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1、12What is office etiquette?Office etiquette is about observing(遵守)a simple set of rules for getting along with other people in an organizational context(环境).Why do you need to know office etiquette?Office etiquette helps smooth(使顺畅)the wheels of daily interaction(互动)within the office.Whats more,offi

2、ce etiquette ensures that you dont become office enemy number one because youve been irritating(打扰)people with unhelpful habits or comments.Moreover,office etiquette is the key deciding factor in how your colleagues will respond to you and come to your rescue给(某人救急)when you need help.Why office etiq

3、uette?1?2?3?56When?Being punctual is very important,especially if you have an appointment.Why?It shows that you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel(驱使)them to respect your time too.When?Avoid turning up later than your boss when youre a junior.Why?At the entry stage of a j

4、ob,sending a clear message that youre eager and already working is vital.1 When?Why?2 When?Why?89Why?The office is not a party place and you will have to dress in a way that commands(要求)respect both from your colleagues and clients.How?Do not wear ultra-casual(格外休闲),provocative(刺激性)or evening attire

5、(衣服).A suit or other professional outfit should be used when interacting with clients,seeking important deals and other highly professional situations.Why?How?1112why?Office gossip might not make or break your career but it can cause a lot of unnecessary stress which should be avoided at all costs.A

6、nything negative you say will get around and may reflect poorly on you,or possibly label(贴标签)you as the company gossip.How?Limit your comments(评论)about coworkers(同事)to positive ones only.You may overhear(无意中听到)the conversations of others.Be good and forget you ever heard them and apply the so what r

7、ule.Why?How Comments?Overhear?4 Ask before borrowing4 Ask before borrowing.What?It is imperative(必须的)that you ask first and then borrow.Why?This attitude of yours will ensure that people also treat your things with the same respect and your things are not missing when you are back from a meeting.How

8、?If there are some items that are always needed,have a central common pool for such items so that desk-nabbing(争抢的事物)ceases(停止)to occur(发生).What is imperative?Why?How?5 Always say please and thank you 5 Always say please and thank you WhyA few nice words can keep the mood of the office uplifting(令人振

9、奋的)or at least keep the mood from turning foul(恶臭的).How When you pass co-workers in the hallway and this person isnt particularly your friend,smile or nod.Acknowledge that they are there.Say hello to people in your vicinity(附近)when you come in every morning.A vicious(恶性的)habit can creep in(滑进)when p

10、eople let this well mannered greeting slip and just slink into(溜进)their seats without saying a word.Watch your language.When interacting with others at the office remember that profanity(亵渎的言语)offends(冒犯)some people.Also avoid innuendos(暗讽)or jokes at the expense of(以为代价)other people.Pass coworker H

11、ow?Why?Morning How?Why?Language How?Why?2122Why?Doing so will suggest that your time or opinion is more important than theirs.How?If your co-worker is on the phone but you need to ask a question,dont linger(拖延).Tap(敲击)them on the shoulder and whisper(耳语)that you need them for a minute(or leave a qui

12、ck note in front of them)and ask them to call or see you when they are done.If your co-worker is having a work related conversation dont interrupt-just wait for them to finish or ask them to see you when they are through.Why?How?On the phone?Work-related conversation?2425Dont read someone elses faxe

13、s,emails,mail or computer screens.Only share personal things at work that you wouldnt mind reading in next weeks newspaper.And remember that when you send emails,never write anything that would be a problem if forwarded;simply by virtue of(因为)the fact that anyone can forward an email,you need to be

14、alert to(警惕)this potential(可能性).How?1 2 38 Refrain from(避免)(避免)being loud8 Refrain from being loud Why The most frequent complaint(频繁投诉)made in office is about noise from other people in the work environment.Keeping your voice down should be a priority(优先)in all work interactions.How to make phone c

15、alls in the office?Avoid making personal calls at your workstation.Use vibrating feature(震动功能)if you need to leave it on.If you have received a private call on your cell phone,walk down to the corridor(走廊)or to find a room with a door you can shut to take the rest of the call if youre likely to dist

