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1、ffirrffi*#2015+eHrfi*ffifts#ifrifr#(A)#4rfrf4 H 211*lli+fiRtHi#,$i 100,i*iHtfgl,3 rjrFtI.VocabularyandStructure(30ffi,rj.M 0,5t,+tlsrI)(30rninutes)Directions:There are 30 sentences in this part.Complete them by choosing the best fom the/buralternatives.Write the answer on the Answer Sheet.l.Dont-the

2、 habit of finding excuses for losing.A.come of B.fall into C.stick to D.set over2.The heavy frog _-_-to the naffic jam of the busy city.A.aidedB.adapted C.added D.attributed3.They plan to open a new branch on the that business here keeps growing.A.consumption B.assumption C.conclusion D.presumption4

3、.The trial is to be while new evidence is being considered,A.resumed B.suspended C.ended D.continued5.To persuade him is nothing but cast pearls before swine.The underline part meansA.quarrel with himC.make him sadB,waste time and effort for himD.argue with him6.She still thinks clearly,for her gree

4、t age,A.afiording B.allowing C.knowing D.accounting7.The tem oland unused refers to land that for agriculture and construction uses.A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.better than8.A(n)_ iack of food broughrt hunger to tire kaqi peopie.A.crucial B.critical C.urgent D.acute9.Well you through thi

5、ck and thin.A.stand for B.stand by C.stand against D.stand at10.You can always tell the meaning of a word from itsA.contempt B.contest C.context D.content11,He admitted that he had invented a cook and bull story The underlined part meansA.absurd B.trueC,interesting D.reasonable12.The clerk _ the jud

6、ge by looking up related precedents.A.caught B.resisted C.assisted D.benefited13.We are working at full _ to finish the work as scheduled.A.strength B.capacity C.capability D,power14.Your words may be completely when it is passed on through different months,A,distorted B.restored C.recovered D.misle

7、d15._ the storm we should have arrived earlier.A.Thanks to B.Owing to C.But for D.Due to16.I may go to Japan,but in any even!,I will pay you a visit in the summer vacation.Theunderlined word meansA.location B.occunence C,accident D.cases*g&#fffrt,5#ifr#-LtEtrffi rfr.(*l0 n)17.Railway security was ex

8、tra tight folloivinq the suicide bombing.The underlined word meansA.in the wake of B.by virtue of C.for the sake of D.as a token of18.Age alone wont me from an exception to the North Pole.A.precipitate B.predict C.precede D.preclude19._ when China had to depend on westem countries for advanced techn

9、ology.A.Gone forever are the days B.Forever gone are the daysC.Gone forever the days are D.Forever gone the days are20.This is one of the most famous novels that.-been published since the war.A.has B.have C.had D.would have21.,we decided to leave at once so that we could catch the train.A.It being p

10、retty late B.Since it being pretty lateC,Being pretty late D.It was pretty late22.Not far from school there was a garden,owner seated in it playing chess with hislittle grandson every afternoon.A.its B.whose C.with D.that23.I apologize if I _ you,but I promise that it was not on purpose.A,have offen

11、ded B,had offendedC.should have offended D.may have offended24.He is not in the office.He must have gone io have classes,?A,didnt he B.doesnt he C.mustnt he D.hasnt he25,Advertising is distinguished form other forms of communication-the advertiser paysfor the message to be delivered.A.in case B.in t

12、hat C.so that D.even though26.I arn sorry that I couldnt contact with you Lefore I left,I earlier.A.should have called B.should call C.had called D.have called27.There are trees on side ofthe road.A.both B.neither C.each D.all28.Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?A.He barely not acknowledge

13、d her presenoe.B.He barely escaped death in the accident.C.He slept very bad last night.D.He needs a bandage for his wound badly,29.k rained hard yesterday,-prevented me from going to the park.A.that B.which C.as D.it30.He orders me about _-I were his wife.A.if B,since C.as if D now thatII.Reading C

14、omprehension(20 ff,rJlffi 2 rI,*40 h)(60 minutes)Directions:Read the foltowingfour passages and complete the statenefis arter then by choosingthe best from the four alternatives.Write your qnswer on the Answet Sheet.Passage IA metaphor is a poetic device that deals with oomparison.It compares simila

15、r qualities of twodissimilar objects.Wth a simple metaphor,one object becomes the other:Love is a rose.Although*g&Effirfi-L,54id#-Lft*.H2n(*10 F)this does not sound like a particulady rich image,a metaphor can communicate so much about aparticular image that poets use them more than any other fype o

