示商店或工作地点。某种职业的人后面加的人后面加s就变成其工作的场所。就变成其工作的场所。the barbers 男性经常去的理发店 the hairdressers 女性经常去的理发店A building,part of a hospital or other place where doctors work.This is a place where you can buy some medicine.A shop where books are sold.It is a place where you can cut you

20、 hair.A meat store is a shop where you can buy meat.This is a place where can cure your toothache.the doctorsbook shopthe dentistspronunciation /sp/spoon sport spring speak /st/stay stop street study /sk/school skirt sky skate /sl/slow sled sleep slim /sm/small smart smile smell /sw/sweet swim swan

21、sweater /sn/snow snake snack snail/sw/sweet swim swan sweater 1、be going to 句型的用法句型的用法对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事,皆以定要做的事,皆以“be going to+动词动词原形原形”的句型来表示。的句型来表示。如:如:Im going to be a teacher when I grow up.Theyre going to play volleyball next week.be going to+动词原形动词原形结构结构GRAMMAR2、肯定句肯定句的构成

22、和用法的构成和用法句型句型:主语主语+be going to+动词原动词原+I am going to play football next Sunday.He is going to teach in Beijing next year.Theyre going to meet outside the school gate.It is going to rain.3、否定句的构成和用法句型:主语+be not going to+动词原形Were not going to have any class next week.Its not going to rain this afternoo

23、n.Im not going to be a teacher.He isnt going to see his brother tomorrow.4、一般疑问句的构成和用法句型:be+主语+going to+动词原形?Are you going to be a doctor in the future?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Is your sister going to bring you lunch?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.5、特殊疑问句的构成和用法:句型:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句How are they going to school tomorro

24、w?By bike.What is he going to do next Sunday?He is going to read books.When are you going to buy a new bike?Tomorrow.Where is the little girl going?She is going to her grandmas home.GRAMMARbe going to与will的区别 be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,表示的将来时间则较远一些,He is going to writ

25、e a letter tonight.He will write a book one day.3.be going to 含有含有“计划,准备计划,准备”的意思,而的意思,而 will 则则表示单纯的将来表示单纯的将来。e.g.她准备把她的书借给我们。她准备把她的书借给我们。She is going to lend us her book.他半小时之内会到这。他半小时之内会到这。He will be here in half an hour.4 在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用而多用will.e.g.如果有任何困难,我会帮助你如果有

26、任何困难,我会帮助你。If any difficulties,I will help you.如果雨停了,比赛就会开始了。如果雨停了,比赛就会开始了。If the rain stops,the match will begin.5.Will可以表示主动为他人做某事或是给出一个可以表示主动为他人做某事或是给出一个承诺,可以翻译成承诺,可以翻译成“为为”、“会会”。e.g.天气很冷,我为你泡杯热咖啡吧。天气很冷,我为你泡杯热咖啡吧。It is very cold,I will make you some hot coffee.Exercises一、用所给词的适当形式填空。一、用所给词的适当形式填空

27、。1.The boys _ (go)play soccer this afternoon.2._ you _(play)basketball with me next week?3.The actor _ going to _(move)New York.4.He admires actors very much.Hes going to take_(act)lessons every day.5.Lucy _(not stay)at home next weekend.are going toAre going to playismove toacting is not going to s

28、tay1 I want to see the doctor.否定句:否定句:I dont want to see the doctor.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Do you want to see the doctor?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes,I do.否定句:否定句:No,I dont.划线部分提问:划线部分提问:What do you want to do?2 I want you to see the doctor.(划线部分提(划线部分提问)问)What do you want me to do?practice3 I want him/her to go to the post

29、office.就划线部分提问就划线部分提问Where do you want him/her go to?4 Im going to the doctors.否定句:否定句:I m mot going to the doctors.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Are you going to the doctors?肯定回答肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:否定回答:No,I am not.就划线部分提问:就划线部分提问:Where are you going to go?practicePattern practice A:What do you want to do?B:I want to

30、 see the doctor.A:Where are you going to go?B:Im going to go to the doctors.A:Do you want to see the doctor today?B:No,not today.Im going to go to the doctors tomorrow.A:What do you want me to do?B:I want you to see the doctor.he me to buy stamps some wantsshe them to see wants a dentistwe him to ha

31、ve a haircut wantwant they you to go to the doctors A:Where do you want him/her to go?B:I want him/her to go to the post office.A:Why?B:To buy some stamps.Not with picture 65 and 66 A:Why do you want him/her to go to the post office?B:Because I want him/her to buy some stamps.Not with picture 65 and 66Look at the picture,listen to the dialogue,and fill in the form below.看图片,听录音,完成看图片,听录音,完成下面的表格。下面的表格。


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