
上传人(卖家):随风2020 文档编号:384758 上传时间:2020-03-20 格式:PDF 页数:9 大小:1.89MB
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1、(一) 温馨提示: 1 .本试4-l斗四部分,十一大趣,满分150分考试时间为120分钟 2.全共有试延卷8页,越专2页并用28铅笔4已久星在卡上对应起目的答案标号涂黑。 3.考试结求后,清将试题卷和答越卡一并交回。, 第部分听力(共五大题,满分30分) I 、关键词语选择共5川、题i每小题1分,满分5分) 每个:!:r句子。阳每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出个你所听到的存L词或短i吾 I. A. sunny 2. A. treat 3. A. spend 4. A. pencil 5. A. take out C. rainy C. meat C. spell C. paper C. c

2、ome out 2019年九年级质量调研检测 英语试题卷 B. funny B. seat B. speak B. person B. find out E程 . , , 185111 gt - s$85 阳叩闹科带 II、短对话理解共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 个最!:u:;:t;号:才话后有个小题请在每小题所给的A、8、c三个选项中选出一 6. Wh唔监悍sfavorite sport? 挝E 梅H c. A. L_.企L_JB. 7. How ,viU the man go to Beijing? 令 : , , ialtz t ,., Bgi tt tl , , 响叩NU 倒

3、适? 全恙芒 c. A些lti 哈n 钊刊 阳 斗$ 革提 ; c. 们 瓦 B. A立 9. Wbn+ 也lns sister? 最 t 吉思 , (川士1,: ?” I , 啊。I莓 全. 飞拚4、V ./ . .c._惜,;, c. ;斗f, ;I I 毒气、 I I .:.a I 4.!, .J.J !.,产 B. 10. WI】旦旦呐阳dinne 凡仁 A. t 1 11 坦 2小 C. In a sports hall. C. Go swimming. C. 11. Where are the speakers ? A. In a bookshop. B. In a restaur

4、ant. 12. What is Sam going to do tomorrow? A. Go fishing. B. Go boating. B. A. ate - 11 第1页共8页 2019年九年级质量调研检测一英语试题卷 叫, 了,“ _ . the mans创p? 13. How wa: B. Terrible A币目:e111an P时油lyd叫now?. 咱;:i;江:;i:hina?B.阳阴ill 15. WhY川每eher parents live there. A.:; ;he won the first prize. B. B吧:;helikes China very

5、much. c. aeeau, - C.Amazing. 111、长对话理解(共5小题;每,J题1”分满分5今) 你将听到两段对话,每段对地后有几t小题。泊在每小阻所给的A、B、C三个选刷咄J一 个敬佳选项每段对话读两:illi. 听下阶段对话,回答究16至17小剧。 16.、,Vhenwill they see a mov1e1 A. Tornoow night. B. Tonight. 17. Whe民willthey meet? C. The night after tomorrOV, A.At由cwomans house. B. At school. lf下面一段对话,回答第18至20

6、小题。 18. What is由Epossible relationship between the speakers? C. At the cinema. A.D创torand patient. B. Parent and child. C. Teacher and student. 19. BiUy will use the wet cloth because of the_. A. feleB.VOund C.flu 20. What does the voman mean in the end? A. She hopes Billy vill be better soon. B. Sh

7、e believes Billy viU win the match. C. Shedoesnt think Billy will be better soon. IV、短文理解(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分 仿梅听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选 项中迭出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 21. What did Sally take home from school? A. A report card. B. A library card. C. A name card. 22. How were her marks? A. Vorrying. B.

8、 Common. C. Good. 23. What臼herproblem according to the teacher? A. She is not smart enough. B. She talks a lot in class. C. She breaks things at school. 24. What does her father think of the teachers idea? A. Hedoesnt care about it.-B. He is against it. C. He suppo口sit. 25 What is her mother like? A

9、. Talkative. B. Quiet. C. Brave. v、信怠转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分 你将听到篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅圾一词。短文读两边 School trio When and,vb At 26 on Saturday morning. ere to meet llow !o 20 At the 27 of the citv park. 8“ 28 . Vhat to do (!. Have a picnic. Bring food and ,vater because there 15 no 29 . (Climb the moun

