1、Chapter 4Analytics,Decision Support,and Artificial Intelligence:Brainpower for Your Business DECISIONS AND DECISION SUPPORTDecision Support SystemsDecision support system(DSS)a highly flexible and interactive system that is designed to support decision making when the problem is not structured Decis
2、ion support systems help you analyze,but you must know how to solve the problem,and how to use the results of the analysisGEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMSGeographic information system(GIS)DSS designed specifically to analyze spatial informationSpatial information is any information in map formBusiness
3、es use GIS software to analyze information,generate business intelligence,and make decisionsGoogle Earth as a GISPredictive AnalyticsPredictive analytics highly computational data-mining technology that uses information and business intelligence to build a predictive model for a given business appli
4、cationInsurance,retail,healthcare,travel,financial services,CRM,SCM,credit scoring,etcPredictive AnalyticsText AnalyticsText analytics uses statistical,AI,and linguistic technologies to convert textual information into structured informationGaylord Hotels uses text analytics to make sense of custome
5、r satisfaction surveysLots of AnalyticsWeb analyticsHR analyticsMarketing analyticsCRM analyticsSocial media analyticsMobile analyticsARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEArtificial intelligence,the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behavior,can replace human decision making in some instancesE
6、xpert systemsNeural networks(and fuzzy logic)Genetic algorithmsAgent-based technologiesExpert SystemsExpert(knowledge-based)system an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusionUsed for Diagnostic problems(whats wrong?)Prescriptive problems(what to do?)Ne
7、ural Networks and Fuzzy LogicNeural network(artificial neural network or ANN)an artificial intelligence system that is capable of finding and differentiating patternsFuzzy logic a mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective information,like“short”or“tall”Genetic AlgorithmsGenetic algorit
8、hm an artificial intelligence system that mimics the evolutionary,survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problemTake millions of solutions and determines the optimal oneAGENT-BASED TECHNOLOGIESBiomimicry&Swarm IntelligenceBiomimicry learning from ecosystems and adapting their characteristics to human and organizational situationsSwarm(collective)intelligence the collective behavior of groups of simple agents that are capable of devising solutions to problems as they arise,eventually learning to coherent global patterns