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译林版英语 6A unit2 What a day!(period 2)教案Teaching contents 教学内容Grammar time&Fun timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1.学生能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词短语:cloudy,rainy,sunny,windy和会运用句型:It was sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.和I/We/He/She brought/saw/flew。2.学生能理解 Story time,并能正确朗读、复述 Story time。3.学生能进一步理解动词过去式的不规则变化及读音,并学会运用。4.学生能理解并会运用表达天气的句型。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1.学生能理解故事内容,并能正确朗读、复述故事。2.学生能理解动词过去式的不规则变化及读音,并学会运用。3.学生能理解并会运用表达天气的句型。教学难点:学生能理解动词过去式的不规则变化及读音,并学会运用。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk&Revision1.T:Hello,boys and girls.Nice to meet you again.S:Nice to meet you,2.出示 Ticking time,让学生了解本堂课需要掌握的内容。3.Review the storya.Can you answer these questions?(关于课文的相关问题)b.Retell the story.(引出课题 What a day!)教师给予相应评价,并给学生一个奖励,奖励歌曲一首 4.T:Do you remember the song How is the weather?Lets sing the song together,OK?(播放歌曲,学生跟唱)T:How is the weather in the song?(PPT 上呈现歌曲中出现的四个天气情景)S:Its sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy.3.PPT呈现Tip,学生跟读单词(补充foggy“有雾的”这个词,与sunny结合在一起,学习双写最后一个字母加 y 的用法)【设计意图:通过回答问题、复述课文来复习上一堂课 Story 的内容,然后引导学生欣赏英文歌曲引出天气情况。让学生在演唱歌曲中复习天气词汇,同时补充 foggy 这一词汇,使学生掌握个别天气词汇拼写法。】Step 2 Grammar time1.T:How is the weather in Qidong today?S:It is (根据实际情况回答)T:How was the weather yesterday?S:It was.2.出示表示天气的句型 1:It+be 动词+天气形容词.扩充:It+be 动词+a+天气形容词+day.3.T:In Yang Lings diary,there are some past forms of the verbs.Can you find them?出示语法中的三个表示过去的句子(强调句中的动词过去式)a.Read themb.呈现部分不规则动词的过去式的变化情况【设计意图:通过师生自由谈话,复习操练如何表述现在和过去的天气状况,从而新授语法中表示天气的句型,然后通过朗读三个句子,发现不规则变化的动词过去式,从而适当补充其他的动词过去式,新授动词过去式不规则的变化形式,掌握其读音以及变化规则。】Step 3 Fun time1.T:Do you have any hobbies?I like reading books.What do you like doing?S:I like 2.T:I like reading books.I usually read books in the library.What about you?S:I like I usually in the【设计意图:通过询问学生的爱好等问题,引导学生表述通常在某个地方做某事这一句型,从而引出接下来的活动。】3.T:But last weekend (板书)Please tell us about your weekend in pairs,like the,your板书(学生两人一组谈论他们的周末情况)4.T:Look.I have three magic boxes.Can you guess whats in each box?S:(猜测)Its a/Theyre someT:Ill tell you.Theyre some interesting cards.Would you like to have a look?S:OK.T:First,lets open the red box.Theyre four cards about the weather.Can you read them?S:Sunny,cloudy,windy and rainy.T:Good job!Next,lets open the blue box.Theyre four cards about the activities.Can you read them?S:Fly a kite,watch TV,play basketball and draw pictures.T:Well done!Finally,lets open the black box.Theyre four cards ab out the places.Please read them.S:In the park,at home,in the playground and in the classroom.T:Great!【设计意图:根据学生的喜好,由猜魔术盒里的东西引出天气、活动以及地点三种卡片。既可以调动学生的学习积极性,同时在活动中完成了学习任务,一举两得。】5.T:Do you like games?Lets play a game with the cards.Lets watch how to play this game.(播放 Fun time 的 flash)(学生观看动画,并跟读句子)6.T:Do you know how to play this game?Now,work in pairs and play the game.T:It time to show.(教师请三到四组学生展示他们的对话,同时教师在 PPT 上操作点击卡片)Step 4 ConsolidationT:Do you like this game?Now,lets make a new game,OK?1.Step 1:Make some cards about the weather,activities and places.2.Step 2:Pick three cards and make sentences.(学生分组做游戏准备工作)3.Ask some students to show how to play the game.S1:(捡三张卡片)It was I in/at S2:(捡三张卡片)It was I in/at S3:(捡三张卡片)It was I in/at【设计意图:利用游戏充分发挥学生的想象力,激发学生将所学过的语言知识运用起来。让学生在学中玩,在玩中学。】Step 5 Consolidation1.Look and say(填空完成迈克的日记)【设计意图:看图完成 Mike 的日记,检测学生对不规则动词过去式的掌握。】2.Exercise(用动词的适当形式填空)Homework1.Read“Story time”three times and retell it.2.Read and recite the verbs,and try to find more verbs.3.Complete the exercise in补充习题.4.Preview“Fun time”and“Song time”.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT 课件板书设计:Unit 2 What a day!