Welcome Unit Period1 Words and expressions (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Welcome UnitPeriod 1 Words and ExpressionsWELCOME UNITWelcome back to school!Can you guess where theyare from?Are they at the same school?Why are they together?Words and ExpressionsA thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.Laozi1.exchange n 交换;交流 v.交换;交流;交易;兑换exchange students 交换生 exchange

2、seats 交换座位 exchange information 交换信息 exchange ideas 交流想法 或交换意见(复数)exchange sth with sb.与某人交换某物 exchange A for B 用A换Bin exchange for 作为交换For examples:1)I bought this coat yesterday and I wanted to exchange it for a blue one.这件外套我是昨天买的,我想换件蓝色的。(2)Mary is giving me English lessons in exchange for my te

3、aching her Chinese.玛丽给我上英语课,作为交换我教她汉语。2.lecture n讲座;讲课;教训vi(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥in the lecture hallin the lecture hall在报告大厅give a lecturegive a lecture 给上课,发表演讲;作报告,举办讲座give sb.a lecture on sth./to give sb.a lecture about sth.就.给某人一番训诫deliver a lecture 演讲,讲课a lecture on sth.有关的讲座attend a lecture 听演讲,听课For e

4、xamples:1)I couldnt understand any of your lectures last week.上周我听不懂你的任何讲课。(2)She is invited to give a lecture on Chinese history this weekend.她被邀请在这个周末就中国历史发表演讲。3.register vt.&vi.登记;注册1)register(for)register(for)登记、注册,选课2)be registered as voters 作为选民而被登记3)register system 寄存系统,记录系统4)register in the

5、course 登记这门课5)register the birth of your baby 给婴儿的出生登记Examples:(1)Would you sign the register?请你在登记簿上签名好吗?(2)Half of our students registered in the course this summer.今年夏天我们有一半的学生报名参加了这门课程。registration n登记;注册;挂号registration feeregistration fee 注册费4.sex n.性别5.male adj.男性的;雄的 n雄性动/植,物;男子 female adj.女(

6、性)的;雌的n雌性动(植)物;女子6.nation n国家;民族;国民national adj.国家的,民族的nationality n.国籍;民族7.design n设计;设计方案 vt设计;筹划design sth.for.为设计某物be designed forbe designed for 准备设计的 be designed to do.旨在做,用于做make designs for.为做设计by design(on purpose)故意地(反义短语:by accident/by chance偶然地)2)designer n.设计者(1)Our school invited two e

7、ngineers to design a language lab for us.我们学校邀请了两位工程师为我们设计一个语言实验室。(2)Project Hope is designed to help those children who drop out of school because of poverty.希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的孩子。(3)An Italian architecture designer is to make designs for the new bridge.一位意大利建筑设计师打算为这座新桥进行设计。Examples:8campus n校园;校区o

8、n campus在校园里An exchange student is talking to Mr Wang on campus.抄写单词和例句:每个单词五遍;例句一遍即可。用以上学过的单词的正确形式完成句子Listening and SpeakingMatch the pictures with the sentences.Describe what the people in the pictures are doing.A.My name is Amy.Id like to have a student ID card,please.B.Hi,Im Max Jackson.Im an ex

9、change student from the UK.C.Hello,everyone!Welcom to our school!BCAMax Jackson is making a self-introduction in the classroom.The head teacher is making a welcome speech in the lecture hall.Amy is asking how to have a student ID card in the register office.Listening and Speaking Listen to Conversat

10、ion 1 and complete the table.(Amy is getting her student ID card.)1REGISTRATION2Student No.NameSexNationality GradeEmail3Amy|Female4170143Jones American 1A Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favorite subject.Max meets Amy in the dining hall.SubjectChineseMathsEnglishChe

11、mistryPhysicsMaxs favouriteAmys favourite Listen to Conversation 3 and answer the questions.Amy is talking to Ms Li,a school adviser,about which courses to choose.1.What does Amy want to be in the future?A.An engineer.B.A designer.C.A writer.2.What course will Amy probably choose?A.English.B.IT.C.Ar

12、t.How to make introductionIntroductionsMy name is.Im.This is.Have you met.?Do you know.?May I introduce.?Id like you to meet.I dont believe you know.How to make greetingsGreetingsResponsesHi/Hello!Good morning!Whats up?Hows it going?How are things going?How are you?How are you doing?Nice/Glad to mee

13、t you.Hi/Hey!Morning!Not much.Great!Im fine,and you?Very well,thank you.How about you?Nice/Glad to meet you,too.Choose one of the situations and make a conversation.Try to use the introductiongs and greetings.A boy meets a girl during a break.An exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus.A b

14、oy and a girl are at the airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students from England.Role PlayRole play your conversations or things happened on the first day of school!Pronunciation Listen and repeat.Notice the pronunciation of the vowels(A,E,I,O,U).Then add a word to each group.A/e/grad