10、tain after lunch. Wear 30 soorts shoes. 2019年九年级质量调研检测(一笑话试题卷 第2页共8页 二 一 笛三部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分) VI,单项填空(共15.,j llfil:倒也1 满分I丁.旦入 从每小腿所给的A、B、C、D阳!品39!rl地tl寸以可i入空白处的段佳选项。 川atingfruit and v 32. ti二;ldnt beli肝cihe川衍hard 111e. J couldnt see a thing! A.behind B. in front of C. next t_o一.D. beside 33. r:tu

11、: :ideo cain;it;叹:们hile刮目:vc1ncma.It D.可tallo,vcd 34. Shanghai is a great place for those 一want to go after their dreams. A. ,vhich B. whom C. who .D. Vhat 35. -You live in Mumbai? How long 一you一一一there? 一Oh.it 1nust be 5 years now. A. ,viii: live B. are; living C. have; lived D. did; live 36. -Its

12、Mr. Fe吨snew n1ovic, but I think it is 1nore meaningful than his others. 一Iagree with you. His latest n1ovie is up to his highest 一一 A. standard B. treasure C. rule D. puosc 37. Of all the people Ive ,vork巳d,vith, be is the most_. He always kno,vs hoV to do things in the right ,vay. A. intelligent B.

13、 honest C. difficult D. nervous 38.一Lindashould join a sports club. 一一一一.Its good for her to take more exercise. A. Good job B. Im soy to hear that C. I agree vith you D. Im not sure 39. Many UK colleges_ enough experience in English learning b巳forea student is accepted. A. produce . B. require C. r

14、evie飞D.control 40. of the 5 hotels 1n the village have rooms tonight. We JI have to drive to the next tovn. 五百B.1?ach C. Either D. None 41. You一一WOy.Im not going to mention it to anyone. A. cant B. n1ay C. neednt D. should 42. She only bought that sports car to and let everyone know she can afford o

15、ne. A. pay off B. set o-W-C. shov off D. take o仔 43.-Whats wrong with my l鸣,doctor? 一Thepain in your leg is一caused by old age. There is nothing I can do about it. A. simply B. luckily C. smoothly D. carelessly 44.一Icant seem to finish this project on ti1ne. My 1nanager must be so angry. 一,Joe.Everyt

16、hing is going to be just fine. A.有iire,elco1neB. Take it easy C. Thats a pity D. Be careful 45. for all exams, planning your time is of great i1nportance. So make sure you kno,v exactly一一一一 A. what you take the exan1 for B. where you ,vrite your name C. how long you have to finish it D. Vho you shar

17、e your marks with VII、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的人、8、c、D四个选t)i中选出一个最佳选项。 A In ancient times, there ,vas a king who likes horses that could cover 1,000 Ii a day. He spared no effort to buy such一丘豆一.Yet three years had passed, and none was found. One day, a guardl_tohelp,“l a1n willing to

18、 buy a thousand-Ii horse for Your Highness.“ The king was pleasantly surp旧时,“You?Can you._1豆一it?” “Yes. Please believe me.” The guard looked for the horse wholeheartedly. He spent three months, and after much effort found such a horse._1旦when he hurried there, the horse had already died. Without thi

19、nking, he bought the bones(骨头)of the horse立500pieces of gold, and returned. On seeing the bones, the king vas very angry.“What r want is ahorse, but you have bought 2019年九年级质量调研检测一英语试题卷 第3页共8页 . A: OK B: Then you just go on until you see the station. A: OK. Got it.一旦 B: No problen1. A. They are abou

20、t two miles away, right? B. Can you sec the hotel? C. Thanks for your help. D. Can you tell 111巳th巳wayto Holton Railway Station? 巳lIIdrive you there. F. Its a really big hotel. G. lts not difficult to get there. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分 阅读下列短文,从每小朋所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中逃出一个最佳选项。 A La号n1onth,4-year-old Riley

21、ran from his house with his family. Th.cir home in Paradise, California was on ure. Paradise is a wet plac巳.But this year it got almost no rain. The plants and trees were very dry. So Vhen the fire started, it spread out of control and became the worst fire in Californias history. Lots of houses Ver

22、e burned down, including Riley、 Riley took his favorite toy before he left. It was a dinosaur(恐龙).However, he left everything else. Rileys aunt, Tanya, posted a photo of Riley on Facebook asking for a toy dinosaur because he missed his collection. Soon, boxes started coining. “All my friends shared

