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1、Module 5 A Lesson in a LabReading and Vocabulary()(1)Learn some new words and phrases about science.(2)Learn some knowledge about science.(3)Learn the usage of some important words and phrases.(4)Learn to write a science report.Task1:Put the stages in the correct order.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Can you s

2、ee the secret message?squeeze pourin a containerdipwriteblowtolight heatappearTask 2:Listen and check your answer.Listen again and answer the questions.1.Whats the aim of the magical experiment?2.How to heat the paper with secret message on it?3.Why does the message appear when you heat it?To write

3、a secret message with invisible ink.You can hold the paper near the candle flame.Because the lemon juice react with oxygen in the air.e.g.Air expands when heated.1.expand vi.&vt.(使使)膨胀膨胀;扩大扩大;扩展扩展空气受热会膨胀。空气受热会膨胀。expansion n.expansive adj.When you heat a metal,it expands.金属加热时,它会膨胀。金属加热时,它会膨胀。【拓展拓展】L

4、anguage points作者把他的短篇小说扩展成了长篇小说。作者把他的短篇小说扩展成了长篇小说。The writer expanded his short novel into a long one.低温使金属收缩。低温使金属收缩。冷却时,这种材料缩小。冷却时,这种材料缩小。2.contract vi.&vt.收缩;定合同收缩;定合同 n.合同合同,契约契约他们彼此之间订了一个合同。他们彼此之间订了一个合同。e.g.(1)Low temperature contracts metals.(2)When cooled,this material contracts.contract sth.

5、with sb.=contract with sb.for sth.与某人订立与某人订立e.g.They contracted a contract with each other.1.翻译:我们向一家公司订了十台电脑。翻译:我们向一家公司订了十台电脑。【即学即练即学即练】We contracted with a company for ten computers.2.Generally speaking,metals _ as the temperature increases and _ when they are cooled.A.contract;expand B.expand;con

6、tract C.contract;contract D.expand;expand【解析解析】选选B。句意:一般而言,金属会随着温度上。句意:一般而言,金属会随着温度上升而膨胀,冷却之后会收缩。升而膨胀,冷却之后会收缩。expand“膨胀膨胀”;contract“收缩收缩”。3.conclusion n.C结论,决定结论,决定【拓展拓展】conclude v.得出结论得出结论arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论得出结论 a conclusion 使使结束结束in conclusion 总之,最后总之,最后e.g.In co

7、nclusion,I would like to thank everybodywho helped me.最后,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。最后,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。【即学即练即学即练】根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子:1.The investigation finally ended_(未得出任何结论未得出任何结论).2.As a novelist,he always _ _(结束他的故事结束他的故事)by presenting his readers with a moving scene.without anyconclusion drawn brings his stor

8、y to a conclusion4.think of 认为,想起认为,想起 It is hard to think of a world without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界。很难想象一个没有金属的世界。【拓展拓展】think aboutthink overthink of asthink outthink highly/much ofthink lightly/little of考虑考虑仔细考虑仔细考虑把把看作看作想出来想出来,想清楚想清楚看重看重轻视轻视_and youll have a good idea.A.Think it over B.Think over i

9、tC.Thinking of it D.If you think about it【即学即练即学即练】【解析解析】选选A。句意:仔细考虑,你会有一个好主意。句意:仔细考虑,你会有一个好主意。think over仔细考虑仔细考虑,over是副词是副词,it放在放在over前面。前面。5.react v.反应反应 When we use metals,it is important to know how they react with different substances,for example,water and oxygen.当我们使用金属时,了解它们与不同的物质(例如水和氧)当我们使用

10、金属时,了解它们与不同的物质(例如水和氧)如何发生反应,这一点很重要。如何发生反应,这一点很重要。reaction n.反应反应 react with sth.与与发生反应发生反应react to sth.对对作出反应作出反应 react against 反对反对react on/upon 起作用,有影响起作用,有影响【拓展拓展】e.g.How did your mother react to the news?你母亲对这消息怎样反应?你母亲对这消息怎样反应?【即学即练即学即练】用适当的介词填空:用适当的介词填空:1.The boss didnt react _ his request for

