
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3463519 上传时间:2022-09-02 格式:PPT 页数:19 大小:613.50KB
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1、Lesson Five:Lesson Five:Intercultural Use of HumorIntercultural Use of HumorWarm-up Cases1Contents:Self-study Introduction2Culture-Based Functional Language3Practice4Supplementary Reading5Warm-up Cases Case 1 Different Philosophies美国人的开放是众所周知的。当街拥抱、热吻,美国人的开放是众所周知的。当街拥抱、热吻,对周遭的人几乎视而不见,我行我素。中国人却素来对周遭的

2、人几乎视而不见,我行我素。中国人却素来以中规中矩出名,以中规中矩出名,“引人注目引人注目”的事,能不做就不的事,能不做就不做。做。Case 2 British Humor 在英国,幽默受到高度重视,而且英国人具有一种独特的在英国,幽默受到高度重视,而且英国人具有一种独特的幽默感,他们通常喜欢自嘲,嘲笑自己的着装或者自己的糗事幽默感,他们通常喜欢自嘲,嘲笑自己的着装或者自己的糗事等等。他们也会嘲笑自己的国家以及政府,比如等等。他们也会嘲笑自己的国家以及政府,比如Tony嘲笑自己嘲笑自己国家的烹饪水平很差。这对他来说是一个十分随意轻松的笑国家的烹饪水平很差。这对他来说是一个十分随意轻松的笑话,而这

3、对于不太适应这种自嘲方式的中国人来说会显得有点话,而这对于不太适应这种自嘲方式的中国人来说会显得有点奇怪。因为大部分中国人比较不习惯于嘲笑自己或者自己的国奇怪。因为大部分中国人比较不习惯于嘲笑自己或者自己的国家。家。Self-study Introduction Humor in Chinese and Western Culture 一、幽默差异之根源一、幽默差异之根源 任何一个民族的幽默都深深扎根于其文化土壤当中,任何一个民族的幽默都深深扎根于其文化土壤当中,离不开孕育它的历史,风俗以及人们的思维方式等诸多文离不开孕育它的历史,风俗以及人们的思维方式等诸多文化因素。相对西方人的直率,中国人

4、的幽默显得比较含蓄化因素。相对西方人的直率,中国人的幽默显得比较含蓄。二、幽默的场合二、幽默的场合 中国人在日常生活中,或是在特定场合比如相声小品中中国人在日常生活中,或是在特定场合比如相声小品中处处体现出幽默,但是他们在职场中却往往是严肃不苟言笑处处体现出幽默,但是他们在职场中却往往是严肃不苟言笑的。由于受到传统习俗的影响,人们普遍认为在工作场合嬉的。由于受到传统习俗的影响,人们普遍认为在工作场合嬉笑是不符合职业形象的。笑是不符合职业形象的。与中国人不同,西方人则将幽默贯穿于他们生活的每一与中国人不同,西方人则将幽默贯穿于他们生活的每一个细节,大部分西方人善于利用幽默来拉近与他人的距离。个细

5、节,大部分西方人善于利用幽默来拉近与他人的距离。比如几乎所有的美国总统都喜欢在公众场合展现自己的幽默比如几乎所有的美国总统都喜欢在公众场合展现自己的幽默魅力,而他们的一些小故事则被人们津津乐道。魅力,而他们的一些小故事则被人们津津乐道。三、幽默的话题三、幽默的话题 英语笑话题材广泛,涉及英语国家的地理环境、历英语笑话题材广泛,涉及英语国家的地理环境、历史事件、文化典故、宗教文化、婚礼习俗文化、民族性史事件、文化典故、宗教文化、婚礼习俗文化、民族性格、年龄心态等格、年龄心态等。四、幽默的作用四、幽默的作用 幽默的功用可分为:批判性(对生活中的缺点和反幽默的功用可分为:批判性(对生活中的缺点和反常