16、f figurative language.The reasonfor this is that poets compose their poetry to express what they are experiencing emotionally atthat moment.Consequently,what the poet imagines love to be may or may not be our perceptionof love.Therefore,the poets job is to enable us ta experience it,to feel it the s

17、ame way that thepoet does.We should be able to nod in agreement and say,Yes,thats it!I understand preciselywhere this person is coming from.oLets analyze this remarkably unsophisticated metaphor conceming love and the rose to seewhat it offers.Because the poet uses a compadson with a rose,first we m

18、ust examine thecharacteristics of that flower.A rose is spectacular in its beauty,its petals are velvety soft,and itsaroma is soothing and pleasing.Its possible to say that a rose is actually a veritable feast to thesenses:the visual,the tactile,and the aural fmore commonly known as the senses of si

19、ght,touch,and sound.The roses appearance seems to border on perfection,each petal seeminglysymmetrical in form.Isnt this the way ones love should be?A loved one should be a delight toones senses and seem perfect.However,there is another dimension added to the comparison byusing a rose.Roses have tho

20、ms,This is the comprehensive image the poet wants to communicate;otherwiseo a daisy or a mum would have been presented to the audience as the ultimaterepresentation of love-but the poet didnt,instead conveying the idea that roses can betreacherous.So can love,the rnetaphor tells us.When one reaches

21、out with absolute trust to touchthe object of his or her affectiono ouch,a thorn can cause great hamr!oBe careful,the metaphoradmonishes:Love is a feast to the senses,but it can overwhelm us,and it can also hurt us.It sanprick us and cause acute suffering.This is the poets porception of love-an admo

22、nition.What isthe point?Just this:It took almost 14 sentences to clariff what a simple metaphor comrnunicatesin only five words!That is the artistry and the joy of the simple metaphor.31.The rnain idea of this passage is _.A.poetic devices are necessary for poetsB.poetry must never cater to the sens

23、esC.always use words that create one specific imageD.the metaphor is a great poetic device32.It can be infeired that a metaphor is-.A,a type of tigurative la:rguageB.the only poetic deviceC.not precise enoughD.a type of flower in a poem33.According to the passage,thomsA.protect the rose from harmB.r

24、educe the ability to love anotherC.add a new element to the image of loveD.are just more images to compare to a rose34.It can be infened that the true meaning of the love is a rose metaphor is that _.-_-,A.love is a true joyB,love comes only once in a lifetimeC.love is nevet permanentD.love is a com

25、bination of good and bad experiencess*Ea#Fsrnt,difr#J-tulkffi3m(*10n)35.According to the passage,the poet,s intention isA.to release angerB.to announce heartacheC,to enable you to experience the poet,s point of viewD.to reward the sensesPassage 2The U.S.population is going gray.A rising demographic

26、tide of aging baby boomers-hosebom between 1946 and 1964-and increased longevity have made adults age 65 and older thefastest growing segment of todays population.In thirry years,this segment of the population willbe nearly fwice as large as it is today.By then,an estimated 70 million people will be

27、 over age 65.The number of oldest old-those age 85 and older-is 34 times greater than in 1900 and likelyto expand five-fold by 2050.This unprecedented elder boom will have a profound effect on American society,particularly the field of healthcare.Is the U.S.health system equipped to deal with the de

28、mands ofan aging population?Although we have adequate physicians and nurses,many of them are nottrained to handle the multiple needs of older patients.Today we have about 9,000 geriatricians(physicians who are experts in aging-related issues).Some studies estimate a need for 36.000geriatricians by 2

29、030.Many doctors today heat a patient of 75 the same$/ay they would treat a 4O-year-old patient.However,aithough seniors are heaithier than ever,physical challenges often increase with age.Byage75,adults often have two to three medical conditions.Diagnosing multiple health problemsand knowing how th

30、ey interact is crucial for effectively treating older patients.Healthcareprofessionals*often pressed for time in hectic daily practices-must be diligent about askingquestions and collecting evidence from their elderly patients.Finding out about a patientsover-the-counter medications or living condit

31、ions could reveal an underlying problem.Lack oftraining in geriatric issues can result in healthcare providers overlooking illnesses orconditions that may lead to illness.Inadequate nutrition is a common,but often unreco gniznd,problem among frail seniors.An elderly patient who has difficulty prepar

32、ing meals at home maybecome wlnerable to malnutrition or another medical condition.Healthcare providers withtraining in aging issues may be able to address this problem without the costly solution ofadmitting a patient to a nursing home.Depression,a treatable condition that affects nearly five milli

33、on seniors,also goes undetectedby some healthcare providers.Some healthcare professionals view depression as Just part ofgetting old.Untreated,this illness can have serious,even fatal consequences.According to theNationai Institute of Mental Health,older Americans account for a dispr.oportionate sha

