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1、6A Unit 3Holiday fun重难点归纳1回到学校Come back to school;come-came go back2在国庆节假期后在国庆节; 在平安夜强调时间、顺序的前后;强调方位物体外部的前后;物体内部的前后after the National Day holiday;on National Day; on Christmas Eveafterbefore behind-in front of at the back of-in the front of3你不在家.(过去式)You werent at home.4你假期去哪里的?我去了上海。Where did you g

2、o for the holiday?I went to Shanghai. (划线提问)5你在那里做什么?我去了外滩。What did you do there? I went to the Bund .(划线提问)6你的假日如何? 很有趣。多么有趣啊?How was your holiday?It was great fun. (划线提问)What great fun( it is)!7你捉到鱼了吗?是的。我捉到一条大鱼。吃鱼;河里有许多鱼。Did you catch any fish?Yes, I did. I caught a big fish. (catch-caught)eat fi

3、sh(不可数); There are lots of fish in the river.8你为什么打电话给我?因为我想给你那条鱼。Why did you call me?Because I wanted to give you the fish. (提问)9看见许多有趣的东西see many interesting things; see-saw10参观上海博物馆拜访我的阿姨参观许多地方visit the Shanghai Museum visited my auntvisit a lot of places11带我参观长城show me around the Great Wall12故宫上

4、海博物馆科学博物馆Palace MuseumShanghai MuseumScience Museum13颐和园Summer palace14天安门广场Tiananmen Square15去星湖旁的一个农场go to a farm near Star Lake16摘橘子pick some oranges17去钓鱼go fishing (go+Ving)18刘涛的阿姨住哪?Where does Liu Taos aunt live?19谈谈你的旅行经历(experiences)。Talk about your travel experiences.20一条来自海里的鱼;a fish from t

5、he sea ;river河lake 湖 ocean 海洋21三个主要的学校假日Three main school holidays22复活节假日Easter holiday23在暑假/寒假in the summer/winter holiday24晚/早回家come home late/early; late-early25进行一次时装表演度假have a fashion showhave a holiday26对感到激动她对表演很激动。be excited about She is excited about the show.27穿纸衣服一件纸T恤和纸短裤一些纸;一张纸一张报纸wear

6、paper clothes; wear-worea paper T-shirt and paper shortssome paper / a piece of paper(不可数)a newspaper 一张报纸(可数)28问关于表演的事情叫某人做某事;叫某人不要做某事叫她回答问题ask about the show ; ask-answerask sb to do sth.; ask sb not to do sthask her to answer the question29演出顺利吗?Did the show go well?30开始很精彩开始时-最后It was wonderful

7、at first.at first/in the beginning -at last/in the end31大雨heavy rain32太糟了 very/so/quite/too程度副词too bad.33电影几点开始了?九点开始了。/十分钟前。看一场新电影What time did the film start? It started at nine./ Ten minutes ago.see a new film;see-saw34开一场生日聚会have a birthday party;have-had35拜访他的堂兄弟visit his cousin 36清洗他的车clean hi

8、s car 37从家人那里得到许多礼物get a lot of presents from family; get-got38我和朋友聊天。(过去式)雨停了。(过去式)(过去式双写+ed)I chatted with friends. It stopped raining. chatted, stopped, planned, travelled一般过去式行为动词各类常见句型1.你昨天下午做什么了?我昨天下午玩足球了。我昨天下午没玩足球。你昨天下午玩足球了吗?是的,我玩的。 / 没,我没玩你昨天下午在哪里玩足球的?你是什么时候踢足球的?What did you do yesterday aft

9、ernoon? I played football yesterday afternoon. I didnt play football yesterday afternoon. Did you play football yesterday afternoon? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. Where did you play football yesterday afternoon?When did you play football? 2.今天早晨你怎么去上学的?How did you go to school this morning? 3.你为什么打我电话?

10、Why did you call me? 4.你昨天下午和谁踢足球的?和Tom.Who did you play football with yesterday afternoon? I played football with Tom.5.刚才谁打扫教室的。Tom打扫的。Who cleaned the classroom just now? Tom did. 一般过去式Be动词各类常见句型1.我刚才在教室里。我刚才不在教室里。你刚才在教室里吗?是的。/ 不在。你刚才在哪?你什么时候在教室的? (过去的事实)I was in the classroom just now.I wasnt in

11、the classroom just now. Were you in the classroom just now? Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt. Where were you just now? When were you in the classroom?2.他在1998年是一名教师。否定句一般疑问句肯否回答He was a teacher in 1998. He wasnt a teacher in 1998. Was he a teacher in 1998? Yes, he was./No, he wasnt. (过去的身份事实)3.我父母上周很忙。否定句一般疑问句肯否回答My parents were busy last week. My parents werent busy last week. Were your parents busy last week? Yes, they were. / No, they werent.


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