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    • 金坛区译林小学英语上册第四单元第三课时PPT教案(公开课定稿).doc--点击预览
    • 金坛区译林小学英语上册第四单元第三课时PPT课件(公开课定稿).ppt--点击预览


小学英语(六年级上册)小学英语(六年级上册)Unit4 Then and now(Period 3)教学内容:教学内容:Sound time,culture time&Culture time教学目标:教学目标:1、阅读并理解、阅读并理解 Cartoon time 的内容,学会表演的内容,学会表演,明白 Cartoon time 的幽默之处。1、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。;2、了解并体会字母组合、了解并体会字母组合 er 在单词中的发音在单词中的发音;3、让学生了解人类的两项重大发明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及其他的发明。、让学生了解人类的两项重大发明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及其他的发明。教学重难点:教学重难点:1、阅读并了解相关的、阅读并了解相关的 Culture time;2、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去;、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去;3、让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。、让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。教学准备:多媒体和卡通头饰。教学准备:多媒体和卡通头饰。教学过程:教学过程:Step1:Warming-up1、Watch the video;2、Lets recall the past.(通过一组过去生活的图片,让学生感受到社会的进步。通过一组过去生活的图片,让学生感受到社会的进步。)3、Revisiona、Introduce myself.b、Introduce themselves.c、Introduce Clothes、Food、House and Transportation about the past and the present.(通过教师自我介绍、学生自我介绍,以及过去和现在日常生活衣食住行的变化作对比,让学生进一步掌握(通过教师自我介绍、学生自我介绍,以及过去和现在日常生活衣食住行的变化作对比,让学生进一步掌握 be 动词和行为动词的一般过去式和一般现在时的句型结构,让学生能够更熟练地运用此类句型对比过去和现在的事情。)动词和行为动词的一般过去式和一般现在时的句型结构,让学生能够更熟练地运用此类句型对比过去和现在的事情。)Step2:Presentation1 Sound time1)Talk and lead-in:Bobby and Sam also learn English at school.This is an English lesson.Ask:What are they doing now?2)Try to read the sentences;3)Explain:er is pronounced as-4)Try to say some other words about“er”5)Read the words together,then make some new sentences with the words.2Cartoon time1)Watch the cartoon,then answer:Miss Fox gets angry.Why?2)Read together and judge.3)Read alone and answer:What do you think of Sam and Bobby?4)Listen and repeat.5)Think and imagine:If you were Miss Fox,what would you say?6)Read in roles and try to act.7)Guess:What are Bobby and Sam talking about?(此问题过渡到下一板块文化知识的介绍此问题过渡到下一板块文化知识的介绍)3 Culture time1)Theyre talking about a book called Great inventions.2)Ask:What is this?Its an aeroplane.What about this?Its a train.3)Ask:Who invented the aeroplane and the train?Listen and repeat.4)Introduce the first aeroplane and the first train.Step5:Extension1)The Americans and the British invented the first aeroplane and the first train.And Our Chinese people are even great.Then Introduce the Four Great Inventions of ancient China2)Share some other inventions.3)Sum up:Listen carefully in class,we will know a lot and be a useful person!(课堂上认真听讲,我们将知道很多知识,将成为一个有用的人!课堂上认真听讲,我们将知道很多知识,将成为一个有用的人!)Step6:Homework1、Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)2、Surf the Internet and find out some stories about inventions.(上网浏览并找出一些其他的发明故事。)(上网浏览并找出一些其他的发明故事。)板书设计板书设计Unit4 Then and now(period 3)-years ago,I-er/Now I-father brother together-invented-writer letter singer winter sweater sweater winner Unit 4 Then and now(Sound time/Culture time&Cartoon time)By:Jianhu Experimental Primary School About meAgeAppearanceAbilityHobbiesThirty years ago,I was/liked/couldnt-Now I am/like/can-About youAgeAppearanceAbilityHobbiesTen years ago,I was/liked/couldnt-Now I am/like/could-同学们,让我们一起回忆过去的事情哦!