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1、课题U1 Sound time/ Culture time Cartoon time主备人复备人教学目标1. 能正确读出字母组合ar发音,并能够体会小诗的韵脚。2. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。3.了解美国牛仔和苏格兰等外国服饰文化,并能用英语做简单的介绍。教学重难点1. 通过朗读,体会字母组合ar的发音规律和小诗的韵脚。2. 通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。教学准备图片、课件、电脑等课时教学过程个人复备Step 1. Review1. Free talk: What is

2、the boy wearing today? What is the girl wearing today?What do you think of his/her clothes? Do you want to be a king?2. Who can retell the story? (利用图片提示来复述) ( The king liked .Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. The king was .The men showed the king his new clothes.The king walked throu

3、gh the city in his new clothes. A lot of people looked at the king and_. But one little boy pointed at the king. He _and said: The king isnt wearing any clothes.) (学生在描述中因为个别差异可能有难度,可用填空的形式给学生简单的提示,比较优秀的学生要求不要看,尽量用自己的话复述故事的主要内容。)(此部分也可以用Say and act的形式来复习)Step 2. Listen and say(Sound time) 1.Look at

4、the picture. Who is he? He is Mike. What did he get? He got a card from Mark.What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.2.Could you try to say something about the picture?Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.3.Tr

5、y to listen and repeat. (ar:arm, card, hard, park, party)4.Can you find some other words? (farm,start,cartoon.)(教师鼓励学生自主归纳整理出更多的单词,the more the better)Step 3 Look and match(Culture time)1.Who is he?图片An American cowboyA Scottish man2.What is the American cowboy wearing?He is wearing jeans. (教师对jeans

6、做些介绍)3.What is the Scottish man wearing?He is wearing a kilt. (教师对kilt做些介绍)(Cowboy, Scottish和kilt是新单词,学生朗读和理解有一定难点,可以先让课前预习好的同学说说,教师再适当补充,了解异域文化与中国文化之间的区别。)4.Do you know them? What are they wearing? (文化知识拓展)The Chinese woman The Japanese woman is wearing a chi-pao is wearing a kimono.Step 4 Look and

7、 say.(Cartoon time)1.Talk about the picture.(设置问题,引导阅读)1)What are Miss Fox and her students doing?2)What does each student need to do?3)Who says the first /second/third sentence of the story?4)Why do they have to start the story again?2. Explain the new words (each,sentence,think,hard)(要求学生根据上下文语境理解

8、生词)3. Lets read and try to remember.4.Try to say. (学生以小组为单位,分角色表演)We tell the story. Each student says one sentence.Who starts?(Long long ago, there was a mountain.)Who says the next sentence? (There was a house on the mountain.)Whats next? (An old man and a little boy lived in the house.)Whats next

9、? (The old man told the boy a story.)Whose turn?It is Mikes turn. Oh, he is thinking hard.Whats next?(Long long ago,We have to start the story again.)5.Tell a new story.(组织学生完成P15 Circle and say,并模仿Cartoon time部分的内容接龙编创故事,以小组为单位进行)Step 5 Homework1.Read, recite and act out Cartoon time.2. Recite the key words, phrases and sentences of Cartoon time.【板书设计】Unit 1 The kings new clothesLong long ago, there was a mountain.There was a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy lived in the house.The old man told the boy a story.教后记:


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