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1、天津市部分区20192020学年度第一学期期末考试八年级英语一、听力理解A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。1.A . B. C.2.A. B. C.3.A. B. C.4.A. B. C.B) 下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。( ) 5. Whose pencil case is this?A. Kates. B. Mays. C. Janes.( ) 6. Why didnt Simon go to the movie?A. He

2、 was late. B. He lost his ticket. C. He forgot the time.( ) 7. How long does Peter usually spend on his English homework?A. About half an hour. B. About an hour. C. About two hours.( ) 8. How does the boy usually go to school?A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.( ) 9. Wheres the man going?A. To the ban

3、k. B. To the post office. C. To the cinema.( ) 10. What does Bob have?A. A pencil. B. A ruler. C. A pen.( ) 11. Whats the weather like today?A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Fine.( ) 12. When will the meeting begin?A. At 9:00. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:30.( ) 13. What does the man do?A. A farmer. B. A doctor. C. A

4、teacher.( ) 14. What is the boy going to buy?A. Some apples. B. Some oranges. C. Some juice.C) 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。( ) 15. Where did Lingling and Betty go last night?A. To a cinema. B. To Lao She Teahouse. C. To a theatre.( ) 16. Why didnt Betty unders

5、tand the opera?A. Because it was noisy.B. Because the actors and actresses were excellent.C. Because it was difficult to understand the words.( ) 17. How long did they stay there?A. For three hours. B. For two hours. C. For an hour.听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。( ) 18. Where was the writer when the earthquake

6、happened?A. At school. B. At home. C. On a farm.( ) 19. What did they do under the table before the shake stopped?A. Sat on the floor and waited.B. Shouted for help.C. Called for help on the mobile phone.( ) 20. How soon did people come to help them?A. In four hours. B. In three hours. C. In two hou

7、rs.二、单项选择1.Im going to have picnic on Sunday.A. the; anB. an; theC. a; /D. an; /2.Beijing is a huge city _ a large population.A. onB. inC. toD. with3.At the bus stop, _ must not push _ way onto the bus.A. your; youB. you; yourC. yours; youD. you; yours4.When you are on your bike, think about the _ o

8、f accidents. Dont listen to music!A. traditionB. riskC. trainingD. rubbish5.It is _ to practise in winter than in summer because the days are short and the weather is cold too.A. more difficultB. most difficultC. the most difficultD. difficult6.Teahouse is one of Lao Shes _ plays.A. more famousB. mo

9、st famousC. famousD. the most famous7.Whats the population of Tianjin now?Its about _.A. 3 hundredsB. 3 hundredC. 13 millionD. 13 millions8.They decided _ to help the animals in danger.A. raise moneyB. to raise moneyC. raised moneyD. raises money9.The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) chose the panda

10、 _ its symbolA. wasB. beC. isD. to be10.What was your sister doing at 7 am yesterday?She _ breakfast.A am havingB. haveC. was havingD. were having11.A policeman knocked at the door _ we were having dinner yesterday.A. whileB. untilC. beforeD. because12.In England, you _ say Mr or Mrs when you meet s

11、omeone for the first time.A. mayB. mustC. needD. /13.Whats wrong with your leg, Tony?A car nearly _ me and I fell off my bike.A. beatB. hidC. hitD. bit14.Hi, Mike. Help me _ the bag _ please. Its too heavy.A. look; upB. warm; upC. lift; upD. set; up15.We have cold winters and hot summers in Beijing.

12、 Its snowy in winter._ I like sunny weather, and I like snow.A. Bad luck.B. What a pity!C. Sounds great!D. No idea!三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D选项中选出最佳选项。My grandma is a great woman named Mary. She was born in 1919 and died in 2009. Although she didnt live to be 100 years old, she had a _16_, l

13、ong life. She worked as a _17_ for 70 years. She taught in Africa for many years. Then she _18_ Africa and moved to Malaysia. At that time, people didnt travel by plane, so she traveled by _19_. It _20_ her three months to go by sea from England to Malaysia in those days. In 1947, she traveled by pl

14、ane for the first time. This new transportation made traveling from England to Malaysia much _21_ than before. She didnt stop teaching _22_ she was seventy-five years old.Mary really loved teaching and she was also good at _23_ stories. I always hear her talk about her stories. They were very _24_,