6、现象加以否定)肯定性(对生活中的优点和正面现象常现象加以否定)肯定性(对生活中的优点和正面现象予以肯定)和纯幽默(既不包含肯定,也不包否定,它予以肯定)和纯幽默(既不包含肯定,也不包否定,它只是对日常现象进行富于情趣的反映)。只是对日常现象进行富于情趣的反映)。Culture-Based Functional Language 1 Humorous sentences Nobodys perfect and since Im nobody.On the other hand you have different fingers.Always remember youre unique,just

7、 like everyone else.He who laughs last thinks slowest!Youre never too old to learn something stupid.You cant have everything where would you put it?In just two days,tomorrow will be yesterday.A chicken is an eggs way of producing more eggs.Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth.A

8、n unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.A woman can keep one secretthe secret of her age.Money is not everything.Theres MasterCard&Visa.One should love animals.They are so tasty.2Humorous StoriesGod Will Save Me There was an old man sitting on his porch watching the rain fall.Pretty soon

9、 the water was coming over the porch and into the house.The old man was still sitting there when a rescue boat came and the people on board said,“You cant stay here you have to come with us.”The old man replied,“No,God will save me.”So the boat left.A little while later the water was up to the secon

10、d floor,and another rescue boat came,and again told the old man he had to come with them.The old man again replied,“God will save me.”So the boat left him again.An hour later the water was up to the roof and a third rescue boat approached the old man,and tried to get him to come with them.Again the

11、old man refused to leave stating that,“God will save him.”So the boat left him again.Soon after,the man drowns and goes to heaven,and when he sees God he asks him,“Why didnt you save me?”God replied,“You dummy!I tried.I sent you three boats!”Practice 1 Situation After graduation,Liu Yun got a job in

12、 a British company.Soon the company sent her to Britain for one-year training.Liu Yun was very excited to stay in a foreign country and she tried to make friends with local colleagues.They were very polite and they provided much advice and help to her at work,but it seemed that they do not wish to b

13、ecome close friends with her.Sometimes when they sit together waiting for lunch,other colleagues would start joking.They would usually laugh at themselves,make fun of others or complain about something.Liu Yun found it difficult to understand their jokes and to get involved in their conversation.She

14、 was very frustrated.But she was thirsty for a friend to hang out after work.2 Task Suppose you are Liu Yuns Chinese friend,think about things she need to pay attention to in order to understand British humor and to fit into the local environment.Make a conversation between Liu Yun and her friend,Li

15、u Yun is seeking for advice and her friend gives her several suggestions.3Key Points to PracticeA.Know the different styles of humor between China and Britain.B.Try to understand British humor and use it.Supplementary Reading The Best Medicine最佳药物最佳药物 What is the greatest reward of being alive?Is it

16、 chocolate,sex,ice cream,tropical vacations,hugs from children,a perfect nights sleep,or the satisfaction of a job well done?A thousand people,a thousand different answers.But one supreme pleasure that spans all people is laughter.1First,regain your smile.2Treat yourself to a comedy festival.3Recall

17、 several of the most embarrassing moments in your life.4Anytime something annoying and frustrating occurs,turn it on its head and find the humor.5Read the comics every day and cut out the ones that remind you of your life.6Sort through family photographs and write funny captions or one-liners to go

18、with your favorites.7Every night at dinner,make family members share one funny or even embarrassing moment of their day.8When a person offends you or makes you angry,respond with humor rather than hostility.9Spend 15 minutes a day having a giggling session.10Read the activity listings page in the ne

19、wspaper and choose some laugh-inducing events to attend.11Add an item to your daily to-do list:Find something humorous.12When you run into friends or coworkers,ask them to tell you one funny thing that has happened to them in the past couple of weeks.13Find a humor buddy.14Exaggerate and overstate problems.15Develop a silly routine to break a dark mood.16Create a humor environment.17Experiment with jokes.18Focus humor on yourself.


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