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1、Unit 2 Travelling Aroundcastle城堡The Forbidden City紫禁城;故宫;The Palace Museum故宫博物院;Summer Palace颐和园Buckingham Palace白金汉宫(英国皇宫)the White House白宫(美国总统宫邸)castle城堡castapply vi./vt.申请vt.涂抹擦敷,应用app(application)应用,申请表,申请,用途apply vi./vt.申请apply for a job apply to an organizationTo study abroad,you should apply

2、 for a visa first.要出国留学,你应该先申请签证。She only applied to one university and was accepted.她只向一所大学提出申请并被录取了。向耶鲁大学申请入学Apply for admission Yale Universityregister for 报名注册登记 register with+单位组织向学校登记报名考试表Register with the school for the examination formvt.涂抹擦敷,应用app(application)应用,申请表,申请,用途apply vi./vt.申请vt.涂

3、抹擦敷,应用She applied the cream to her face and neck.她把乳霜抹在脸和脖子上。You can apply theory to practice.你可以把理论应用于实践。app(application)应用,申请表,申请,用途Ill use that food delivery app on my phone.我要用我手机上的那款外卖软件。I am sending your application to drama camp.我要把你的申请发给戏剧夏令营。apply/devote oneself to(doing)sth.致力于/专心于(做某事),to

4、 为介词The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year.这项新规定只适用于大一或大二的学生。The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year.这项新规定只适用于大一或大二的学生。1.Many _ make/submit/put in an for this job.(apply)2.Nowadays we can download many (apply)from the Internet on our phones.3.Im

5、 writing to apply _the position as a student volunteer.4.The new technology was applied _ farming.5.If the constitution(宪法)said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply _ her.applicantsapplicationfortotoapplications6.Over the next months,he applied himself to _(improve)th

6、e technique.7._(apply)himself to solving the math problem,he took no notice of people around.8._(apply)to solving the math problem,he took no notice of people around.9.You can slow you bleeding by _(apply)pressure to the wounds.10.He suddenly applied the brake to avoid knocking into the car in front

7、 of his.improvingApplyingapplying踩刹车AppliedVisa签证 viz passportHe has applied for an entry visa.他已申请入境签证。I was eventually granted an exit visa.我终于获得了出境签证。tourist visa rentv.租用,租金为n.租金She rents a house with three other girls.她和其他3个女孩合租一套房子。The house rents for$500 a month.这套房每月租金为500元。She worked to pay

8、 the rent while I went to college.在我读大学期间,她打工挣钱来付租金。pack /pk/v.收拾,打包n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包I need to pack up my things into the suitcase very quickly.我需要快速把这些东西放到手提箱里。The tea is packed and sent to many different countries.茶叶被打包运往不同的国家。The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.那位旅行者从他

9、的背包中拿出了一瓶水。a pack of 一包;一盒;一群;一堆a pack of cigarettes 一盒香烟 a pack of dogs 一群狗He told you a pack of lies.他对你说了一堆谎言。packa pack/packet of gum一包口香糖pack into the bus挤进公交车动词名词pack up打包a wolf pack 狼群拓展包裹,邮包pack/parcelPackage tour旅行团amazing精彩的amazing waterfalls 令人惊叹的瀑布an amazing discovery 惊人的发现It was one of

10、the most amazing films Ive ever seen.这是我看过的最精彩的电影之一。I was amazed at his speed of working.他办事之麻利让我深感叹服。amazementShe looked at him in amazement.她惊愕地望着他。To my amazement,he remembered me.使我大为惊奇的是他还记得我。P25.Why famous:amazing waterfalls,colourful lakes,beautiful mountains为什么著名:有令人惊叹的瀑布、多彩的湖泊和美丽的山川1.She is

11、 an _ actress.2._that she can solve the problem so quickly.3.You will be _ at the great changes if you keep running.4.To my _,he recited the English words so quickly this morning.amazingIt is amazingamazedamazementarrangearrangement n.安排P25.Ive just finished the travel arrangements!我刚刚完成了旅行安排。We hav