34、re ofstlicide deaths,making up 18%of suicide deaths in 2000.Healthcare providers could play a vitalrole in preventing this outcome-several studies have shown that up to 7 5o/o of seniors who die bysuicide visited a primary care physician within a month of their death.Healthcare providers face additi

35、onal challenges to providing high-quality care to the agingpopulation.Because the numbers of ethnic minority elders are growing faster than the agingpopulation as a whole,providers must train to care for a more racially and ethnically diversepopulation ofelderly.Respect and understanding ofdiverse c

36、ultural beliefs is necessary to providethe most effective healthcare to all patients.Providers must also be able to communicates*Easruffit.&ifr#tfrffiffi 4fr.(Jt ro ti)complicated medical conditions or treatments to older patients who may have a visual,hearing,orcognitive impairment.As older adults

37、make up an increasing proportion of the healthcare caseload,the demand foraging specialists must expand as well.Healthcare providers who work with the elderly mustunderstand and address not only the physical but mental,emotional,and social changes of theaging process.They need to be able to distingu

38、ish between onormal characteristics associatedwith aging and illness.Most crucially,they should look beyond symptoms and consider ways thatwill help a senior maintain and improve her quality of life.36.The tone of the passage is primarily one ofA.bemused inquiryC.infbrmed argument37.The author impli

39、es in paragraph 3 thatwould a 40-year-old patientA,provide equitable,high-quality careB.avoid detrimental stereotypes about older patientsC.willfully ignore the needs of the eiderlyD.do not offer the most effective care to their older patients38.The author cites the example of unfteated depression i

40、n elderly people in paragraph 5 in orderto-_.A.prove that mental illness can affect people of all agesB.rurdermine the perception that mental illness only affects young peopleC.support the claim that healthcare providers need age-related hainingD.show how mental illness is a natural consequence of g

41、rowing old39.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT a possible benefit of geriatric+raininn fn h-al+L-;l-OuqrtrttrS rvr rtvqtllvqv pruyrugt J:A.improved ability to explain a medical treatment to a person with a cognitive problemB.improved ability to attribute disease symptoms to the

42、natural changes of agingC.more consideration for ways to improve the quality of life for seniorsD.increased recognition ofand treatrnent for depression in elders40,In the last paragraph ofthe passage the authors tone is one ofA.unmitigated pessimismC.hypocritical indifferenceB.detached reportingD.pl

43、ayful speculationdoctors who treat an elderly patient the same as theyB.personal reticenceD.urgent recommendationPassage 3In the past thirty years,Americansconsumption of restaurant and take-out food has doubled.The result,according to many health watchdog groups,is an increase in overweight and obe

44、sity.Almost 60 million Americans ate obese,costing$117 billion each year in health care and relatedcosts.Members of Congress have decided they need to do something about the obesity epidemic.A bill was recently introduced in the House that would require restaurants with twenty or morelocations to li

45、st the nutritional content of their food on their menus.A Senate version of the bill isexpected in the near firture,Our legislalors point to the trend of restaurants marketing larger meals at athactive prices.People order these meals believing that they are getting a great value,but what they are al

46、sogetting could be,in one meal,more than the daily recommended allowances of calories,fat,and6F5a#ffiffit,aifr#.Lfiilffi 5F.(*l0 A)sodium.The question is,would people stopoosupersizing,or make other healthier choices if theyknew the nutritional content of the food theyre ordering?Lawmakers think the

47、y would,and thegravity ofthe obesity problem has caused them to act to change menus.The Menu Education and Labeling,or MEAL,Act,would result in menus that look like thenutrition facts panels found on food in supermarkets.Those panels are required by the 1990Nutrition Labeling and Education Act,which

48、 exempted restaurants.The new restaurant menuswould list calorieso fat,and sodium on printed menus,and calories on menu boards,for all itemsthat are offered on a regular basis(daily specials dont apply).But isnt this simply askingrestaurants to state the obvious?Who isnt aware that an order of super

49、size fries isnt health food?Does anyone order a double cheeseburger thinking theyre being virtuous?Studies have shown that its not that simple.In one,registered dieticians couldnt come upwith accurate estimates of the calories found in certain fast foods.Who would have guessed that amilk shake,which

50、 sounds pretty healthy(it does contain milk,after all)has more calories thanthree McDonalds cheeseburgers?Or that one chains chicken breast sandwich,anotherbetter-sounding altemative to a burger,contains more than half a days calories and twice therecommended daily amount of sodium?Even a fast-food


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