2020年江苏中考英语复习课件专题十 非谓语动词.pptx

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1、1.(2019泰州,8)In his e-mail, David promised his daughter during her stay in Japan. A.visiting B.visit C.visited D.to visit,A组 20152019年江苏中考题组,答案 D 句意:在他的电子邮件中,David承诺在他女儿待在日本期间去看望她。本题考查非谓语动词。 promise to do sth.承诺做某事。故选D项。,2.(2019盐城,9)Mr Wu keeps his students that the future belongs to the well-educate

2、d. A.telling B.to tell C.ordering D.to order,答案 A 句意:吴老师一直告诉他的学生未来属于受到良好教育的人。本题考查非谓语动词。keep do- ing sth.一直做某事,故选A项。,3.(2019南京,11)Do you have any plans for the holiday? Yes, Im planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. Im looking forward to the colourful lakes and amazing waterfalls. A.see B.seeing C.sees D.

3、saw,答案 B 句意:你假期有什么计划吗?有的,我计划去九寨沟旅游。我很期待见到五彩缤纷的湖 泊和令人惊叹的瀑布。本题考查动词短语。look forward to doing sth.期待做某事,此处的to是介词,后跟动 名词。故选B项。,4.(2019扬州,8)Daniel, do you know that bees never get lost? Yes. Bees always remember the same way as they went. A.come back B.came back C.coming back D.to come back,答案 D 句意:Daniel,

4、你知道蜜蜂从不会迷路吗?知道。蜜蜂总是记得按原路返回。本题考查 非谓语动词。remember 后跟动词不定式作宾语,表示记得要去做某事,符合语境,故选D项。,5.(2019苏州,2)Please stay with me this weekend. Im sorry, but my father and I planned Beijing a long time ago. A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited,答案 C 句意:这周末请和我待在一起。我很抱歉,我和我父亲很久前就计划去北京了。本题考 查非谓语动词。plan后用动词不定式作宾语,plan t

5、o do sth.计划做某事。故选C项。,6.(2018扬州,5)Mr Wu has recommended many books. Have you decided first? Yes. The Little Prince. A.how to read B.which to read C.when to read D.where to read,答案 B 句意:吴先生已经推荐了很多书。你决定先读哪本了吗?是的。小王子。本题考 查非谓语动词。本句中用了“疑问词+动词不定式”的结构。由于动词read后缺少宾语,不能用how、 when或where。which to read读哪一本,符合语境,

6、故选B项。,7.(2018南京,6)Some people enjoy out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea. A.to send B.send C.sending D.sent,答案 C 句意:有些人喜欢在海上旅行时用瓶子发出消息。本题考查非谓语动词。根据enjoy doing sth. 的固定用法,可知,此处用动名词形式作宾语,故选C项。,8.(2017苏州,4)Jack, why have you decided Chinese folk music as a course? To learn more abo

7、ut Chinese culture. A.take B.taken C.taking D.to take,答案 D 句意:Jack,你为什么决定修中国民间音乐课程?为了更多地了解中国文化。本题考查 非谓语动词。decide to do sth. 决定做某事,decide后只能跟不定式作宾语,故选D项。,9.(2017扬州,12) Mom does all the housework so that Sarah can take the time her words on paper. A.put B.putting C.to put D.puts,答案 C 句意:妈妈做了所有的家务,以便Sa

8、rah能有时间把她的话写下来。本题考查非谓语动词。take the time to do sth.花时间做某事。故选C项。,10.(2017盐城,6) China has seen a trend (潮流) of shared bikes since last year. A.ride B.riding C.take D.taking,答案 B 句意:自从去年以来,中国见证了骑共享单车的潮流。本题结合动词词义辨析考查非谓语动词。 介词of 后用动名词作宾语,排除A、C两项;“骑自行车”用ride a bike表示,乘坐其他交通工具才用take,如: take a bus/train等。故选B项

9、。,11.(2017盐城,13) Diana used to to work, but now she is used to because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit. A.drive;walking B.drive;walk C.driving;walk D.driving;walking,答案 A 句意:Diana过去常常开车上班,但是现在她习惯走着上班了,因为马路很拥挤并且她想要保持健 康。本题考查非谓语动词。used to do sth.过去常常做某事,为固定搭配;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,为