同学们,让我们一起回忆过去的事情哦!TheThe worldworld is is changing.changing.Clothes 衣衣Food 食食House住住Transportation 行行Clothes 衣衣In the past,we Now we make (made)buy In the past,we Now we Food 食食popcorns 爆米花爆米花eat (ate)delicious food 美味的食物美味的食物 House 住住In the past,we Now we live(lived)Transportation 行行 In the past,we Now we go(went)to-Learning English is becoming more and more important.Lets learn English hard now.This is an English lesson.My mother is a teacher.She works hard every day.My cousin is a worker.Now hes on holiday.My mother is a teacher.She works hard every day.My cousin is a worker.Now hes on holiday.sister summer mother teacher winter 仔细读这些单词,你发现它们共同的读音了吗?er/你能说出更多含有 的单词吗?er/Try to rememberfather brother together writer letter singer winter player sweater winner My father and my brother often play together.The writer wrote a letter to the singer last winter.The player in the red sweater was the winner.Miss Fox gets angry.Why?Miss Fox gets angry.Why?1.It is a Chinese lesson.2.Today is Wednesday.3.Bobby listened carefully in class.4.Miss Fox was very angry.5.Sam made a sentence with egg.It is an English lesson.Bobby didnt listen carefully in class.Sam didnt make a sentence with egg.造句造句Sam made a sentence with cake.What do you think of Sam and Bobby?What do you think of Sam and Bobby?Tip:Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone.(仔细听,模仿录音中的语(仔细听,模仿录音中的语 音语调)音语调)Bobby,please listen to me.Yes,Miss Fox.Bobby,what day is today?Its Wednesday,Miss Fox.OK.Can you spell it,Bobby?W-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y.1、Its an English lesson.Bobby is looking out of the window.2、The lesson goes on,but Bobby is still looking out of the window.Sam,make a sentence with“egg”.I ate a cake yesterday.Wheres the egg?Oh,the egg,the egg.Miss Fox,the egg was in the cake.3、Now Bobby and Sam are talking.Miss Fox gets angry.4、Miss Fox waits for the answer.If you were Miss Fox,what would you say?Read in roles and try to act.What are Bobby and Sam talking about?They are talking about a book called Great inventions.It tells us the great inventions all over the world.aeroplanetrainWho invented the aeroplane and the train?aeroplanetrain 世界上第一列飞机的发明者是美国的莱特兄弟世界上第一列飞机的发明者是美国的莱特兄弟:1903年年12月月17日,美国的威尔伯日,美国的威尔伯莱特和奥维尔莱特和奥维尔莱特兄弟俩设计制造的莱特兄弟俩设计制造的“飞飞行者行者”号飞机在卡罗来纳州的基蒂霍克试飞成功,这是世界上公号飞机在卡罗来纳州的基蒂霍克试飞成功,这是世界上公认的第一架飞上天空的可操纵载人动力飞机。认的第一架飞上天空的可操纵载人动力飞机。世界上第一列商用火车的发明者是英国的斯帝世界上第一列商用火车的发明者是英国的斯帝芬森芬森:斯蒂芬森,英国工程师,铁路机车的发明家。斯蒂芬森,英国工程师,铁路机车的发明家。The Four Great Inventions of ancient China.CompassGun powerPaper making Printing What other inventions do you know?你还知道其他那些发明呢?你还知道其他那些发明呢?弗莱明弗莱明 Fleming爱迪生爱迪生 Edison瓦特瓦特 Watt青霉素青霉素 penicillin蒸汽机蒸汽机steam engine电话电话 telephone电灯电灯 electric lightGreat inventions have changed our lives.Listen carefully in class,we will know a lot and be a useful person!课堂上认真听讲,我们将知道很多知识,课堂上认真听讲,我们将知道很多知识,将成为一个有用的人!将成为一个有用的人!2 Surf the Internet and find out some stories about inventions.(上网浏览并找出一些其他的发明故事。)(上网浏览并找出一些其他的发明故事。)1.Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)Thank you!See you!
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