12、e made arrangements for our vacation.我们已经为假期做好了安排。The travel agents have an arrangement with the hotel.旅行社和旅馆有约定。appointmentI will arrange for someone to take you around.我会安排人带你去转转。extremely/kstri:mli/adv.极其;非常课本原文:Jiuzhaigou is an extremely beautiful place.He found it extremely difficult to get a j

13、ob.extreme sports 极限运动go to extremes 走极端The earth will experience extreme weather.地球将会遭受极端天气。source来源source of income区分资源natural resourcesWhat other sources of information can you find about Peru?关于秘鲁,你能找到其他信息来源吗?For me,music is a great source of enjoyment.对于我来说,音乐是我快乐的源泉。This is the source of the Y

14、ellow River.这是黄河的源头。narrow/nr/adj.狭窄的 vi.&vt.(使)变窄They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。We need to narrow the gap between the rich and poor.我们需要缩小贫富差距。narrow adj.狭窄的,狭隘的adj.差距很小的a street/world a victory险胜a escape九死一生v.缩窄 the gap 缩小差距反义词wideWidenwidth反义词broaden flat/flt/adj.平坦的;

15、扁平的 n.公寓;单元房People used to think the earth was flat.Do you live in a flat or a house?apartmentThe road/life/battery/tyre is flat路面平坦,生活平淡,电池没电,轮胎没气 powerful/pafl/adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的China is wealthier and more powerful than ever before.power /pa/n.力量;能力;政权;能源动力As is known to us,knowledge is e to/into

16、 power上台执政 beyond ones power超出某人的能力 nuclear/wind/solar power 核能/风能/太阳能 power cut/failure 断电/停电 empireempa(r)n.emperorempr(r)n.The Thirty Years War caused the end of the empire.30 年的战争导致帝国的灭亡。The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu.印加皇帝曾住在现在著名的遗址马丘比丘。Qinshihuang was the first emper

17、or of China in history.秦始皇是中国历史上第一位皇帝。帝国帝国 皇帝皇帝 统治皇帝女皇帝国帝国的专横的强制的 site sat n.web site 网站A good site has been chosen for the new school.已为新学校选好了校址。The bar is built on the site of an ancient castle.这家酒吧建在一个古代城堡的遗址上。They put up their tent at the camping site.他们在营地上搭起了帐篷。He was a worker on a building si

18、te.他在工地做过建筑工人。take control of 控制;接管P26.Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821.西班牙在16世纪控制了秘鲁,一直统治到了1821年。controltake control ofin control/out of control控制/失去控制 under control在控制之下 controlledofficial/fl/adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员;要员Its for this reason that Spanish is the main off

19、icial language of Peru.正因为如此,西班牙语才是秘鲁的主要官方语言。His grandfather is an officer in the army while his father is an official in the government.他的爷爷是部队军官,而他的爸爸是政府官员。officerofficialrecognise NAmE-ize /rekgnaz/vt.辨别出;承认;认可Though they hadnt met for many years,they recognized each other at the first sight.虽然他们

20、多年没见面,他们第一眼就认出了对方。We recognise Mao Zedong as/to be a great leader.我们认为毛泽东是一位伟大的领袖。recognition/rekgnn/n.认出;承认;认可At last,her fathers work has received popular recognition.最后,她父亲的工作得到了大众的认可。It is (recognise)that Mary is the most hard-working girl in our class.玛丽是我们班公认的最勤奋的女孩。type/tap/n.类型;种类 vi.&vt.打字I

21、 love these types of books.How fast can you type?typist tapistn.flight flatn.The flight will take four hours.这次航行要飞 4 个小时。I arrived just in time for my flight to London.我及时赶上了飞往伦敦的航班。Flight BA 4793 is now boarding at Gate 17.BA 4793航班现在正在17号登机口登机。This flight was more comfortable than I had expected.