15、and I would like to listen to her when I was free. She could remember everything though she was old, I think it was because she _25_ stopped working and thinking. My grandmother was really a great woman.16. A. badB. terribleC. goodD. careless17. A. teacherB. doctorC. nurseD. singer18. A. visitedB. l

16、eftC. stayed inD. got to19. A. carB. shipC. trainD. bus20. A. spentB. paidC. costD. took21. A. quickerB. harderC. worseD. safer22. A. howeverB. untilC. whileD. as soon as23. A. acceptingB. actingC. hearingD. telling24. A. boringB. interestingC. oldD. friendly25. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. sometimesD. nev

17、er四、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D选项中选出一个最佳选项。AOne day when a woman was getting dinner ready for the animals at a zoo her hand began to hurt. A few days earlier, a box of spiders (蜘蛛) arrived at the zoo from Asia. When she put the box into the spiders display (展示架), one of them climbed out and ran acros

18、s the table. While she was trying to pick up the spider and put it back in the box, it bit her hand.She forgot about her pain and continued (继续) with her work. She finished giving dinner to the animals, but the pain in her hand got worse. So she hurried to the hospital. As soon as the doctor got to

19、know what kind of spider it was, he gave the woman the right medicine. She left the hospital that evening.26. What is the passage mainly about?A. A box of spiders.B. An accident.C. A womans work in a zoo.D. The pain in a womans leg.27. What was the woman doing when her hand began to hurt?A. She was

20、having dinner.B. She was visiting a zoo.C. She was putting the box onto a table.D. She was getting dinner ready for the animals at a zoo.28. Where did the box of spiders come from?A. Asia.B. America.C. FranceD. Australia.29. While she was trying to pick up the spider, it _.A. ran across the tableB.

21、bit her handC. cried loudlyD. climbed up her hand30. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. The woman was a careful woman.B. The woman didnt love her job.C. The doctor gave the woman right medicine. D. The doctor liked spiders a lot. BIf you have dinner with people in the west,

22、I think you must pay more attention to the table manners. Here are some good table manners for you.When you eat something, try not to make a noise or burp (打嗝) at the table. Because people think that is not polite. People will say “Excuse me”when they want to burp.Talking with food in the mouth is v

23、ery rude. So you must eat the food quietly and slowly. If you eat too fast, people think you are rude too. Do not talk with others when you have food in your mouth.It is good to eat all the food on your plate. This means you like the food very much. Remember to say the food is nice. And this can mak

24、e the host (主人) very happy. When you finish eating, you can place your knife and fork together.31. The topic of this passage is about _ in the west.A. how to burpB. what to eatC. school rulesD. table manners32. People will _ when they want to burp.A. go out of the roomB. stand up and close their mou

25、thC. say “excuse me”D. place their knives and forks together33. If you eat the food _, people will think you have good manners.A. quietly and slowlyB. loudly and fastC. quietly and fastD. loudly and slowly34. when you have food in your mouth, _.A. you can talk with others loudlyB. do not talk with o

26、thersC. do not drink anythingD. you can sing loudly35. According to the passage, which of the following is good?A. To make a noise.B. To eat all the food on your plate.C. To eat the food on the plate quickly.D. To tell the host that the food is not nice.CThere are only two seasons in some countriest

27、he dry season and the rainy season. They are India, Vietnam and some countries in Africa. Its never cold there and it doesnt snow. In the dry season it is as warm as it is in the rainy season. When it is the dry season, it doesnt rain at all. Its very, very hot. All grass and leaves in the trees are

28、 yellow. Animals and people are very thirsty. It is a very difficult time for them! When it is the rainy season, the rain doesnt stop: it rains day and night. There is a lot of water around! Some animals like it but some dont.There is a place where there are no seasons at all. It is the Antarctic (南

29、极).It is very cold all the year round. There are no countries and no cities there. There are some villages in the Antarctic. Who lives there? Some scientists from some countries go there to learn about the coldest place, its animals and birds. But there are no trees, no flowers, no fruit there, so p

