2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册Unit 5 词块及句式复习(ppt课件).pptx

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1、人教版(2019)必修二Unit5的词块及句式复习二June 13,2022Learning objectives记忆词块,整存整取词汇学习最好以词块为单位,这样就可以在记忆时整体输入,在运用时整体输出。词块学习既能提高词汇记忆的效率,也能提高词汇运用的准确性和流畅性。P13,教师用书P53 动词短语(paraphraseuse English to explain)1gave him the inspiration to make the first virtual choir2.got the idea for the virtual choir3.formed the Virtual Y

2、outh Choirinspired him to create the first virtual choircame up with the idea for the virtual choirorganised/established the Virtual Youth ChoirP54 动词短语 be+done/adj(形容词)+prep(介词)be+done+prep 1.be used for 2.be interested in 3.be pleased with 4.be affected by 5.be/got absorbed in 6.be moved by 7.be c

3、orreted by 8.be well known as 9.be filled with be+adj+prep 1 be full of 2.be capable of 转换成句式(过去分词做状语,句子。)Though they are well known as a successful band,the Impact members show quite a few striking qualities.When they are questioned by the media,they are not discouraged and practise even harder.Bec

4、ause they are filled with team spirit,they act as a whole,always aiming for glory.Well known as a as a successful band,the Impact members show quite a few striking qualities.(When)questioned by the media,they are not discouraged and practise even harder.Filled with team spirit,they act as a whole,al

5、ways aiming for glory.P56请在此页找出能够表达音乐优点的短语 have an impact on my life give me strength P58 请欣赏以下句子,说说过去分词在句首做状语的必要性。1.Very untalented at anything to do with music,I was still forced to learn it.2.Uninterested in music at all,I agreed t learn it.3.Experienced in reading her students minds,my piano tea

6、cher could tell after a couple of lessons that my heart was not in it.4.Surprised and terrified at the same time,I could only agree.5.Given my inexperience,I chose a fairly simple composition.6.Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience,I have continued to play th

7、e piano and enjoy it more every day.P59 paraphrase(say it in another way in English)1.and his teachers worked him so hard that he often cried.and his teachers made him work so hard that he often cried.2.were so popular that he was thought of by many as the most important composer of his generation.w

8、ere so popular that he became well known to many as the.3.In the later part of his life,he had many health and money issues.he had many health and money problems.4.but his life became marked by sadness.but his life was recorded as a sad one.拓展练习 请给这篇文章设计完型填空 设计原则 依据上下文语境设置挖空,与语法无关;四个选项语法原则一致;四个选项要互相

9、干扰,但不能意思相近;选项设计几乎是实词,名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词等 虚词以连词选择较多,但往往只占个空 所有选项单词不超出考纲范围。完型填空设计篇章 A man married a beautiful girl.He loved her very much.One day she developed a skin disease.Slowly she started to lose her beauty.It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour.While returning he met with an ac

10、cident and lost his eyesight.However,their married life continued as usual.But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually.Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life.He continued to love her and she also loved him very much.One day she died.Her death brou

11、ght him a great sorrow.He finished all her last rites(仪式)and wanted to leave that town.A man from behind called and said,“Now how will you be able to walk all alone?All these days your wife used to help you”.He replied,“I am not blind.I was acting because if she knew l could see her skin condition d

12、ue to a disease,it would have pained her more than her disease.I didnt love her for her beauty alone,but I fell in love with her caring and loving nature.So I pretended to be blind.I only wanted to keep her happy”.完型填空设计格式1ABCD2ABCD3ABCD4ABCD5ABCD6ABCD7ABCD8ABCD9ABCD10ABCD11ABCD12ABCD13ABCD14ABCD15A

13、BCDsample:(部分展示)1A developedB describedC appreciatedD received2A gradually B quicklyC slowlyD strictly3A similarityB differenceC influenceD benefit4A happinessB sorrowC joyD confusion5ABCD6ABCD7ABCD8ABCD9ABCD10ABCD11ABCD12ABCD13ABCD14ABCD15ABCD拓展练习 未看选项填补练习 It was a very foggy day in London.The fog

14、was so 41_ that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.Buses,cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the 42_ of the road.People were trying to find their way about 43 but were losing their way in the fog.Mr.Smith had a very 44 meeting at the House of Commons and had to get

15、there but no one could 45 him.He tried to walk there but found he was quite 46.Suddenly he bumped(撞)into a stranger.For his 47,he apologized.48 ,the stranger asked if he could help him.Mr Smith 49 him and they started to walk there.The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no 50

16、in finding the way.He moved forward 51 there had been no fog at all.He went along one street,turned down another,crossed a square and at last after about half an hours walk they 52 at the Houses of Parliament.Mr Smith couldnt understand 53 the stranger found his way.“It is wonderful,”he said.“How do you find the way in this fog?”“It is no 54 at all to me,”said the stranger,“I am 55.”


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