PEP三上英语Unit3第3课时Part A Letters and sounds优课教案.doc

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1、The third period(第三课时) Part A Letters and sounds 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Letters and sounds能够听、说、读、写Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii五个字母能够在学习字母音、形的基础上,初步掌握两个元音字母在单词中的发音和三个辅音字母作为单词首字母时的发音教学重点1能够听、说、读、写字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii。2能够初步掌握两个元音字母在单词中的发音和三个辅音字母作为单词首字母时的发音。教学难点能够掌握所学字母的笔顺以及相关例词的发音。教学准备教学课件、课文录音、视频、字母卡片等。Teaching pu

2、rpose通过歌曲热身,营造良好的英语语音教学氛围。通过吟诵两段有韵律的chant,帮助学生复习字母A到D,为新授内容做铺垫。教学过程第 7 页 共 6 页Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songABC song.Play the recording of the song. (课件出示:教材P6 Lets sing板块的歌曲音频) Ask students to sing after it. 3. Revision. Teaching purpose借助课件并通过卡通动画的形式呈现字母,让知识变得生动、有趣。引导学生联想

3、生活中像字母的物品,培养学生的观察和联想能力。提醒学生注意区分字母的大小写,注重对学生学习方法的指导。Students chant with the teacher and show the letter cards.Step 2: Presentation1. Teach the letters “Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii”.T: We have so many letter friends like “Aa” “Bb” “Cc” “Dd”. Today, well meet five new letter friends. Who are they? Lets have a l

4、ook!Show the cartoon image of the letter “Ee” on the PPT. (课件出示:字母Ee的卡通形象及其录音)T: Can you find something that looks like “Ee” in your daily life?Ss: Show some pictures that contain “Ee”. (课件出示:包含字母Ee的图片)Write down the letter “Ee” on the blackboard. Let students show their fingers and write after the

5、teacher. Let them pay attention to the capital letter and lowercase letter.Teaching purpose通过连线题,检测学生对字母大小写的掌握情况,并强化学生对字母大小写的区分和记忆。Lead in and teach the letters “Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” in the same way. (课件出示:字母Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii的相关图片及其录音)2. Lets match.Show a task of matching the capital letters to the lowercas

6、e letters. Ask students to finish it. Teaching purpose引导学生总结字母的发音,培养学生的自主学习能力,激发学生的学习积极性。利用图片及单词卡片辅助教学,并让学生打着节拍吟诵chant,增强趣味性的同时还能培养学生的节奏感。3. Listen and repeat.(1) Play the video. (课件出示:教材P26 Listen, repeat and chant的视频)Let students read after it.(2) Show the picture on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P26 Listen, r

7、epeat and chant的图片) Let students read the words after the recording. Teach the words by word cards. (3) Lead students to summarize the pronunciation of the letter “e”. Let students clap their hands and chant: Ee, Ee, Ee, /e/, /e/, /e/, egg, egg, elephant, elephant.(4) Use the same method to teach th

8、e other four letters. (课件出示:依次出示字母Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii的相关内容)4. Lets chant.Play the recording of the chant. Ask students to chant after the recording. Then lead students to clap their hands and do the actions after the teacher.Teaching purpose在听力练习之前,预留时间让学生对图片加以熟悉,引导学生根据图片内容对听力文本进行听前预测,注重对学生学习方法的指导。让学生根据图

9、片提示和听力内容,选择正确的字母,培养学生动手和动脑的能力,进而加深对字母的记忆。Step 3: Practice1. Listen and circle. Show the pictures on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P26 Listen and circle的图片) Help students say the corresponding words according to the pictures.Let students read the letters below the pictures correctly. Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P

10、26 Listen and circle的音频) Let students listen and circle. Then check the answers together.(Answers: g; h; f; e; i)2. Fill in the blanks.Show some letter cards and invite some students to the front. Lead students to choose the right cards to fill in the blanks.Teaching purpose提醒学生注意字母在四线三格内的书写顺序。通过Bin

11、go的游戏,提高学生的学习热情,强化学生对字母的记忆,同时检测学生的学习效果。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Write and say.Play the cartoon. (课件出示:教材P26 Write and say的视频) Let students watch it carefully. Remind them to pay attention to the stroke order and other tips. Then ask students to write the letters in the correct stroke orde