16、urb(打扰)others.Avoid speaking in a loud or belligerent(易引起争斗的)manner.Aggressive(攻击性)or increasingly loud vocalizations(言辞)upset people and even those who are not the target of the aggression will be left with a sense of unease and discomfort.How to lower down music and talks in the office?If you list

17、en to a radio or stream music,keep it low or wear a headset.Be especially quiet in areas where coworkers are on business calls or in conversations with other coworkers.Be considerate(替人着想的)around meeting rooms,even if youre not sure whether or not a meeting is in progress always assume there is one

18、and be on the safe side.What is the most frequent complaint?人们在办公室经常投诉什么 How?Phone?Radio or music?Business Talks?Around meeting room?9 Avoid being a source of odors(味道)(味道)9 Avoid being a source of odors.What?Eating odorous(味道浓烈的)food at your desk,removing your shoes or spritzing perfume(喷香水)or air

19、freshener(空气清新剂)during the day can upset those sensitive to odors.Why?Nobody wants a whiff of smelly feet no matter how much you think you cant smell them and the odor of lunch is a very personal thing,so dont assume its as delightful to someone elses nose as it is to yours.How?If you dont know if s

20、omething youre doing,wearing or eating is strong in odor,assume(假设)that it is.What?Why?How?10 Keep your work area tidy10 Keep your work area tidy Try not to be messy.Why?A messy cubicle(卡座)or desk shows how confused(头脑不清)and careless you are,and that youre not clear about yourself.Also,it can reflec

21、t your personality or personal life at home.How?Keep your cubicle tidy and decorative(装饰性的)(with relevant material only,for example,some charts or articles etc.).If you like adding a personal touch,such as photos,choose only a few decent ones.Why?How?Office etiquette办公室礼仪 dress code穿衣规则 Observe 服从 遵

22、守 Context 语境 环境 Smooth 平滑 顺畅 Respond to 回应 Come to ones rescue 救急 Interact 互动 Irritate 刺激 骚扰 Punctual 守时 Compel 迫使 驱使 Appropriately 恰当的 Command 要求 Ultra-casual 特别休闲的 Provocative 挑衅的 刺激的 Attire衣物 Gossip闲言啐语 Negative消极的 Positive积极的 Comment 评论 Coworker同事 Label 贴标签 Overhear 偶然听到 Imperative 必须的 Cease 停止

23、Occur发生 Uplifting 令人振奋的 Foul 恶臭的 紧张的 Vicinity 附近 Vicious 邪恶的 Creep in 溜进 混入 Slink into 滑入 Profanity 亵渎 Offend 冒犯 Innuendo暗讽 At the expense of 以为代价 Consistent 不断地 Interrupt打断 Sensitive敏锐 敏感 Privacy隐私 Refrain from 避免 Odor 气味 By virtue of 由于 Be alert to 对警惕 Potential 潜质 可能性 Refrain from 避免 Complaint 投诉

24、 Priority 优先的人或事 Handset 手持听筒 Headset 耳机 Disturb 打扰 Belligerent 好战的 好斗的 Aggressive 具有侵略性的 Vocalization 发声 Vibrating feature 震动模式 Corridor(走廊)distracting(分散)considerate(替人着想的Odor气味 Assume 假设 Spitz perfume喷香水 Air freshener 空气清新剂 Cubicle 卡座 Confused 头脑不清的 Decorative 装饰性的)What?Why?How?421.Pull the plug

25、on office chatter.432.Dont eat smelly food.443.Hold back on the perfume.454.Keep your ring tone under control.465.Dont take personal calls at your desk.476.Dont wear your commuting shoes at work487.Dont blow your nose at your desk,but only if its an emergency.498.Dont come to work if youre too sick.509.Share the credit.5110.Dont use slang in e-mail.5211.Dont be loud.5312.Respect your coworkers property.5413.Keep shared spaces and your own work area clean


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