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1、             更多资料请关注公众号【草莓数学课程】,涵盖初一-初三全部复习资料 中考选择填空 精编100题1. -Well do what we can _English well this term.-Its high time for you to work hard.A. study   B. to study     C. be studied   D. be studying2. -I dont think your team can beat theirs.-_

2、. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.A. No, we cant      B. Yes, we cant       C. Yes, we can     D. No, we can3. -Have you finished your work yet?-No, not yet. I think itll take _ ten minutes.A. another      B. other     C. othe

3、rs     D. more4. Roy made several kites, but _ of them can fly high in the sky.A. neither     B. none      C. all     D. most5. -Will you be back _ five in the afternoon?-Im not sure, maybe later than that. A. in     B. before     &nbs

4、p;C. for     D. until6. -Im sorry to have kept you waiting long.-Never mind. I _ here for only a few minutes.A. have been      B. have come     C. have arrived     D. waited7. -You seem to like sweets. -_ .Thats probably why Im becoming fatter and fatter.

5、A. So I do       B. So do I      C. So am I      D. So I am8. With the help of the computer, information can _every corner of the world swiftly.A. get B. reach    C. arrive    D. return9. The children _ not to play with the fire.A. are

6、 often told    B. tell     C. are telling    D. told10. -May I go out with you tomorrow? -If your job _by then.A. has been finished      B. finish     C. will be finished        D. will finish11. -Will you please show me how

7、to operate the new machine? -Sure. Its a piece of cake. Now let me tell you _ to do first. A. what     B. how     C. whether      D. which12. -My trousers are_ . -Ill buy you a new pair.A. wore out  B. worn out     C. wearing out     D. sol

8、d out13. -What do you think of these two books?-_ of them are interesting. And Ive read them several times.A. Both    B. Neither     C. None      D. Either14. -The artist has got _ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework. -Thats

9、true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.A. too   B. so    C. very        D. such15. -How long _ you _a fever? -Ever since last night.A. have, got     B. have, had      C. have, caught     D. did, have16. -I think he lives _

10、 No.386 West St. -Are you sure _ that? Youd better make sure. A. at, /    B. in, of     C. in, about       D. at, of17. -The rain came to a stop the night before. The fields are still full of water. -It _ for nearly a week.A. has rained      B. had r

11、ained      C. would rain     D. was raining 18. -He seems _ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now? -I dont think it matters. Maybe hes caught a bit of a cold. A. terrible   B. terribly     C. even       D. to be terrible 19. -Would yo

12、u like _ some fruit? -No thanks. I dont feel like _ anything now. A. to have, to eat      B. having, to eat       C. having, eating     D. to have, eating20. -This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food.-Im glad you are _. A. liking

13、 it  B. enjoying yourself     C. at the party     D. are loving 21. -Youve dropped _ “s in the word “acros -Oh, _ letter “s should be doubled like this “across. A. a, a B. an, a     C. a, the D. an, the 22. -The pen writes well though it doesnt cost much.- Let me h

14、ave a try. So _.A. it is B. it does    C. does it    D. is it 23. -The smell in the room is really terrible. -You said it. Lets keep all the windows _ . A. closed   B. open    C. opening     D. to open24. -_ the Internet _ in your school? -Yes, but the co

15、mputer in our office has often broken down. A. Is, used    B. Is, using    C. Does, use      D. Has, used25. -Do you often get on-line?-Yes. I _ most of my time on it .Its a good way to kill time.A. cost    B. spend       C. pay   &nbs

16、p;  D. take26. -Did Toms parents go to the meeting yesterday?-Yes, _ of them did, but _ spoke.A. each, none    B. both, none     C. neither, both      D. both, neither27. -I eat _ vegetables and _ meat than I did last year. -Thats why youre getting fatter. A.

17、fewer, more     B. more, less      C. least, more       D. many, much28. -_ is the population of the town? -Over 20,000 .And a third of the population _ workers of the car factory.A. What, are      B. How many, are        C.

