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1、Useful Expression1.从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是2.电器和电子产品的主要进口商之一。电器和电子产品的主要进口商之一。2.为了给贵方一个我们产品的总印象,我们将另函寄给你们为了给贵方一个我们产品的总印象,我们将另函寄给你们 一份最新产品目录以及一套小册子,供你们参考。一份最新产品目录以及一套小册子,供你们参考。We have learned from the Commercial Counselors office of our Embassy to your country that you are one of the

2、 leading importers of electric and electronic equipment.To give you a general idea of our products,we are sending you,under separate cover,our latest catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.Useful Expression1.我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对这类产品的进我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对这类产品的进口富有经验。口富有经验。We have excelle

3、nt connections in the trade and are fully experienced in the import business for this kind of product.1.相信我们会达成此笔交易相信我们会达成此笔交易。We are certain that business can be consummated between us.2.为使贵方对我方所经营的产品有所了解,今特随函为使贵方对我方所经营的产品有所了解,今特随函 附寄产品目录及价目表,以供贵方参考。附寄产品目录及价目表,以供贵方参考。We are enclosing a catalogue an

4、d a price-list for your reference,so that you may acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.Useful Expression1.为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方2.将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。2.在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。In order to give you a general idea of our canned good

5、s,we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue.Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquires.1.按照贵公司要求,我方将通过航空邮件将寄去商品目录和一套小按照贵公司要求,我方将通过航空邮件将寄去商品目录和一套小册子供贵公司参考。册子供贵公司参考。In compliance with your request,we are sending you by air a catalogue

6、together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.Useful Expression2.收到贵公司收到贵公司2019年年12月月2日来函,我方非常高兴地日来函,我方非常高兴地知道贵公司有意和我方在纺织产品方面开展贸易合作。知道贵公司有意和我方在纺织产品方面开展贸易合作。Referring to your letter of December 2,2019,we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with our corporation in the

7、 line of textiles.3.我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对这类产品的进口富有经验。我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对这类产品的进口富有经验。We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced in the import business for this kind of product.Useful Expression4.为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。5.在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄

8、去报价和样品。在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。In order to give you a general idea of our canned goods,we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue.Quotations and samples will be sent to youupon receipt of your specific enquires.6.相信我们会达成此笔交易。相信我们会达成此笔交易。We are certain that business can be c

9、onsummated between us.Useful Expression7.为使贵方对我方所经营的产品有所了解,今特随函为使贵方对我方所经营的产品有所了解,今特随函 附寄产品目录及价目表,以供贵方参考。附寄产品目录及价目表,以供贵方参考。We are enclosing a catalogue and a price-list for your reference,so that you may acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.1.为了使你方对我方经营手工艺品有个大概了为了使你方对我方经营手工艺品有个大概了解,今航

10、寄目录和一些样品以供你方参考。解,今航寄目录和一些样品以供你方参考。In order to give you a general idea of our handicrafts we carry/handle,we are sending you by airmail a catalogue and some samples for your reference.2.我们对和贵公司建立商贸关系非常感兴趣,旨在向贵公司供应我们对和贵公司建立商贸关系非常感兴趣,旨在向贵公司供应所需的电器和电子产品。所需的电器和电子产品。We are interested in establishing busin

11、ess relations with your corporation for the purpose of supplying you the commodities you want.Translation 3.从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是电器和电子产品的主要进口商之一。是电器和电子产品的主要进口商之一。4.为了给贵方一个我们产品的总印象,我们将另函为了给贵方一个我们产品的总印象,我们将另函寄给你们一份最新产品寄给你们一份最新产品 目录以及一套小册子,供你们参考。目录以及一套小册子,供你们参考。We have learned from

12、the Commercial Counselors office of our Embassy to your country that you are one of the leading importers of electric and electronic equipment.To give you a general idea of our products,we are sending you,under separate cover,our latest catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference

13、.5.为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方为了便于贵公司了解我公司的罐装食品,我方将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。In order to give you a general idea of our canned goods,we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue.Translation 6.在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品在我方接到贵公司的具体要求后将寄去报价和样品。Quotations and samples will be sent to

