2022届高三英语调研考试完形填空精选三篇 .docx

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1、2022届高三英语调研考试完形填空精选三篇(含答案解析)第一篇 【湖北省高三(4)月调研模拟考试】Martial arts teacher Brendan Breen adapts his classes to better serve students living with disabilities. He started teaching three years ago as a 41 of connecting with a sport that hed practised decades earlier. 42 for being patient, warmhearted and p

2、ositive, hes quick to 43 his methods to each situation. Breen started his karate(空手道)classes after he and his wife, Mikiko, 44 Martial Arts Abilities Canada, the countrys first registered charity to combine karate with 45 needs. Will an injury that a student has 46 their flexibility? Out of the ques

3、tion. He was swift to welcome new members who had different 47 . If a student cant 48 the $75 monthly fee, Breen will work out a lower price or abandon the 49 altogether. One particularly emotional 50 came in October when Lynnette Gaudet, a 37-year-old student with Downs syndrome, performed the kara

4、te 51 . “She couldnt believe it. She was almost crying, ” says Breen. “When the students 52 what a lot of people think they cant, it touches my heart. ”“One of my 53 was to go to the legislature(立法机关)and really 54 to the government what I can do, ” he says, “to show them what Martial Arts Abilities

5、Canada helped my students 55 : they can do anything anyone else can. ”41. A. procedure B. way C. routine D. plan 42. A. Known B. Tested C. Employed D. Qualified43. A. create B. seek C. analyze D. adapt44. A. set up B. put up C. took up D. brought up45. A. fundamental B. special C. financial D. immed

6、iate46. A. improve B. determine C. destroy D. limit47. A. races B. origins C. disabilities D. behaviors48. A. accept B. afford C. transfer D. imagine49. A. ambition B. charge C. project D. career50. A. moment B. support C. donation D. lecture51. A. shyly B. willingly C. perfectly D. nervously52. A.

7、achieve B. know C. expect D. appreciate53. A. rules B. measures C. promises D. goals54. A. suggest B. introduce C. prove D. submit55. A. recover B. record C. realize D. measure完形填空:41. B Brendan 三年前开始教武术,和他多年前习武相联系。42. A 以耐心、热情和积极著称,他很快就调整了教学方法以适应各种情形。43. D 同上。44. A Brendan 开办了空手道课,他和妻子创办了 Martial A

8、rts Abilities Canada。45. B Martial Arts Abilities Canada 是第一个注册的把空手道和有特殊需求(指残疾学生)结合的机构。46. D 此句为定语从句,(残疾)学生的某些缺陷会限制他们的灵活性吗? 47. C 文章开头提到 Brendan 的课程专门是为残疾人服务的。48. B 如果学生负担不起费用,Breen 就会降低收费或者取消学费。49. B 同上。50. A 一个特别感人的时刻发生在十月。51. C 一个 37 岁的唐氏综合症学生,完美的表演空手道,她自己都不敢相信。52. A 当看到学生做到了人们认为他们做不到的事情时,作者总是很感动

9、。53. D 作者的一个目标就是去立法机构并向政府证明他们能做到。54. C 同上。55. C Martial Arts Abilities Canada 帮助学生认识到:别人能做到的,他们也能。第二篇 【广州市2022届普通高中毕业班综合测试】Dad is a busy mechanic. Every Saturday he puts on his apron and produces delicious bread. I think he bakes to 41 . Ive been feeling stressed out myself as I found out I didnt 42

10、 for the swim team. Now Ill have to wait a whole year to try out again. I think Dad knew how I 43 , so this Saturday he invited me to help him bake. Dad first got out everything needed, and then told me to 44 the ingredients(配料)with a spoon. After that he showed me how to knead the dough(揉面团). It to

11、ok only ten minutes but a (n) 45 amount of energy to complete. Next came the 46 part doing nothing. We waited for the dough to slowly 47 , then punched(捶打)it down and waited for it to rise again. Dad said the waiting is always the hardest part as you have to 48 the thought of putting the dough 49 in

12、to the oven. While we waited, we sat and talked. 50 is like the dough that rises and fills a room with emptiness 51 you punch it down with words. It felt good to listen and share our 52 . As the flour dust quietly 53 , time seemed to slow down. The dough would rise at its own 54 . We could do nothin

13、g to make it rise faster. I learned how to bake, and I also learned to 55 the slowly ticking rhythm of time, to relax and let the bread rise. 41. A. forget B. exercise C. learn D. relax42. A. care B. qualify C. plan D. vote43. A. failed B. felt C. performed D. tried44. A. cook B. shake C. taste D. m

14、ix45. A. surprising B. increasing C. extra D. limited46. A. best B. last C. most difficult D. most rewarding47. A. swell up B. turn up C. stand out D. come out48. A. accept B. consider C. repeat D. resist49. A. carefully B. completely C. directly D. quickly50. A. Embarrassment B. Hunger C. Silence D

15、. Stress 51. A. unless B. though C. even if D. so long as52. A. recipes B. duties C. snacks D. thoughts53. A. froze B. settled C. gathered D. developed54. A. cost B. convenience C. pace D. will55. A. appreciate B. control C. ignore D. suffer 41. D.根据整篇文章的讲述可知,作者的父亲通过烘焙教会了作者放松,文章的最后也出现了呼应主题的to relax。

16、故选D。42. B.根据后一句Now Ill have to wait a whole year to try out again.(现在我得等一整年才能再次参加测试。)可知,作者今年没有资格参加游泳队。故选B。43. B.根据前文中的Ive been feeling stressed out可知,此处指作者的感受。故选B。44. D.根据后文the ingredients with a spoon可知,mix混合符合语境。故选D。45. A.根据前文knead the dough(揉面团)的常识可知,揉面很费力,需要惊人的力量来完成。故选A。46. C.根据后文后文Dad said the

