[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf

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[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf_第1页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf_第2页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf_第3页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf_第4页
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[信息技术2.0微能力]:中学九年级英语下(第十三单元)Grammar Focus-中小学作业设计大赛获奖优秀作品[模板]-《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》.pdf_第5页
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1、目目录录作业设计方案作业设计方案基本信息学科年级学期教材版本单元名称英语九年级第二学期人教版Unit13 Weretrying to save theearth!课时信息序号教学内容课型课时1Section A听说+阅读第 1、2 课时2Section B听说+阅读第 3、4 课时3Grammar Focusand Composition语法+写作第 5、6 课时(一)本单元围绕环境保护的话题,并用主题图片表现噪音污染、空气污染、水污 染等内容,目的是为了让学生对环境的破坏有一个直观的认识,从而激发学生强 烈的社会责任感和对未来发展的思考。根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)要求,从语言

2、知识与技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面进行分 析。语言知识与技能1.能使用目标语言谈论环境污染和环境保护等相关话题。2.学习并掌握与环境污染及环境保护相关的词汇和表达方式;能正确区分和使用以下语法结构:现在进行时现在完成时、used to、被动语态和情态动词等。学习策略1.通过谈论环境污染,培养学生的环保意识,争取做到:保护环境,从我做起,从小事做起。Section A 的重点是让学生掌握与环境污染和环境保护相关的词汇和句型,同时引导学生关爱动物、保护环境。教学难点是让学生学会正确使用连词和结合生活实际讲述如何保护环境。PollutionTalkingabout theenvironm

3、ent经过小学和初中两年多的英语学习,九年级的学生已经掌握了一定的语音、词汇、句型、语法等语言基础知识,因此能够较 好地理解单元教材内容并完成相应的学习任务。Section B 在 Section A 所学的基础上,进一步谈论如何保护环境。教学重点是让学生了解环境保护的方式,并落实到积极的行动当中,同时还有阅读策略和写作技巧的训练。SolutionsProblemsProtecting theenvironment九年级学生已经积累了一定的英语学习经验,具备了交流的能力,且能在小组活动中互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。1.能使用 目标语言谈论环境污染和环境保护等相关话题。2.学习并掌握与环境污染及

4、环境保护相关的词汇和表达方式;能正确区分和使用以下语法结构:现在进行时、现在完成时、used to、被动语态和情态动词等。3.通过谈论环境污染,培养 学生的环保意识,争取做 到:保护环境,从我做起,从小事做起。第 1、2 课时1.让学生掌握与环境污染和环境保护相关的词汇与句型。第 3、4 课时2.让学生能使用目标语言进行关于环境污染和环境保护的话题讨论,培养学生的交际能力以及合作意识。第 5、6 课时3.掌握已学的核心语法知识。培养学生综合语言运用能力,让学生了解保护环境的方式,并落实到积极的行动之中。1.掌握与环境污染和环境保护相关的词汇和句型,并会运用所学知识介绍如何保护环境。2.掌握现在

5、进行时、现在 完成时、usedto.句型、被动语态和情态动词的 使用。3.运用所学语言知识介 绍如何保护环境。第 1、2 课时1.考察学生对所学内容的整体理解,同时检测了学生对重难点词汇和相关句型的掌握。第 3、4 课时2.能使用目标语言进行关于环境污染和环境保护的话题讨论。3.能结合文章来完成思维导图,培养 阅读技巧以及语言的综合运用能力。第 5、6 课时4.复习现在进行时、现在完成时、used to.句型、被动语态和情态动词的使用。5.运用所学语言知识介绍如何保护环境。本单元的教学话题是保护环境,且学生在八年级学习将来时已对环境问题有所涉及,本单元将详细学习环境问题和解决方法,学生对此话题

6、比较熟悉且有话可说。初中英语学科的作业设计思路要遵循以下基本原则:1设计的作业类型、形式灵活多样,让学生的多种感官动起来,而不 仅仅是培养学生学会做题而已。2作业的设计要有弹性,满足不同层次的学生对于知识巩固的需要,而且作业内容应该由浅入深,由易到难,由简到繁。3鼓励学生通过自己独立思考,体验自主解决难题的快乐,培养独立 自主学习的能力。4要预见学生在完成作业的过程中可能会出现的问题,并给予适当的 指导和提示,避免不必要的错误。5巩固新知识时,有机地融合旧知识,即可巩固已学语言材料,又可 加快学习新知识的速度。编制作业内容基础巩固题能力提升题综合应用题拓展创新题1(1.Hunt the wor