(Grammar time&Fun time)译林版译林版1.I can retell Yang Lings diary.我会复述杨玲的日记。我会复述杨玲的日记。2.I know the words of the weather.我知道表示天气类的形容词。我知道表示天气类的形容词。3.I know the past forms of some irregular verbs.我了解一些不规则动词的过去我了解一些不规则动词的过去式。式。Learning Aims(学习目标学习目标)What was the weather like?Where did they go?It was sunny.They went to the park.Can you answer these questions?Revision timeWhat did they see?They saw a parrot show in the park.Can you answer these questions?They saw some interesting parrots.Revision timeHow was the weather then?What did they do?The weather became windy and cloudy.They flew kites high in the sky.Can you answer these questions?Revision timeWhat did they bring for lunch?What happened to their lunch?They brought some dumplings,some bread and honey and some drinks for lunch.There were some ants and bees on the bread and honey.They couldnt eat their lunch!Can you answer these questions?Revision timeIn the afternoon,what happened?In the afternoon,there were black clouds in the sky.It rained.Yang Ling and her friends were hungry and wet.Can you answer these questions?Revision time请你复述一下请你复述一下Yang Ling的这篇日记。的这篇日记。It was in the morningThen,the weatherIn the afternoon,Retell the storyWhat a day!Grammar timeHow is the weather in the song?Its.sunnyrainycloudysnowy总结天气形容词的构成总结天气形容词的构成Tip:有些表示天气的形容词由名词有些表示天气的形容词由名词+y构成。构成。cloudcloudyrainrainysnowsnowywindwindysunsunnyfogfoggy名词名词形容词形容词名词名词形容词形容词Grammar timeGrammar timeIt is.How is the weather in Qidong today?How was the weather yesterday?It was.表示天气的句型表示天气的句型1:It+be动词动词+天气形容词天气形容词.例例1:今天天气有风。今天天气有风。It is windy today.例例2:昨天天气暖和又多云。昨天天气暖和又多云。It was warm and cloudy yesterday.Grammar time表示天气的句型表示天气的句型2:It+be动词动词+a+天气形容词天气形容词+day.例例1:今天是个晴天。今天是个晴天。It is a sunny day today.例例2:昨天是个下雨天。昨天是个下雨天。It was a rainy day yesterday.Grammar time(不规则动词的过去式因词不规则动词的过去式因词而变而变,它不受主语的影响它不受主语的影响)不规则动词的过去式:不规则动词的过去式:Grammar timeGrammar time你能举出类似的不规则变化的动词吗?你能举出类似的不规则变化的动词吗?部分不规则动词过去式的变化情况:部分不规则动词过去式的变化情况:Grammar timesit-satsing-sanggive-gavedrink-drankswim-swamget-gottell-toldwrite-wrotetake-tookstand-stoodteach-taughtbuy-boughteat-ateread-readrun-ran draw-drewhave,has-had make-madecome-came find-foundFun timeI like reading books.I usually read books in the library.What about you?I like.I usually.in the.Fun timeIt was rainy.I watched cartoons in the living room.weatheractivityplaceTip:小组内谈论你的周末情况。小组内谈论你的周末情况。Fun timesunnycloudywindyrainyFun timeFun timefly kiteswatch TVplay basketballdraw picturesflew kiteswatched TVplayed drew picturesFun timeFun timein the parkat homein the playgroundin the classroomFun timeA1A2A3A4B1B3B4B2C4C3C2C1 游戏规则游戏规则:先先pick three pictures(每排选一(每排选一张),然后用英语分别表达出来,张),然后用英语分别表达出来,最后把三句话连起来,最后把三句话连起来,Fun timeA1A2A3A4B1B3B4B2C4C3C2C1It was .I .Well done!It _ sunny.I _ _ at seven in the morning,and then _ to school on foot.In the afternoon,I _ _with my friend in the playground.Then the weather became _ and _.I _ home by bus.wasgotupwentplayedfootballwindySaturday,22nd SeptembercloudywentLook and say It _ _ in the evening.I _ dinner with my family at home and _ _ in the living room.At night,I _ _ _ early.What a _ day!hadwatchedwenttobedbusywasrainyTVLook and say用动词的适当形式填空用动词的适当形式填空:1.It_(be)rainy yesterday.2.We _(see)a lot of people in the street in the morning.3.The girls _(go)to the party last Wednesday.4.He _(live)in America two years ago.5.We _(visit)our grandparents last Sunday.My grandparents _(be)very happy to see us.6.The weather _(become)rainy a moment ago.wassawwentlivedvisitedwerebecameExercise1.Read Story time three times and retell it.2.Read and recite the verbs,and try to find more verbs.3.Preview Fun time and Song time.Homework:
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