14、 youupon receipt of your specific enquires.1.对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。Any information you supply will be treated in strict confidence.2.请你方与该行接触,以获取我们所需要的关于他们的财务资请你方与该行接触,以获取我们所需要的关于他们的财务资信情况。信情况。Will you be please be good enough to approach the said bank for any information abo

15、ut their financial standing we require?2.如果贵行向我们提供上述所述公司的资信状况,我们将不胜感激如果贵行向我们提供上述所述公司的资信状况,我们将不胜感激We should be much obliged if you could give us some information on the credit status of the corporation mentioned above.Useful Expression3.贵行为我们提供的信息将作为绝密处理,而且贵行不负贵行为我们提供的信息将作为绝密处理,而且贵行不负任何责任。任何责任。Any in

16、formation you may obtain for us will be treated in strict confidence and without any liability on your part.4.你们所咨询的那家商号是一家历史悠久的公司,多年来享你们所咨询的那家商号是一家历史悠久的公司,多年来享有良好声誉。有良好声誉。The company you enquired about is an old establishment and has enjoyed high reputation for many years.5.请贵方对所提供的信息保密,而且我方不负任何责任。

17、请贵方对所提供的信息保密,而且我方不负任何责任。We ask you to keep the information in confidence without liability on this bank.6.我们劝你与该商行进行业务往来时务比谨慎。我们劝你与该商行进行业务往来时务比谨慎。We advise you to pay cautious attention to any trade with the said company.Useful Expression7.虽然那家公司是一家历史悠久的公司,但企业已经发生虽然那家公司是一家历史悠久的公司,但企业已经发生生连续生连续3年的亏损。

18、年的亏损。Though the corporation is an old establishment,losses have been incurred for the latest successive 3 years(in succession)in the enterprise.8.对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。对于你方提供的任何资料,我们都将予以严格保密。Any information you supply will be treated in strict confidence.9.请你方与该行接触,以获取我们所需要的关于他们的财务资请你方与该行接触,以获取我们所需

19、要的关于他们的财务资信情况。信情况。Will you please be good enough to approach the said bank for any information about their financial standing we require?Useful Expression1.兹就贵公司在兹就贵公司在8月月12日商业世界上刊登的广日商业世界上刊登的广告,可否惠寄我方一份最新的贵公司商品目录?告,可否惠寄我方一份最新的贵公司商品目录?With reference to your advertisement in Business World,August 12,

20、could you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue.1.贵方若能惠寄产品目录和最新的价格单,我们将不胜感激。贵方若能惠寄产品目录和最新的价格单,我们将不胜感激。We shall be glad if you will kindly send us your catalogue and latest price list for bed sheets in various sizes and designs.2.如贵方能够以可行的价格提供此种质量的产品,将来我们如贵方能够以可行的价格提供此种质量的产品,将来我们 有有可能向贵公司大量订

21、购。可能向贵公司大量订购。If you are in a position to offer products of this quality At workable prices,we may place substantial orders in the future.Useful Expression3.我们相信即期信用证的付款方式是贵方可以接受的。我们相信即期信用证的付款方式是贵方可以接受的。We feel sure sight L/C will be agreeable to you.1.随信附上我方需求的产品的详细规格。随信附上我方需求的产品的详细规格。A full specifi

22、cation of our requirements is given on the attached sheet.2.如果贵公司能够提供好的价格和服务,我们将很高兴如果贵公司能够提供好的价格和服务,我们将很高兴经常性地向你方大量订货。经常性地向你方大量订货。If you can provide us with a good price and service,we will be happy to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.4.如贵方能够以可行的价格提供此种质量的产品,将来我们有如贵方能够以可行的价格提供此种质量的产品,

23、将来我们有可能向贵公司大量订购。可能向贵公司大量订购。If you are in a position to offer products of this quality At workable prices,we may place substantial orders in the future.Useful Expression1.贵方某日关于某事的咨询已收到,谢谢!贵方某日关于某事的咨询已收到,谢谢!2.请随时和我们联系请随时和我们联系!Thank you for your enquiry of(asking)forPlease feel free to let us know/con

24、tact us.1.此报价为实盘,此报价为实盘,2月月18日前复函才有效。日前复函才有效。This offer is firm,subject to your reply reaching here by Feb.18.2.随函附我方产品的详细规格。随函附我方产品的详细规格。Please find enclosed a full specification of our products.本报盘将保留至月底有效。本报盘将保留至月底有效。This offer will keep valid/open/firm/good till the end of this month.Useful Expr

