2023年初一上册英语语法 冠词.pptx

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1、主讲者:XXX英语语法 English Grammar第1课 General Articles 不定冠词第3章Articles 冠词12知道冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。能正确使用不定冠词。学习目标What Is An Article?An article is a little word that come before a noun(a person,place,or thing).English articles include a,an,and the.冠词是位于名词(人、地方或事物)前的一个小词。英语冠词包括a、an和the。A&An The words a and an are cal

2、led general(or indefinite)articles.You can use them with singular nouns to talk about any single person or thing.单词a和an被称为不定冠词。你可以将它们放在单数名词前面一起用来谈论任何一个人或事物。A Simply speaking,when we see a single person or thing for the first XXXe,i.e.“cow”,we might say“Here comes a cow.”简单地说,当我们第一次看到一个单数的人或物的时候,比如一天

3、我们走在路上,突然看到前面有头奶牛,我们可能会说“来了一头奶牛”。“一”这个词就是a/an。当然后面我们会学到数词one,它也表示“一”,主要在数学计算的时候使用。These are singular nouns with“a”.a babya cooka doctorThese are singular nouns with“a”.a deera birda bearThese are singular nouns with“a”.a guitara booka piece of cakeAn We use“an”before words beginning with vowel sound

4、s (mostly a,e,i,o,u).For example,say:an axe/an igloo/an egg/an orange/an envelope an umbrella/an ice cream/an uncle我们在以元音开头的单词之前使用“an”(主要是a、e、i、o、u开头的单词)。例如:斧头/冰屋/鸡蛋/桔子/信封雨伞/冰淇淋/叔叔An We use an(not a)before these words that begin with h(because the letter h is silent):an heir an honor an hour我们在这些以h开

5、头的单词之前使用an(而不是a)(因为字母h是不发音的):一个继承人一种荣誉一个小时These are singular nouns with“an”.an eggan ice creaman umbrellaan axean orangeA But some words dont follow this rule.For example,use a(not an)before these words that begin with u(because u here doesnt make a vowel sound):a uniform a universitya unicorn但有些词不符

6、合这个规则。例如,在这些以但有些词不符合这个规则。例如,在这些以u开头的单词之前使用开头的单词之前使用a(而不是(而不是an)(因为这里的)(因为这里的u不发元音):不发元音):一件制服一件制服一所大学一所大学一头独角兽一头独角兽These are singular nouns with“a”.a uniforma universitya unicornExercise 1 Complete the sentences using a or an.用a或an填空。1 Judy wants()pair of socks.2 Who doesnt want()iPad?3 I have()elec

7、tric guitar.4 Larry is holding()umbrella in his hand.5 The professor visits()university every year.Exercise 1 6 Are you going to buy()car?7 I wish I could fly like()bird.8 There is()shadow hanging over me.9 You have been watching TV for()hour.10()apple a day keeps the doctor away.Exercise 2 Underlin

8、e all the general articles in the following passage.用下划线勾出下列段落中的所有不定冠词。I live in a big city.There is a shopping mall called New Century.I like to buy clothes at the mall.The city also has a park called Central Park.It takes an hour to walk to the park from my home.Does your hometown have a big park?

9、Answer Key to Exercise 1 Complete the sentences using a or an.用a或an填空。1 Judy wants(a )pair of socks.2 Who doesnt want(an )iPad?3 I have(an )electric guitar.4 Larry is holding(an )umbrella in his hand.5 The professor visits(a )university every year.Exercise 1 6 Are you going to buy(a )car?7 I wish I

10、could fly like(a )bird.8 There is(a )shadow hanging over me.9 You have been watching TV for(an )hour.10(An )apple a day keeps the doctor away.Answer Key to Exercise 2 Underline all the general articles(a/an)in the following passage.用下划线勾出下列段落中的所有不定冠词。I live in a big city.There is a shopping mall cal

11、led New Century.I like to buy clothes at the mall.The city also has a park called Central Park.It takes an hour to walk to the park from my home.Does your hometown have a big park?主讲者:XXX英语语法 English Grammar第2课 Specific Article 定冠词第3章Articles 冠词12知道定冠词只有the。能正确使用定冠词the。学习目标The The word“the”is called