7、ds.A.land pollutionB.air pollutionC.noise pollutionD.water pollution全班分为四个大组,每组选择一个主题,根据主 题开展词汇接力,每个人必须说出与前一个同学 说的词汇有关联的单词或者短语,看看哪一个组 能在规定时间(2 分钟)内写出最多的相关词汇。让学生掌握与环境污染和环境保护相关的词汇,同时引导学生关爱动物,保护环境。这个活动不仅能充分调动学生的积极参与意识,有效地集中学生的注意力,唤醒学生脑海中与话题相关的知识储备,为下文听力活动做准备。明确作业目标分析单元目标设计作业评价填写作业属性表选取作业资源设定问题任务确定作业时长_

8、 _,读、听、写口头作业:理解、应用2 分钟教师评价、同伴互评检查哪个小组能在规定时间内写出最多的词汇。A.land pollution-rubbish-dirty-throw-dustbin-clean up.1.According to the listening materials and retell the conversation.Tony wants to go _ in the river with Mark this afternoon.But Mark doesntwant to go,_ he went there last weekend and the river w

9、as really _.Even theof the river was full ofand there were no more fish forfishermen to _.Tony thinks the river used to be so _.It has always beenthe _(nice)river in this town.Mark tells Tony that people are throwing_(垃圾)into the river.Factories are also putting _(废气物)into the river.They decide to w

10、rite to the _(政府)and hope that it could _(关闭)the factories.They also think that everyone should help to _(清理)theriver and_(发挥作用)in protecting the environment.考察学生对所听内容的整体理解,同时检测了学生对重难点词汇和相关句型的掌握。充分利用教材的文本及录音,去针对性的锻炼学生的获取关键信息的能力,同时让学生掌握与环境污染和环境保护相关的词汇与句型,同时引导学生关爱动物,保护环境。读、听、写书面作业:理解、应用、分析6 分钟教师评价、同伴互

11、评、学生自评评价参考Excellent!Good!Come on!Suggestions!准确率100%80%-100%60%-80%书写格式字迹清楚工整、美观字迹清楚书写不够美观书写错误、格式不正确Swimming,Because,dirty,bottom,rubbish,catch,clean,nicest,litter,waste,government,close down,clean up,play a part1.Retell the passage according to the structure below.You can work in groups.考察学生对课文内容的理

12、解,同时检测了学生对文章中重难点知识的掌握。通过运用思维导图和复述方式能更好地帮助学生整合本篇文章的阅读信息,培养学生的阅读技能和提高学生的阅读理解能力。说、读口头作业:理解、应用、分析:5 分钟教师评价、同伴互评评价参考Excellent!Good!Come on!Suggestions!语言描述准确度100%80%-100%60%-80%语言表达流畅度100%80%-100%60%-80%课文信息获取准确度100%80%-100%60%-80%参考课本,合理即可。1.Try to complete the mind map by yourself.能结合文章来完成思维导图,培养阅读技巧以及

13、综合语言运用能力。运用 mind map 来介绍人物经历,让学生一 目了然,思路清晰;并且引导学生梳理和整合文本信息、结构化呈现文本内容,形成语篇意识。讨论、书写书面作业理解、应用5 分钟学生自评、同伴互评评价参考Excellent!Good!Come on!Suggestions!准确率100%80%-100%60%-80%信息获取准确度100%80%-100%60%-80%书写格式字迹清楚工整、美观字迹清楚书写不够美观书写错误、格式不正确Amy:e from old buildings that were pulled down2.is an old boat turned upside

14、down3.is made of rocks and old glass bottlesJesscia:1.old clothes that people dont were anymore2.a small shop where she sells her bags3.write a book;new ways to use old clothesWang Tao:1.animals or humans2.can be put at home3.can be seen in art shops around the city4.to set up a metal art theme park

15、1.Fill in the blanks.March 22nd is World Water Day.It started in 1993.It not only makes us thinkabout the importance of water,but also calls on(号召)us to(1)_ and protect water.Today,werefacing terrible water problems.Among them,wastewater problem isespecially(2)_.And the subject of World Water Day in