25、ession按照请求,我们现报盘按照请求,我们现报盘500台海尔牌电脑如下:台海尔牌电脑如下:At your request,we are making an offer for 500 sets of computers as follows:此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。This offer is firm,subject to your reply reaching us by the end of this month.我们电视机的价格是每台我们电视机的价格是每台500美元温哥华到岸价。美元温哥华到岸价。The price of our

26、 TV set is US$500.00 CIF Vancouver.现按你方要求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。现按你方要求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。We are making you an offer at your request,subject to our final confirmation,as follows:上述报盘无约束力。上述报盘无约束力。The above offer is a free offer./The above offer is without engagement.Useful Expression为保证所订货物及时发运,请确保信用证在规定为保证所订货物及

27、时发运,请确保信用证在规定的发运日前的发运日前30天开到我处。天开到我处。如需其他信息,请随时与我们联系。如需其他信息,请随时与我们联系。In order to ensure punctual shipment of the goods to be ordered,please see that the L/C reaches us at least 30 days before the stipulated time of shipment.If you are in need of any other information,please feel free to let us know.

28、2.接受贵方报价,我们的销售利润微薄接受贵方报价,我们的销售利润微薄.To accept the prices would leave us with only a small profit on our sales.建交信建交信Writing Steps 1.Source of information(how you learned of his company)2.Brief introduction of your own company(the scope of your business and little“advertising”on your products or servi

29、ce)3.Intention of writing the letter(to establish business relations)4.Provide catalogue,price list and samples5.Polite ending(expect to get the reply)询盘信询盘信Writing Steps 1.Tell the reader where you learnt of his company and its products.Or/And introduce your own business.(if this is the first time

30、you write to the reader)2.Make the enquiry:state exactly what you want,a catalogue,or samples(general enquiry),or the specific products,quantity,terms of price(FOB,CIF)(specific enquiry).You can also mention your own terms of payment,time of delivery,discount,packing or insurance.3.Ending on an opti

31、mistic note and request an early reply.资信调查信资信调查信Writing Steps 1.Mention the company you want to enquire about2.What do you want to enquire about(financial standing,business methods,or management)3.Promise to keep the provided information in strict confidence and without any liability on the receive

32、r4.Polite ending(expect to get the reply)发盘信发盘信Writing Steps 1.Thank the customer for their interest in your products and confirm that you can help.2.Say that you are sending to them,such as a catalogue,a price list,advertising literature etc.3.Quote1)Terms of payment(L/C)2)Shipping date,etc.4.Promo

33、te your product and explain how it suits the customers needs.Introduce marketability(市场市场适销性适销性).5.End on an optimistic note and encourage the customer to phone or fax you for more information.Writing Steps 1.The neutral opening:Be indirect and use neutral expressions:(Thank you for the offer of)(We

34、 appreciate your trouble in making us an offer)Tell the reader your careful consideration about the offer.Convey the unpleasant news and explain the reasons briefly.(Regretfully we can not accept your offer.Your prices are much higher than those we have previously paid for.)4.The closing:Be courteou

35、s and sincere.Use positive words and phrases.(Thank you for your trouble in this matter.We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.)Useful Expression1.我们欣赏贵方产品的良好品质,但贵方报价大大我们欣赏贵方产品的良好品质,但贵方报价大大高于此前我们所购同等质量草纸板的价格。高于此前我们所购同等质量草纸板的价格。We appreciate the g

36、ood quality of your products,but your prices are much higher than those we have previously paid for the strawboards of the same quality.2.我们将继续订购此类产品,并且今后会继续邀请我们将继续订购此类产品,并且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。贵方报价。We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.1.We appreciate t

37、he good quality of your products,but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side.Useful Expression4.我们欣赏贵公司产品质量,希望有机会同你们合作。我们欣赏贵公司产品质量,希望有机会同你们合作。The principal demand in our market is for articles in the medium price range.We like the quality of your goods and would welcome the opportuni

