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1、2022最新英语时事阅读题七(适用于初三和高一学生)A篇Every year, workers put up a big, freshly cut evergreen tree in a historic building in Asbury Park, New Jersey to celebrate Christmas. The Grand Arcade at the Convention Hall rises above the towns boardwalk, a walking path along the Atlantic Ocean.But recently workers put

2、 up a very different kind of Christmas Tree in the Arcade. Unlike an evergreen, it requires little care and can never die. That is because the 2021 Christmas Tree is made wholly of a thick and strong paper material called cardboard. The piece uses natural andartificiallighting to darken parts of the

3、 tree while shining light on others. In this way, the piecesappearancechanges throughout the day. When the winter holidays end, the tree is to berecycled. The trees creatorssoughttohonorelementsof Asbury Parks natural environment,cityscapeand rich musical history.Opinions on the tree are mixed. I li

4、ke that its different.Its pretty interesting, said local man Chris Trifari. He lives in Neptune, a neighboring town. Local Elizabeth Khimitch offeredsimilarpraise. I think its verycreative. She had come to the Grand Arcade to take pictures of her dogs in front of the tree.Others on the boardwalk wer

5、e not as pleased by the tree. Anthony Solimando said it looked like an Amazon package.Not a fan, added Amy Mackey. Asbury has conformed into(融入) this artsy town, but tradition is tradition! This is art, and I wouldnt take my childs picture in front of this tree. Cant we just have our traditional tre

6、e?The change came about this year when the citys art community contacted Madison Marquette, the private owner of the Asbury Park boardwalk. They asked about creating a Christmas treesculpturefor Convention Hall, said Austin Leopold, the manager of the property. Leopold said the property company pass

7、ionately embraced the idea for thesculpture. He said ithonorsthe boardwalks image as a center for Asbury Parks arts and music community.Michael Lavallee, a local artist who goes by the name Porkchop, created the piece with Brad Hoffer. They call it The Giving Tree. He said the company told him there

8、 would not be a natural Christmas tree at Convention Hall this year. I was asked to come in and do somethingfestive-ish, said Porkchop. Festive means celebratory, especially in connection with a holiday. Porkchop said he did not want to take away anyones Christmas tree. He added, If youre not going

9、to give people the big tree they want, some of them are going to hate it. I understand that. But they werent going to get that traditional Christmas tree anyway.Amy Quinn is Asbury Parks deputy mayor. Quinn said that the city is not involved in the Convention Hall decisions, but that she likes the p

10、iece. I love the take that the local artists had on the tree, she said. I love that its different. Love it or hate it, people are talking about it.(495 words)根据文章内容,选择最佳答案:1. Which statement isuntrueabout the Christmas Tree every year? A. Itis a traditional Christmas tree. B. It is cut not long befo

11、re being putting up. C. Itis a tree with green leaves all the year round. D. It will be recycled after Christmas.2. The new Christmas Tree is different because _. A. it requires much care and die soon. B. it is made wholly of a thick and strong paper material. C. most people like it. D. it is a natu

12、ral Christmas tree3. Which is not the purpose of the new tree? A. It can tell people to take care of the natural environment. B. It can make the town more attractive on Christmas. C. It can make the town more traditional. D. It can show the art history of the town.4. Who are the fans of The Giving T

13、ree? A. Chris Trifari, Austin Leopold, Michael Lavallee, Amy Quinn B. Anthony Solimando, Amy Mackey, Elizabeth Khimitch, Chris Trifari C. Anthony Solimando, Michael Lavallee, Amy Quinn, Elizabeth Khimitch D. Amy Mackey, Chris Trifari, Austin Leopold, Michael Lavallee,5. What does the underlined word

14、festive-ishmean? A.传统的 B.有创意的 C.喜庆的D.有益的答案:1D2B3C4A5CB篇A new report warns thatAustraliasnativewildlife could seedisastrouseffects fromnonnativeplants and animals. Experts at the national scienceagency, the CSIRO, are predicting much of the countrysnativeplants and animals are in danger. They believe

15、 they could disappear by 2050 unlessurgentaction is taken.Nonnativespecies haveinvadedAustraliaandthreatento overrunnativeplants and animals.Invasiveanimals include European rabbits, which overrun two-thirds ofAustralia, wild house cats, pigs, and foxes.Introducedspecies areendangeringmore than 80 p