11、 a pay rise.2.Do you know how water reacts _ iron?3.Most people react _ the plan,so it was nottaken.towithagainst6.put in order 按顺序排列;使按顺序排列;使整齐整齐,使使条理条理The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order.(不同的)金属与这些物质的反应程度可以(不同的)金属与这些物质的反应程度可以按顺序排列起来。按顺序排列起来。【拓展拓展】out of order 次序紊乱;出故障;

12、不适宜次序紊乱;出故障;不适宜in order/in the order of以以的顺序的顺序keep order 维持秩序维持秩序 e.g.The books on his desk are in order.他桌子上的书摆放整齐有序。他桌子上的书摆放整齐有序。翻译句子翻译句子:1.请按照正确的顺序将下列单词排列。请按照正确的顺序将下列单词排列。_2.我们这次是按照年龄顺序而不是按照身高站队。我们这次是按照年龄顺序而不是按照身高站队。_【即学即练即学即练】Please put the following words in the correct order.This time we stoo

13、d in line in the order of age insteadof height.7.add to 把把加入加入Add some oil to the water.在水中加些油。在水中加些油。【拓展拓展】add to 增加增加,增添增添 add up 把把加起来加起来 add up to 总计是总计是e.g.There is no doubt that it is like adding oil to the fire.毫无疑问这是火上浇油。毫无疑问这是火上浇油。These newly-built gardens add to the beauty of the city.这些新建

14、的公园增添了这个城市的美丽。这些新建的公园增添了这个城市的美丽。用用add短语完成句子:短语完成句子:1.The new design _ the attraction of that computer.2.The number of passengers on the bus _ 4,000.3.There have been several new events _ the programme for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.【即学即练即学即练】added toadded up toadded to8.keep out of 不让不让入内入内This

15、will keep air out of the water.这样做可防止空气进入水。这样做可防止空气进入水。【拓展拓展】keep away from 远离远离 keepfrom阻止阻止keep off 不接近不接近 keep up with跟上跟上keep up 坚持坚持 keep on doing 继续做继续做keep back留在后面;阻止;隐瞒;留下留在后面;阻止;隐瞒;留下keep to oneself 保守秘密保守秘密用用keep短语完成句子短语完成句子:1.Before you go to bed youd better close the doors and windows t

16、o _ thieves _.2.Please _ the grass.3.I had to walk faster than before so that I could_ him.4.In winter we usually put on more clothes in order to_ the cold _.5.I wonder what _ him _ attending the meetingyesterday.keepoutkeep offkeep up with keepoutkeptfrom【即学即练即学即练】9.It is hard to think of a world w

17、ithout metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界(是什么样子)。很难想象一个没有金属的世界(是什么样子)。本句属于本句属于“Its+形容词形容词+不定式不定式”句式。其中句式。其中it 是形式主是形式主语,不定式短语是真正的主语。语,不定式短语是真正的主语。【拓展】【拓展】(1 1)It is+adj.+for do sth.句型中,形容词说明不句型中,形容词说明不定式所表示的行为的性质或特点。常见形容词有定式所表示的行为的性质或特点。常见形容词有easy,hard,important,impossible,difficult等。等。例如例如:Its not difficul

18、t to find out information about him.要找到有关他的信息并不难。要找到有关他的信息并不难。(2)It is+adj.+of do sth.句型中形容词说明不句型中形容词说明不定式逻辑主语的品行、性格、性质等。常见形容词有定式逻辑主语的品行、性格、性质等。常见形容词有nice,good,clever,stupid,careful等。等。例如:例如:Its very kind of you to help us.你帮我们真是太好了。你帮我们真是太好了。(3)Its+adj./n.+that 从句。从句。Its a pity that he cant m