22、这次飞行比我预想的更舒服。accommodationkmdenn.膳宿;住宿;住处 From there,youll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest.从那里,你将花一天的时间乘船前往森林中央的住处。Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿在内。First-class accommodation is available on all flights.所有班机

23、都备有一等舱位。More and more travelers are looking for accommodations in private homes.愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找由私人住户提供的膳宿服务。unique 唯一的;独特的;特有的 You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.然后,你可以花三天时间和当地导游一起探索热带雨林,欣赏热带雨林独有的植物和动物。Ho

24、llywood is one of the most unique theme parks in the world.好莱坞是世界上最独特的主题公园之一。Everyones fingerprints are unique.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。This flower is unique to the area.这种花儿是这一地区特有的The koala is unique to Australia.树袋熊是澳大利亚特有的。path/p:/n.小路;路线;道路They followed the path to the village.他们顺着小路来到那个村子。The teacher set

25、 him on the right path.老师使他走上了正路。destination/destnen/n.目的地;终点Life is a journey with an unknown destination.生活是一次不知目的的旅行.Could you recommend some holiday destinations to me?你可以推荐一些度假圣地给我吗?other than 除以外I have not studied foreign languages other than English.除了英语外,我没学过其他外语。Inca builders cut stones to

26、exact size so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.印加建筑工人把石头切割成精确的尺寸,这样,除了石头的完美贴合之外,不需要任何东西来将墙壁固定在一起。admire/dma(r)/vt.欣赏;赞赏;钦佩In mid-autumn festival,people admire the moon.All those who knew him admired him for his work.所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。admiring dma

27、 r adj.赞赏的;钦佩的 admirable /dmrbl/adj.令人钦佩的;值得赞扬的He was an admirable expert.他是一位令人钦佩的专家。admiration dmre nn.admiration dmre nn.architecture/:ktekt(r)/n.建筑设计;建筑学The house is a textbook example of modern architecture.这所房子是现代建筑设计典范。At first he studied architecture in college.起先,他在大学里学习建筑学。architect/:ktekt

28、/n.建筑设计师Lin Huiyin was not only a professor of Tsinghua University but also a famous architect.林徽因不但是清华大学的教授,而且还是一位著名的建筑设计师。brochure br(r)n.音意相通:布鲁塞尔 助记:在布鲁塞尔旅游,你需要一本旅行手册。a travel brochure 旅游手册For more brochures about other package tours around Peru,contact us at tourinfotravelperu.org.想获得关于秘鲁其他包价旅游

29、的更多资料手册,请与我们联系:tourinfotravelperu.org。Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town?在这个镇上有观光手册吗?This hotel looked wonderful from the brochure.这家旅馆从广告手册上看很棒。Our company culture is introduced in the brochure.在这个宣传册介绍了我们的公司文化。packagepkdn.包裹 v.包好Fast-food robots will probably cook and_ food.快餐机器人很可能会

30、烹煮和包装食物。Foods were already _ and ready to be sent.食物已包装好待运。He sat with the _ on his knees 他坐着,将包裹放在腿上。This kind of _ is very green.这种包装盒很环保。Were planning to go on a package tour to Japan.我们计划参加包价旅游去日本。You got a package.有你的快递(包裹)。a package of 一包/盒/袋The little boy opened two packages of cookies at Wal

31、mart.那名小男孩在沃尔玛超市里打开了两包曲奇饼干。a package tour包价旅游I prefer a package tour,and we dont have to worry about accommodation and meals.我更喜欢包价旅游,不用操心住宿和吃饭For more information,please contact John Smith.想了解更多信息,请与约翰史密斯联系。Have you kept in contact with your friends from college?你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗?Shes lost contact wi

32、th her son.她和她的儿子失去了联系。civilisationmake up组成;编造;占比;化妆;和好 Nothing can make up for what they have suffered.什么也不能补偿他们所受的痛苦。soldier /sld(r)/transport n.v.air/road transport 空运/路运 public transport 公共交通;公交车辆 transport goods/passengers运送货物/旅客 Most of us use public transport to go to work.我们大多数人都乘公交车辆上班。Blo