15、e escape _mapcampus_E/i:/e/these Chinese _metforget _I/a/writealive _quizlisten _O/hopealone _frogcoffee _U/ju:/usefuture _updiscuss _malenationalityfemalelecturedesignregistermosthotcuriouscompanyWelcome UnitPeriod 2 Reading and Thinking 13.formal f:ml:adj.正式的正式的;正规的正规的informal:不正式的不正式的;不正规的不正规的【in

16、-im-un-dis-less il-ab-】People speak in a more polite way in a formal situation.14.anxious ks :adj.焦虑的焦虑的;不安的不安的;渴望的渴望的1)be anxious about 为担心/担忧be anxious(for sb.)to do sth.急于(让某人)做某事be anxious that.渴望(从句谓语用should do,should可省略)(2)anxiety zati n.担心;焦虑;渴望with anxiety 焦虑地(3)anxiously ksl adv.焦虑地例句(1)She

17、 is anxious to go to college,but anxious about not passing the college entrance examination.她渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过高考。(2)She was anxious for them to leave her room.她渴望他们离开她的房间。(3)We were anxious that everyone(should)know the truth.我们渴望人人都了解实情。(4)Watching him climb up the cliff,everybody was breathless with

18、anxiety.看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。15.annoyed nd:adj.(人或者动物感到人或者动物感到)恼怒的恼怒的;生气的生气的adj.恼怒的;生气的恼怒的;生气的(1)be/get annoyed with sb.对某人感到生气对某人感到生气be annoyed at/about sth.因某事生气因某事生气(2)annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰使恼怒;打扰annoy sb.with sth./by doing sth.因因(做做)某事使某人烦恼某事使某人烦恼(3)annoying adj.使人不高兴的;恼人的;烦人的使人不高兴的;恼人的;烦人的Examples:(1)He w

19、as beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。2)Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。(3)I like to pretend that Im okay because I dont want to annoy people with my problems.我喜欢装作没事,只是不想因自己的

20、问题去麻烦到别人。我喜欢装作没事,只是不想因自己的问题去麻烦到别人。(4)Try making a note of the things which annoy you.试着把烦心事写下来。试着把烦心事写下来。17.frightened fratnd:adj.(人人/动物动物)受惊吓的受惊吓的;(人人/动物感到动物感到)害怕害怕的的be frightened/afraid of.:害怕害怕frighten:v.使害怕使害怕;威胁威胁;吓唬吓唬frightening:使人使人/令人害怕的令人害怕的;使人使人/令人惊恐的令人惊恐的;骇人的骇人的1)The snake will frighten a

21、ll the girls.2)Most of the girls are frightened of snakes.3)The snake is frightening.4)The rat is frightened of snakes5)My dad is a frightening man.18.p.m:下午下午;午后午后The film will begin at 7 p.m.this evening.19.a.m:上午上午;午前午前;午夜至正午午夜至正午There will be no water tomorrow from 8 a.m.to 3 p.m.20.senior si:ni

22、(r):adj.(级别、地位等级别、地位等)较高的较高的;年长的年长的 n.较年长者较年长者 senior high school:(美国美国)高中高中junior high school:(美国美国)初中初中middle school:中学中学be senior/junior to.:比某人年长比某人年长/年幼年幼junior/primary/grammar/grade school:小学小学1)I just had my first maths class at the senior high school.2)Mr Brown is(four years)senior to me.21.

23、at last:终于终于;最后最后in the end:终于终于;最后最后finally:终于终于;最后最后1)Look!Its snowing.Winter is here at last.2)At last they won the football match.22.outgoing atg :adj.爱交际的爱交际的;外向的外向的;开朗的开朗的Most Americans are outgoing and eager to make new friends.23.impress vt.使印象深刻(1)impress sb.with sth.某事给某人留下印象impress sth.on

24、/upon sb.使某人铭记某事;使某人明白某事物的重要性be impressed with/by.对有深刻印象(2)impression n.印象,感想sb.s first impression of.某人对的第一印象leave/have/make a.impression on sb.给某人留下的印象make an impression(on sb):留下好印象留下好印象make a good first impression(on sb):留下好印象留下好印象(3)impressive adj.给人印象深刻的,令人敬佩的Examples:(1)We were impressed by t

25、he new teachers rich knowledge and humorous talk.新老师渊博的知识、风趣的谈吐给我们留下了深刻的印象。(2)I am very impressed with the new airport.新机场给我留下了很深的印象。(3)He has told me his plans and hes made a good impression on me.他已经把他的计划告诉我了,从而给我留下了好印象。(4)The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe.这座大桥并

