Lesson 3THEY ARE IN CLASS THREEgradeclassstartstopWhat grade are they in?They are in Grade one.What class are they in?They are in Class one.Are they in Grade two?Yes,they are.Are they in Class three?No,they arent.What grade are they in?They are in Grade six.What class are they in?They are in Class three.What grade/class are they in?They are in记忆大比拼!记忆大比拼!老师将单词卡片按照随意老师将单词卡片按照随意顺序摆好,学生记忆,顺序摆好,学生记忆,之后老师随意打之后老师随意打乱顺序,学生根乱顺序,学生根据记忆将单词还原。据记忆将单词还原。Homework1.Remember these new words.2.Read the dialogue to your parents.