Unit 5 Languages Around the World Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Languages Around the World Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where(地点状语)the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.(定语从句,修饰one unified country)It was a time when(时间状语)people were divided geographically.(定语从句,修饰a time)These were animal

2、 bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.(定语从句,这是介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,修饰animal bones and shells)There are many reasons why(原因状语)people learn a foreign language.(定语从句,修饰reason)关系副词的作用如下:1指代表示时间、地点、原因的先行词。2在从句中充当句子成分状语,即在从句中起副词的作用。3起连接作用,把主句和定语从句连接起来构成主从复合句。定语从句()关系副词的用法当引导定语



5、3)why可以用for which来代替。1、介词选择的三原则:一先二动三意义。一先:根据先行词的搭配习惯来确定。二动:根据从句中谓语动词的搭配习惯来确定。三意义:根据从句所表达的意义来确定。2、介词可以后移,此时关系代词可以忽略。3、名词/代词/数词+of+关系代词 引导的定语从句通常是非限制性定语从句,该结构在定语从句中一般作主语。When I started studying German,it was a struggle.The words felt strange on my tongue,and the grammar would not stay in my head.I to

6、ld my mum that I wanted to give up,and that I would never live in a country German was spoken.My mum told me that studying a language was not just for my future.It was exercise for the brain;the more I learnt of a language,the more my brain would grow.And I remember that day I suddenly felt like Ger

7、man was no longer a foreign language.It felt like my brain had doubled in size.I had finally come to a place I could think in this foreign language,and I could see the world from a different point of view.I felt as if I had reached the goal I had been fighting for.I could open a book and see meaning

8、s,not just a sea of words.I finally understood the reason my mum had encouraged me not to give up.Thanks,Mum!I finally understood the reason my mum had encouraged me not to give up.Thanks,Mum!1.where2.when3.where4.that/which5.why中国语言学家 季羡林季羡林(1911年8月6日2009年7月11日),中国山东省聊城市临清人,字希逋,又字齐奘。国际著名东方学大师、语言学家、

9、文学家、国学家、佛学家、史学家、教育家和社会活动家。历任中国科学院哲学社会科学部委员、聊城大学名誉校长、北京大学副校长、中国社会科学院南亚研究所所长,是北京大学的终身教授,与饶宗颐并称为“南饶北季”。早年留学国外,通英文、德文、梵文、巴利文,能阅俄文、法文,尤精于吐火罗文(当代世界上分布区域最广的语系印欧语系中的一种独立语言),是世界上仅有的精于此语言的几位学者之一。为“梵学、佛学、吐火罗文研究并举,中国文学、比较文学、文艺理论研究齐飞”,其著作汇编成季羡林文集,共24卷。季羡林在北大,教学生、做学问,每天4点半起床,成为燕园亮起的第一盏灯。季羡林戏称,“我不是闻鸡起舞,而是鸡闻我起舞。”他有一张破藤椅,每天中午在此午睡,因他担心睡床太舒服,会睡得太久,浪费时间。由此,诞生了一幅著名的三睡图:藤椅上午休的季羡林,和两只卧在他身上的爱猫,此谓“三睡”。Thank you!


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