10、 固定搭配。故选A项。,12.(2016苏州,10)Our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading. A.to develop B.develop C.to developing D.developing,答案 A 句意:我们老师经常劝告我们要养成读书时记笔记的习惯。本题考查非谓语动词。advise后用 动词不定式作宾补,advise sb. to do sth.劝告某人做某事。故选A项。,知识拓展 英语中to可能是动词不定式符号,也可能是介词,此处应为不定式符号,advise后只能跟不定式作 宾补,但要

11、注意,advise后可接动名词作宾语。这两个知识点不能混淆。,13.(2016镇江,7)Our country encourages more students football. Now many football clubs have been set up in schools. A.play B.playing C.to play D.will play,答案 C 句意:我国鼓励更多的学生踢足球。现在很多足球俱乐部已经在学校里成立了。本题考查非谓 语动词。encourage后只能用不定式作宾补,encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。故选C项。,思路点拨 本题首

12、先要弄清空格处需用谓语动词还是非谓语动词,encourage后不能跟句子作宾语,即此处 应用非谓语形式,可排除A、D两项;encourage后应跟动词不定式作宾补。,14.(2016南京,9)Have you read the book Jane Eyre? Yes. Its a famous book and really worth . A.to read B.reading C.to be read D.read,答案 B 句意:你读过简爱这本书吗?读过,它是一本名著,并且它真的值得一读。本题考查 非谓语动词。sth. be worth doing某事值得做,为固定用法,其中doing作

13、宾语。故选B项。,15.(2016泰州,14)Mr Ling, I have some difficulty the article. Remember it three or four times at least. A.to understand;reading B.understanding;reading C.understanding;to read D.to understand;to read,答案 C 句意:凌先生,我在理解这篇文章方面有些困难。记住至少要读三四遍。本题考查非谓 语动词。have some difficulty (in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难,动

14、名词作宾语;remember后既可跟动词不 定式作宾语,也可跟动名词作宾语,remember to do sth.记得要去做某事(还没做),remember doing sth.记得做 过某事(已经做了)。此处凌先生建议我要去做,还没做,故选C项。,16.(2015镇江,7)Does your aunt only have a piece of bread for supper? Yes.She eats a little .She looks slimmer than before. A.to save money B.to lose weight C.saving money D.losi

15、ng weight,答案 B 句意:你姑姑晚饭只吃一片面包吗?是的,为了减肥,她只吃一点,她看起来比以前苗条 了。本题考查非谓语动词。save money省钱;lose weight减肥,此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故选B项。,1.(2019河南,27)Do you always get up so early? Yes, the first bus. My home is far away from school. A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught,B组 20152019年全国中考题组,答案 B 句意:你总是这么早就起床吗?是的,为了赶上首班公共汽

16、车。我家距离学校很远。本 题考查动词不定式作目的状语。设空处所在句子为省略句,补全后为:Yes, I always get up so early the first bus.由此可看出设空处作目的状语,需用不定式形式,故答案为B项。,2.(2018广东,42)After long years of war, many people in Syria are homeless. I think it important a peaceful world. A.build B.not build C.to build D.not to build,答案 C 句意:长年战争过后,很多叙利亚人变得无

17、家可归。我认为建设一个和平的世界很重要。本题考 查非谓语动词。根据think+it+adj.+to do sth.结构可知,此处要用不定式作think真正的宾语,故选C项。,知识拓展 think+it+adj.+to do sth.结构中,it是形式宾语,adj.作宾语补足语,不定式是真正的宾语。类似的 结构还有:find+it+adj.+to do sth.。,3.(2018甘肃兰州,33)Every morning, Tim often sees some groups of middle-aged women in the square. A.dance B.to dance C.dan

18、ces D.danced,答案 A 句意:每天早晨,Tim经常看到几群中年妇女在广场上跳舞。本题考查非谓语动词。see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事,故选A项。,4.(2018天津,32)Harry invited me with him when his parents were out of town. A.stay B.stayed C.staying D.to stay,答案 D 句意:当Harry的父母出城时他邀请我和他一起住。本题考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth. 邀 请某人做某事,是固定搭配,其中用不定式作宾补。故选D项。,5.(2018内蒙古包

19、头,27)As we all know, a person learns many things by making mistakes and them. A.corrects B.correct C.to correct D.correcting,答案 D 句意:众所周知,一个人通过犯错误并改正它们来学会许多东西。设空处与making mistakes并列, 作介词by的宾语,应用动词-ing形式,故选D项。,6.(2018上海,41)Sue practises the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances. A.play B.