23、my Facebook post,”Tanya said. Now, Riley .has about 100 dinosaurs. The family is thankful because the toys are helping Riley deal with his feelings.“Sometimes hell cry and say I want to go home,”Tanya said. He is excited to talk about his new toys, though.“I got lots of dinosaurs. I even got a sweat

24、er with my name and a dinosaur on it,“ he said. Riley has bagged up some of the toys. He Van ts to share them with kids who dont have an严bing. Its a good lesson for him to pay it forward,”Tanya said,“This means to share the good things he received with others. Maybe they will do the same for someone

25、 else.“ 71. What happened to Riley? A. His house was burned down. B. He lost his family. C. His favorite toy was missing. D. He couldnt find his way home. 72. Why did Tanyas仕iendsshare her Facebook post? A. To raise money for Riley. B. To help Riley get a toy dinosaur. C. Because Tanya was famous. D

26、. Because Tanya forced them to do so. 73. HOV does Riley fee.J now? A. He feels angry. C. He has a mixed feeling. 74. 付1atis Riley going to do with the toys? A. Throw them away. C. Return them to their owners. a. He hates Tanya. D. He feels hopeless. 8. Give them to his aunt. D. Share them with othe

27、rs. IX、 蹈 筑E 酬 f细 怜 E 都 嘈?四、 创刊 I I B Its very important to keep a record of new words as you learn thern. There are many ways to do this and this passage will give you ideas about how you can do this. Word cards Word cards are small cards to help you remember words. Making a set of word cards is an

28、 easy way to go over words. follow these steps to make word cards: A large building where 。Idobjects are kept and shown. Example NauonJ Museum 。rN.a阳ral Scic时CMuseum Museum (noun) llttl III - ll ! l l Il - - 11 1 11 1111t 第5页共8页 2019年九年级质量调研检测(一英语试题卷 扭扭扭扭;需f.)1f:ivi常在1:;注:ift:f跟 trulv wishes to buy

29、a thousand-Ii horse. Just ,vait and see.“ - Y As the guard had二三一,theking bought three thousand-Ii horses within one year. He finally got what he ,vanted. 46. A. ropes咱 4 7. A. volunteerecJ 48A. n1ake 49. A. And SO. A. with 51. A. cheap 52. A. lent 53. A. fearfully 54. A. people SS. A. praised 8. gu

30、ards B. hated B. create B. So 8.行001 8. strange B. wasted B. sadly 8. anin1als B. expected B C. palaces C. refused C. produce C. Because C. for C. beautiful C. stolen C. calmly C. children C. remembered D. horses D. forgot D. fail D. But D. as D. live D. broken D. suddenly D. women D. seen Do you ha

31、ve any online classes? They make it-2生一totake classes at home. All you need is a computer and an earphone. Hovever.,一二王一arecent survey atnong over l,SOO students from IO cities, only 33% of students would take such classes. Many students said it is一二主tofocus(集中)on studying ,vhile taking online class

32、es. This ,vas肌1efor Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Afiliated High School of Peking University.“There are no classmates, no一二旦teacherswatching me. I can surf the internet or do other things if I want to.”she said. Lian prepares a lot豆Ltaking her classes to make sure she will pay a忧ention.She also pushes豆上一t

33、o co1nmunicate ,vith teachers. Students can come up ,vith or answer questions while taking online classes. But Wen Jiayi, 14, at the Yucai Middle School Attached to Chengdu No 7 High School, thinks online interaction (互动)doesn飞五主well enough.“The online teachers dont really understand me. When I dont

34、 hand in home,vork, all I get is a short message instead of real主一,”shesaid. 豆王一,onlineclasses still have other advantages.“It saves time and money compared to taking oflline classes. Also, if I dont understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch the豆豆overagain. And I can choose to learn台omteachers

35、in different places.Lian said. 56. A. difficult 8. wrong C. awful S7. A. because of 8. according to C. with the help of D. possible D. except for D. popular D. real SS. A. strange 8. quick C. hard 59. A. healthy 8. foreign C. famous 60. A. after 8. from C. before 61. A. myself 8. yourself C. himself

36、 62. A. eat 8. work C. sell 63. A. care B. trust C. honor 64. A. Firstly B. Sadly C. However 65. A. news B. match C. game D. since D. herself D. hide D. courage D. Instead D. video 第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分) VI I I、中、金对话(共5小题,每小题1分满分5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空臼处的选项,有两顶多余。 A: Excuse me, please.一一豆豆 B: Sure.

