PEP四年级上英语Unit 2第1课时Part A Let’s talk优质课教案.doc

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1、Unit 2 My schoolbag教材分析本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。教学内容主要通过展示学生们的新书包、教材及文具物品,以及通过张鹏在失物招领处寻找丢失的书包的情景,呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“Whats in your schoolbag? An English book”“What colour is it? Its”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, t

2、oy, key”。教学目标知识与能力目标:句型能够听、说、认读句型“Whats in your schoolbag? An English book.”“What colour is it? Its.”能够在情景中运用句型“Whats in your.?”询问某处有什么物品并做出回答能够在情景中运用句型“What colour is it? Its.”询问并回答物品的颜色能够按意群朗读“I have two storybooks, three keys, some candies.”等句子词汇能够听、说、认读单词和短语“schoolbag, maths book, English book,

3、Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key”能够正确使用上述单词和短语描述书包里的物品能够在有意义的语境中正确抄写上述话题词汇语音能够掌握i-e的发音规则,即i-e在单词中发长音/a/能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词,并能根据发音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词情感态度文化意识学习策略目标:学习教科书名称时,使学生了解教科书的重要性,要求他们爱护书本了解“Hope School(希望学校),Lost & Found(失物招领) ”的意思能够根据i-e的发音规则拼读单词,并能够根据i与i-e的发音规则拼写单词课时安排第一课时: Part A

4、 Lets talk & Lets play第二课时: Part A Lets learn & Lets do第三课时: Part A Lets spell第四课时: Part B Lets talk & Lets play第五课时: Part B Lets learn & Draw and say第六课时: Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets singThe first period(第一课时) Part A Lets talk & Lets play 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets talk能够通过观察和谈论Lets talk

5、板块的图片理解对话大意能够用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演能够在情景中运用句型“Whats in your schoolbag? An English book”“I have a new schoolbag. Its black and white.”能够在语境中理解新词“schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook”的意思,并能够正确发音Lets play在趣味游戏中运用语言,操练并巩固句型“Whats in your? Its a/an”教学重点1.能够理解和掌握重点词汇和核心句型。2.能够在情景中运用句型“Wha

6、ts in your schoolbag? An English book”“I have a new schoolbag. Its black and white.”。教学难点能够在语境中灵活运用核心句型。教学准备PPT课件视频、书包及各种教材等。教学过程第 9 页 共 8 页Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-inTeaching purpose通过与学生打招呼并自由谈话拉近师生间的距离,创造和谐愉悦的学习环境,并引出本课生词 “wow”和句型“Its+表示颜色的形容词.”。1. Greetings.2. Free talk.T: I have a new

7、bag. What colour is it? Guess!S1: Its red.S2: Its white.T: Yes, you are right. Its black! Wow! Youre lucky. Heres a sticker for you.3. Lets review.Review the words about colours. Students look at the PPT and say out the words quickly. (课件出示:不同颜色的方块)4. Lead-in.Teaching purpose在导入环节,通过猜颜色引出两种颜色的表达方法,并

8、在操练过程中不断地对学生进行第一单元的单词really的输入训练。The teacher shows a colourless pencil box on the PPT. (课件出示:一个无色的文具盒)Let some students guess what colour it is. Ss: T: Really? (Click the pencil box.) Look! Its blue and yellow.The teacher must emphasize how to express two or more colours.Show the other two kinds of

9、colourless pictures in turn on the PPT and let students guess the colours. (课件出示:依次显示一个无色的橡皮和一个无色的铅笔图片)Step 2: PresentationTeaching purpose在处理本课时新授对话时,采用从处理局部语言到呈现完整对话的方式。先学习对话中出现的新词、新句,为后面学习并理解对话扫清障碍,然后再听对话,通过设置的三个问题,检测学生对对话的理解。1. Learn the new vocabulary and sentence structures.(1)Learn the new vo