16、ercent ofAustralias threatened species.The report is called Fighting Plagues and Predators:Australias Path Towards aPestand Weed-Free Future. It notes what researchers believe is anupcomingwave of newextinctions. The study was done by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

17、(CSIRO), a governmentagency.Andy Sheppard is CSIROs researchdirectorfor bio security. He said Australias colonization(殖民) by the British more than 200 years ago has left harmful environmental effects. Look, Australia, as a lot of post-British colonial(殖民的) countries suffered from a huge amount of in

18、troduction ofexoticspecies early in their colonization histories, he said. He added that there were groups set up topurposefullyintroduce plants and animals so the Europeans felt more at home.Australiajust likeNew Zealandhas suffered as a result. Australiaunfortunatelyhas the worst record internatio

19、nally for mammalianextinction, he said and noted that this has much to do with the activities of introduced cats and foxes.The reportreleasedon November 23estimatedthe cost of thedamagecaused byinvasivespecies inAustraliaat about $18 billion each year and growing. The study said thatimmediateaction

20、was needed to stop thespreadofinvasivespecies and protectAustraliasirreplaceablenative animals and plants.Traditionally, chemical and biological controls have been used to manage wild pest populations. There aredebatesabout these methods and some supporters of animals have criticized(批评) them asinhu

21、mane.Scientists inAustraliaare working on geneticpestcontrol methods. Testing is under way on small laboratory animals, but a so-called working system could be up to five years away. One possible bio control includes limiting their ability to reproduce.(365 words)根据文章内容,选择最佳答案:1. What is the problem

22、 ofAustralias native wildlife? A. People killed too many of them. B. The reproduction is growing too fast. C. There are too many nonnative plants and animals in this countries. D. The plants are endangering the animals.2. The exotic species were introduced by people_. A.AustraliaB.BritainC. America

23、D.New Zealand3. People brought the plants and animals toAustraliabecause _. A. they could get food from them. B. there were few other plants and animals inAustraliaat that time. C. they preferred their own local ones than those inAustralia. D. they wanted to help the local plants and animals.4. What

24、 will Australians do to solve this problem? A. Stopping the spread of invasive specieswith chemical controlsB. Protecting Australias irreplaceable native animals and plants.C. Limiting invasive speciesability to reproduce.D. All of the above.5. Which two words dont have the close meaning in the repo

25、rt? A. urgent immediate B. nonnative invasive C. exotic introduced D. inhumane - unfortunately答案:1C2B3C4D5DC篇As people prepare to visit family and friends during the holiday season, some might be wondering whether it is safe to travel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Experts and public health o

26、fficials say it is currently safe for many people to travel. But they continue tourgeeveryone to carefully follow proven safetymeasuresto limit virusspread.In its latest safetyguidelines, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)urgespeople who are not fullyvaccinatedto delay travel

27、during the holiday season. Unvaccinated people who do not travel should wear well-fitting facemaskswhile attending holiday events taking place in indoor settings, the CDC says. It also says that even fully vaccinated individuals should wear face coverings in indoor settings in communities(社区)known t

28、o have highinfectionrates. Unvaccinated people who decide to travel should get a COVID-19 test one to three days before travel and three to five days after returning.The corona-virus coordinator(协调员)for the White House, Jeff Zients, says about 59 percent of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated ag

29、ainst COVID-19. Children ages 5 to 11 wereapprovedfor the vaccine earlier this month. As of last week, 2.6 million children had gotten their first of two shots, Zients said. That is about 10 percent of childreneligibleto getvaccinated.Dr. Keith Armitage is aninfectiousdisease expert at Case Western

30、Reserve University in Ohio. He told The Associated Press that all travelers should avoid indoor events with unmasked crowds. The Delta variant has really brought us back to an earlier time in thepandemic, Armitage said. Armitage said hotels do not present a large risk for vaccinated individualsas lo

31、ng asthey wear masks around people they do not know.There is no requirement for COVID-19 vaccination or testing for Americans flying within the country. But the CDC says all travelers must still wear masks on trains, planes and in other indoor publictransportationareas. He noted that familygathering

32、swith unvaccinated people can be moreproblematic, especially for those who are older or have health problems.Health experts suggest looking at the case levels and masking rules in the places people plan to visit before they travel. Many Americans already started their holiday travel plans last week.