18、What, is       D. How many, is29. -I tried to make Kate _ her mind, but I found it hard.-Well, I saw you_ that when I went past.A. change, do      B. changes, doing     C. to change, do     D. change , doing30. -Sorry. I am late.   -It doesnt ma

19、tter. The meeting _ for just several minutes A. has begun     B. has started      C. has been on      D. had been on31. -I feel tired and sleepy. -Why not stop _? A. to work  B. to have a rest   C. having a rest  D. to go on with your work32. -D

20、id you notice the boy come in?-No, I didnt because I _a film. A. had watched    B. have watched     C. was watching      D. am watching33. -Could you tell me _? I must find him. -Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now. A. where Tom was      

21、  B. where has Tom gone    C. where can I find Tom.   D. where Tom is34. -Shall I tell Mike about it? -No, you _. Hes already been told. A. mustnt   B. cant    C. dont     D. neednt35. -Alice, why didnt you come here yesterday? -I _, but my son suddenly f

22、ell ill and I had to take him to the hospital. A. had  B. did  C. was going to  D. didnt36. -Im _ in what _ you. -Well, dont follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interesting, interests       B. interested, interests C. interest, interests   D. interest, interestin

23、g37. -Im too busy_ to my family often. -Why not call them instead? A. writing     B. to write      C. written       D. write38. -_ present youve bought for me! -Im glad you like it. A. How a      B. What a     C. How    D. Wh

24、at39. -This is no-smoking zone. Cant you see the sign?-Oh, sorry. I _ it.A. havent seen     B. wont see   C. dont see     D. didnt see 40. -Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States? -Sure .Ill _ them here to school tomorrow.A. take  B. carry

25、 C. get D. bring 41. -Look at _ animal. Its interesting. -Which one do you mean? _ black one with a long tail?A. an, The    B. an, An      C. the, The      D. the, An 42. -What happened to Tom?-He was crossing the street _ a motorbike hit him from behind.

26、A. while   B. when       C. until       D. because43. -Dad, whats the sea like? -Well, its large and full of water. It covers about _ of the earth. A. one third       B. three quarter      C. three-fourth     D. three quarter

27、s44. -Go and ask the waiter how much_.-Dont worry. It has been _.A. does the meal cost, paid for      B. the meal costs, paid C. the meal spends, paid D. the meal costs, paid for45. -Does the child need any help?-No. He is old enough to _ himself.A. put on     B. wear  

28、    C. dress      D. take care46. -There can be no life on the earth without water. -Thats right. Water _ everywhere.A. needs     B. is needing      C. is needed       D. needed47. -Were you late _the meeting? -No, I arrived there ten

29、minutes_ the meeting started.A. for, before     B. at, before      C. for, till      D. at, after48. -Excuse me, but I dont think you can take photos here.-Sorry I _ this is no-photo zone.A. dont know      B. didnt know     C. have no

30、idea       D. havent known49. -How many English words had you learned _ the end of last term?-Around 2000, but Ive forgotten most of them.A. by   B. atC. to   D. on50. -Are you learning art now during your spare time? -No. Ive stopped _ Chinese medicine instead.A. to learn &

31、nbsp;    B. learning      C. learn       D. studying51. -What did you _ just now?-I _ you if you could follow me.A. say, said      B. speak, asked      C. speak, said       D. say, asked52. -Do you like _ a teacher?

32、 - Sure. But my parents _ me to be a doctor when I was a young girl.A. to be, hoped     B. being, hoped      C. being, wished      D. to be, wish53. -Mom, Ive got a fever. -So_. How did you catch it?A. have you      B. you have     &nb

33、sp; C. have I      D. did I54. -Something must be done to stop the farmers cutting down the forests.-I agree with you .If we _, a lot more good land will be gone with them.A. wont      B. arent       C. dont        D. mustnt55. -Did yo

34、u _ the first place of the league match?-Of course we did. We _ all the other teams.A. beat, beat      B. beat, won       C. win, won      D. win, beat.56. -Why not borrow some money from your friends? -But I know _ of the people here except you.A. either

35、       B. none      C. all      D. no one57. -What he enjoys _ great and interesting. -Yes,_ its dangerous.A. sounds, but      B. to sound, but      C. sounds, so      D. to sound ,so58. -What are you going to

36、do tomorrow?-Im not sure. I_ make a trip to Hangzhou with my girl friend.A. may       B. maybe      C. will      D. must59. - Did you finish _ the book? -Yes, I did. Thanks _ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it. A. reading, for   B. r