16、 2017 is“wastewater”.What is wastewater?It is used water.Usually,wastewater comes from homes,(3)_,hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities,includingwashing the machines,taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also(4)_wastewater when it is running down the street duri

17、ng a storm.No matter where itcomes from,this kind of water is sure to have(5)_ harmful in it.(6)_ must we treat(处理)wastewater?Wastewater has a big influence onour life.It causes both illness for us,and pollution for the environment.We must carefor our environment and our own(7)_.How can we treat was

18、tewater?Different kinds of wastewater need different waysof treatment.Wastewater(8)_ homes can be reused.Then there will be(9)_wastewater.Also,factory wastewater has to be cleaned(10)_it goes back to nature.1.A.drinkB.saveC.carryD.watch2.A.easyB.popularC.smallD.serious3.A.factoriesB.lakesC.riversD.s

19、eas4.A.gets backB.hands inC.changes intoD.picks up5.A.nothingB.somethingC.nobodyD.somebody6.A.WhatB.WhoC.WhyD.How7.A.workB.interestC.healthD.business8.A.onB.forC.withD.from9.A.lessB.moreC.betterD.worse10.A.andB.whetherC.afterD.before考查学生对目标语言和句型结构的掌握情况,培养学生的阅读技能,加深学生对环境保护的意识。培养学生的阅读能力,也拓展了学生的单词量和语法知

20、识,不仅帮助 学生复习所学知识,还能联系到之前所学的内容,新知和旧知得到很好的巩固。读、写书面作业理解、应用分钟学生自评、同伴互评评价参考Excellent!Good!Come on!Suggestions!准确率100%80%-100%60%-80%书写格式字迹清楚工整、美观字迹清楚书写不够美观书写错误、格式不正确B D A C B;C C D A D1.Write a poster about how to protect the environment and ask more people to play apart in saving the environment.校园环保标语征集

21、。观察和讨论身边的不环保现象,小组合作,针对各种不环保 的现象设计至少三条以上的环保标语,设计成海报。以下标语提示句型可供参考:Dont We should We cant/shouldnt ,or If we ,our world will 让学生能使用目标语言进行关于环境污染和环境保护的话题讨论,培养学生的交际能力以及合作意识。锻炼学生动手、动口、动脑的能力,让学生在真实任务中使用语言,同时渗透了环保意识的培养。说、画、看、写实践作业创造15 分钟教师评价、同伴互评评价参考优秀良好合格未达标海报主题主题突出主题明确主 题 基 本明显主题不明确海报内容用词恰当,内容丰富。用 词 恰当,内 容

22、较 为 丰富。用 词 有 小部 分 不 恰当,内容不太丰富。用词大部分 不恰当,内容单薄。海报汇报语言流畅,表达无误。语 言 流畅,表 达绝大部分无 误。语 言 较 流畅,表达大部分无误。语言不流畅,表达错误多。1.Divide the whole class into 4 groups,each group discusses one grammar item basedon some questions and sentences,then sum it up.Grou1:时态(现在进行时 现在完成时)Group 2:语态(被动语态)Group 3:情态动词Group 4:used top

23、,时态现在进行时现在完成时被动语态构成否定形式一般疑问形式短语意思used to do sth.be used to doing sth.be used to do sth.情态动词的用法:情态动词表示说话人对所述动作或状态的态度或看法。它不能单独做谓语,必须和后面的_一起构成谓语。常见的情态动词有:重点短语翻译:can be_;may be_;mustbe_;cant be_;mustnt be_1用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1.The girls _(dance)in the classroom now.2.Its 5 oclock now.Mike _(have)dinner.3._

24、 you ever _(be)to the US?Yes,twice.4.I _(live)here since 1999.5.Do you often clean your classroom?Yes.Our classroom _(clean)every day.6.Did you go to Jacks birthday party?No,I _.(invite)7.A new highway in my hometown(build)next month.2根据题意选择最适合的情态动词。1.you pass me a pen?Id like to write down the phon

25、e number.Sure.Here it is.A.CanB.NeedC.MightD.Must2.Youworry about me.Its nothing serious.A.can tB.mustn tC.needn tD.wont3.May I go to the cinema,Mom?Certainly,but yoube back by 11 oclock.A.canB.mayC.mustD.need4.Excuse me.Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?Sorry,Im not sure.But itbe.A.mightB.