20、played C.to play D.playing,答案 D 句意:Sue非常刻苦地练习拉小提琴,而且经常做精彩的表演。本题考查非谓语动词。practise doing sth.练习做某事,故选D项。,7.(2017上海,39)Vivian refuses her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes. A.to send B.sending C.sent D.sends,答案 A 句意: Vivian拒绝把她的孩子们送到周末培训中心补课。本题考查非谓语动词。refuse后跟不 定式作宾语,refuse to do

21、 sth.拒绝做某事,故选A项。,8.(2016宁夏,25)He is not old enough to school. A.gone B.going C.went D.to go,答案 D 句意:他还没到入学年龄。本题考查非谓语动词。enough后跟动词不定式作状语,be.enough to do.足够去做,故选D项。,9.(2016广东梅州,41)The end of Chinas “one-child policy”can allow children to have brothers or sisters and will stop them such feelings as lon

22、eliness and fear. A.having B.to have C.have D.to having,答案 A 句意:中国独生子女政策的结束可以允许孩子们有兄弟或姐妹并且将防止他们有像孤独和恐惧 那样的感觉。stop sb. (from)doing sth. 防止某人做某事,为固定结构。故选A项。,10.(2015湖北黄冈,38)China is getting better and better at making high technology products. Thats right.People around the world can hardly avoid produ

23、cts made in China. A.not buying B.not to buy C.to buy D.buying,答案 D 句意:中国在制造高科技产品方面变得越来越好了。是的,全世界的人几乎都不能避免 买到中国制造的产品。本题考查非谓语动词。avoid后接动名词作宾语,又根据句意可知选D项。,1.(2018江苏苏州,9)Im Daisy, not Jessie. Sorry, I have difficulty peoples names. A.remembering B.remember C.to remember D.remembered,C组 教师专用题组,答案 A 句意:我

24、是Daisy,不是Jessie。对不起,我在记人名方面有困难。本题考查非谓语动词的 用法。have difficulty (in) doing sth.做有困难,固定搭配。故选A项。,2.(2017江苏泰州,8)Was it necessary John some photos before helping the old man? I think so. In this way, he could protect himself later. A.of;taking B.for;taking C.of;to take D.for;to take,答案 D 句意:John有必要在帮助这个老人之

25、前拍一些照片吗?我认为有必要。这样的话他之后 就可以保护自己了。本题考查非谓语动词。It is+形容词 (表示事物特征) for sb.+to do sth.意为“做某事对 某人来说是”。此结构中,it为形式主语,不定式短语为真正的主语。故选D项。,3.(2017河南,34)Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us sure we don t break anything. A.make B.made C.to make D.making,答案 C 句意:每当我们小孩子过来的时候,苏珊阿姨

26、就站在那里看着我们,以确保我们不会打破任何东 西。本题考查非谓语动词。用动词不定式短语to make.表示站在那儿看着我们的目的,故选C项。,4.(2016广东梅州,33)Annies parents encouraged her when she was very young. A.to dance B.dancing C.dance D.danced,答案 A 句意:Annie的父母在她很小的时候就鼓励她跳舞。encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事,故选 A项。,5.(2016广东梅州,38)Zhang Hai used to QQ games in his spa

27、re time but nowadays he is used to sports. A.play;do B.playing;doing C.playing;do D.play;doing,答案 D 句意:张海以前空闲时间常常玩QQ游戏,但是现在他习惯做运动。used to do sth.过去常常做某 事;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,故选D项。,6.(2016重庆A卷,26)You should ask Bob his own clothes. He is ten years old now. A.Wash B.washes C.washing D.to wash,答

28、案 D 句意:你应该让Bob自己洗衣服。他现在十岁了。本题考查非谓语动词。ask sb. to do sth.为固定 用法,故选D。,7.(2015江苏苏州,7)I was tired out,so I stopped the car a short rest. A.have B.having C.to have D.had,答案 C 句意:我疲惫不堪,所以我停下车休息了一下。本题考查非谓语动词。to have a short rest在句中 作目的状语,说明要停车的目的。故选C项。,8.(2015天津,39)My parents didnt allow me to the party. A.

