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1、W1道德规范道德规范 W2Unethical behaviour“can lead to rejection and even a ban from publishing in the journal”Terry M.Phillips,Editor,J.Chromatography B Multiple submissions Redundant publications Plagiarism Data fabrication and falsification Improper use of human subjects and animals in research Improper au

2、thor contributionUnethical behaviour W3 Multiple submissions save your time but waste editors time.The editorial process of your manuscripts will be stopped if duplicated submission is discovered.Even competing journals constantly exchange information on suspicious papers.Do not send your manuscript

3、s to a second journal UNTIL you receive the final decision of the first journal.Unethical behaviour Multiple submissionW4“Presenting the data or interpretations of others without crediting them,and thereby gaining for yourself the rewards earned by others,is theft,and it eliminates the motivation of

4、 working scientists to generate new data and interpretations.”Bruce Railsback,Professor,Dept.Geology,Univ.Georgia“Plagiarism is the appropriation of another persons ideas,processes,results,or words without giving appropriate credit,including those obtained through confidential review of others resea

5、rch proposals and manuscripts.”-the Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy,1999Unethical behaviour PlagiarismW5Plagiarism:tempting a short-cut with long-term consequences Plagiarism is considered a serious offense by your institute,by journal editors and by the scientific community.Plagiari

6、sm may result in academic charges,and will certainly cause rejection of your paper.Plagiarism will hurt your reputation in the scientific community.Unethical behaviour PlagiarismW6 Paraphrasing is restating someone elses ideas while not copying literally.Unacceptable paraphrasing includes:using phra

7、ses from the original source without quotation marks;Keeping the sentence structure even when using different wording;Keeping the paragraph organization even when using different wording or sentence structure.Unacceptable paraphrasing-even with correct citation-is considered plagiarism.Statement on

8、Plagiarism.Dept.Biology,Davidson College.Unethical behaviour wrong paraphrasingW7 Data fabrication and falsification (数据造假)Fabrication is making up data or results,and recording or reporting them.“the fabrication of research data hits at the heart of our responsibility to society,the reputation of o

9、ur institution,the trust between the public and the biomedical research community,and our personal credibility and that of our mentors,colleagues”“It can waste the time of others,trying to replicate false data or designing experiments based on false premises,and can lead to therapeutic errors.It can

10、 not be tolerated.”R.Hawkes,Dept.Cell Biology and Anatomy,Univ.CalgaryW8 Data fabrication and falsificationFalsification is manipulating research materials,equipment,processes;or changing/omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.Select data

11、 to fit a preconceived hypothesis:“an experiment is not included because it did not work,show representative images that do not reflect the total data set,data that do not fit are simply shelved.”R.Hawkes“Unethical BehaviourW9我们需要什么样的“论文意识论文意识”from:朱大明.科学时报,2009-07-03(A4)在目前的学术界,似乎没有哪样东西比“论文”更备受推崇又饱

12、受诟病。对论文发表及其结果和影响的价值取向以及动机和行为方式。W10就学术论文的本义而言,正确的论文意识至少应体现在以下几个方面:科学创新和“优先权意识”质量意识 规范意识 交流意识 责任意识W11 对剽窃、抄袭、数据造假等学术不端行为有很严厉的处罚力度,严重影响其学术声誉、日后的科研经费来源,甚至从此结束科研生涯。严重者乃至受到法律的处置。一般主要靠学术组织和科研人员自律抵制学术不端行为。W12哈佛大学关于“抄袭”的规定指出:“如果你的句子与原始资料在观点和句子结构上都非常相似,并且结论与引语相近而非用自己的话重述,即使你注明出处,这也是抄袭。你不能简单地改变原始资料中的几个词语或者对其进行

13、摘要性重组,你必须用自己的语言和句子结构彻底地重塑你的总结,要不就直接引用。”英文写作上的先天不足而去模仿他人的表述。W132008年英国自然的一项调查报道指出,每年约有3%的研究人员被发现有科学上的不端行为,主要表现为伪造数据及剽窃。由CrossRef和iParadigms提出了反剽窃工具CrossCheck,服务于CrossRef的成员。赢得了2008年全球最佳出版创新奖。报告相似度数据:被检测文献对应的所有对比匹配文献的相似度的总和 From:林汉枫等.中国科技期刊研究,2009,20(4):580 W14科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统以中国学术文献网络出版总库为全文比对数据库,可检测抄袭与剽窃、伪造、篡改、不当署名、一稿多投等学术不端文献。用以检测毕业论文曾引发争议。此系统只是一种机器,所产生的结果报告只能用作审稿时的参考审稿时的参考,不应取代编辑在初审中的主观能动性主观能动性。


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