26、mustn tC.can tD.must5.The man in the officebe Mr.Black,because he went home just now.A.mustn tB.may notC.can tD.needn t3根据汉语意思补全句子。1.她过去常常周末和朋友闲逛。Shewith friends on weekends.2.他习惯于每天晚上睡得很晚。He _ at night.复习巩固现在进行时、现在完成时、used to 句型、被动语态和情态 动词。让学生在语境中理解、识记和运用本课时的语法知识。讨论、书写书面作业理解、应用8 分钟学生自评、同伴互评语法焦点Exce

27、llent!Good!Come on!Suggestions!准确率100%80%-100%60%-80%书写格式字迹清楚工整、美观字迹清楚书写不够美观书写错误、格式不正确时态现在进行时现在完成时被动语态构成be+doinghave/has+donebe+done否定形式be not+doinghavent/hasnt+donebe not+done一般疑问形式Be+主语+doing.?Have/Has+主语+done.?Be+主语+done.?1.过去常常做某事 2.习惯于做某事 3.被用于做某事1.动词 2.must,can,could,may,might,have to,should,n

28、eed 3.可能是4.也许是 5.一定是 6.不可能是 7.禁止1.are dancing2.is having 3.Have been 4.have lived 5.is cleaned6.wasnt invited 7.will be built1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C_1.used to hang out2.is used to staying up1.保护人类共同的家园地球是每个人的责任和义务。我们在生活中的点滴小事上也能做出自己的贡献。根据表格内容,谈一谈曾经为保护环境做过哪些努力,将来还打算如何去做。要求:1.词数不少于 80 词;2.开头已给出,不计入总词数;3.意

29、思连贯,条理清晰,适当发挥。turn off the lights when you leave a roomstop riding in carsturn off the shower while washing hairride a bikestop using paper napkinsrecycle books and papertake your own bags when shopping让学生在真实的生活情景中运用所学语言知识介绍如何保护环境并提升写作能力。培养学生综合语言运用能力,让学生了解保护环境的方式,并落实到 积极的行动之中,使学生的思维得到进一步拓展。对学生来说,是一种

30、见解,一 种尝试,一种创新,让学生实现了从文本知识向写作能力的迁移。讨论、书写书面作业理解、应用20 分钟教师评价、同伴互评书面表达要求评价标准Suggestions!1、书写工整、清晰符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、条理清楚、逻 辑严密,词汇比较丰富、没有或者有少量 语法错误Excellent!2、符合要求、书写规范,部分涵盖要点、文章基本连贯,词汇不够丰富、有一些语 法错误Good!3、与要求有明显差距、书写不规范,要 点不完整、文章不连贯,词汇量不足、错 误较多,勉强能看出作文意图Come on!4、能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强 猜测出作文意图Its our duty t

31、o protect the earth.I always turn off the lights when I leave a room.While I am washing my hair,I usually turn off the shower.Besides,if I want to goshopping,I always take my own bags instead of using plastic bags.I have decided todo more things to protect our earth,such as recycling books and paper

32、 and stoppingriding in cars.Unit13 Were trying to save the earth!单元综合测试听力部分(20 分).听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片,其中有一幅是多余的。(5 分).听小对话,选择正确的选项。(5 分)1.How was the river in the past?A.It was dirtyB.It was clean.C.It was polluted.2.What do you know about the bag?A.It was made of old jeans.B.Her mother bought it for

33、her.C.The woman bought the bag in the shop.3.What does the woman mean?A.Recycling paper is difficult.B.Recycling paper is easy.C.Recycling is useless.4.Why does Mr.Black go to work by bike?A.He thinks riding is good for health.B.He thinks riding can cut down noise pollution.C.He thinks riding can he

34、lp cut down air pollution.5.What animals are endangered?A.Pandas.B.TigersC.Elephants.听一段对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(10 分)1.What do pandas like eating?A.GrassB.BambooC.meat2.What are pandas like?A.quiet and peacefulB.noisy and playfulC.noisy and cute3.How long does a baby panda spend drinking its mother s milk

35、very day?A.More than two hoursB.About four hoursC.About fourteen hours4.How many pandas are there in the world now?A.About one hundred.B.About one thousand.C.About ten thousand.5.Why do people hunt pandas?A.For their feet.B.For their meat.C.For their fur.笔试部分.单项选择(15 分)1.Maybe the best gift in the w

36、orld is not expensive,but mustlove.A.be full withB.fill withC.be filled ofD.be full of2.One of theof living in the country is the fresh air.A.experiencesB.advantagesC.materialsD.changes3.So far,more than five thousand peoplethe governments to ask them toclose down those factories.A.wroteB.are writin

37、gC.have writtenD.will write4.The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around,_ in winter.Ice lanternsdecorate streets and attract plenty of tourists.A.especiallyB.nearlyC.probablyD.recently5.The car looks nice.Whats more,its much greener because it uses electricity _gasA.because ofB.instead ofC.