38、ty to do business with you.传真收悉,很遗憾得知传真收悉,很遗憾得知I am sorry to learn from your fax of that 我们不认为价格超出合理水平。我们不认为价格超出合理水平。We do not feel that the prices are at all excessive.对于贵方第一批对于贵方第一批2500件定货,我方给予件定货,我方给予4%折扣折扣。We offer you a special discount of 4%on a first order for 2,500 pieces.Useful Expression这是

39、我们能作的最大让步这是我们能作的最大让步。It is the furthest we can go to help you.1.感谢贵公司与我们合作意愿。感谢贵公司与我们合作意愿。We appreciate your interest in doing business with us.2.我们政策规定以不可撤销信用证或银行汇票在我们政策规定以不可撤销信用证或银行汇票在交货时或交货之前付款。交货时或交货之前付款。Our policy requires payment by irrevocable L/C or bankers draft on or before delivery.1.请放心,

40、我们会如约履行定单。请放心,我们会如约履行定单。You may rest assured that your order will befulfilled as contracted.Useful Expression2.请会签并寄给我们一份存档。请会签并寄给我们一份存档。Please countersign and return/send us onecopy for records/files.目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的需求。需求。The manufacturers are finding it impossible to

41、meet current demand for this very popular set.由于你公司坚持以在圣诞节前交货为条件,我公司深由于你公司坚持以在圣诞节前交货为条件,我公司深表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批 货物。货物。Since you make delivery before Christmas a firm condition,we deeply regret that we cannot supply you as we have done on so many occasions in the past.Writing Steps

42、 1.Express pleasure at receiving the order;2.Regret your inability to meet the buyers needs and explain the reasons;4.Hope for the opportunity to serve him another time.3.Propose an alternative product;Useful Expression.订单确认收悉,并在此致谢。订单确认收悉,并在此致谢。货物即将发出,并望于之前到达贵方。货物即将发出,并望于之前到达贵方。We have the pleasure

43、 to acknowledge the receipt of your Order/Indent No.,for which we are much obliged.The goods will be forwarded so as to reach you on or before as desired.贵方将如期收到装运通知贵方将如期收到装运通知。You will receive advice of shipment in due course.希望货物能按时到达贵方希望货物能按时到达贵方。We hope they will reach you in good time.很高兴收到贵方第很

44、高兴收到贵方第999号鞋子订单。号鞋子订单。We are very pleased to receive your Order No.999 for shoes.Useful Expression所有商品都(没)有现货。所有商品都(没)有现货。All items are in stock/out of stock.我们希望对贵方第一批定单的处理可以促进我们希望对贵方第一批定单的处理可以促进我们进一步的商业往来,标志着我们愉快合我们进一步的商业往来,标志着我们愉快合作的开始。作的开始。We hope that our handling of your first order with us wi

45、ll lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a happy working relationship.我们确认按贵方信函中的价格供货。我们确认按贵方信函中的价格供货。We confirm supply of the goods at the price stated in your letter.We confirm supply of the goods at the price stated in your letter.Useful Expression由于贵方不太了解我们所经营货物的范围,现由于贵方不

46、太了解我们所经营货物的范围,现随函附寄一份产品目录。随函附寄一份产品目录。As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we are dealing in,we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue.目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的需求目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的需求The manufacturers are finding it impossible to meet current demand for this very popular set.由于你公司坚持以在圣

47、诞节前交货为条件,我公司由于你公司坚持以在圣诞节前交货为条件,我公司深表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批货物。深表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批货物。Since you make delivery before Christmas a firm condition,we deeply regret that we cannot supply you as we have done on so many occasions in the past.Translating 由于贵方不太了解我们所经营货物的范围,现随函由于贵方不太了解我们所经营货物的范围,现随函附寄一份产品目录。附寄一份产

48、品目录。As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we are dealing in,we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue.目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的需求目前生产厂商无法满足对这一型号流行款式电视机的需求The manufacturers are finding it impossible to meet current demand for this very popular set.由于你公司坚持以在圣诞节前交货为条件,我公司深由于你公司坚持以在圣诞节前交货为条件,我公司深表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批货物。表遗憾,不能像过去多次供货那样供应这批货物。Since you make delivery before Christmas a firm condition,we deeply regret that we cannot supply you as we have done on so many occasions in the past.


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