37、Its quite far from here. Dont worry, though.一豆Z A: I think Im going in the wrong direction. B: Yes. First, tum around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights up this road? A: Yes, I do.一一豆豆 B: Thats right. Drive back to the traffic tights and tum right. Follow the road until you see the Plaza H

38、otel.一一豆豆一Youcant miss it. Tum left at the hotel. 2019年九年级质最调研检测(一英语试题卷 第4页共8页 即 ”忡 二 i在 丑 今1 唰 E民 酶 , . O川neside you飞.vritethe飞,VO吼pronnciationand part of speec. e.g. noun e队etc: fin the other side write. the rneaning or a sentence vith the vord 10. You could also wnt e a 耐凹;!岳:iii:k:1r1:c :d ;:; ,

39、:o;pieces州erisnt easy for you,叫,vordlist on ymp mobile phone. There are n1obile apps to help you. Tables 圆圈 、 . . . . ”, VEGETAifL.;- ;.:我:EAT 理理. 回 hwna kem w加川 a 创以 。 chicken beef happy I sad interesting I boring talkative I quiet patient l itnpatient ,vide I 旦旦旦旦立 tall I short 刊blesare g则forputti

40、ng words in叫roups.The exar啤1plesabove拍owa table gro1pedby topi c (4) an了;:口:i:ii础岛re阶则pepie,so盯someof阳mOU 甲foryou. Then you viii discover r 冒me111beringwords isnt a hard task for you. 75. What is由epassage mainly about? A. How to drav tables. C. Steps to make cards. 76. Ho,v can you use word cards? A

41、. Write ,vords on very big paper. B. Look at the ,vord cards whenever you are free. C. Record the words without pictures or sentences. D. Write the word and its meaning on the same sid:. 77. What does“narro,v”mean according to the tables? A.反的一一B.正的c.窄的 78. Whats the structure(结构)of the passage? h 8

42、令 L- ,J岖锺,lJ咽四捆阻圄勤Ml(t:.I臼J111比咽 . ”- ton1包to B. Ideas on mobile apps. D. Ways to remember words. D.宽的 c Whether you play e-sports(电子竞技)or not, you might have heard of iG(Invictus Gaming), a Chinese e-sports club. On the night of Nov 3, iG beat EuropeS Fnatic club and won the 20 I 8 League of Legend

43、s (LoL) World Championship in South Korea. It vas the first time in the.event(赛事)s eight-year history that a Chinese club Von. The Jong-awaited victory showed how e-sports has progressed in China in recent years. A growing 江节:;:瓦:立:忧:让乌;f1!1:p: a:;飞;1;飞1:ers An e-sports player must be quick in actio

44、n and able to bear ha吵hip. TbeY 1nust also have a high AP1 which means how many actions they can do in a ga1ne ,vithin one minute. Skilled players can have an APM as high as 400. 2019年九年级质量调研检测一英语试题卷 第6页(共8页 There is a limit(限制)to how long they can play this well. Skillful players ages are mostly fr

45、om I 7 to 25. After a certain age, they become slower. E-sports players have to work hard every day.“We start to practice right after we get up in the morning and usually last until midnight,”said Huang Fuquan, a player from iG“There is at least 12 hours of work every day.” Many players practice so

46、much dat they get pains and arthritis(关节炎).Theyalso face lots of problems. So1ne e-sports clubs even invite doctors to help their players. So if you want to tum your love for gaming into a full-time job, ask yourself this first: Are you really prepared? 79. Ho,v long have e-sports players waited for

47、 the victory? A. For 8 years. B. For l O years. C. For 17 years. D. For 25 years. 80. There were一一in e-sports in the last IO years. A. more skillful and old gamers B. fewer foreign gamers C. more clubs and young gamers D. fewer full-time gamers 81. An e-sports player must A. be very handsome 8. have

48、 a low APM C. work hard every day D. be old enough 82. The passage was ,vri忧ento A. tell people how to do sports C. ask more people to play e-sports D 8. describe e-sports players life D. introduce foreign e-sports clubs hi Robert Frost is an American poet(诗人,who,vas born in 1874 in San Francisco, but spent most of s years in snowy places like Massachusetts. Most of his poems were about nature and the New England sights. F


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