12、 the specific(or definite)article.Use the before a noun when you are talking about a certain person or thing.“the”一词被称为定冠词。当你在谈论某个确定的人或事物时,在名词前加上the。可以把the理解成是给某个确定的事物进行标记的记号,所以判断一个名词是否需要用the只需关注该词的“确定性”。When do we use“the”?接下来讨论需要使用“the”的具体情形。For the second mention of the previous noun When we see

13、a tiger for the first XXXe,we might say“Here comes a tiger.”Then we keep talking about it.We think its dangerous,so we might say“The tiger is dangerous.”一天我们走在路上,突然看到前面有头老虎(这是第一次提到老虎),我们可能会说,“来了一(a)头老虎”。然后我们继续谈论它。我们觉得它很危险,所以我们接下来可能会说,“这(the)头老虎很危险。”(这是第二次提到这只老虎,不是说的其他老虎,所以具有确定性了)When the general nou

14、n followed by“that”-clause When a noun is followed by the word“that”and information that describes it(called an adjective clause),use the before the noun.当名词后跟“that”和描述它的信息(称为定语从句)时,在名词之前使用the。When the general noun followed by“that”-clause The next day I told my friend about what I saw the previous

15、day.I said,“I was frightened by the tiger that I met yesterday.第二天我把前一天看到的事告诉了我的朋友。我说:“我被昨天遇到的老虎吓坏了。(这头tiger不是其他的任何一头tiger,我只指的是昨天遇到的那头,这个描述信息保证了这个tiger已经得到确定。)When there is only one of the noun When there is only one of the noun in the whole world or the universe,“the”comes before the noun.当该名词(一般为

16、事物)在全世界或全宇宙中的存在具有唯一性时,在该词前面使用the。(常见于天文,地理,艺术作品方面的事物)全世界唯一存在的东西,无论何时提到它,都是确定的。the Great Wallthe moonExercise 1 Fill in the blanks with a,an or the.用a,an或the填空。1()owl2()rocket3()apron4()sun5()pageExercise 1 6()computer7()Statue of Liberty8()animal9()European country10()Changjiang RiverExercise 2 Comp

17、lete the sentences with a,an or the.用a,an或the完成下列句子。1 There is()fish in()fish bowl.2 Who is()girl outside()school gate?3()nurse gave Judy()injection.4 Adam is()only child in()family.5 What is()fastest animal in()world?Exercise 2 6 There is()nest in()tree.7 Judy is writing()e-mail to her dad.8 We fin

18、ally made it to()top of()hill.9 If I were()astronaut,I would walk on()moon.10 He who has never been to()Great Wall is not()true man.Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with a,an,the or 0.用a,an,the或0(0表示不填任何词)完成下列句子。1 Did I tell you()story that I read last night?2 Jim needs()new dresses.3 Chinese peopl

19、e usually eat()rice.4 Bob is reading()e-book.5 There are()children in the classroom.Answer Key to Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with a,an or the.用a,an或the填空。1(an )owl2(a )rocket3(an )apron4(the )sun5(a )pageExercise 1 6(a )computer7(the )Statue of Liberty8(an )animal9(a )European country10(the )Chan

20、gjiang RiverAnswer Key to Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with a,an or the.用a,an或the完成下列句子。1 There is(a )fish in(the )fish bowl.2 Who is(the )girl outside(the )school gate?3(The )nurse gave Judy(an )injection.4 Adam is(the )only child in(the )family.5 What is(the )fastest animal in(the )world?Exer

21、cise 2 6 There is(a )nest in(the )tree.7 Judy is writing(an )e-mail to her dad.8 We finally made it to(the )top of(the )hill.9 If I were(an )astronaut,I would walk on(the)moon.10 He who has never been to(the )Great Wall is not(a )true man.Answer Key to Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with a,an,the or 0.用a,an,the或0(0表示不填任何词)完成下列句子。1 Did I tell you(that )story that I read last night?2 Jim needs(0 )new dresses.3 Chinese people usually eat(0 )rice.4 Bob is reading(an )e-book.5 There are(0 )children in the classroom.


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