Unit 1 Developing Ideas & Presenting Ideas(ppt课件+音频)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.rar

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Section CDeveloping Ideas&Presenting IdeasLeading inLeading inLeading inLeading in维克多雨果(英文名:Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日1885年5月22日),法国19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,人道主义的代表人物,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力。浪漫主义是文艺的基本创作方法之一,与现实主义同为文学艺术上的两大主要思潮。作为创作方法,浪漫主义在反映客观现实上侧重从主观内心世界出发,抒发对理想世界的热烈追求,常用热情奔放的语言、瑰丽的想象和夸张的手法来塑造形象。浪漫主义的创作倾向由来已久,早在人类的文学艺术处于口头创作时期,一些作品就不同程度地带有浪漫主义的因素和特色,但这时的浪漫主义既未形成思潮,又不是自觉为人们掌握的创作方法。许多知识分子和历史学家将浪漫主义视为是对于启蒙运动的反弹,是一种对启蒙时代的反思。启蒙时代的思想家强调演绎推理的绝对性,而浪漫主义则强调直觉、想象力、和感觉,甚至到了被一些人批评为“非理性主义”的程度。浪漫主义浪漫主义浪漫主义浪漫主义 (Romanticism)(Romanticism)(Romanticism)(Romanticism)写作背景:写作背景:在法国,被资产阶级革命政权推翻的波旁王朝,在国外封建势力的支持下,于1815年复辟。直到1830年,法国爆发了“七月革命”,结束了波旁复辟王朝的封建统治。在复辟王朝统治下,法国宫廷和教会狼狈为奸,欺压人民。当时的巴黎,宗教势力邪恶黑暗,封建等制度十分残酷,封建主义压抑下的人性扭曲堕落。社会各阶层,特别是下层人民,处于令人深切同情的境地。饱受压迫的人民群众奋起反抗,与两股势力展开英勇的斗争,最终取得胜利。雨果感受到了封建统治的黑暗与残忍,创作出巴黎圣母院,借15世纪的巴黎社会反映现实生活。The Hunch of Notre-DameThe Hunch of Notre-DameThe Hunch of Notre-DameThe Hunch of Notre-DameDescribe Quasimodo and Esmeraldas appearance and your impression on them.Why did Quasimodo rescue Esmeralda?Quasimodo rescued Esmeralda because when Quasimodo was tortured in public,Esmeralda was the only one to show him kindness and mercy.SkimmingSkimmingSkimmingSkimming ScanningScanningScanningScanning Esmeralda in Quasimodos eyes_Quasimodo in Esmeraldas eyes_Esmeralda in Quasimodos eyes:Quasimodo thought Esmeralda was graceful and exquisitely beautiful,like a ray of sunshine,a drop of dew or a birdsong.Quasimodo in Esmeraldas eyes:Esmeralda thought Quasimodo was repulsive,with knock knees,a hunched back and a single eye;yet beneath his ugliness,he was full of melancholy and gentleness.1.What does the sentence A tear swam in the eye of Quasimodo,but did not fall tell us about Quasimodos personality?On one hand,it shows that Quasimodo is sensitive and gentle;on the other hand,it shows his strength and pride.2.In what different ways do the two reading passages in this unit raise our awareness of physical appearance and personal qualities?The first passage shows the true meaning of beauty.Though how you present yourself to others plays a part,accepting yourself and feeling confident about your physical appearance are most important.The second passage highlights how someones physical appearance can actually be a complete contrast to who they are on the inside.Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking 3.What difficulties might people like Quasimodo face in the real world?How should people treat them?4.Predict what happens next.Share your ideas with the class.Read the novel and check your prediction.DiscussionDiscussionDiscussionDiscussion 文学作品介绍文学作品介绍文学作品介绍文学作品介绍文学作品介绍属于说明文的范畴,需要考生针对自己读过的一部文学作品做一个简单的介绍。文章一般可分三段来写:1.第一段整体介绍该作品(书名、作者和作品类型);2.第二段概述故事情节(通常用一般现在时);3.第三段讨论作品的主题和意义,也可适当发表自己的感受和评论。写作时应注意,介绍故事情节时要按时间上的先后顺序对主要事件进行描述;注意和文学评论的区别。对文学作品的介绍更注重对故事情节的叙述。1.is written by.2.The book by.tells the story of.who.3.The work is known for.4.The story begins with.5.I am greatly impressed by.6.In the story,what attracts the readers most is.7.The book reveals the fact that.8.The theme of the novel is.常用表达常用表达常用表达常用表达根据以下要点,写一篇百万英镑的简介,词数100左右。1.主人公:Henry Adam(一个穷困潦倒的美国办事员)。2.故事梗概:Henry Adam出海时遭遇轮船出事,后流落伦敦。伦敦的两个富人兄弟打赌并借给Henry一百万英镑,看他能否在伦敦生活。随着这百万英镑的拥有、失去再失而复得,人们对Henry的态度也一再改变。3.主题:对拜金主义思想的批判,揭露当时存在于英国社会中的种种滑稽现象。参考词汇:拜金主义思想 money worship练习练习练习练习One possible version:The Million Pound Bank Note by Mark Twain tells the story of a small American clerk,Henry Adam who is rescued after a shipwreck and went to London,penniless and friendless.Two rich brothers make a bet and lend Henry a million-pound bank note to see whether he could live a month in London.Later,peoples attitudes towards Henry change over and over again as the money is lost and returned.One obvious theme of the novel is the criticism of the money worship.In the story,it also reveals the ridiculous British society at that time.Thank youThank youThank youThank you
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