30、eople cant live there long.36. There are _ seasons in the Antarctic.A. TwoB. threeC. fourD. no37. Whats the weather like in Vietnam?A. Its very cold all the year round.B. Its never cold and it doesnt snow.C. It is very cold and it snows all the year round.D. It is never cold and it snows all the yea

31、r round.38. When is a difficult time for people and animals in India?A. The rainy season.B. Spring.C. The dry season.D. Winter39. Some scientists live in the Antarctic because they want to learn about _.A. the coldest placeB. the countries thereC. the cities thereD. the fruit there40. Which of the f

32、ollowing sentences is NOT true according to the passage?A. The leaves on the trees are yellow in the dry season.B. All countries in Africa have two seasons.C. Some animals like the rainy seasonD. There are some animals and birds in the Antarctic.五、补全对话根据对话内容,在每个题的空白处选择适当的话语,使对话意思完整。A. Do you want to

33、 see a film this evening?B. At half past seven, outside the school gateC. Whats wrong with you?D. Oh, its very nice of you to ask me.E. It is very boringF. What the government is doing to protect them.G. At eight oclock.Tony: Hi, Tony speaking.Daming: Hi, Tony. Its Daming. _41_Tony: _42_ Whats the f

34、ilm about?Daming: Its about animals in danger, and _43_Tony: Oh Id like to see it. Im doing my homework about that. What time will it start?Daming: _44_Tony: So when and where shall we meet?Daming: _45_Tony: OK. See you then.Daming: See you.六、完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一词。46. 今年这个球迷俱乐部的人多了很多。There are muc

35、h more people in the football _ _ this year.47. 我们骑车的时候一定要注意交通信号灯。We must _ _ to the traffic lights when we are riding on the road.48. 稍等一下!我马上记下来。_ _! Ill write it down!49. 许多野生动物缺乏安全的生存环境,因为村庄和农场侵占了他们的领地和森林。Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are _ _ their

36、land and forests.50. 在日常生活中学习一些急救知识,对我们来说很重要。It is important for us to learn some knowledge about _ _ in our daily life.七、任务型阅读Sports help people to live happily. They help people to keep healthy and feel good. Doing sports is good for people. When people play games, they always move a lot. It is go

37、od for their health. And having sports with their friends often makes them happy.Many people enjoy sports by watching others playing. It can also make them happy and excited. Many people buy tickets to watch different kinds of games because it is more exciting to watch matches in the stadium than at

38、 home. But more people like to watch sports games on TV. It is more relaxing and cheaper.In China, there are many beautiful seas, rivers and lakes. In summer, many people like to go there.Whatever sport you like just enjoy it and keep healthy, my friends!根据文章内容,完成下列各句,每空不超过五个词。51. _ can help people

39、to keep healthy and feel good.52. Many people enjoy sports by watching _.53. It is more exciting to watch matches in the stadium than at home, so _.54. Many people think watching games _ is more relaxing and cheaper.55. In China, there are _.八、综合填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Long long ago there was

40、a lazy cat. He thought his life was boring. And he s_56_ most of the time eating, sleeping and snoring (打呼噜). He a_57_once a day, and then went back to b_58_and slept. And he hardly took exercise. So he couldnt find a_59_interesting in his life. However, his snoring sound was too loud for other anim

41、als. They were angry, b_60_they couldnt sleep well at night.One day, a big cat p_61_ to teach the lazy cat a lesson. And he asked a few animals to help h_62_ . They wanted to catch the little cat and beat him with a baseball bat. Because the poor cat never exercised, he was too h_63_ to move. When o

42、ther animals ran after him, he couldn t run away q_64_. He knew the importance of doing exercise when he was caught. After that, he t_65_ to do sports as much as he could. Then he found his life was not boring any more.九、书面表达66. 假如你的家乡一年四季的天气情况如下表所述。请根据该表格中所提示的信息, 介绍一下你的家乡的气候状况。并根据自己的实际情况描述去你家乡游览的最佳时间,并陈述理由。季 节气 候 特 点春多风,有时会有沙尘暴(sandstorm)夏很热,也下雨秋天气凉爽,但是时间很短冬天气很冷,有时会下雪要求:1.必须包括以上信息;2. 可适当发挥想象;3. 要求条理清晰、层次分明;4. 要求词数为60-80左右。


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