12、r in their books.2. Bingo. Ask students to write down the letters “Aa” to “Ii” in “Sudoku” in disorder and play the game. (游戏说明:学生在九宫格内按照任意顺序写出Aa到Ii等大小写字母组合,教师任意挑选其中三个字母组合,这三个字母组合在九宫格内能连成任意一条直线的则视为Bingo,获得Bingo的学生将得到奖励。)板书设计作业设计1. Copy the letters five times.2. Sing the chant to your family.3. Do th

13、e exercises.教学反思1将字母的音、形学习与图片相结合,给学生以视觉冲击,提高了学生的学习兴趣。2鼓励学生寻找和发现生活中像字母的物品,教学方式贴近学生的生活实际,帮助他们克服畏难的心理,降低学习难度,体现学以致用的原则。3注重对学生学习方法的指导,包括对学生听的指导和写的指导。在听力练习之前,为学生预留时间思考,在教授新字母的书写时,先做好示范。4突出学生的主体地位,教师以引导为主,尽可能给学生足够的空间,如通过听例词、读例词、学例词,让他们自己总结字母的发音规律。5整个教学过程流程清晰,可以较好地达到课时教学目标。Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

14、Letters and soundsBe able to listen, speak, read and write the letters “Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii”.Be able to master the pronunciation of the two vowels in words and the three consonants as the first letter in words on the basis of learning the pronunciation and form of the letters.Teaching PrioritiesBe ab

15、le to listen, speak, read and write the letters “Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii”.Be able to master the pronunciation of the two vowels in words and the three consonants as the first letter in words.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to master the stroke order of the letters and the pronunciation of the example words.

16、Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up& Revision1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the songABC song.3. Revision.1. Greetings.2. Sing the song.3. Chant with the teacher and show the letter cards.Create a good English learning atmosphere. Help students rev

17、iew the letters and prepare for the new lesson.Presentation1. Teach the letters “Ee, Ef, Gg, Hh, Ii”.Create a situation and lead in the letters by the PPT.Let students find things that look like the letters in their daily life.Let students write the letters with their fingers.Learn the new letters.R

18、ead the letters after the recording. And find things that look like the letters in their daily life.Write the letters with their fingers after the teacher.Lead in the letters in a funny way. Lead students to find the things that look like the letters in daily life to cultivate Students ability of ob

19、servation and association. Pay attention to the guidance on Students learning methods.2. Lets match.Show a task of matching the capital letters to the lowercase letters.Try to match the capital letters to the lowercase letters.Strengthen the memory of the capital letters and the lowercase letters th

20、rough the task.3. Listen and repeat.(1) Play the video.(2) Show the picture on the PPT. Let students read the words after the recording. Teach the words by word cards.(3) Lead students to summarize the pronunciation of the letter “e”. Let students clap their hands and chant.(4) Use the same method t

21、o teach the other four letters.(1) Watch the video and read after it. (2) Look at the picture on the PPT. Read thewords after therecording. Learn thewords by word cards.(3) Try to summarize the pronunciation of theletter “e”. Clap theirhands and chant.(4)Learn the letters “Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” in the sam

22、e way.Lead students to summarize the pronunciation of the letters. Develop Students autonomous learning ability. Elevate Students learning initiative. Train students sense of rhythm.(续表)Teaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPresentation4. Lets chant.Play the recordin

23、g of the chant. Lead students to clap their hands and do the actions.Chant after the recording. Clap their hands and do the actions after the teacher.Practice1. Listen and circle.Show the pictures on the PPT. Help students say the words according to the pictures. Play the recording. Then check the a

24、nswers.Say the words according to the pictures. Then read the letters below the pictures correctly. Listen to the recording and circle the letters. Check the answers.Lead students to predict the listening text according to the pictures. Help students get the learning methods. Cultivate Students abil

25、ity of practice and thinking. Deepen the memory of the letters.2. Fill in the blanks.Show some letter cards and invite some students to choose the right cards to fill in the blanks.Try to choose the right cards to fill in the blanks.Consolidation&Extension1. Write and say.Play the cartoon. Remind st

26、udents to pay attention to the stroke order and other tips.Watch the cartoon carefully. Pay attention to the stroke order and other tips. Then write the letters in the correct stroke order in their books.Lead students to write the letters correctly. Cultivate Students interest in learning.Strengthen

27、 the memory of the letters and check the learning effects.2. Bingo.Ask students to write down the letters “Aa” to “Ii” in “Sudoku” in disorder and play the game.Write down the letters “Aa” to “Ii” in “Sudoku” in disorder and play the game.Homework1. Copy the letters five times.2. Sing the chant to your family.3. Do the exercises.


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