29、go B.to go C.goes D.went,答案 B 句意:我的父母不允许我去参加聚会。本题考查非谓语动词。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某 事,是固定搭配,动词不定式作宾补,故选B项。,9.(2015广东,39)We advise parents their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger. A.leaving B.not to leave C.leave D.to leave,答案 B 句意:我们建议父母为了使孩子远离危险不要把孩子单独留在家。advise sb.(not)t

30、o do sth.建议 某人(不要)做某事,动词不定式作宾补。根据句意选B项。,10.(2015上海,38)My friend invited me the art club,and I accepted it with pleasure. A.join B.to join C.joined D.joining,答案 B 句意:我的朋友邀请我加入美术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。本题考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。故答案为B项。,11.(2015宁夏,30)Suddenly the house began to shake.He stopped music

31、and rushed out. A.to listen to B.to listen C.listening D.listening to,答案 D 句意:突然这座房子开始摇晃,他停止听音乐,冲了出去。stop to do sth.停止一件事去做另一件 事;stop doing sth.停止做某事。listen是不及物动词,需加to再接宾语。故选D项。,12.(2015山东临沂,25)Thanks to the robots,the human reporters do not have to spend a lot of time boring numbers and information

32、. A.processing B.to process C.processed D.process,答案 A 句意:多亏了机器人,人类记者不必再花费大量时间处理枯燥的数字和信息。本题考查非谓语动 词的用法。spend+时间+doing sth.花费时间做某事,是固定搭配。故选A项。,13.(2015重庆A卷,30)I will try my best to stop my son from the same mistake. A.make B.made C.makes D.making,答案 D 句意:我将尽我最大的努力去阻止我儿子犯同样的错误。考查非谓语动词。stop sb.from doi

33、ng sth.阻止某人做某事。故选D。,14.(2015内蒙古呼和浩特,12)Mr.Smith told his son the football match because of the exam. A.not to watch B.to not watch C.not watching D.doesnt watch,答案 A 句意:因为考试史密斯先生不让他儿子看足球赛。tell sb. not to do sth.让某人不要做某事。所以 A项符合题意。,1.(2019镇江丹阳吕城片一调,7)Lilys parents always encourage her out her opinion

34、s. A.speak B.speaking C.to speak D.spoken,6分钟 12分,答案 C 句意:Lily的父母总是鼓励她大胆地说出她的观点。本题考查非谓语动词。encourage后常用不 定式作宾补,encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。故选C项。,2.(2019盐城阜宁第一次学情调研,33) with HUAWEI and Xiaomi, Apple seems to have lost its attrac- tion in the past few months. A.Comparing B.Compared C.Connecting D.C

35、onnected,答案 B 句意:与华为和小米相比,苹果在过去几个月中,似乎已失去了其吸引力。本题结合动词词义辨 析考查非谓语动词。compare比较,connect联系。此处将苹果与华为和小米作比较,应选compare;compare与 Apple在逻辑上是被动关系,故选B项。,3.(2019南京七城区一调,8)Thousands of young people spend hours WeChat Moments of their friends every day. A.to check B.checking C.check D.checks,答案 B 句意:成千上万的年轻人每天花费数小

36、时查看他们朋友的微信朋友圈。本题考查非谓语动词。 spend time doing sth.花时间做某事。故选B项。,4.(2019苏州张家港网上阅卷适应性考试,7)Sandy, your mobile phone is ringing. Wait a moment! Its dangerous it while crossing the street. A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answers,答案 B 句意:Sandy,你的手机在响。等一下!过马路时接电话是很危险的。本题考查非谓语动 词。It is+adj.(+for/of sb.)+to do

37、 sth.做某事(对某人来说)是的,固定句式。其中it为形式主语,动词不定 式为真正主语。故选B项。,5.(2019南京建邺一模,6)Why are you so excited today? Because we were told a school trip this weekend. A.having B.have C.to have D.had,答案 C 句意:你今天为什么如此激动?因为我们被告知这个周末学校要组织旅行。本题考查 非谓语动词。动词tell的用法为tell sb. to do sth.,不定式作宾补,此处在被动结构中,不定式作主补,故选C 项。,6.(2018苏州吴中质量

38、调研,10)I hope to take the DIY course at weekends. Good idea. more about it, visit the website. A.Know B.Knew C.Knowing D.To know,答案 D 句意:我希望周末参加DIY课程。好主意。要了解更多关于DIY的知识,访问这个网 站。本题考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,此处表示目的,应用不定式。故选D项。,7.(2018盐城建湖一模,27)The government made a promise medical care and social safety strong. A.k

39、eep B.to keep C.keeping D.to keeping,答案 B 句意:政府承诺要保障医疗卫生和社会安全的强健稳固。本题考查非谓语动词。make a promise to do sth.相当于promise to do sth.承诺要做某事。故选B项。,8.(2018南京联合体一模,9)Amazing news! The Shape of Water won four Oscars this March! I just cant wait it in the cinema. A.to watch B.watch C.watching D.to watching,答案 A 句意

