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1、Unit 8 PetsWelcome to the unit Do you love animals?What animals do you know?What are they?goldfish n.金鱼金鱼 (pl.)goldfish The cat is watching the mouse do exercise.mouse mice(pl.)The cat is sleeping on his knees.knee n.膝盖;坐下时大腿朝上的面膝盖;坐下时大腿朝上的面The parrot can learn to speak.parrot n.鹦鹉鹦鹉The girl is teac

2、hing the parrot to speak.teach vt.教教taughtThe mother is feeding her babies.feed 喂,喂养喂,喂养fedWe should not be rude to it.rude adj.粗鲁的,不礼貌的粗鲁的,不礼貌的I want to hold it in my hand and play with it.hold vt.握住,拿握住,拿heldpet n.宠物宠物rude adj.粗鲁的粗鲁的goldfish n.(pl.goldfish)金鱼金鱼mouse n.(pl.mice)老鼠,耗子老鼠,耗子parrot n.鹦

3、鹉鹦鹉knee n.膝盖;坐下时大腿朝上的面膝盖;坐下时大腿朝上的面hold held vt.握住,拿着握住,拿着feed fed vt.喂,喂养喂,喂养teachtaught vt.教教Read aloud the new wordsWho am II am colorful,but I cant live without water.I have long nose.I am the biggest animal on land.I am black and white,I like eatingelephantpandagoldfishI am good at English,I alw

4、ays shout One!One!One!dogparrotmouseI am a bird but I can speak.I am afraid of cats.Cats like eating me.parrotrabbitdogmousecatgoldfish Which is your favourite pet?Can you tell us why?I likelove _ because _.goldfish rabbitdogcatparrotmouse A:What is your favourite pet?B:I like-.A:Why?B:Because-.A:Wh

5、at about-?B:I likedont like-.A:WhyWhy not?B:Because-.Pair work1 Daniel:I love my parrot because _2 Kitty:I like my rabbit because _3 Peter:I like goldfish because _4 Sandy:I like my mouse best because _5 Millie:I love my dog because _6 Amy:I like my cat because _ a I like watching them swim around.b

6、 she loves to sleep on my knees.c its very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand.d I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears.e I can play with him in the park.f he can sing,and I want to teach him to speak.cbaefd 1.watch them swim around 看他们游看他们游来游去来游去play*watch sb.do sth 看某人做某事(强调动看某人做某

7、事(强调动作已完成或经常发生作已完成或经常发生)*watch sb.doing sth 看某人在做某事(强看某人在做某事(强调动作正在进行调动作正在进行)Every day the old man watches the children _(play)games.The PE teacher is watching the students_ _ (run).running 2.feed her carrots 喂她萝卜喂她萝卜*feed sb sth 喂某物给某人喂某物给某人 =feed sth to sbI feed my rabbit carrots every day.=I feed

8、 carrots to my rabbit every day.3.teach him to speak 教他说话教他说话*teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事教某人做某事*teach sb sth 教某人某事教某人某事She wants to teach her baby to dance.Mrs Chen teaches us Chinese.Guess:Who is he?He likes to eat and sleep.He is fat and lazy,but very lovely.We can see him every unit.Hello,Im Eddie!

9、He has a tail(尾巴)(尾巴)and four paws(爪子)(爪子).His fur(皮毛)(皮毛)is yellow.1.What does Eddie want?He wants something to eat.2.What does Hobo tell him?Hobo tells him to be polite.3.What does Eddie think in the end?He wants a new pet.watch and answer1.Thats it.这就对了。这就对了。thats it为口语中的常用表达为口语中的常用表达,意思是,意思是“就是这

10、样,正是如此;行了,够了就是这样,正是如此;行了,够了;就这样定了;就这样定了”。2.Bring me something to eat给我拿些吃的来。给我拿些吃的来。bring sb sth=bring sth to sb给某人拿来给某人拿来Eg:请把我的食物拿来。请把我的食物拿来。Please bring me my food.Please bring my food to me.总结用法:总结用法:1.Use different tones(语气).2.Add your own actions to make the dialogue more interesting.Eddie is

11、hungry.He asks his pet dog Hobo _ him _ to eat.Hobo doesnt bring him _ because the pet thinks his master is _.Eddie has to say it with please.Eddie thinks he needs _ a new pet.rudeto buysomethinganythingto bringFill in the blanks一一 根据首字母及中文提示完成单词根据首字母及中文提示完成单词1.I often f _ fish to my cat.2.I like my

12、 p _ because it can sing well.3.I can _(拿着拿着)the bird in my hand.4.Why do you talk to me in such a _ (粗鲁的粗鲁的)way.5.Please b_ me my lunch.eedarrotholdrudering用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.There are two _(mouse)in the box.2.Look!A cat is standing on _(he)knees.3.I like _ (watch)it swim around.4.She wants to

13、 _(teach)us_(dance).5.English is very important.We should _(study)it well.6.Ill_(bring)you some seafood.micehiswatchingteachto dancestudybring翻译句子翻译句子1.我的小女儿非常喜欢看鱼儿游来游去我的小女儿非常喜欢看鱼儿游来游去。My little daughter likes _ the fish_2.你应该给兔子喂些胡萝卜。你应该给兔子喂些胡萝卜。You should _ the _some_.3.我的小猫经常在我膝盖上睡觉。我的小猫经常在我膝盖上睡觉

14、。My cat often _.4.教鹦鹉说:教鹦鹉说:“早上好早上好”并不困难并不困难.Its not _ to _“Good morning.”watchingfeed rabbitcarrotssleeps on my kneesdifficultteach the parrot to sayswim aroundDiscussion Pets are our family members,how to keep pets healthy?1.Wash them more often2.Give them enough food to eat 3.Let them do some exercise4.Help them get a good habit Proverb(谚语)谚语)Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。不要班门弄斧。Go to the sea,if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕;一举两得。Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌.Pets need peoples care&Love


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