38、short ofD.out of6.Have you ever _ Mo Yan?Of course,a very famous Chinese writer,and he won the Nobel Prize for literaturein 2012.A.heard throughB.listened toC.heard ofD.heard from7.-A number ofparents in Chinato send their children abroad for further study.-Yes,the number of students who want to go

39、abroad is getting.A.likes;bigger and biggerB.like;bigger and biggerC.likes;more and moreD.like;more and more8.Every year,more than 10000 elephants _ for their ivory.A.were killedB.have killedC.are killedD.will killed9.The new computerher a great amount of money.A.tookB.spentC.usedD.cost10.Look,those

40、 volunteers _ out posters of environmental protection on thestreet.A.gaveB.will giveC.are givingD.have given11.The company wants to _ a school for the poor children.A.put offB.set upC.call inD.look after12.The air there has made ato her health since she came to the countryside.A.decisionB.difference

41、C.choiceD.push13.-We reallyuse disposable chopsticks,you know.-I agree.I stopped using them three years ago.A.shouldB.shouldntC.cantD.neednt14.Dontthe waste paper.It can be reused.A.give awayB.put awayC.throw awayD.break away15.This is my good friend,Lucy.sheI am good at recycling.Weoften make some

42、toys out of waste.A.Both,andB.Not only;but alsoC.Either;orD.Neither,nor.完形填空.(15 分)There are many kinds of pollution around us,1air pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution and light pollution.They are bad _2_ our health in many ways.Burning gas,oil and coal creates air pollution.It can cause sore e

43、yes and _3_problems.With the increaseof pollution and the developmentof industry,litter iseverywhere.It makes our environment dirty.People put lots of rubbish in the land.Farmers use too many _4_ in the fields.They destroy the soil.So soil pollutionhas become serious.Noise pollution can make people_

44、5_.For example,people may lose their hearingif they work in a _ 6 _ place for a long time.Too much noise can cause high bloodpressure _7 _.Working for a long time in strong,changeable light _ 8 _ cause some kinds ofillnesses.It makes people feel _9_ and is especially bad for the eyes.With _ 10_ poll

45、ution,our planet will become greener and our health will bebetter.Lets be greener people.1.A.such asB.for exampleC.as well asD.because of2.A.toB.inC.forD.of3.A.breathB.breatheC.breathedD.breathing4.A.chemicalB.chemicalsC.chemistD.chemistry5.A.blindB.lameC.deafD.healthy6.A.noiseB.noisyC.quietD.quietl

46、y7.A.as wellB.tooC.alsoD.either8 A.mustB.needC.shouldD.may9.A.comfortableB.possiblyC.terribleD.terribly10.A.littleB.lessC.fewD.fewer.阅读理解。(20 分)ANo Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22,1998.It wasstarted to protect the environment.By now,more than 1,000 cities around the

47、worldhave a No Car Day.The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001.Other cities,includingShanghai and Wuhan,also support the day.In Beijing,more and more people are joining the campaign.It asks drivers toleave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work.Italso

48、calls on Beijing people not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day).Theslogan for the day is,“If we drive for one less day,we can have one more nice day.”So far,more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support.“We cant control theweather,but we can choose not to drive,”said Wu Zonghua,a car c

49、lub chairman.Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year.In the first quarter of 2012,Beijing only had 52 blue sky days.This was11 days less than the number for thesame period the year before.Much of the dust comes from the desert,but cars causemost of the air pollution.We must do more for

50、 No Car Day.1.The first No Car Day fell on _.A.February 2ndB.June 5thC.July 5thD.September 22nd2._ was the first city to have No Car Day in China.A.BeijingB.ChengduC.ShanghaiD.Wuhan3.What does the underlined word“slogan”in Paragraph 3 mean?A.目的B.原因C.意义D.口号4.How many blue sky days did Beijing have in


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