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1、Talk about the pictures What does the king like?He likes new clothes.What do you think of the clothes?The Kings New ClothesWritten in 1837The Kings New Clothes(丹麦)安徒生 著Who can make new clothes for me?Look and learn make for 为为(某人某人)制作制作(某物某物)1 :Im very rich.I like new clothes very much.Who can make

2、new clothes for me?Read like a king(像国王的语气来读读)2I can!I can!Read and find(为什么国王会选他们?为什么国王会选他们?)I can!2clever/e/聪明的people/i:/人们foolish 愚蠢的:My King,we can make new clothes for you.:Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them.:Thats good.Make some clothes for me.Read it well!(有感情地朗读)L

3、earn the new words(学习新词)cheaters(骗子)cunning(狡猾)Fifteen days later,3Read it well!(有感情地朗读)Read and answerWhat does the king think of the clothes?(说说皇帝对新衣的看法?):My King,please put on the clothes.Are they soft?:Are they light?:Oh yes.Theyre very soft and light.Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish pe

4、ople cant see them.The king wants to show his new clothes in the street.What do the other people think about the clothes?(说说街上的人群对新衣的看法?)What do the other people think about the clothes?(说说街上的人群对新衣的看法?):Look at the kings new clothes.:Theyre beautiful!:Look at the kings new clothes.:Theyre beautiful!

5、:Ha!Ha!The king isnt wearing any clothes!Talk about them!(谈人物)Talk about them!(谈人物)rich,foolish,clever,honest(诚实的)cunning(狡猾的),bad,good kingkingcheaterscheaterspeoplepeopleboyboy is are Listen and repeat(注意根据揣摩人物,模仿语音语调注意根据揣摩人物,模仿语音语调)Act the story(小组表演小组表演)1.Six people a group.(六人一个小组六人一个小组)2.Read

6、well.(有感情的朗读有感情的朗读)(脱稿脱稿)3.Do the gestures.(加上动作表情能够加分哦!加上动作表情能够加分哦!)做诚实的你做真实的你Deep thinking!(深度思考)Homework1.Design an ending.(用用1-2句话续编故事句话续编故事)2.Read more English stories from the Internet or bookshops.01Revision:Something about the story.The Kings New ClothesThe Kings New Clothes01Revision:Read t

7、he new words in your groups.clever foolishlaugh point atshout 02Read the following sentences in groups.02Underline the words was,were,visited,liked,looked,pointed shouted,laughed.02一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。引导学生找出句子中的时间标志语,并板书。long longago,one day。补充:yesterday,last

8、night,three days ago。Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。are在一般过去时中变为were。Summary(1)02动词过去式变化规则:1一般在动词末尾加-ed如:point-pointed,shout-shouted2以不发音的e结尾加-d如:like-liked live-livedSummary(2)02过去式“-ed”的发音规则(1)动词词尾为“t,d”时,发/id/音,want wanted(要)need needed(需要)(2)动词词尾为清辅音时,发/t/音。help helped(帮助)laugh laughed(笑)look

9、 looked(看)kiss kissed(吻)wash washed(洗)watch watched(注视)(3)动词词尾为t,d以外之浊辅音或元音时,发/d/音。call called(叫)staystayed(停留)crycried(哭)Summary(2)0303一般疑问句读升调。如:一般疑问句读升调。如:Do they fit?注意模仿故事中人物的语气,语调。注意模仿故事中人物的语气,语调。Tips:(朗读小提示)(朗读小提示):Work in groups of two.Read in roles.(四四人小组,分角色读故事)人小组,分角色读故事)03Act in groups 小

10、组表演对话小组表演对话 能流利表演对话。能流利表演对话。愿和同学合作表演并互相帮愿和同学合作表演并互相帮助提醒。助提醒。能模仿人物语气表演。能模仿人物语气表演。能善于倾听同伴表演和意见。能善于倾听同伴表演和意见。03Write a storyPic.1 Log long ago,there was He liked One day visited The king was Pic.2 The two men showed Clever people Foolish people Pic.3 The king walked through There were They looked at sh

11、outed Pic.4 A little boy pointed laughed 03Homework04Make a recommendation cardMake a recommendation card制作阅读推荐卡制作阅读推荐卡NameName:_ WriterWriter:_ 故事名故事名 作者作者Main story Main story:_故事大意故事大意 _Why do I like it?Why do I like it?_推荐理由推荐理由 _(The third period)Do you want to be a king?What is the boy wearing

12、 today?What is the girl wearing today?What do you think of my clothes?1234Listen and sayListen and sayThis afternoon,I got a card From my good friend Mark.It said:“Come to my party At half past four in the park.armcardhardparkpartyLook and match The Japanese woman The Chinese womanis wearing a chi-p

13、aois wearing a kimonoLook and sayLook and sayeachhardsentencethinkHomework1.Read,recite and act out Cartoon time.2.Recite the key words,phrases and sentences of Cartoon time.Daily report Act out the story(小组表演小组表演)1.Six people a group.(六人一个小组六人一个小组)2.Read well.(有感情的朗读有感情的朗读)(脱稿脱稿)3.Do the gestures.(

14、加上动作表情能够加分哦!加上动作表情能够加分哦!)Fill in the blanks:am,is,are,was,were 1._ you a student?No,I _ not.2._ he from China?No,he _not.3.You _ my good friend.4.Jim and I _ in the teachers office a moment ago.5.Where _ his football just now?6.I _ a student some years ago but I _ a teacher now.7.The CDs _ on the bo

15、okcase yesterday morning Read and write Ask Ss to read the story on Page 14 by themselves.Ask Ss to discuss in groups first and then to write answers Read and answerturnturn into1.Why was the lion angry?2.What did the lion turn into?What to learnI can understand the story“The Kings new clothes”.我理解故事我理解故事皇帝新装皇帝新装。I can use“was”“were”“looked”,etc.我会运用它们。我会运用它们。I know the sound of“ar”.我知道我知道“ar”的发音。的发音。How to learnListen carefully.仔细听仔细听.Show yourself actively.积极地自我展现积极地自我展现.Tips:Tips:同学们,通过一节课的学习,同学们,通过一节课的学习,来看看你收获了几颗星吧!来看看你收获了几颗星吧!Homework1.Recite the story 2.Do some exercises


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