40、:特大新闻!今年3月,水形物语赢得了四项奥斯卡奖项!我简直迫不及待想去 电影院看看了。本题考查非谓语动词。cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事,为固定结构。故选A项。,9.(2018苏州工业园区教学情况调研,13)When you travel abroad, you can hardly avoid products made in China. A.to buy B.buying C.buy D.be bought,答案 B 句意:当你去国外旅行时,你几乎不可避免买到中国制造的产品。本题考查非谓语动词。avoid doing sth.避免做某事,avoid后只能跟动词的-

41、ing形式作宾语。故选B项。,10.(2017盐城大丰共同体九下摸底,34)President Xi Jinping was asked the problems between China and Japan. He insisted that it be solved in a peaceful way. A.how to deal with B.how to do with C.what to do D.what to deal with,答案 A 句意:习近平主席被问到了如何处理中日之间的问题。他坚持主张用和平的方式解决 问题。本题考查非谓语动词。“如何处理某事”可以有两种表达方法:h

42、ow to deal with sth. 或者what to do with sth.。故选A项。,11.(2017苏州常熟调研,6)Students used to information from newspapers or magazines,but now they are used to for it on the Internet directly. A.get;search B.get;searching C.getting;searching D.getting;search,答案 B 句意:学生们过去常常从报纸或杂志上获得信息,但是现在他们习惯了直接从网上搜索信息。本 题考查

43、非谓语动词。used to do sth.过去常常做某事,排除C、D两项;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事,to为介 词,后跟名词或动名词,故选B项。,12.(2017苏州市区调研测试,5)The English teacher keeps advising us more. A.to practice speaking B.practicing to speak C.to practice to speak D.practicing speaking,答案 A 句意:英语老师一直建议我们多练习说英语。本题考查非谓语动词。advise sb. to do sth.建议某 人

44、做某事,排除B、D两项;practice doing sth.练习做某事,practice后跟动名词作宾语,故选A项。,6分钟 11分,1.(2019连云港东海一调,32)Why hasnt the doctor stopped lunch? Because he is too busy a dying patient in the operation room. A.to have;to save B.to have;saving C.having;saving D.having;to save,答案 B 句意:为什么这位医生没有停下来去吃午饭?因为他在手术室忙于抢救濒危的病人。 本题考查非

45、谓语动词。stop doing sth.停止做某事;stop to do sth.停下手头的事去做另外一件事。根据语境 可知第一空应用to have;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,第二空应为saving。故选B项。,2.(2019盐城大丰一调,28)My computer needs . I think I need to ask Mr. Zhang for help. A.fixing;going B.to fix;going C.fixing;to go D.to fix;to go,答案 C 句意:我的电脑需要修理。我认为我需要寻求张先生的帮助。本题考查非谓语动词。ne

46、ed do- ing=need to be done某事需要被做,第一句句意为“我的电脑需要被修理”,fix的逻辑宾语就是句子主 语my computer,排除B、D两项;第二空应用need to do,表示需要去做某事。故选C项。,3.(2019淮安淮阴调研,28)The fish smells bad. It should be outside immediately. A.hang B.hanged C.hung D.hunged,答案 C 句意:这鱼闻起来很糟糕。应该马上把它挂到外面去。本题考查非谓语动词。动词hang的过去 分词形式随hang的意义不同而不同。hang意为“悬挂”时,

47、其过去式和过去分词为:hung, hung;意为“(被) 绞死”时,其过去式和过去分词为:hanged, hanged。此处表示“悬挂”,故选C项。,4.(2019南通如皋一模,9)The worker regretted school so young. Now he has decided to return to school for further study. A.leaving B.to leave C.not leaving D.not to leave,答案 A 句意:那位工人后悔如此年轻就辍学。现在他决定重返学校继续学习。本题考查非谓语动词。 regret doing sth

48、.表示“后悔做过某事”;regret to do sth.对要做的事表示遗憾。根据语境,那位工人已经辍 学,现在他想重回学校去读书,说明后悔辍学了。故选A项。,5.(2018盐城盐都一模,2)Tiger Mom went out of the bedroom, her daughter crying sadly. A.left B.leaving C.leaves D.has left,答案 B 句意:“虎妈”离开卧室,留她女儿伤心地哭着。本题考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,此 处应用现在分词表示伴随状态,现在分词的逻辑主语就是句子主语Tiger Mom。故选B项。,6.(2018泰州姜堰第一次适应性考试,39)At last, the boy was made computer games and began to do his homework. A.to stop pl


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