10、cabulary: schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook.(课件出示:一个黄色小猫形状的魔术包)T: I have a magic bag.Help students ask: Really?T: Yes. Its a cat. Its yellow.Write down the sentence structure “I have a/an” on the blackboard.Show several kinds of stationery on the PPT. (课件出示:一个黄蓝相间汽车形状的魔术文具盒) Practice th

11、e sentence structures “I have a/an Its a/an Its” with students.T: Guess! Whats in the bag?Let one student click the mouse. Ss: Wow! Its a pencil box! Its a bus.T: Good. A bus pencil box. So nice! What colour is it? S1: Its yellow and blue.T: Whats in the pencil box? Who wants to click the mouse? (S2

12、 clicks the mouse.)Ss: Wow!T: Its a schoolbag in it! So magic! Its a magic pencil box!Write down the word “schoolbag” on the blackboard and teach the word “schoolbag” (school + bag=schoolbag). Ask some students to show their schoolbags and say “I have a schoolbag. Its a/an Its” one by one. In the sa

13、me way, lead in the new vocabulary: English book, maths book, storybook. (2)Let students understand the sentence: Its a fat panda! T: I have a new schoolbag!Ss: Really?Show a real schoolbag to students. There are many things in the schoolbag.T: Look! Its a cat! Its yellow and white. Whats in the sch

14、oolbag?Ss: A pencil box, an English book, a maths bookThe teacher puts the things in the bag again.T: Its a fat bag. Its a fat cat! Cat, /k/-/-/t/, /kt/, fat, /f/-/-/t/, /ft/.Help students understand “fat” and “Its a fat panda!”2Learn the dialogue of “Lets talk”.(1)Present the pictures of “Lets talk

15、” on the PPT. (出示课件)T: Amy has something new, too. Whats it? Guess! A. A toy panda. B. A panda schoolbag.Ask students to underline the key sentence about the question in their books.(2)Listen to the dialogue and answer the question. (课件出示:教材P14 Lets talk板块的音频)S1: A new schoolbag. S2: Its a panda.S3:

16、 Its a panda schoolbag.Check the answer.Answer: B(3)Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.T: What colour is the schoolbag? Whats in the schoolbag? Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions. Underline the key sentences in your books about the questions.Teaching purpose通过跟读

17、模仿、分角色表演对话和根据对话原文填空,让学生掌握对话的语言框架,为后面的运用拓展做好准备。活动Whats in the pencil box?和Lets play则是针对本课的重点句型Whats in? 进行巩固练习,让学生能熟练使用该句型进行问答。Check the answers.Answer 1: B Answer 2: B Step 3: Practice1. Listen to the recording of “Lets talk” and imitate.Play the recording again. Let students read the dialogue after

18、 the recording. Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.2. Read and role play in groups.T: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Amy? Lets read it in roles. 3. Act out the dialogue in roles.T: Now lets find the best actor or actress. Please come to the fro

19、nt of the classroom and show the dialogue.4. Fill in the blanks.Check the answers. (出示课件)5. Activity: Whats in the pencil box? (1)Ask and answer with the partner. (活动说明:两人一组,每个人准备一个文具盒,在文具盒里装一些文具,运用本课的核心句型进行对话。)(2)Show time.6. Lets play. (课件出示:教材P14 Lets play板块的图片)T: Who are they? Ss: Sarah and Zhan

20、g Peng.T: Yes, theyre Sarah and Zhang Peng. They are playing a guessing game. Whats in Sarahs hand? Is it a pencil? Ss: No. Its an eraser. Let students play the game in groups.Teaching purpose在巩固和拓展环节,设置两个活动。第一个活动是教师提供图片和语言支架,学生编新对话,让学生能进行初步的语言运用与交流;第二个活动则是学生自己设计书包,并与小伙伴使用本课所学的句型进行对话,充分发挥学生的自主性,培养学生

21、的创造性,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Act out in class.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Create a new dialogue.Show three schoolbags on the PPT: A black and white football schoolbag, a yellow and white cat schoolbag and a blue and red cap schoolbag. (出示课件)T: Do you like these schoolbags? Lead students to answer: I l