33、od transports oxygen around the body.血把氧气输送到全身。hike/hak/v.徒步旅行;去远足 n.远足;徒步旅行go hiking 远足;徒步旅行 If the weathers fine,well go hiking this weekend.They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest.他们做了一次穿越森林的十英里徒步旅行。economy /knmi/n.经济;节约It was a small economy to walk to work every day.每天步行上班是一种小节约。Would y

34、ou travel business class or economy class?economic/i:knmk/adj.经济(上)的;经济学的economic development 经济发展economic history 经济史Coffee is the economic plants of this country.咖啡是这个国家的经济作物。credit kredt n.信用;贷款;称赞;学分 有了信用才能贷款上学,要获得老师的称赞就要拿到学分。to ones credit 值得称赞的是 credit card by credit cardThis factory keeps up

35、its good credit,so its products sell very well.这家工厂保持着良好的_,所以产品销售很好。Small companies cant get the credit they need.小公司不能获得他们想要的_了。We did the work well and got all the credit.我们工作做得很好,得到了_。Students attend short terms in May and June to earn the credits required for graduation.学生在 5月和 6月参加“短期”课程,以获得毕业所

36、需的_。It is very convenient to pay _ credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便 Its common to pay by credit card in America.While people in China prefer to pay by WeChat or AliPay.在美国,用信用卡付款很普遍,然而中国人更喜欢用微信或支付宝付款。Please mark the main ideas and important details with a red pen.请用红笔标出要点和重要细节。She described the accident in de

37、tail.check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记Ill ring the hotel.Ill tell them well check in tomorrow.我给酒店打电话,告知他们我们明天入住。check out 结账离开(旅馆等)They packed and checked out of the hotel.他们收拾好东西,办理了退房手续。Guests must check out before noon,or they will be charged for the day.旅客必须于中午前办清手续离开,否则将收取全日费用。request /rkwest/n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;

38、请求If you have any special requests about your room,please contact the reception.如果您对您的房间有特殊的要求,清联系接待处The woman came to the party at her friends request.应朋友的请求,这个妇女参加了聚会。They requested him to leave at once.他们要求他立即离开。equest+that 从句(从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。)They requested that he(should)

39、leave at once.他们要求他立即离开。view vju:n.vt.Id like a room with a view.我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。The view from the top of the hill was more beautiful.从山顶远眺景色更美丽。The lake soon came into view.那湖很快映入眼帘。The sun disappeared from view.太阳看不见了。You should make your views known to your friend.你应该让你的朋友了解你的观点。In my view,it was

40、a waste of time.依我看,这是浪费时间。In my view,the greatest happiness lies in ones satisfaction with ones life.在我看来,最大的幸福在于人们对生活的满意程度。The Terracotta Army is an amazing sight.兵马俑一个令人惊讶的景象。We waved until the car was out of sight.我们一直挥着手,直到汽车驶出了我们的视野。My sight is failing,and I cant read any more.我的视力在下降,看不了书了。He

41、r eyes widened at the sight of the breakfast tray.她一看到早餐托盘就睁大了眼睛。I saw my former teacher just now,but he turned at a corner and I lost sight of him.刚才我看见以前的老师了,但是他在拐弯处拐弯,我就看不见他了。As soon as you enter the university gate,you will catch sight of many old trees and buildings.一踏进这所大学的校门,你就会看见许多古老的大树和建筑。s

42、tatue /sttu:/n.雕塑;雕像They set up a statue in memory of him.More than 700,000 people worked for nearly 40 years to build this tomb.超过七十万人为建造这座坟墓工作了将近40年。She made helpful comments on my work.她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。No comment.I dont know anything.无可奉告。我什么都不知道。I dont really know so I can hardly comment on it 我不了解实情,所以我不能就此发表意见。


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