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1、 Discovering Useful StructuresWelcome UnitActivity InquiryActivity11A boy meets a girl during a break.2The class was difficult.3He even told us a funny story.4I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.探究一:句子的成分Analyse the constituents of the following sentences.Activity Inquiry

2、句子成分成分意义位置主语S(subject)句子的主体;谓语陈述、说明的对象,说明动作由“谁”发出 e.g.I miss my grandma.位于句首谓语V(verb)表示主语的行为或状态,是句子的灵魂、核心 e.g.I miss my grandma.主语之后宾语O(object)表示行为或活动的对象、接受者或受影响者 e.g.I miss my grandma.动词或介词后直接宾语DO(direct object)表示动作的承受者,一般是物 e.g.He told us a funny story.动词后间接宾语IO(indirect object)表示动作是对谁或为谁做的,一般是人 e

3、.g.He told us a funny story.动词后Activity Inquiry表语P(predicative)用来说明主语的身份、性质、状况等 e.g.The teacher was kind and friendly.系动词后定语(attribute)用来修饰名词或代词,说明其本质或特征 e.g.She is a beautiful girl.名词或代词前宾语补足语OC(object complement)补充说明宾语的动作或状态 e.g.I found most of my classmate and teachers friendly and helpful.宾语后状语A

4、(adverbial)说明动作“何时、何地、如何”发生;说明形容词或副词的程度 e.g.I had my first maths class at senior high school.位置灵活续表Activity Inquiry【即学即练】标出下面句子的成分(用S,V,O,P,A,DO,IO,OC)I will return you the book tomorrow.I found the film interesting.She is beautiful and smart.He offered me a job yesterday.The English class begins at

5、 eight oclock._ _ _ _ _SVIODOA_ _ _ _SVSOOC_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _VPSVIODOASVAActivity InquiryActivity2探究二:几种基本句型Read the sentences and analyse the structure.Activity Inquiry不同句子成分构成不同的句型。本单元语法主要讲述句子成分和8种基本句型。1主谓结构(SV):主语谓语(不及物动词)Class|begins.开始上课。A Chinese painting exhibition|will take place.一个中国画展将要举办。T

6、he boys dream|came true.这个男孩的梦想实现了。这种句型中的谓语动词为不及物动词(短语),故后不能直接接宾语,也没有被动语态。主谓结构常用来表示主语的动作或状态。常见的不及物动词(短语)有:rise,matter,begin,come,go,happen,last,appear,work,come true,take place等。Activity TipsActivity Inquiry Activity Tips2主谓宾结构(SVO):主语谓语(及物动词)宾语The students|have known|the answer.学生们已经知道了答案。Some scho

7、ols|dont have|a uniform policy.有些学校没有校服政策。这种句型中的谓语动词必须是及物动词或动词短语,一般有被动语态。用作宾语的有名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词或从句等。Activity Inquiry【即学即练】1.分析句子成分The writing class had just begun.They laughed.2.翻译句子我们学校将举办一次运动会。_ 我的爱好包括旅游和游泳。_ _V_SV_SOur school will hold a sports meeting.My hobbies include travelling and swimming.A

8、ctivity Inquiry Activity Tips3主系表结构(SP):主语系动词表语She|is|an English teacher.她是一名英语老师。The food|smells|delicious.这食物闻起来很香。His faces|turned|red.他的脸红了。这种句型中的谓语动词为系动词,无被动语态,也无进行时态。常见的系动词有be动词,还有感官系动词(sound/look/smell/taste/feel),变化系动词(become/get/grow/turn/go/fall/run),持续系动词(remain/keep/hold/stay),表像系动词(seem

9、/appear/look)等。表语由名词、形容词、介词短语、分词、不定式或从句充当。Activity Inquiry Activity Tips4主谓宾宾结构(SVIODO):主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语It|gives|her|a sense of duty.这给她责任感。The president|showed|me|her daughters pictures.总统给我看了她女儿的照片。My mother|bought|me|a dictionary.我妈妈给我买了一本字典。这种句型中的及物动词后跟双宾语,指人的宾语称为间接宾语,指物的宾语称为直接宾语。通常间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,也可把

10、间接宾语置于直接宾语后,但间接宾语前需用介词for或to。间接宾语之前用介词to的常见动词有give,tell,teach,write,bring,lend,hand,show,offer,send,pay,order等。间接宾语之前用介词for的常见动词有buy,fetch,save,choose,sing等。Activity Inquiry【即学即练】1.分析句子成分All of them were amazed.These suggestions are of great help.2.翻译句子Youd better buy your friends some small gifts._