17、waiting is always the hardest part(爸爸说等待总是最难的)。中的提示词the hardest可知,这一步是最难的。故选C。47. A.根据后文rise again可知,这里指面团发酵膨胀。故选A。48. D.作者的父亲说等待的过程是最困难的,原因是要耐得住等待,不能直接把面团放进烤箱。故选D。49. C.根据语境可知,要耐得住等待,不能直接将面团放进烤箱。故选C。50. C.根据后文punch it down with words可知,能用言语击打的便是与说话相对的沉默。故选C。51. A.根据语境可知,作者在这里将沉默的氛围比作面团发酵,打破沉默的方法便是打

18、开话匣子,所以表示除非你用语言把它捶打下去。故选A。52. D.根据前文share可知,thoughts想法符合语境。故选D。53. B.根据前文the flour dust以及后文time seemed to slow down.可知,面粉粉尘飘落符合语境。故选B。54. C.根据后一句We could do nothing to make it rise faster.(我们无法让它发酵得更快)。可知,面团发酵有自己的速度。故选C。55. A.根据作者的讲述可知,作者在跟父亲一起烘焙的过程中学会了等待和放松,学会了欣赏时间的缓慢节奏,理解了事物有各自的发展时间。故选A。第三篇 【广州市20

19、22届普通高中毕业班综合测试】A tornado hit Granbury, Texas in 2013. A man named Jerry Shuttlesworth was livingin a trailer(拖车)park. Without a basement or a place to 41 , he had to shut himself inthe laundry room with his dog named Junior. His trailer was 42 hit as it was right in thepath of the tornado, and Shutt

20、lesworth 43 it like the home was being crushed down, and then sucked(吸)up. He 44 into the air, and the wind turned him upside down. He wasdesperately trying to 45 Junior, but the tornado took the dog out of his 46 . The tornado 47 Shuttlesworth about 20 feet away, but the dog had completelydisappear

21、ed in the 48 .He lay on the ground with broken bones, looking up at thetornado. He saw things circling in slow motion 49 , his head. After getting 50 andgetting Internet access, Shuttlesworth posted a 51 of Junior as a missing pet on Facebook. By no small miracle, the local animal shelter 52 the dog

22、. They called the news, andthe best 53 were reunited on film. Shuttlesworth told the 54 that he was going totreat Junior to a good meal. “I think he flew through the air. You know, 55 werentmeant to fly. But he had an angel with him. ”41. A. live B. stay C. park D. hide42. A. finally B. directly C.

23、hardly D. recently43. A. described B. imagined C. estimated D. treated44. A. looked B. broke C. flew D. turned45. A. catch up with B. get rid of C. take care of D. hold on to46. A. feet B. eyes C. arms D. fingers47. A. dropped B. met C. noticed D. kept48. A. darkness B. wind C. world D. city49. A. a

24、bove B. around C. behind D. before50. A. injured B. rescued C. prepared D. trapped51. A. story B. topic C. letter D. photo52. A. surprised B. liked C. found D. recognized53. A. friends. B. actors C. journalists D. pets54. A. neighbors B. reporters C. viewers D. police55. A. animals B. humans C. bird

25、s D. dogs41. D根据语境及常识可知,龙卷风来临时,人们要躲起来,而Shuttlesworth住在拖车停车场里,所以既没有地下室,也没有其他可以躲藏的地方。故选D。42. B由下文内容可知,这个龙卷风直接撞上他的拖车。故B。43. A他的拖车在龙卷风中的状况是他后来描述 (described) 的,不是他想象 (imagined) ,估计(estimated) 或对待 (treated) 的。故选A。44. C 根据上句中的“sucked(吸)up”以及下段第一句中的“The tornado 47 Shuttlesworth about 20 feet away”等可知,Jerry

26、Shuttlesworth被龙卷风卷到了空中,所以此处指他“飞”到了空中。故选C。45. D上文提到“he had to shut himself in the laundry room with his dog named Junior. ”下文提到“but the tornado took the dog out of his 46. ”由此可知,此处应指他拼命地试图抓住Junior。故选D。46. C根据语境及常识,Shuttlesworth拼命想抓住他的宠物狗,应该把狗搂紧,但龙卷风还是把狗从他怀里夺走了。故选C。47. A根据下文可知,他没被刮走,龙卷风把他扔在了约20英尺之外的地方

27、。drop(掉下,使降落)。故选A。48. B 他的狗在龙卷风中不见了,此处wind指tornado。由下文故事可知,他的狗后来找到了。故选B。49. A根据上句中“He lay on the ground with broken bones, looking up at the tornado”可知,此时Shuttlesworth躺在地上,仰望着龙卷风,所以看到的东西应该在他头顶上方。故选A。50. B根据上句中“with broken bones”可知,Shuttlesworth摔伤了,所以需要救助。故选B。51. D 根据后面的“as a missing pet”以及常识可知,在脸书上发布寻狗启示需要狗的照片。故选D。52. C根据故事情节,此处指狗的下落。所以此处大意为:当地动物收容所找到 (found) 了这只狗,这真是个奇迹。故选C。53. A 此处指Shuttlesworth 与他的宠物狗Junior在新闻里重聚了。他们是一对最好的朋友。故选A。54. B 在新闻中,Shuttlesworth的谈话对象应该是记者。故选B。55. D 此处泛指狗是不会飞的,从而反衬出他的狗很幸运。被龙卷风吸到空中,而未摔死。故选D。


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