19、ake it to the party.真遗憾,他不能来参加这次聚会了。真遗憾,他不能来参加这次聚会了。(4)Its+no good/use doing sth.做某事没有好处做某事没有好处/用处用处 Its no use arguing with hershe wont listen.跟她争论没用跟她争论没用她不会听的。她不会听的。另外,另外,it还可以作形式宾语,还可以作形式宾语,放在放在think,believe,feel等词等词后,用不定式作真正宾语。后,用不定式作真正宾语。No matter where he is,he makes it a rule to go for a wal

20、k before breakfast.他无论在哪里都把早饭他无论在哪里都把早饭前散步作为一种习惯。前散步作为一种习惯。【即学即练】【即学即练】汉译英汉译英1.做足够多的运动对我们的身体健康有好处。做足够多的运动对我们的身体健康有好处。2.你那么做真是太聪明了。你那么做真是太聪明了。_Its good for us to take enough exercise.Is very clever of you to do that.【真题在线】【真题在线】New technologies have made _ possible to turnout new products faster and

21、at a lower cost.【2012四川高考】四川高考】A.that B.this【解析】【解析】选选D。句意:新技术使得更快速、更低成。句意:新技术使得更快速、更低成本生产新产品成为可能。本句考查本生产新产品成为可能。本句考查it作形式宾语,作形式宾语,to do 不定式作真正宾语。不定式作真正宾语。1.add to/ up to 你能分清吗?你能分清吗? 的用法你了解多少?的用法你了解多少?The boss ordered that the employees(should)place an order for some ra

22、incoats.1.I suppose reading this book will _ yourtaste for music.A.add B.add upC.add toD.add up to【解析解析】选选C。考查。考查add的短语。句意:我认为读这的短语。句意:我认为读这本书将会增添你的乐感。本书将会增添你的乐感。add up把把加起来;加起来;add to增添;增添;add up to加起来总计。加起来总计。考考自己吧!考考自己吧!2.Look!Tony,your books are everywhere.Please put them _.A.on orderC

23、.at orderD.out of order【解析解析】选选B。考查。考查order的短语。句意:看!托的短语。句意:看!托尼,你的书到处都是,请把它们放得井井有条。尼,你的书到处都是,请把它们放得井井有条。in order井井有条井井有条;out of order杂乱无章。杂乱无章。3.How did you react _ your fathers suggestion?It didnt sound workable.I reacted strongly _ it.A.against;with B.on;with C.on;to;against【解析解析】选选D。句意:。句意:

24、你对你父亲的建议反应你对你父亲的建议反应如何?如何?它听起来行不通。我强烈反对它。它听起来行不通。我强烈反对它。react to“对对作出反应作出反应”;react against“反抗;反对反抗;反对”。4._,ladies and gentlemen,I wish all of you health and success in the coming year.A.To conclusion B.In conclusionC.As conclusion D.With conclusion【解析解析】选选B。句意。句意:女士们、先生们,最后,祝你女士们、先生们,最后,祝你们在新的一年里身体健

25、康,事业成功。们在新的一年里身体健康,事业成功。in conclusion“最后最后,总之总之”。5.The mother kept warning her son to _ trouble.But today he broke the window of their neighbour again.A.keep out of B.break away from C.hold back from D.get rid of【解析解析】选选A。考查固定短语。句意。考查固定短语。句意:妈妈一直警告她妈妈一直警告她儿子不要惹麻烦,但他今天又把邻居家的窗户打碎了。儿子不要惹麻烦,但他今天又把邻居家的窗户打碎了。keep out of置身置身之外;之外;break away from脱离;脱离;hold back from阻止,抑制阻止,抑制;get rid of摆脱,除去。摆脱,除去。Grasp the language points we have learnt this class.HomeworkKnowledge is power.知识就是力量。知识就是力量。


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