11、 Can you lend me that book?_ _ _SVP_ _ _SVP你最好给你的朋友买一些小礼物。你能借给我那本书吗?Activity Inquiry Activity Tips5主谓宾宾补结构(SVOOC):主语谓语宾语宾语补足语They|usually keep|the door|open.他们通常把门开着。My teacher|had|me|standing all the morning.我的老师让我站了一整个上午。I|often hear|her|sing the German song in her lovely voice.我经常听到她用迷人的声音唱这首德国歌曲

12、。该结构中的宾语补足语可以由名词、非谓语动词、形容词、副词或介词短语等充当。该句式常用于三类动词:使役动词keep,make,let,have,leave,get等;感官动词或短语see,watch,notice,observe,find,catch,look at,listen to,hear,feel,smell等;ask,tell,order,request,permit,persuade等。Activity Inquiry Activity Tips6主谓状(SVA):主语谓语状语The children|stayed|in the room.孩子们待在房间里。He|runs|slow

13、ly in the park every day.每天他在公园里慢跑。His parents|have worked|in the company for ten years.他的父母在这家公司工作十年了。该句型的谓语动词通常为不及物动词;副词或介词短语在句中作状语,修饰或说明谓语动词。Activity Inquiry【即学即练】1.分析句子成分The exhibition will start on June 21 and last for a week.Hopefully,you can take part.2.完成句子We must keep (我们的学校干净)He asked (我回来

14、)soon._ _ _ _ _ _ _our school cleanme to come backSVAVASAVActivity Inquiry Activity Tips7主谓宾状(SVOA):主语谓语宾语状语The man|raised|his arms|above his head.那个人把手臂举过头顶。The girl|enjoys|reading|in the morning.这个女孩喜欢早上读书。The wind|raised|the fallen leaves|from the ground.大风把落叶从地面上刮了起来。该句型的谓语动词通常为及物动词;副词或介词短语在句中作状

15、语,修饰或说明谓语动词。8There be句型There were two boys and a girl under the tree just now.刚才树下有两个男孩和一个女孩。There goes the bell.Lets go into the lecture hall.铃响了,我们进入演讲大厅吧。There happened to be a man walking by.碰巧有个人在此经过。There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。基本结构是:There is/are/was/were.地点状语。谓语动词有时候可用表示存在的其他动词,如live,stand,lie,seem/

16、appear to be(好像有),happen to be(碰巧有),used to be(曾经有)等。Activity Inquiry【即学即练】1.完成句子 on the road.路上的汽车太多了。_more serious air pollution.空气污染将会更严重。2.分析句子成分They know us very well.He refused to help them at last.There are too many carsThere will be_ _ _ _ _ _ _SVOASVOAActivity InquiryActivity31.Plants need

17、water.They won the game at last.2.The flower is so fresh.3.They work hard.Nothing happened.4.He gives me some seeds.5.We should keep the classroom clean.探究二:几种基本句型Analyse the structure and constituents of the following sentences.主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O)/主语+谓语+宾语+状语(S+V+O+A)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P)主语+谓语+状语(S+V+A)/主语+

18、谓语(S+V)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO)主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(S+V+O+OC)Activity InquiryActivity4探究二:几种基本句型Analyse basic sentence structures.Read the passage and analyse the structures of the underlined sentences.How would you like to go to school and travel the world at the same time?For Tim,that dream has come true

19、!This term,Tim and his classmates are living!They take the same subjects as you do,like maths and English.They also learn about ships and the sea.Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them what happened on the ship.Tim loves living on the ship.Theres always something exciting to do.An

20、d,after a long day of study,he likes to watch the sun go down and wait for the stars to come out.Studying and doing homework seem much more fun when you are at sea!Activity InquiryConclusionExercise判断-的基本句型结构Once upon a time,there lived three monks in a small temple.And they never agreed with one an

21、other.One autumn night there were thousands of stars in the sky.A monk was sitting on a rock,holding a fishing rod up to catch one of the star.This surprised the other two monks.“What a fool you are!”said the second monk.How can you catch a star with such a short rod?You had better have a longer one

22、!He gave the first monk a longer rod.But the first monk failed again.The third monk saw this and made fun of them.Then he climbed onto the roof of the temple and shouted.“Look!Im much nearer to the stars than you.And Ill soon catch a star!”_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Exercise Analysis判断-的基本句型结构Once upon a time,t

23、here lived three monks in a small temple.And they never agreed with one another.One autumn night there were thousands of stars in the sky.A monk was sitting on a rock,holding a fishing rod up to catch one of the star.This surprised the other two monks.“What a fool you are!”said the second monk.How c

24、an you catch a star with such a short rod?You had better have a longer one!He gave the first monk a longer rod.But the first monk failed again.The third monk saw this and made fun of them.Then he climbed onto the roof of the temple and shouted.“Look!Im much nearer to the stars than you.And Ill soon catch a star!”_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _There be句型SVSVASVOSVOASVIODOSVOSVO


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