26、不像有些导游说的那么雄伟。25.What if no one talks to me?要是没有人和我说话怎么办?What if.?(1)意为“如果将怎么办?”,可以看作是“What will happen if.?”的省略形式;(2)还可表示“即使又有什么关系?”,可以看作是“What does it matter if.?”的省略形式。例句(1)What if anything should happen to the child?万一这孩子出了差错怎么办?(2)So what if sometimes they stayed rather late?It doesnt mean anyth

27、ing.因此,即便有时他们熬夜到很晚,那又怎样?那也说明不了什么。26.guy ga:n.小伙子小伙子;男人男人;家伙家伙The poor guy didnt have any place to go for Christmas.27.concentrate knsntret:vi.&vt.集中集中(注意力注意力);聚精会神;聚精会神concentrate on/upon:专心于专心于You must concentrate on your studies now.(1)concentrate on sth.集中精力于某事集中精力于某事concentrate sth.on sth./on do

28、ing sth.集中集中于于/做某事做某事concentrate ones attention on 把注意力集中在把注意力集中在上上(2)concentration n.集中;专心集中;专心concentrated adj.全力以赴的;集中的;浓缩的全力以赴的;集中的;浓缩的Examples:(1)I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。(2)We should concentrate our attention on the teach

29、ers lecture,thus we can make great progress.我们应该把注意力集中在老师的讲课上,这样我们才能取得很大的我们应该把注意力集中在老师的讲课上,这样我们才能取得很大的进步。进步。(3)This book requires a great deal of concentration.这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。28.experiment kspermnt:n.实验实验;试验试验do/make an experiment:做实验做实验We will do a physics experiment in the lab tomorro

30、w afternoon.29.leave.alone:不打扰不打扰.;不惊动不惊动.leave/letalone/beleave alone:更不用说更不用说1)The students are sleeping.Leave them alone.2)He wont even thank you,leave alone pay you.30.awkward :kwd:adj.令人尴尬的令人尴尬的;难对付的难对付的1)I was the only man among the guests,but I didnt feel awkward.2)She was the first girl to a

31、sk me awkward questions31.junior du:ni(r):adj.地位地位/职位职位/级别级别/低下的低下的 n.职位较低者职位较低者;(体育运动中体育运动中)青少年青少年;(美国美国)初级中学初级中学The teacher is so young that he is junior to some of his students.32.explore kspl:(r):v.探索探索;勘探勘探1)There is a lot to explore at the senior high school.2)Many companies are exploring the

32、place for oil and gas.33.confident knfdnt:adj.自信的自信的;有把握的有把握的confidently:adv.自信地自信地;有把握地有把握地be confident of/about:对对有信心有信心We are confident of our countrys future.34.confidence knfdns:n.信心信心;信任信任;自信心自信心have confidence in:对对有信心有信心They have confidence in their new headmaster.Reading and ThinkingMatch t

33、he emojis with the words describing a persons feeling.happyanxiousexcitedannoyedfrightenedWhat is your feeling on your first school day?The structure of the reading passageThe key to undersatnding/writing a narrative is to clarify the development of the story and the emotional thread of the main cha

34、racters,and then guess the authors writing intention and main idea.理清故事的发展和主要人物的情感脉络,进而猜测作者的写作意图和主旨理清故事的发展和主要人物的情感脉络,进而猜测作者的写作意图和主旨Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school?She is not outgoing.The structure of the reading passageHow was her first math class?The class was difficult,but the teacher

35、was kind,friendly and humorous.Most of her classmates were friendly and helpful12:30 p.m.5:32 p.m.What happened in the chemistry class?What would you do if this happened to you?A guy next to her tried to talk to her the whole time,so she couldnt concentrate on the experiment.What would you do in tha

36、t case?What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school?worriedawkwardfrighten-edmiss her friends in junior high schoolfeel more confidentthere is a lot to explore10:29 p.m.Fill in the table with the words and phrases from the text,and tell a partner about Han Jings day.Time What was

37、 Han Jing texting about?7:00 a.m.senior high school,a little anxious12:30 p.m.5:32 p.m.10:29 p.m.first math class,difficult,a kind and friendly teacher,the friendly and helpful classmates,happy chemistry class,new lab,the guy next to me tried to talk to her,couldnt concentrate on the experiment,anno

38、yed didnt feel awkward or frightened,will make new friends,a lot to explore,much more confidentReading and ThinkingWord StudyComplete the passage with the correct form of the words and phrases below.explore impression feel confident senior experiment concentrate onTian Hua is a new student in Americ

39、a.She studies at an American high school for one year.In China,Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at _ high school,but in America,she is in Grade 10!She didnt _ at all when she arrived.Her first _ was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly,but soon she found tha if she _ the ideas,not the sing

40、le words,she could understand!She also made friends and began to _ the city with them.Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class.Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool _!Tian Hua is not sure how she will do at school this year,but she is not nervous any more.She is excited!seniorfeel confidentimpressionconcentrated onexploreexperiments


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