33、 The Transportation SecurityAdministration(TSA) said last Friday, November 19, was the single busiest air travel day since March 2020. The agency said itprocessed2.24 million travelers on that day.Travel group AAA predicts 53.4 million people will travel for the Thanksgiving holiday, which falls on

34、November 25. This is up 13 percent from 2020. AAA says about 48.3 million Thanksgiving travelers are expected to go by car. That is up from 47.1 million last year, but still below 2019s 49.9 million.(463 words)根据文章内容,选择最佳答案:1. The CDC suggests that people should_. A. not attend indoor holiday events

35、. B. not visit family and friends during the holiday season. C. follow proven safety measures during the holiday season.D. delay travel during the holiday season.2. In the latest safety guidelines, Unvaccinated people should get a COVID-19 test _ .A. during travelB. one to three days before travelC.

36、 three to five days before travelD. one to three days after travel.3. Which definition of the following words isincorrect? A.urge- to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sthB.eligible- be approved for sthC.problematic- easy to deal with or to understand D.measure- particular actions in order to

37、achieve a particular result.4. Vaccinated people without face mask will be safe when _. A. they stay indoors in communities even having high infection rates.B. they travel on trains, planes and in other indoor public transportation areas.C. they wear masks around people they do not know in the hotel

38、s.D. they learn about the case levels and masking rules in the places they plan to visit before they travel.5. Last Friday was the single busiest air travel day since March 2020 because _. A. it is safe for people to travel. B. many people are fully vaccinated. C. Many Americans already started thei

39、r Thank-giving Day holiday. D. Americansare not required to have a COVID-19 vaccination or testing within the country.答案:1C2B3C4C5CD篇Electric vehicles (EVs) are a strong weapon in the worlds efforts againstglobalwarming. But the effects of EVsdepend onwhat country you are in. In some nations, electr

40、ic vehicles lead to thereleaseof morecarbongasses thangasolinecars, new research shows.The study compared the emissions caused by charging a Tesla Model 3 to drive 100 kilometers with the emissions coming from an average gasoline car driven the samedistance. Countries where charging an electric vehi

41、cle is cleaner than driving a gasoline-powered car use a lot of hydroelectric(水力发电的), nuclear or solar power.The research wasbasedon public data on Europes electricityusageand theEuropeanEnvironment Agency (EEA). Data from REG suggests that EVs inPolandand Kosovo actually create more carbon emission

42、s because their electric systemsdependso muchoncoal. In other European countries, however, EVs result inreducedemissions.The carbon gasreductiondepends on what energy supplies electricity systems and the time of day vehicles are charged. The countries with the biggest carbon gas savings from EVs use

43、 a lot of nuclear and hydroelectric power. First wasSwitzerlandat 100 percent carbon savings over gasoline vehicles. Next wasNorwayat 98 percent,Franceat 96 percent,Swedenat 95 percent andAustria93 percent. The countries which showed the lowest savings wereCyprusat four percent,Serbia15 percent,Esto

44、nia35 percent and theNetherlands37 percent.An EV driver inGermanyreducesgreenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent over a gasoline car.Germanyuses a mix ofrenewableenergy and coal to produce electricity.GermanyandSpaincreate a lot of electricity from the sun and wind. But the sun and wind do not add to

45、a countrys electricity systemequallythroughoutthe day. For this reason, theamountof carbon emissions saved by driving an EV depends on the time of day it is being charged. Charging in the afternoon, when there is more sun and wind, saves 16 to 18 percent more carbon than at night when electricity sy

46、stems are more likely to be using gas or coal.The study wasreleasedjust before Wednesdays talks ontransportationat the United Nations climate meeting in Glasgow. During the meeting, a group of countries, companies and cities promised to stop making gas-powered cars by 2040. But the study showed how

47、the autoindustrys ability to reduce emissions depends on what national power systems use to produce electricity. European countries have notsolvedhow toreducecarbon emissions and how to store some kinds ofrenewableenergy in their systems. The gap in emissions between electric and gasoline-powered vehicles has narrowed in recent years.In Europe, carmakers have been required to meet EU carbonreductionstandards. They have made their gasolineengines more fuel-efficient. As a result, the carbon emissions of new gasoline-powered cars


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