37、eading, to      C. to read, for       D. to read, to 60. -How _ is it from here Ningbo to Xian? -Its about two _ flight. A. long, hours     B. far, hours      C. long, hours     D. far, hours61. -Why did you come back so late today? -B

38、ecause it heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop. A. was raining B. is raining C. rained D. rains62. -Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?-Sure. But what subject should I _? A. talk B. talk about C. talk withD. talk to 63. -People never use Mr, Mrs

39、or Miss before their first names, do they? - , they only use them before their family names. A. Yes, they dont    B. Yes, they do C. No, they dont  D. No, they do 64. -Are your parents living with you in China? -Yes. They here with my family. A. are allB. are both C. all areD. both ar

40、e65. -May I go out and play this afternoon? -No, you _. Work comes first A. neednt  B. mustnt C. wont D. dont66. -What happened to him? -Oh, he off his bike and his legs. A. falls, hurts B. fell, hurt C. felt, hurtD. fell, breaks67. -Would you like some tea, please? -Yes, I prefer tea sugar. A.

41、 to B. for C. withD. than68. -Would you please make the child any more? -Well, I just wanted him not to play with the chalk. A. dont, cryB. not, to cryC. dont, to cry D. not, cry 69. -What useful book ! -Yes, it is. But I find it difficult for me to read. A. an, veryB. a, tooC. an, tooD. a, quite70.

42、 -Maths isnt as as Chinese. -I agree with you. I think Chinese is than any other subject. A. easy, easier    B. easier, easier C. easy, easiest D. hard, the most difficult71. -Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?-If it rainy. A. wont B. doesnt C. isnt D. wont be72. -Did you stop hel

43、lo to Mrs Smith ? -No, I didnt see her when she went past. A. saying B. said  C. sayD. to say73. -Why dont you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk? -I hear there isnt in it. A. something new  B. new anything C. anything newD. nothing new74. -I did badly in the long jump.- . A. Co

44、ngratulations     B. Thats great      C. Well done D. Bad Luck75. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and students to listen to him. A. other B. the othersC. othersD. the other76. -Do you know the result of the race?-Yes. The winner is a boy Lin Feng from Class 4. A. 10

45、0-metres, calledB. 100-metre, calling C. 100-metre, called D. 100-metres, named77. The weather here is quite different that of my hometown. A. fromB. withC. thanD. as78. My father me to be a doctor, but my mother doesnt agree him. A. wishes, to B. wishes, with C. hopes, with D. wants, to79. -Dont pl

46、ay the dangerous game any more.-Sorry! I do it again. A. cantB. dontC. wont D. mustnt80. -English is difficult subject. I even want to drop it. -Youd better not. Ill help you it. A. quite a, with  B. a quite, with  C. a very, for D. very a, with81. -Does the man need operation at once, Doc

47、tor Li? -Yes, only small one. But the sooner, the better. A. an, aB. a, aC. an, the D. , 82. -I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible? -Yes. A car fell over and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily, of them were killed. A. neitherB. none    C. every  

48、;D. both 83. -You can hardly swim, can you? - . But my mother says shell teach me during my summer holiday. A. Yes, I cantB. No, I can C. No, I cant  D. Yes, I can84. -Do you think there are new words in this unit ? -Yes, thats right. Ill first. A. too much, look them upB. too many, look up the

49、m C. much too, look them upD. too many, look them up85. -You must what I have done for you before you leave. -Well, how much does it ? Is 100 dollars enough?A. pay for, costB. pay, spend   C. spend, pay for D. pay, cost86. -Excuse me, wheres the West Hill Farm, please? -Go the forest and the fo

50、ot of the mountain you will find it .A. through, at B. across, at C. through, under D. past, under87. _noisy children! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A. How B. What C. What aD. How a88.The policeman asked him when the accident happened.A. what was he doing  B. what did he do  C. what he was

51、 doing D. what he did89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A. would like B. wants C. hates D. enjoys90. -Here is a piece of paper for you! -Oh, thanks. Its for me to write a long letter on.A. big enough B. enough large  C. small enough D. enough small91.The United States up its sat


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