22、ike this schoolbag.T: OK! Choose a schoolbag you like. Make a new dialogue with your partner.Show the language scaffolds on the PPT to help students make dialogues.Practice in pairs and report it in class.2. Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partner.Students draw a new schoolbag, then

23、 talk about it in pairs.Choose some groups to act out in class. The teacher and students evaluate their performances together.板书设计作业设计1. Practice the dialogue.2. Talk about your schoolbag with your partner.3. Do the exercises. 教学反思1上课伊始,通过与学生自由谈话拉近师生间的距离,创造和谐愉悦的学习环境, 并自然而然地引出本课表达物品颜色的句型。2在教学过程中遵循“词不

24、离句,句不离篇”的教学原则,如“Really? Whats in?”贯穿教学的各个环节。3本课时教学采用从处理局部语言到呈现完整对话的方式。先学习对话中出现的新词,然后再听对话,并通过问题,检测学生对对话的理解。4新单词是通过PPT展示的一个神奇的魔术包一个个地“变”出来的,牢牢地抓住了学生的眼球;新句型的呈现则是通过实物书包和教师的相应动作,生动直观地帮助学生理解了“a fat panda”的含义。5通过形式多样的操练活动,一步步引导学生掌握本课的重点句型,并通过巩固拓展部分的两个活动训练学生灵活运用语言的能力。6板书设计简洁,重难点突出,起到了很好的辅助教学的作用。Teaching Con

25、tents & Teaching AimsLets talkBe able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.Be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation, intonation and meaning group and act out in groups.Be able to use the sentence structures “Whats in your schoolbag? A

26、n English book”“I have a new schoolbag. Its black and white.” in the situations.Be able to understand the meanings of the new vocabulary “schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook” in context and pronounce them correctly.Lets playPractice and consolidate the sentence structures “Whats in your?

27、Its a/an” in fun games.Teaching PrioritiesBe able to understand and master the key vocabulary and the key sentence structures.Be able to use the key sentence structures to communicate in the situations.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to use the key sentence structures flexibly to communicate in context

28、.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up &Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Free talk.3. Lets review.Show blocks of different colours.4. Lead-in.Show several colourless stationery pictures and let students guess the colours.1. Greetings.2. Free

29、 talk.3. Review the words about colours.4. Guess the colours.Create a harmonious and pleasant learning environment. Review the words about colours. Lead in the new sentence structure.(续表)Teaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPresentation1. Teach the new words and the

30、 sentence structures.(1)Lead in and teach the new vocabulary and sentence structures.(2)Let students understand the sentence: Its a fat panda!(1)Learn the new vocabulary and practice the sentence structures.(2)Understand the sentence: Its a fat panda!First, learn the new vocabulary and the sentence

31、structures in the dialogue so as to prepare for the later learning and understanding. Then, test students understanding of the dialogue by setting up three questions.2. Teach the dialogue of “Lets talk”.Present the pictures of “Lets talk”. Give some questions and play the recording twice.Check the a

32、nswers.Listen to the dialogue twice and answer the questions.Check the answers.Practice1. Play the recording.2. Let students read in roles.3. Let some students act out in roles.4. Let students fill in the blanks.5. Activity: Whats in the pencil box?6. Lets play.1. Listen to the recording again and i

33、mitate. 2. Read and role play in groups. 3. Act out the dialogue in roles. 4. Fill in the blanks. 5. Ask and answer with the partner and show in class. 6. Play the game and act out in class.Practice the main sentences in different ways. Prepare for the next part.Consolidation&Extension1. Create a ne

34、w dialogue. Show three schoolbags and language scaffolds. 2. Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partner. Make an evaluation.1. Create a new dialogue according to the language scaffolds. Practice in paris and report it in class. 2. Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partne

35、r.Act out in class.Evaluate some students performances.Use the sentence structures learned in this lesson to create a dialogue. Give full play to students autonomy, cultivate their creativity, and improve their ability to use the language synthetically.Homework1. Practice the dialogue.2. Talk about your schoolbag with your partner.3. Do the exercises.


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